Realignment: Democrats are the Party of the Rich Elitists, Republicans Party of the Working Class

Took the Obama then Trump then back to Obama (aka Joe) contrasts to show the working class who has their best interest at heart.

What the data show: Democrats are statistically tied with Republicans among Hispanics on the generic congressional ballot, according to a New York Times-Siena College poll out this week. Dems held a 47-point edge with Hispanics during the 2018 midterms.
An NBC News poll in April found Democrats held a 38-point lead among women with college degrees -- up from 10 points from 2010. Democrats lost ground with nearly every other demographic group tested in the survey.


What's happening: Democratic strategists say the party's biggest vulnerability is assuming that the priorities of progressive activists are the same as those of working-class voters.

Progressive activists led the push to cut police budgets. Communities of color have borne the brunt of higher crime.

Hispanics living on the U.S.-Mexico border are more likely to favor tougher border security measures that Republicans have championed.

The recall of liberal school board members and a district attorney in San Francisco was fueled by disillusioned Asian-American Democrats.

Between the lines: Add the reality of growing inflation and worries of recession, and you see why Democrats are losing ground with a core part of their coalition.

Wealthier Americans aren't feeling the day-to-day hardship hitting the working class.

This week's Times/Siena poll found affluent voters care about gun control and abortion rights. Working-class voters are squarely focused on the economy.

And I’ll save you Leftards the grief of me slapping you silly later. Axios is a Leftist rag.
You are completely right, Leftards are too stupid to see that they are being used by the super rich davos cabal, just look at how the MSM, Corporate world and every Gov agency is pushing every sort of the cabals degeneracy ; these are DISTRACTIONS to keep the idiots fighting stupid pursuits and using up their energy while the CABAL is restructuring the world into a Technocratic Fascist plutocracy.

The Robber Barons of the 19th century set up communism as the blueprint for the New World Order. They installed Communism into several countries in order to perfect its implementation.

THERE IS NO DEMOCRAT / REPUBLICAN PARTY,,,,,,,WE HAVE GLOBALISTS VS NATIONALISTS. Most Nationalists are on the RIGHT and most Democrats, Leftists, billionaires are on the GLOBALIST side.

Democrat party has never been representative of the working class,,,,they are communist scumbags working for the billionaire class to enact their fascist globalist agenda. They convinced most workers that THEY made strides in worker rights BUT IT WAS THE UNION that advanced worker rights; the Democrats falsely claimed the victories of the Unions.

Most people in the West will have to be "DEALT WITH" as they are not Revolutionary ( they will not discard a Constitutional Republic).
Its your guess how they can REDUCE the Western population in order to make way for their Slave state of obedient pawns that have no concept or need of freedom.
Here's a clue: Ivy League conservatives are formulating YOUR policy for the billionaire owners of right wing media. If you think they're doing ANYTHING for working Americans, think again. The tax cuts for working people are expiring now. The tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, are permanent.

Ron DeSantis graduated from Harvard. Josh Hawley - Stanford and Yale. Ted Cruz went to Princeton. Steve Bannon, Jared Kuchner and Mike Pompeo all graduated from Harvard. Trump graduated from Wharton. Trump's cabinet had more Harvard grads than Obama's. Tucker Carlson graduated from Trinity College in Hartford - an "highly selective" liberal arts private college

Once again, you prove how uninformed you really are. You have no idea of who your leaders are and who they're answering to. The stupidity and gullibility of conservative voters on this forum, knows no bounds.
u r delusioanal ,,,,,,99.9999 percent of the MSM is LEFT WING.... ask Bernard Goldberg, he wrote a book about it.
You are completely right, Leftards are too stupid to see that they are being used by the super rich davos cabal, just look at how the MSM, Corporate world and every Gov agency is pushing every sort of the cabals degeneracy ; these are DISTRACTIONS to keep the idiots fighting stupid pursuits and using up their energy while the CABAL is restructuring the world into a Technocratic Fascist plutocracy.

The Robber Barons of the 19th century set up communism as the blueprint for the New World Order. They installed Communism into several countries in order to perfect its implementation.

THERE IS NO DEMOCRAT / REPUBLICAN PARTY,,,,,,,WE HAVE GLOBALISTS VS NATIONALISTS. Most Nationalists are on the RIGHT and most Democrats, Leftists, billionaires are on the GLOBALIST side.

