Records Show That Secret Service Never Wanted G7 At Trump’s Club


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
The documents were released on a FOIA suit.

It shows that nothing trump said about the G7 and Doral was true. Everything he said was a lie.

The place wasn't even vetted. The Secret Service didn't want to hold the G7 there even though trump claimed they did.

The place is losing money hand over fist so of course trump wanted government dollars and international dollars to prop it up.

This whole thing stinks.

Records Show That Secret Service Never Wanted G7 At Trump’s Club
Consider your source.

"PoliticusUSA offers news, commentary, and opinion from a liberal point of view."

Now laugh. They couldn't find any communications between Doral and the SS, so their speculations must be true.

The link doesn't make much sense except to note that the NY Times seems strangely interested in the relationship between the Secret Service and local venues. Maybe it's a sign of desperation.
Consider your source.

"PoliticusUSA offers news, commentary, and opinion from a liberal point of view."

Now laugh. They couldn't find any communications between Doral and the SS, so their speculations must be true.


Well you can try to dispute it but it comes from government documents through a freedom of information act request by CREW.

The report is on the news too. Turn off the far right radical extremist news and try some real news for a change.

Here's a link to the report of the FOIA suit:

CREW Sues for Doral G-7 Documents - CREW

Here's Crew's report on what they found.

Secret Service Records Contradict Trump's Claim on Doral G-7 - CREW
Consider your source.

"PoliticusUSA offers news, commentary, and opinion from a liberal point of view."

Now laugh. They couldn't find any communications between Doral and the SS, so their speculations must be true.


Well you can try to dispute it but it comes from government documents through a freedom of information act request by CREW.

The report is on the news too. Turn off the far right radical extremist news and try some real news for a change.

Here's a link to the report of the FOIA suit:

CREW Sues for Doral G-7 Documents - CREW

Here's Crew's report on what they found.

Secret Service Records Contradict Trump's Claim on Doral G-7 - CREW

There's a lot of stuff on the news these days.

BTW, I watch the Left sources far more than the right. I need no reinforcement of my beliefs, and I like to know what the enemy is thinking.
And then he said he would do it for free
Good gawd man. Get a fucking life
Secret Service Records Contradict Trump's Claim on Doral G-7 - CREW

"CREW received records from the United States Secret Service that, along with emails from Doral city officials, undermine President Trump’s dubious claim that members of the Secret Service wanted the 2020 G-7 Summit to be hosted at Trump’s Doral resort in Miami. The reality appears to be quite different, with the Secret Service instead expressing reluctance, saying “the property does present[] some challenges,” followed by a redaction that implies security concerns. The records also seem to show that Doral was added for consideration at the last minute, saying “y departure, they had already cut two (California and North Carolina) and added Miami on the back end.” Taken together, the records that CREW obtained call into question nearly every aspect of Trump’s justification of his choice."
We all know the story by now. Trump's Doral property has been struggling financially. So he decided to hold the G-7 summit there despite the obvious conflict of interest. He had Mick Mulvaney stand in front of the media and lie his ass off by telling the press Doral was the perfect place to hold the event in the opinion of the Secret Service. Trump also lied multiple times in promoting this untruth.

So.........we have the Liar-in-Chief having the nerve to try to corruptly hold an international event at his own property for his personal financial benefit, telling lies about it, having his staff tell lies about it, corrupting the selection process, and ultimately having to relent to public pressure because of the OMG! out in the open corruption.

If this were attempted by a Dem prez the congressional investigation would still be front page news. But it isn't for Trump because there are just too many other scandals of greater magnitude for this incident to stay in the news cycle or for Congress to spend any time on it.

Like so many of the daily scandals and or buffoonery produced by the most corrupt admin in our history this one is long forgotten. Things that would dog most admins for months and months have no staying power, they are lost in the constant churn of chaos. So much chaos it can be disorienting..........and that's the goal.
Secret Service Records Contradict Trump's Claim on Doral G-7 - CREW

"CREW received records from the United States Secret Service that, along with emails from Doral city officials, undermine President Trump’s dubious claim that members of the Secret Service wanted the 2020 G-7 Summit to be hosted at Trump’s Doral resort in Miami. The reality appears to be quite different, with the Secret Service instead expressing reluctance, saying “the property does present[] some challenges,” followed by a redaction that implies security concerns. The records also seem to show that Doral was added for consideration at the last minute, saying “y departure, they had already cut two (California and North Carolina) and added Miami on the back end.” Taken together, the records that CREW obtained call into question nearly every aspect of Trump’s justification of his choice."
We all know the story by now. Trump's Doral property has been struggling financially. So he decided to hold the G-7 summit there despite the obvious conflict of interest. He had Mick Mulvaney stand in front of the media and lie his ass off by telling the press Doral was the perfect place to hold the event in the opinion of the Secret Service. Trump also lied multiple times in promoting this untruth.

So.........we have the Liar-in-Chief having the nerve to try to corruptly hold an international event at his own property for his personal financial benefit, telling lies about it, having his staff tell lies about it, corrupting the selection process, and ultimately having to relent to public pressure because of the OMG! out in the open corruption.

