Real Progressives Vote Jill Stein

Stein is worse than Bernie.

She has never met a law she did not like.

It would be smarter if she said she wanted to keep the Feds out of most social issues and let the states handle that.

If Trump were sane then he would be a better candidate than Stein.

Since Trump is insane therefore Hillary is the only feasible choice.

Sorry, no Stein.
Ok thanks ... checking them now ...

- I like fracking;

- I don't believe in free college; the kids should work for it;

- I like the death penalty -- she is just like the Libertarians on this -- SOFT ON CRIME;


Do you claim to be a progressive?
Not so much in the Federal sense.

More so in the State sense.

The Feds should not be usurping powers from the states.

The Feds need to tighten their belts and cut spending big time.

This is not just about guns vs butter.

This is more about the Feds need to stop doing things that the states should be doing instead.

I can see however where Bernie's Bolsheviks would love Stein.

They should all vote for her so she reaches the 5% and gets some Federal voter money back.
Ok thanks ... checking them now ...

- I like fracking;

- I don't believe in free college; the kids should work for it;

- I like the death penalty -- she is just like the Libertarians on this -- SOFT ON CRIME;


Do you claim to be a progressive?
Not so much in the Federal sense.

More so in the State sense.

The Feds should not be usurping powers from the states.

The Feds need to tighten their belts and cut spending big time.

This is not just about guns vs butter.

This is more about the Feds need to stop doing things that the states should be doing instead.

Well, Hillary is not a states rights candidate; so, this would seem like a moot standpoint. And frankly, much of Jill Stein's progressive agendas are incorporated at community levels; such as revoking the curse of common core and the federal insurance scam. These two positions alone show the night and day difference between Stein and Hillary.
Ok thanks ... checking them now ...

- I like fracking;

- I don't believe in free college; the kids should work for it;

- I like the death penalty -- she is just like the Libertarians on this -- SOFT ON CRIME;


Do you claim to be a progressive?
Not so much in the Federal sense.

More so in the State sense.

The Feds should not be usurping powers from the states.

The Feds need to tighten their belts and cut spending big time.

This is not just about guns vs butter.

This is more about the Feds need to stop doing things that the states should be doing instead.

Well, Hillary is not a states rights candidate; so, this would seem like a moot standpoint. And frankly, much of Jill Stein's progressive agendas are incorporated at community levels; such as revoking the curse of common core and the federal insurance scam. These two positions alone show the night and day difference between Stein and Hillary.
Hillary strikes me as a Federalist who looks to the Commerce Clause to justify her anti assault weapons viewpoint. Bill was the same way. While they were boinking each other in college they must have talked about politics during the foreplay. They seem to agree on assault guns.

Other than this, I just view a Hillary term as a 3rd Bill Clinton term.

Hillary has managed to sidestep BHO with his (BHO's) help. He gave her the SecState job.

When Hillary becomes POTUS in January of this coming year, I suspect she will get rid of all the negroes in The White House except the females, and replace the others with other females. Feminism is about her only radicalism.

We'll have to see if she can pull off another economic miracle like Bill did back in 1992-Y2K.
Ok thanks ... checking them now ...

- I like fracking;

- I don't believe in free college; the kids should work for it;

- I like the death penalty -- she is just like the Libertarians on this -- SOFT ON CRIME;


Do you claim to be a progressive?
Not so much in the Federal sense.

More so in the State sense.

The Feds should not be usurping powers from the states.

The Feds need to tighten their belts and cut spending big time.

This is not just about guns vs butter.

This is more about the Feds need to stop doing things that the states should be doing instead.

Well, Hillary is not a states rights candidate; so, this would seem like a moot standpoint. And frankly, much of Jill Stein's progressive agendas are incorporated at community levels; such as revoking the curse of common core and the federal insurance scam. These two positions alone show the night and day difference between Stein and Hillary.
Hillary strikes me as a Federalist who looks to the Commerce Clause to justify her anti assault weapons viewpoint. Bill was the same way. While they were boinking each other in college they must have talked about politics during the foreplay. They seem to agree on assault guns.

Other than this, I just view a Hillary term as a 3rd Bill Clinton term.

Hillary has managed to sidestep BHO with his (BHO's) help. He gave her the SecState job.

When Hillary becomes POTUS in January of this coming year, I suspect she will get rid of all the negroes in The White House except the females, and replace the others with other females. Feminism is about her only radicalism.

We'll have to see if she can pull off another economic miracle like Bill did back in 1992-Y2K.

I honestly don't look at Hillary through a lens of political beliefs. I believe that whatever she says is based upon expediency. And I believe that what she does is based upon self glorification and enrichment for herself and her benefactors. As such, her progressive causes have been cherry picked in small doses, imo.

