Recovery Summer Continues!!!!

As I've noted before:

Recovery Summer = Endless Bummer
As I've noted before:

Recovery Summer = Endless Bummer

Not sure if it's "endless", but the economy is really fkd-up. Now they're saying that there is a bubble in the bond market?! WTF?? Worst case with bonds is you should get your money back?! Like the Treasury isn't going to pay.....I don't get the "bond bubble?

The DC whores need to fix Fannie/Freddie and the other scam cash cows they invented. Now China just passed Japan as the #2 economy in the world, and they know what to do with their money, not waste it on entitlements. They are developing new weapons...if we thought the economy was a problem....
As I've noted before:

Recovery Summer = Endless Bummer

Not sure if it's "endless", but the economy is really fkd-up. Now they're saying that there is a bubble in the bond market?! WTF?? Worst case with bonds is you should get your money back?! Like the Treasury isn't going to pay.....I don't get the "bond bubble?

The DC whores need to fix Fannie/Freddie and the other scam cash cows they invented. Now China just passed Japan as the #2 economy in the world, and they know what to do with their money, not waste it on entitlements. They are developing new weapons...if we thought the economy was a problem....

I hear you... We are too worried about making sure everything is fair for everyone meanwhile China, Russia, Iran, etc. are arming up to take us out. All of these entitlements won't mean squat then.
That's why incumbents are not getting re-elected. People are tired of the lifelong politician who doesn't do jack except sit back and enjoy the good life while his people struggle. They don't care about us. Maybe come November we can get some people in there who actually care about us.
I waited 35 years for that to happen. It never did. I left.
Neither party has had a good record of reducing spending.
Neither party has been successful in keeping us out of war.
Neither party has had any real success at making us energy independent.
Neither party has been able to keep us out of recession.

And neither party has the answer on how to pull the country out of recession. Republicans would keep taxes low for the wealthy which would increase the deficit because they will not be able to reduce spending. The Democrats will continue applying fiscal stimulus to the economy. As in the past, this will only provide temporarily relief.

Despite the efforts of both parties, the economy will recovery in it's on time. Once business is confident that consumer spending will return they will start spending the cash they are piling up and expand. Once individuals gain confidence that they will find a job or keep the job they have, they will start spending more. There is no way to know what will provide that confidence. It could be taxes, foreign markets, government spending, news that inspires both business and the public, or a combination of events. Both conservatives and liberals will claim they have the solution. Economist and politicians on both sides will claim they see exactly what needs to be done. But the only clear sight they have is hindsight.

kinda why I don't shill for either party.
Look up the facts, democrat presidents do .5% better in the stock market.:tongue:
And speaking of the Obama stimulus - where is the outrage from the left???

Iraq War Cost Reality Check

While the cost of the Iraq War was considerable, it is but a fraction of overall government spending – and Obama’s stimulus spending has proven far more expensive.

...The Iraq War was, and remains, both controversial and expensive in terms of human lives and funding. It has not though, despite the wild claims and accusations of Democrats and many in the media, broken the bank. The federal government has wasted more money on Obama’s failed stimulus plan than all the years of the Iraq War, and current and near-term deficit spending will account for trillions more.

Full article here:

Iraq War Cost Reality Check | Newsflavor
The only ones who have benefited from all these Bailouts & spending are the Wall Street Fat Cats. However their good times may be coming to end very soon. The average American continues to suffer. This is looking like that miserable Jimmy Carter-National Malaise he put our nation through in the 70's. The Socialists/Progressives have completely sunk so many future generations. It really is so sad.
May as well keep the good news flowing....

Snapshot of economy about to get a lot bleaker - Yahoo! News

Can you imagine what it would be like if we weren't in "The Summer of Recovery"?

I wonder if people are starting to catch on that the Obama Administration really has no clue and that they just say whatever they want, knowing that the majority of people are just going to blindly believe them like mindless zombies. Well, I guess he got elected that way so why change...
May as well keep the good news flowing....

Snapshot of economy about to get a lot bleaker - Yahoo! News

Can you imagine what it would be like if we weren't in "The Summer of Recovery"?

I wonder if people are starting to catch on that the Obama Administration really has no clue and that they just say whatever they want, knowing that the majority of people are just going to blindly believe them like mindless zombies. Well, I guess he got elected that way so why change...

After the news later today, anyone still saying the Stimulus Act worked, or that Obama and his administration know what they are doing, is a complete and total fool, or a bald-faced liar.
May as well keep the good news flowing....

Snapshot of economy about to get a lot bleaker - Yahoo! News

Can you imagine what it would be like if we weren't in "The Summer of Recovery"?