If this were attempted by a Dem prez the congressional investigation would still be front page news. But it isn't for Trump because there are just too many other scandals of greater magnitude for this incident to stay in the news cycle or for Congress to spend any time on it.

Like so many of the daily scandals and or buffoonery produced by the most corrupt admin in our history this one is long forgotten. Things that would dog most admins for months and months have no staying power, they are lost in the constant churn of chaos. So much chaos it can be disorienting..........and that's the goal.
So, we can assume the Doral property won't be on your next vacation itinerary?
Secret Service Records Contradict Trump's Claim on Doral G-7 - CREW

"CREW received records from the United States Secret Service that, along with emails from Doral city officials, undermine President Trump’s dubious claim that members of the Secret Service wanted the 2020 G-7 Summit to be hosted at Trump’s Doral resort in Miami. The reality appears to be quite different, with the Secret Service instead expressing reluctance, saying “the property does present[] some challenges,” followed by a redaction that implies security concerns. The records also seem to show that Doral was added for consideration at the last minute, saying “y departure, they had already cut two (California and North Carolina) and added Miami on the back end.” Taken together, the records that CREW obtained call into question nearly every aspect of Trump’s justification of his choice."
We all know the story by now. Trump's Doral property has been struggling financially. So he decided to hold the G-7 summit there despite the obvious conflict of interest. He had Mick Mulvaney stand in front of the media and lie his ass off by telling the press Doral was the perfect place to hold the event in the opinion of the Secret Service. Trump also lied multiple times in promoting this untruth.

So.........we have the Liar-in-Chief having the nerve to try to corruptly hold an international event at his own property for his personal financial benefit, telling lies about it, having his staff tell lies about it, corrupting the selection process, and ultimately having to relent to public pressure because of the OMG! out in the open corruption.

If this were attempted by a Dem prez the congressional investigation would still be front page news. But it isn't for Trump because there are just too many other scandals of greater magnitude for this incident to stay in the news cycle or for Congress to spend any time on it.

Like so many of the daily scandals and or buffoonery produced by the most corrupt admin in our history this one is long forgotten. Things that would dog most admins for months and months have no staying power, they are lost in the constant churn of chaos. So much chaos it can be disorienting..........and that's the goal.
Secret Service Records Contradict Trump's Claim on Doral G-7 - CREW

This is from November 15, 2019, so kind of oldish. Imagine my disappointment when the House Dems did not add an Article about the Emoluments Clause to their Impeachment efforts.

Oh, bet on Trumpletons having no objections whatsoever to Trump's pursuit of private gains through the use of his public office. They are, to the last ... man (let's be charitable), fine with Trump's brazen, public corruption.
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Secret Service Records Contradict Trump's Claim on Doral G-7 - CREW

"CREW received records from the United States Secret Service that, along with emails from Doral city officials, undermine President Trump’s dubious claim that members of the Secret Service wanted the 2020 G-7 Summit to be hosted at Trump’s Doral resort in Miami. The reality appears to be quite different, with the Secret Service instead expressing reluctance, saying “the property does present[] some challenges,” followed by a redaction that implies security concerns. The records also seem to show that Doral was added for consideration at the last minute, saying “y departure, they had already cut two (California and North Carolina) and added Miami on the back end.” Taken together, the records that CREW obtained call into question nearly every aspect of Trump’s justification of his choice."
We all know the story by now. Trump's Doral property has been struggling financially. So he decided to hold the G-7 summit there despite the obvious conflict of interest. He had Mick Mulvaney stand in front of the media and lie his ass off by telling the press Doral was the perfect place to hold the event in the opinion of the Secret Service. Trump also lied multiple times in promoting this untruth.

So.........we have the Liar-in-Chief having the nerve to try to corruptly hold an international event at his own property for his personal financial benefit, telling lies about it, having his staff tell lies about it, corrupting the selection process, and ultimately having to relent to public pressure because of the OMG! out in the open corruption.

If this were attempted by a Dem prez the congressional investigation would still be front page news. But it isn't for Trump because there are just too many other scandals of greater magnitude for this incident to stay in the news cycle or for Congress to spend any time on it.

Like so many of the daily scandals and or buffoonery produced by the most corrupt admin in our history this one is long forgotten. Things that would dog most admins for months and months have no staying power, they are lost in the constant churn of chaos. So much chaos it can be disorienting..........and that's the goal.
Consider your source.

"PoliticusUSA offers news, commentary, and opinion from a liberal point of view."

Now laugh. They couldn't find any communications between Doral and the SS, so their speculations must be true.



These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate PoliticusUSA, borderline extreme Left Biased in wording and editorial positions that always favor the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a failed fact check as well as frequent misleading one sided commentary and occasional poor sourcing.
Consider your source.
"PoliticusUSA offers news, commentary, and opinion from a liberal point of view."
Now laugh. They couldn't find any communications between Doral and the SS, so their speculations must be true.
More liberal spin. I am not surprised.

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