Reagan v. Obama Recessions


No Neg Policy
Apr 2, 2009
It's amazing that the media has intentionally done a "media black-out" of the 1981-1982 recession that Ronald Reagan defeated without engaging BIG GOVERNMENT spending/programs.

We always hear about the Great Depression. Why? Because it involved a recovery that involved excessive government spending and the creation of new bureaucracies.

The "politicized" media won't ever compare the successful policies of Reagan to that of Obama.


Stimulus 101: Obama Vs. Reagan:
Stimulus 101: Obama Vs. Reagan - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives
Obama has no recession - Obama is trying to minimize the republican destruction of the economy under Reaganomics.

Reagan began the destruction of the middle class, Bush Sr lost the election due to policies started with Reagan. You do remember, 'it's the economy stupid!' Reagan made us a debtor nation for the first time and while he engaged in Keynesian economics for a while it soon collapsed. His drunken sailor spending created trouble as even he realized it was a mistake and raised taxes several times including the largest peace time increase ever. Reagan is so much a myth it truly boggles the mind.

OpEdNews » Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?
Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: Ronald Reagan: Fiscal Disaster
Firedoglake » Newsflash: Ronald Reagan Raised Taxes (You Idiots)
CEPR - America Since 1980: A Right Turn Leading to a Dead End

For those of us who saw firsthand Reagan's mean spirited work, his myth remains a profound mystery.
Obama has no recession - Obama is trying to minimize the republican destruction of the economy under Reaganomics.

Reagan began the destruction of the middle class, Bush Sr lost the election due to policies started with Reagan. You do remember, 'it's the economy stupid!' Reagan made us a debtor nation for the first time and while he engaged in Keynesian economics for a while it soon collapsed. His drunken sailor spending created trouble as even he realized it was a mistake and raised taxes several times including the largest peace time increase ever. Reagan is so much a myth it truly boggles the mind.

OpEdNews » Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?
Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: Ronald Reagan: Fiscal Disaster
Firedoglake » Newsflash: Ronald Reagan Raised Taxes (You Idiots)
CEPR - America Since 1980: A Right Turn Leading to a Dead End

For those of us who saw firsthand Reagan's mean spirited work, his myth remains a profound mystery.

I saw it first hand and your view point is simply twaddle. Justified by political hackism in the extreme. The dumocrats struggled with the economic circumstances for 4 years prior to Reagan and what did they come up with?

Prime lending rate: 21%

Unemployment: between 8.5 and 11%

Inflation: 18%

The US was trapped in an irreparable double bind of stagflation. Stagnating economy. No Growth and crippling near latin american levels of hyper-inflation.

Now that we are having the second term of Jimmy Carter, you can count on revisiting these miseries. It's probably time to re-visit cranking up the misery index.
second term of jimmy carter i doubt it more like the third term of george w. bush.
second term of jimmy carter i doubt it more like the third term of george w. bush.

How so? Bush was a profligate spender, but Obama has made him look like a mere piker. Carter brought us hyper inflation just as Obama will. Even Buffet is beginning to say it, though nothing quotable. If you watched his latest interview on CNBC, when Becky put the question to him, he tacitly agreed that it's coming but he focus on the time between now and then.
I saw it first hand and your view point is simply twaddle. Justified by political hackism in the extreme. The dumocrats struggled with the economic circumstances for 4 years prior to Reagan and what did they come up with?

Curious were you asleep then or brain dead or are you now asleep or brain dead? Doesn't matter as you are wrong as always. Nixon/Ford created helped create the mess called stagflation and the inflation in hopes of Nixon's reelection.

The stagflation myth - Paul Krugman Blog -

I am once again amazed at you tools, Carter may not have done enough to help us out of the republican mess but he is one president among many republicans and it is quite easy to see where Reaganomics got us. You guys must wear dunce hats when you post or you should.

"NEW YORK ( -- Gerald Ford's presidential term was as much marked by the economic forces of inflation as it was by the political fortunes of the time.

Ford, who was sworn in as president on Aug. 9, 1974, after the resignation of Richard Nixon, faced inflation that was already surging at a 10.9 percent annual rate in that month. It was thrust into overdrive by the OPEC oil embargo of 1974 and the elimination of wage/price controls instituted in the Nixon administration."

The economic legacy of Gerald Ford - Dec. 27, 2006
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Reagan didn't have to take on the special interests, lobbyists, greedy corporations, etc. The only people he beat up or attacked were the unions/labor.
I saw it first hand and your view point is simply twaddle. Justified by political hackism in the extreme. The dumocrats struggled with the economic circumstances for 4 years prior to Reagan and what did they come up with?

