Another office that needs to be searched.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Donald Trump likes to put his name on everything — except his taxpayer-funded, post-presidential office here on North Flagler Drive.

Trump’s website doesn’t list the address, which is about a 10-minute drive from his Mar-a-Lago club. The nameplate on the hallway wall is blank. There is no seal, official or unofficial, on the frosted-glass door. And the name Trump — a brand the former president estimates to be worth billions of dollars — is nowhere to be found.

It’s so hush-hush that his spokesman, Steven Cheung, claimed no knowledge of its existence.

“I’ve never heard of a North Flagler office,” Cheung said, when NBC News asked about the suite Wednesday.

It has apparently housed classified material and, according to a person familiar with Trump’s operation, been searched by a private firm at the direction of Trump’s lawyers. Long after that inspection, bankers' boxes were still piled against the wall and in the middle of the main room, according to two sources familiar with the office.

“Boxes everywhere,” one of the sources said. “The state of that office is generally cluttered. If there weren’t boxes and bins, I’d think that something happened.”

There's no indication that Trump has used the office himself. It is not clear what is currently in the boxes, and it is not clear whether he knows what is in them.

It's time to search all of his properties. Every last one. Who knows where he's hiding more documents? We all know he will lie at the drop of a hat if it's of personal benefit to himself, and we know ge tried to keep some documents for himself even after they were subpoenaed.

We must be sure this criminal isn't holding information that could be used to harm the US.

It's time to search all of his properties. Every last one. Who knows where he's hiding more documents? We all know he will lie at the drop of a hat if it's of personal benefit to himself, and we know ge tried to keep some documents for himself even after they were subpoenaed.

We must be sure this criminal isn't holding information that could be used to harm the US.

Maybe dead bodies in the orange basement? :laugh2:
It's time to search all of his properties. Every last one. Who knows where he's hiding more documents? We all know he will lie at the drop of a hat if it's of personal benefit to himself, and we know ge tried to keep some documents for himself even after they were subpoenaed.

We must be sure this criminal isn't holding information that could be used to harm the US.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It's time to search all of his properties. Every last one.
^^^ Spoken like a true Nazi. I bet if you look up his ass too, you might find a polyp. The legal question is (for us non-Nazis) is whether you have probable cause to believe Trump is criminally hiding something there. Is there anything missing that is that important and unaccounted for? Hey Nazi, why don't you just tear his house down brick by brink, then his family, then all the J6ers then every person who voted for him! Bet you find something!

Who knows where he's hiding more documents?
Who knows where Joe Biden might be hiding more secret documents? Maybe in one of his 20 foreign banks?

We all know he will lie at the drop of a hat if it's of personal benefit to himself
Just like Joe Biden. You know, the guy who was at ground zero the day after 9/11 even though he was in DC giving a talk that day.

and we know ge tried to keep some documents for himself even after they were subpoenaed.
Crush him, smash him, for daring to stand up to a corrupt and evil State! Is that it! TEACH HIM A LESSON so that no one ever questions an election again a democrat wins NO MATTER WHAT, so you can FULLY open the door to even MORE flagrant election cheating and fraud! :rock:

We must be sure this criminal isn't holding information that could be used to harm the US.
I suggest you boil him in oil after whipping and putting him on the rack until he CONFESSES.
Meanwhile, the Senile Biden has MASSIVELY HARMED the US and isn't hiding a thing! And you don't care.
It's time to search all of his properties. Every last one. Who knows where he's hiding more documents? We all know he will lie at the drop of a hat if it's of personal benefit to himself, and we know ge tried to keep some documents for himself even after they were subpoenaed.

We must be sure this criminal isn't holding information that could be used to harm the US.

Biden impeachment inquiry = Indict Trump again
It's time to search all of his properties. Every last one. Who knows where he's hiding more documents? We all know he will lie at the drop of a hat if it's of personal benefit to himself, and we know ge tried to keep some documents for himself even after they were subpoenaed.

We must be sure this criminal isn't holding information that could be used to harm the US.

Don't we know enough to order the blindfold?
It's time to search all of his properties. Every last one. Who knows where he's hiding more documents? We all know he will lie at the drop of a hat if it's of personal benefit to himself, and we know ge tried to keep some documents for himself even after they were subpoenaed.

We must be sure this criminal isn't holding information that could be used to harm the US.


There we have, the reason Trump is hated so much, and the op is stupid enough to believe the lifetime crooks in our government.

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