I wonder if people are starting to catch on that the Obama Administration really has no clue and that they just say whatever they want, knowing that the majority of people are just going to blindly believe them like mindless zombies. Well, I guess he got elected that way so why change...

After the news later today, anyone still saying the Stimulus Act worked, or that Obama and his administration know what they are doing, is a complete and total fool, or a bald-faced liar.

Sure.. the mind-numbet Obamabots will say it is all well no matter what. Hell, they thought we were all standing in soup lines in 2005. A lot of us supported Bush but still had the integrity to acknowledge when he screwed the pooch.
Yea everything's just great. The Recession is definitely over and everything's just wonderful. Man,are these people Bleepin serious? This has been one of the worst Summers for America in recent memory.

Lets see,we had the worst environmental disaster in our nation's history and our President golfed his way through it. We officially began to lose Afghanistan. Iran went Nuclear while our President was on yet another Vacation. North Korea sunk a South Korean ship. The Debt was increased to an astounding & incomprehensible level. Massive Unemployment continued. Our President sued his own people in Arizona on behalf of the Mexican Government and Illegals. A giant Mosque being built on Ground Zero. Democrat corruption ran rampant and so on and so on...

I'm sure i left some stuff out but you get the point. This ain't no "Recovery Summer" folks. This really has been one of the worst Summers our nation has seen in a long time. I'm just so glad & relieved this awful Summer is over. Thank God this Obummer Summer is finally over. Yikes!
Last edited:
August 27, 2010

"Regarding the stimulus, the answer is pretty clear. In a report out this week, the CBO estimates that between 1.4 million and 3.3 million fewer people would be employed right now if the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act had never made it through Congress.

In addition, it's unlikely that extending the cuts for the richest Americans would have much of an effect on small-business hiring, which is a claim that Republicans make with some regularity. Why? Because only 2 percent of taxpayers in the top two income brackets actually run small businesses. The other 98 percent of small-business owners make less than $250,000 a year and wouldn't pay higher taxes under Obama's plan.

History isn't on the GOP's side, either. If keeping the top marginal tax rate at 35 percent—the rate under Bush, and the rate that Republicans are fighting to preserve—spurs so much hiring, why didn't America experience any job growth at all during Bush's time in office? And if a top marginal tax rate of 39.6 percent—the rate under Bill Clinton, and the rate that Democrats are fighting to restore—is such a job killer, why did payrolls grow by 20 percent during the 1990s?

The bottom line, then, is that recent GOP proposals would produce fewer jobs and far larger deficits than the plans Obama has already passed or currently wants to pass. This isn't to say that the Republicans couldn't create jobs or cut the deficit if restored to power—just that right now, they've chosen to support policies that would prove less effective in both respects than the Democratic programs they so vehemently criticize."

What if the President comes back from this vacation and goes in front on the camera and teleprompter and gives a speech to the American people and says the following.Look folks by now it's painfully obvious that what we have tried so far is not working.I am willing to admit that I am in over my head here.I never ran a business never had a real job if you want to know the truth and now i am trying to run a country.Well I have pretty much run it into the ground.I am willing to step aside and let someone besides the VP do it because,well we all know how that would turn out.I wonder if we could get Hillary to step in and try to fix this mess,maybe Bill will help out.Right now I just want to stay on vacation and spend some time with the wife....maybe get some more of those strimps.....
What if the President comes back from this vacation and goes in front on the camera and teleprompter and gives a speech to the American people and says the following.Look folks by now it's painfully obvious that what we have tried so far is not working.I am willing to admit that I am in over my head here.I never ran a business never had a real job if you want to know the truth and now i am trying to run a country.Well I have pretty much run it into the ground.I am willing to step aside and let someone besides the VP do it because,well we all know how that would turn out.I wonder if we could get Hillary to step in and try to fix this mess,maybe Bill will help out.Right now I just want to stay on vacation and spend some time with the wife....maybe get some more of those strimps.....
....AND, What if the President comes back from this vacation and goes in front on the camera and teleprompter and gives a speech to the American people and says the following:

"After viewing the End Times mass-suicide at The Beckoning book-sale promo....I can only add...Didn't we all KNOW they were freakin' NUTZ?"


Hey.....this hypothetical-game is kind o' FUN!!!!!

Good Saturday morning peeps on this fine August 28th,2010 in the Obama Summer of recovery.Hope you libs enjoy another day where the market is down,new housing starts are down,consumer confidence is down,unemployment is up....and what do we hear from the liberal controlled media....Obama has turned the economy around and all is well in the country thanks to the brilliant leadership of this President.

Thanks Obama......
I think i speak for all sane Americans when i say...Thank God this Obummer Summer is over! What a Bleepin nightmare! :(

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