Democrat party has never been representative of the working class,,,,they are communist scumbags working for the billionaire class to enact their fascist globalist agenda. They convinced most workers that THEY made strides in worker rights BUT IT WAS THE UNION that advanced worker rights; the Democrats falsely claimed the victories of the Unions.

Most people in the West will have to be "DEALT WITH" as they are not Revolutionary ( they will not discard a Constitutional Republic).
Its your guess how they can REDUCE the Western population in order to make way for their Slave state of obedient pawns that have no concept or need of freedom.

You manage to cover every insane conspiracy theory for the past 200 years in your fact free rant. Best of all was your bullshit about the Robber Barons creating communism.

How did a bunch of millionaires in the USA, in an age before mass communication - when it took 2 years for news of emancipation to reach Texas, create a new political system in Russia?????? Pray tell us this story fool!!! I'm truly interested to hear how this all came about. Especially since none of the American Robber Barons ever visited Russia, nor did they speak Russian.

Given that the Robber Barons were all dead or retired, BEFORE the Russian Revolution of 1918, how did they manage to "install communism" in other countries to "perfect it". And it was the Russians who took over the governments of several Eastern European nations, and installed communist governments in these nations.

The idiots who are "pushing distractions" are the Republican Party which is attempting to distract from the 91 charges their first choice for President is facing. So far, we've had right wing hysteria over CRT which isn't being taught in public schools, and right wing hysteria "grooming" by gays that isn't happening,

We've also had hysteria over children having gender affirming surgery, which is also not happening. So please, bitch, don't try to convince us it's the Democrats who are ignoring the will of the people here.

Last but not least, it was the Democrats who built, supported and legislated the Union Agenda, not the other way around. It was also the Democrats who passed the New Deal legislation which protected the unions, and the tax codes which gave workers a fair share of the wealth they were creating.

Given the depth of your lack of knowledge, and the crazy right wing slant of all of your beliefs, I can only assume you're the product of home schooling.
u r delusioanal ,,,,,,99.9999 percent of the MSM is LEFT WING.... ask Bernard Goldberg, he wrote a book about it.

Facts favour the left - always. So a moderate left wing bias is to be expected. The problem for right wing publications is that the current dearth of economic ideas in the Republican Party, which essentially boil down to cut taxes and raise spending, is unsustainable. So in place of discussing policy, they resort to personal attacks, lies, and the distraction of culture wars to make their points.

And here we have the right wing Forbes - a centre right bias. Their only problem with fact checking is on climate science.

There is centre right, and then there's the GATEWAY PUNDIT- EXTREME BIAS, and no credibility whatsoever:

The left has no reason to lie about everything because their policies actually work for the American people. Republican economic policies have been impoverishing working Americans for 40 years - every one of their tax cuts results in a major economic crash of the economy.

40 years of the FDR's New Deal created the greatest Middle Class and the most successful economy the world has every seen. 40 years of Reaganomics have transferred all of the wealth to the top 10%, impoverishing working people, and shrinking the American middle class.
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Facts favour the left - always. So a moderate left wing bias is to be expected. The problem for right wing publications is that the current dearth of economic ideas in the Republican Party, which essentially boil down to cut taxes and raise spending, is unsustainable. So in place of discussing policy, they resort to personal attacks, lies, and the distraction of culture wars to make their points.

And here we have the right wing Forbes - a centre right bias. Their only problem with fact checking is on climate science.

There is centre right, and then there's the GATEWAY PUNDIT- EXTREME BIAS, and no credibility whatsoever:

The left has no reason to lie about everything because their policies actually work for the American people. Republican economic policies have been impoverishing working Americans for 40 years - every one of their tax cuts results in a major economic crash of the economy.

40 years of the FDR's New Deal created the greatest Middle Class and the most successful economy the world has every seen. 40 years of Reaganomics have transferred all of the wealth to the top 10%, impoverishing working people, and shrinking the American middle class.
Progs are destroying our economy, and you type this. Progs are anti small business. They are anti entrepreneur. They are more into showing gender and race success over the best that can be had. And this drives up prices in huge ways.
Facts favour the left - always. So a moderate left wing bias is to be expected. The problem for right wing publications is that the current dearth of economic ideas in the Republican Party, which essentially boil down to cut taxes and raise spending, is unsustainable. So in place of discussing policy, they resort to personal attacks, lies, and the distraction of culture wars to make their points.

And here we have the right wing Forbes - a centre right bias. Their only problem with fact checking is on climate science.