Curious were you asleep then or brain dead or are you now asleep or brain dead? Doesn't matter as you are wrong as always. Nixon/Ford created helped create the mess called stagflation and the inflation in hopes of Nixon's reelection.

The stagflation myth - Paul Krugman Blog -

I am once again amazed at you tools, Carter may not have done enough to help us out of the republican mess but he is one president among many republicans and it is quite easy to see where Reaganomics got us. You guys must wear dunce hats when you post or you should.

"NEW YORK ( -- Gerald Ford's presidential term was as much marked by the economic forces of inflation as it was by the political fortunes of the time.

Ford, who was sworn in as president on Aug. 9, 1974, after the resignation of Richard Nixon, faced inflation that was already surging at a 10.9 percent annual rate in that month. It was thrust into overdrive by the OPEC oil embargo of 1974 and the elimination of wage/price controls instituted in the Nixon administration."

The economic legacy of Gerald Ford - Dec. 27, 2006

Clearly you were brain dead both then and now. No worries though, I'm going to get you up to speed. Really? You posted a libtard blog to support your libtard statement? Why not just go with your own thoughts? It has the same weight. That is to say, none.

The origins of stagflation are obvious, LBJs Great Society and the Vietnam war and the massive explosion in government spending that went with it. How did he pay for it? He cut taxes. This had the effect of super-heating the economy and causing massive inflation.

This was passed to Nixon. Libtards like to paint Nixon as a conservative, because they love to hate him and it would be so convenient if he was also a conservative. Never allowing the truth to stand in the way of a good hate, libs call Nixon a conservative despite his use of such anti-conservative methods as wage and price controls. Not to mention his creation of the EPA. Definitely not conservative acts. So, needless to say, Nixon did little to remedy the situation. Along the way, the Arab oil embargo occurs and we suffer a serious supply shock.

Carter inherits a situation which is not too good. But, Carter takes this bad situation and makes it horrific. Since, you were clearly brain dead, I've arranged a flashback for you from first from Carter's own mouth April 14, 1977:
April 14, 1977
Public Papers of the Presidents
Jimmy Carter1977: Book I

THE PRESIDENT. I have an announcement to make this afternoon and then I'd like to answer a few questions, and then turn the program over to my economic advisers.

The recent improvements in all the economic indicators, the recent reduction in unemployment, the recent increase in the inflationary indicators, and the prospective impact of the new energy proposals-all have convinced me, the leaders of Congress, our economic advisers, that we do not need to proceed in the Congress with the $50 tax rebate, nor with the optional business tax credits.

Back in December, when I and the Members of the Congress met in Plains and put together the package of economic stimulus, the increase in the gross national product was down about 3.2 percent, the unemployment rate was about 8 percent or a little bit more, the economy was dormant, to say the least, and the inflationary pressures were not as great as they are now.

Carter's Announcement

Next from Time Magazine in 1980.
As Jimmy Carter stepped before the television cameras in the East Room of the White House last Friday, his task was not just to proclaim another new anti-inflation program but to calm a national alarm that had begun to border on panic. Inflation and interest rates, both topping 18%, are so far beyond anything that Americans have experienced in peacetime—and so far beyond anything that U.S. financial markets are set up to handle—as to inspire a contagion of fear. Usually confident businessmen and bankers have begun talking of Latin American-style hyperinflation, financial collapse, major bankruptcies, a drastic drop in the American standard of living.

We can go into just how bad he made it if you persist in this nonsensical blather.
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Obama has no recession - Obama is trying to minimize the republican destruction of the economy under Reaganomics.

Reagan began the destruction of the middle class, Bush Sr lost the election due to policies started with Reagan. You do remember, 'it's the economy stupid!' Reagan made us a debtor nation for the first time and while he engaged in Keynesian economics for a while it soon collapsed. His drunken sailor spending created trouble as even he realized it was a mistake and raised taxes several times including the largest peace time increase ever. Reagan is so much a myth it truly boggles the mind.

OpEdNews » Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?
Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: Ronald Reagan: Fiscal Disaster
Firedoglake » Newsflash: Ronald Reagan Raised Taxes (You Idiots)
CEPR - America Since 1980: A Right Turn Leading to a Dead End

For those of us who saw firsthand Reagan's mean spirited work, his myth remains a profound mystery.