And as such, she may look like a federalist as opposed to a states right candidate; but what she really is is a globalist; because that's what pays.
Ok thanks ... checking them now ...

- I like fracking;

- I don't believe in free college; the kids should work for it;

- I like the death penalty -- she is just like the Libertarians on this -- SOFT ON CRIME;


Do you claim to be a progressive?
Not so much in the Federal sense.

More so in the State sense.

The Feds should not be usurping powers from the states.

The Feds need to tighten their belts and cut spending big time.

This is not just about guns vs butter.

This is more about the Feds need to stop doing things that the states should be doing instead.

Well, Hillary is not a states rights candidate; so, this would seem like a moot standpoint. And frankly, much of Jill Stein's progressive agendas are incorporated at community levels; such as revoking the curse of common core and the federal insurance scam. These two positions alone show the night and day difference between Stein and Hillary.
Hillary strikes me as a Federalist who looks to the Commerce Clause to justify her anti assault weapons viewpoint. Bill was the same way. While they were boinking each other in college they must have talked about politics during the foreplay. They seem to agree on assault guns.

Other than this, I just view a Hillary term as a 3rd Bill Clinton term.

Hillary has managed to sidestep BHO with his (BHO's) help. He gave her the SecState job.

When Hillary becomes POTUS in January of this coming year, I suspect she will get rid of all the negroes in The White House except the females, and replace the others with other females. Feminism is about her only radicalism.

We'll have to see if she can pull off another economic miracle like Bill did back in 1992-Y2K.

I honestly don't look at Hillary through a lens of political beliefs. I believe that whatever she says is based upon expediency. And I believe that what she does is based upon self glorification and enrichment for herself and her benefactors. As such, her progressive causes have been cherry picked in small doses, imo.

And as such, she may look like a federalist as opposed to a states right candidate; but what she really is is a globalist; because that's what pays.
We'll have to wait and see.

Hillary strikes me as a bright woman with a caring heart, sort of like Tip O'Neill had been (except for the lady part).

I think she would be happier with Nancy Pelosi's job. But she (Hillary) is going for POTUS instead.

I think she is going to find that POTUS is NOT a fun job.

I don't even know if she can handle the stress. I guess we will find out.
Do you claim to be a progressive?
Not so much in the Federal sense.

More so in the State sense.

The Feds should not be usurping powers from the states.

The Feds need to tighten their belts and cut spending big time.

This is not just about guns vs butter.

This is more about the Feds need to stop doing things that the states should be doing instead.

Well, Hillary is not a states rights candidate; so, this would seem like a moot standpoint. And frankly, much of Jill Stein's progressive agendas are incorporated at community levels; such as revoking the curse of common core and the federal insurance scam. These two positions alone show the night and day difference between Stein and Hillary.
Hillary strikes me as a Federalist who looks to the Commerce Clause to justify her anti assault weapons viewpoint. Bill was the same way. While they were boinking each other in college they must have talked about politics during the foreplay. They seem to agree on assault guns.

Other than this, I just view a Hillary term as a 3rd Bill Clinton term.

Hillary has managed to sidestep BHO with his (BHO's) help. He gave her the SecState job.

When Hillary becomes POTUS in January of this coming year, I suspect she will get rid of all the negroes in The White House except the females, and replace the others with other females. Feminism is about her only radicalism.

We'll have to see if she can pull off another economic miracle like Bill did back in 1992-Y2K.

I honestly don't look at Hillary through a lens of political beliefs. I believe that whatever she says is based upon expediency. And I believe that what she does is based upon self glorification and enrichment for herself and her benefactors. As such, her progressive causes have been cherry picked in small doses, imo.

And as such, she may look like a federalist as opposed to a states right candidate; but what she really is is a globalist; because that's what pays.
We'll have to wait and see.

Hillary strikes me as a bright woman with a caring heart, sort of like Tip O'Neill had been (except for the lady part).

I think she would be happier with Nancy Pelosi's job. But she (Hillary) is going for POTUS instead.

I think she is going to find that POTUS is NOT a fun job.

I don't even know if she can handle the stress. I guess we will find out.

Wait and see? There's mountains of evidence both real and circumstantial showing how she has enriched herself and carelessly disregarded life. There is no wait and see. She's f'ing 70 and has 45 plus years of showing us. Hell, she got off a child rapist off and laughed about it. The book was out way back when. And it doesn't matter what she can handle b/c she doesn't give a f*ck about Americans. She cares about a few speeches and strokes of the pen to do what she does, fatten her fat ugly face.
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

I want to like the Green Party. I can't. Every time I see the list, I'm like..........ok, how? It's nice to believe in 101 things. Sometimes I think they have this luxury of knowing they don't really have to have a plan. I know that sounds awful.
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To the OP........Thank You!