There is centre right, and then there's the GATEWAY PUNDIT- EXTREME BIAS, and no credibility whatsoever:

The left has no reason to lie about everything because their policies actually work for the American people. Republican economic policies have been impoverishing working Americans for 40 years - every one of their tax cuts results in a major economic crash of the economy.

40 years of the FDR's New Deal created the greatest Middle Class and the most successful economy the world has every seen. 40 years of Reaganomics have transferred all of the wealth to the top 10%, impoverishing working people, and shrinking the American middle class.
What do you KKKandians know? Your government cheers NAZIS.
Dems are learning gaslighting, broken promises & woke agendas will eventually make your bases turn against you.

The working classes, Hispanics, even more blacks are getting red pilled, mostly by the radical Dem policies more than anything the GOP actually does.

Nobody cares about your pronouns or emotions when they can't afford both food & rent.

Maybe this also says women shouldn't get college degrees.
If they can't recognize an obvious disaster they helped create, what good was their miseducation?
If your concerned that fast food workers make 15 dollars an hour.
And Not that CEOs make five thousand eight hundred and 59 dollars an hour.
Maybe you are part of our money problems?
The left has no reason to lie about everything because their policies actually work for the American people.

Not at all. Democrats are petulant children with unrealistic dreams filled with cotton candy and balloons. Their policies are detrimental, unless the goal is to hamstring the US, in which case they are perfect. Unfortunately, I feel that is the goal of many Democratic politicians.
If your concerned that fast food workers make 15 dollars an hour.
And Not that CEOs make five thousand eight hundred and 59 dollars an hour.
Maybe you are part of our money problems?
How much do some NFL players make? How much do the owners make? Now, how much do you pay for a ticket? Get it yet?
I'm not a republican, dipschitt.

Party of traitors, mr. poorly educated ultra maga cult member...
Took the Obama then Trump then back to Obama (aka Joe) contrasts to show the working class who has their best interest at heart.

What the data show: Democrats are statistically tied with Republicans among Hispanics on the generic congressional ballot, according to a New York Times-Siena College poll out this week. Dems held a 47-point edge with Hispanics during the 2018 midterms.
An NBC News poll in April found Democrats held a 38-point lead among women with college degrees -- up from 10 points from 2010. Democrats lost ground with nearly every other demographic group tested in the survey.


What's happening: Democratic strategists say the party's biggest vulnerability is assuming that the priorities of progressive activists are the same as those of working-class voters.

Progressive activists led the push to cut police budgets. Communities of color have borne the brunt of higher crime.

Hispanics living on the U.S.-Mexico border are more likely to favor tougher border security measures that Republicans have championed.

The recall of liberal school board members and a district attorney in San Francisco was fueled by disillusioned Asian-American Democrats.

Between the lines: Add the reality of growing inflation and worries of recession, and you see why Democrats are losing ground with a core part of their coalition.

Wealthier Americans aren't feeling the day-to-day hardship hitting the working class.

This week's Times/Siena poll found affluent voters care about gun control and abortion rights. Working-class voters are squarely focused on the economy.

And I’ll save you Leftards the grief of me slapping you silly later. Axios is a Leftist rag.
a. Republicans won't go after illegal employers
b. Republicans think blue collar uneducated whites are only worth $15
c. Republicans invented NAFTA
d. Republicans gave us Citizens United. Giving rich people too much power in our elections

The most pro-business Supreme Court ever​

Why it matters: The past 70 years have seen the government broadly — not only the judiciary but also both the Democratic and Republican parties — embrace an increasingly business-friendly agenda.

  • The new data shows a degree of pro-business sentiment today far exceeding even the pre-Depression highs.
a. Republicans won't go after illegal employers
b. Republicans think blue collar uneducated whites are only worth $15
c. Republicans invented NAFTA
d. Republicans gave us Citizens United. Giving rich people too much power in our elections

The most pro-business Supreme Court ever​

Why it matters: The past 70 years have seen the government broadly — not only the judiciary but also both the Democratic and Republican parties — embrace an increasingly business-friendly agenda.

  • The new data shows a degree of pro-business sentiment today far exceeding even the pre-Depression highs.
a. Republicans won't go after illegal employers
b. Republicans think blue collar uneducated whites are only worth $15
c. Republicans invented NAFTA
d. Republicans gave us Citizens United. Giving rich people too much power in our elections

The most pro-business Supreme Court ever​

A. Biden stopped Trumps raiding of businesses hiring illegals.
B. Market drives wages. Letting in 5 million illegals happy to get $2/hr drives wages down. (See A.)