If Reagan practiced Keynesian economics, Obama's is Keynesian^10.
It's amazing that the media has intentionally done a "media black-out" of the 1981-1982 recession that Ronald Reagan defeated without engaging BIG GOVERNMENT spending/programs.

We always hear about the Great Depression. Why? Because it involved a recovery that involved excessive government spending and the creation of new bureaucracies.

The "politicized" media won't ever compare the successful policies of Reagan to that of Obama.


Stimulus 101: Obama Vs. Reagan:
Stimulus 101: Obama Vs. Reagan - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives

Reagan’s prescription rested on four pillars: tax cuts, deregulation, reductions in the rate of government spending, and a stable, carefully managed growth of the money supply.

Did it ever cross your mind that Reagan had REVENUE to work you really understand econ 101 NO Biz? When Reagan was president, the tax rate and revenues generated were high, still reflecting a war time economy tax rate that needed to be reduced... That is NOT the economic situation Obama inherited...

In reality, Obama has inherited the NEGATIVE consequences of Reagan's tax cuts and deregulation...

BTW, after Reagan cut taxes, he RAISED 'em!

One year after his massive tax cut, Reagan agreed to a tax increase to reduce the deficit that restored fully one-third of the previous year's reduction. (In a bizarre bit of self-deception, Reagan, who never came to terms with this episode of ideological apostasy, persuaded himself that the three-year, $100 billion tax hike--the largest since World War II--was actually "tax reform" that closed loopholes in his earlier cut and therefore didn't count as raising taxes.)

Faced with looming deficits, Reagan raised taxes again in 1983 with a gasoline tax and once more in 1984, this time by $50 billion over three years, mainly through closing tax loopholes for business. Despite the fact that such increases were anathema to conservatives--and probably cost Reagan's successor, George H.W. Bush, reelection--Reagan raised taxes a grand total of four times just between 1982-84.
Obama has no recession - Obama is trying to minimize the republican destruction of the economy under Reaganomics.

Reagan began the destruction of the middle class, Bush Sr lost the election due to policies started with Reagan. You do remember, 'it's the economy stupid!' Reagan made us a debtor nation for the first time and while he engaged in Keynesian economics for a while it soon collapsed. His drunken sailor spending created trouble as even he realized it was a mistake and raised taxes several times including the largest peace time increase ever. Reagan is so much a myth it truly boggles the mind.

OpEdNews » Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?
Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: Ronald Reagan: Fiscal Disaster
Firedoglake » Newsflash: Ronald Reagan Raised Taxes (You Idiots)
CEPR - America Since 1980: A Right Turn Leading to a Dead End

For those of us who saw firsthand Reagan's mean spirited work, his myth remains a profound mystery.

I saw it first hand and your view point is simply twaddle. Justified by political hackism in the extreme. The dumocrats struggled with the economic circumstances for 4 years prior to Reagan and what did they come up with?

Prime lending rate: 21%

Unemployment: between 8.5 and 11%

Inflation: 18%

The US was trapped in an irreparable double bind of stagflation. Stagnating economy. No Growth and crippling near latin american levels of hyper-inflation.

Now that we are having the second term of Jimmy Carter, you can count on revisiting these miseries. It's probably time to re-visit cranking up the misery index.


You CON$ just make this crap up! The max prime interest rate was slightly higher for St Ronnie at 20.5% than Carter and Reagan's max fixed mortgage rate at 18% beat Carter by 2 whole points, Carter's max unemployment was 7.8% Reagan's was 10.8% and Carter's max inflation rate was under 15%.

The stagflation myth - Paul Krugman Blog -

The economic legacy of Gerald Ford - Dec. 27, 2006

Clearly you were brain dead both then and now. No worries though, I'm going to get you up to speed. Really? You posted a libtard blog to support your libtard statement? Why not just go with your own thoughts? It has the same weight. That is to say, none.

The origins of stagflation are obvious, LBJs Great Society and the Vietnam war and the massive explosion in government spending that went with it. How did he pay for it? He cut taxes. This had the effect of super-heating the economy and causing massive inflation.

Still nothing from the braindead one? Egads those Reagan rose colored glasses must distort your three or four brain cells. Krugman's piece counters your point above, and I left the piece on President Ford so people with more brain cells than you can check out the facts. "But where is the Great Society in all this? Nowhere. The claim that stagflation proved the badness of liberal ideas is pure propaganda, which not even conservative economists believe." But you do - LOL.

All presidents from FDR forward were more or less liberal. Both Eisenhower and Nixon wanted UHC. And Eisenhower recognized clearly the worsening of corporate control. Today that corporate control controls not only Washington but also knotheads like you.