Thank you so much for taking such a interest in the progressive agenda. All progressives owe you a debt of gratitude. This is especially true.......because we know your intentions are so pure.

You are a stand up guy!
Ok thanks ... checking them now ...

- I like fracking;

- I don't believe in free college; the kids should work for it;

- I like the death penalty -- she is just like the Libertarians on this -- SOFT ON CRIME;


Do you claim to be a progressive?
Not so much in the Federal sense.

More so in the State sense.

The Feds should not be usurping powers from the states.

The Feds need to tighten their belts and cut spending big time.

This is not just about guns vs butter.

This is more about the Feds need to stop doing things that the states should be doing instead.

Well, Hillary is not a states rights candidate; so, this would seem like a moot standpoint. And frankly, much of Jill Stein's progressive agendas are incorporated at community levels; such as revoking the curse of common core and the federal insurance scam. These two positions alone show the night and day difference between Stein and Hillary.
Hillary strikes me as a Federalist who looks to the Commerce Clause to justify her anti assault weapons viewpoint. Bill was the same way. While they were boinking each other in college they must have talked about politics during the foreplay. They seem to agree on assault guns.

Other than this, I just view a Hillary term as a 3rd Bill Clinton term.

Hillary has managed to sidestep BHO with his (BHO's) help. He gave her the SecState job.

When Hillary becomes POTUS in January of this coming year, I suspect she will get rid of all the negroes in The White House except the females, and replace the others with other females. Feminism is about her only radicalism.

We'll have to see if she can pull off another economic miracle like Bill did back in 1992-Y2K.

I honestly don't look at Hillary through a lens of political beliefs. I believe that whatever she says is based upon expediency. And I believe that what she does is based upon self glorification and enrichment for herself and her benefactors. As such, her progressive causes have been cherry picked in small doses, imo.

And as such, she may look like a federalist as opposed to a states right candidate; but what she really is is a globalist; because that's what pays.

Get new lenses. She's a public servant. Your impression of her is tainted.
I have less than zero confidence in a Party who nominates racist psycho gimps like Cynthia McKinney as their candidate for President. I'd rather vote for a candidate most hated by the so-called 'progressives', who have shown themselves to be mostly violent racist vermin and scum, and not even remotely 'progressive' or liberal in any way.
I have less than zero confidence in a Party who nominates racist psycho gimps like Cynthia McKinney as their candidate for President. I'd rather vote for a candidate most hated by the so-called 'progressives', who have shown themselves to be mostly violent racist vermin and scum, and not even remotely 'progressive' or liberal in any way.

Well, she supports Saudi Arabia like many other fake progressives, including Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

I want to like the Green Party. I can't. Every time I see the list, I'm like..........ok, how? It's nice to believe in 101 things. Sometimes I think they have this luxury of knowing they don't really have to have a plan. I know that sounds awful.
You don't like the green party because their platform is too expansive?
Societal changes don't happen overnight, the first step is recognizing the changes that need to be made and supporting those ideas.
I have less than zero confidence in a Party who nominates racist psycho gimps like Cynthia McKinney as their candidate for President. I'd rather vote for a candidate most hated by the so-called 'progressives', who have shown themselves to be mostly violent racist vermin and scum, and not even remotely 'progressive' or liberal in any way.

Well, she supports Saudi Arabia like many other fake progressives, including Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Name a president since Nixon who didn't support Saudi Arabia.
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

I want to like the Green Party. I can't. Every time I see the list, I'm like..........ok, how? It's nice to believe in 101 things. Sometimes I think they have this luxury of knowing they don't really have to have a plan. I know that sounds awful.
You don't like the green party because their platform is too expansive?
Societal changes don't happen overnight, the first step is recognizing the changes that need to be made and supporting those ideas.
There are significant ins and outs that aren't addressed. You can believe in something but how that plays out on the ground is a whole different matter. It indicates a lack of knowledge of how something functions. I ain't got time for all for all of that.
I have less than zero confidence in a Party who nominates racist psycho gimps like Cynthia McKinney as their candidate for President. I'd rather vote for a candidate most hated by the so-called 'progressives', who have shown themselves to be mostly violent racist vermin and scum, and not even remotely 'progressive' or liberal in any way.

Well, she supports Saudi Arabia like many other fake progressives, including Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Name a president since Nixon who didn't support Saudi Arabia.

What would be the point in that?

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