Clinton signs NAFTA into law, Dec. 8, 1993​

D. Thank God we now are prohibiting corporations and unions from making expenditures in connection with federal elections.

E. Capitalism works. Socialism doesn’t.
Took the Obama then Trump then back to Obama (aka Joe) contrasts to show the working class who has their best interest at heart.

What the data show: Democrats are statistically tied with Republicans among Hispanics on the generic congressional ballot, according to a New York Times-Siena College poll out this week. Dems held a 47-point edge with Hispanics during the 2018 midterms.
An NBC News poll in April found Democrats held a 38-point lead among women with college degrees -- up from 10 points from 2010. Democrats lost ground with nearly every other demographic group tested in the survey.


What's happening: Democratic strategists say the party's biggest vulnerability is assuming that the priorities of progressive activists are the same as those of working-class voters.

Progressive activists led the push to cut police budgets. Communities of color have borne the brunt of higher crime.

Hispanics living on the U.S.-Mexico border are more likely to favor tougher border security measures that Republicans have championed.

The recall of liberal school board members and a district attorney in San Francisco was fueled by disillusioned Asian-American Democrats.

Between the lines: Add the reality of growing inflation and worries of recession, and you see why Democrats are losing ground with a core part of their coalition.

Wealthier Americans aren't feeling the day-to-day hardship hitting the working class.

This week's Times/Siena poll found affluent voters care about gun control and abortion rights. Working-class voters are squarely focused on the economy.

And I’ll save you Leftards the grief of me slapping you silly later. Axios is a Leftist rag.
I would agree accept I don't give a fuck about Abortion, Trannies, Conservative Judges
A. Biden stopped Trumps raiding of businesses hiring illegals.
B. Market drives wages. Letting in 5 million illegals happy to get $2/hr drives wages down. (See A.)

Clinton signs NAFTA into law, Dec. 8, 1993​

D. Thank God we now are prohibiting corporations and unions from making expenditures in connection with federal elections.

E. Capitalism works. Socialism doesn’t.
It does? But it's failing uneducated Americans. They don't make enough and can't afford college in order to lift themselves out of poverty.

Capitalism worked. For a little while. Perhaps it just needs to be better regulated.
A. Biden stopped Trumps raiding of businesses hiring illegals.
B. Market drives wages. Letting in 5 million illegals happy to get $2/hr drives wages down. (See A.)

Clinton signs NAFTA into law, Dec. 8, 1993​

D. Thank God we now are prohibiting corporations and unions from making expenditures in connection with federal elections.

E. Capitalism works. Socialism doesn’t.

More evidence corporations aren't as liberal as you think

Despite Johnson's radical views, several prominent corporations backed Johnson before his ascension to power

Among those corporations was Walmart, which publicly presents itself as a champion of LGBTQ rights. Walmart moved to protect abortion access for its employees after the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade. The company even pledged to stop donating to lawmakers who voted against the certification of the 2020 election's results. But none of that has stopped Walmart from giving Johnson $9,000 since 2017.

Meta, formerly Facebook, has also proclaimed itself to be a champion of LGBTQ rights, said it would support its employees who needed an abortion after Roe vs. Wade was overturned and came out forcefully against the Jan. 6 Capitol riot -- but it has also donated money to Johnson's campaigns, totaling $4,000.

Microsoft and AT&T also donated to this cock sucker.
More evidence corporations aren't as liberal as you think

Despite Johnson's radical views, several prominent corporations backed Johnson before his ascension to power

Among those corporations was Walmart, which publicly presents itself as a champion of LGBTQ rights. Walmart moved to protect abortion access for its employees after the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade. The company even pledged to stop donating to lawmakers who voted against the certification of the 2020 election's results. But none of that has stopped Walmart from giving Johnson $9,000 since 2017.

Meta, formerly Facebook, has also proclaimed itself to be a champion of LGBTQ rights, said it would support its employees who needed an abortion after Roe vs. Wade was overturned and came out forcefully against the Jan. 6 Capitol riot -- but it has also donated money to Johnson's campaigns, totaling $4,000.

Microsoft and AT&T also donated to this cock sucker.
Corporations are very liberal. They like slave labor, deny freedoms inside their walls, and push leftist agendas upon their employees and customers.

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