Nixon was liberal and if he weren't an insecure paranoid, he may have been a better president. But LBJ was a great president for his 'great society' created real change. "Making poverty a national concern [he] set in motion a series of bills and acts, creating programs such as Head Start, food stamps, work study, Medicare and Medicaid, which still exist today. The programs initiated under Johnson brought about real results, reducing rates of poverty and improved living standards for America's poor." Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty : NPR

Johnson did delay the needed tax hikes during Nam but he did so because he knew the programs that helped people would suffer most. Carter was our only moral president, he actually thought people could accept information given in an honest straightforward way, weird he still does. But most people are like you they believe in voodoo and voodoo they get, notice the recent economy crash by any chance or you still asleep?

Reagan began our slip into third world status, social Darwinism, greed economics, and corporate control. He started the destruction of the middle class and the working class. Sad man given his start in life. I advise those with a brain to check the links above.

But in the end the facts won't convince braindead corporate tools as that is your reality, it is all you know, and there are lots of corporate think tanks and revisionist reactionary historians out there. But here is the big but - somethings do work and somethings do change.

The Hoover administration screwed up badly - FDR, usually ranked as the greatest president, changed that.

Reagan and Bush JR made us debtor nations with increases in poverty and a lower standard of living - except for wealthy.

Clinton in spite of his immorality also did better than any recent republican president.

The New Deal and The Great Society accomplished things that no republican even comes close to in achievement. These policies did things they were real. Social Security alone has helped more Americans live decent lives than any voodoo economic greed scheme.

The republican reductions in regulation brought us S&L, Enron, corporate outsourcing, lower standard of living, and finally a major economic collapse.

The years from FDR till Reagan are considered the golden age for America. Your party, your politics failed, failed, and failed again and yet you have the nerve to twist reality. Sad people, glad you're gone from power, hope it stays that way for another 50 years.

So let's see your reactionary nonsense, but in the end if there is any judgment on who accomplished something positive, something long term, something that still helps, it sure as hell ain't Hoover, Reagan, or Bush Jr.
It's amazing that the media has intentionally done a "media black-out" of the 1981-1982 recession that Ronald Reagan defeated without engaging BIG GOVERNMENT spending/programs.

We always hear about the Great Depression. Why? Because it involved a recovery that involved excessive government spending and the creation of new bureaucracies.

The "politicized" media won't ever compare the successful policies of Reagan to that of Obama.


Stimulus 101: Obama Vs. Reagan:
Stimulus 101: Obama Vs. Reagan - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives

Reagan’s prescription rested on four pillars: tax cuts, deregulation, reductions in the rate of government spending, and a stable, carefully managed growth of the money supply.

Did it ever cross your mind that Reagan had REVENUE to work with.... do you really understand econ 101 NO Biz? When Reagan was president, the tax rate and revenues generated were high, still reflecting a war time economy tax rate that needed to be reduced... That is NOT the economic situation Obama inherited...

In reality, Obama has inherited the NEGATIVE consequences of Reagan's tax cuts and deregulation...

BTW, after Reagan cut taxes, he RAISED 'em!

One year after his massive tax cut, Reagan agreed to a tax increase to reduce the deficit that restored fully one-third of the previous year's reduction. (In a bizarre bit of self-deception, Reagan, who never came to terms with this episode of ideological apostasy, persuaded himself that the three-year, $100 billion tax hike--the largest since World War II--was actually "tax reform" that closed loopholes in his earlier cut and therefore didn't count as raising taxes.)

Faced with looming deficits, Reagan raised taxes again in 1983 with a gasoline tax and once more in 1984, this time by $50 billion over three years, mainly through closing tax loopholes for business. Despite the fact that such increases were anathema to conservatives--and probably cost Reagan's successor, George H.W. Bush, reelection--Reagan raised taxes a grand total of four times just between 1982-84.

You know you love me.... Why do you try so hard to hide it???

Now how is it possible that Obama has inherited only the NEGATIVE consequences of Reagan's four-pillared Rx when you guys have been tellin' us guys what a damned stellar job Billy boy did of fixing everything in the years in between??? Huh???
It's amazing that the media has intentionally done a "media black-out" of the 1981-1982 recession that Ronald Reagan defeated without engaging BIG GOVERNMENT spending/programs.

We always hear about the Great Depression. Why? Because it involved a recovery that involved excessive government spending and the creation of new bureaucracies.

The "politicized" media won't ever compare the successful policies of Reagan to that of Obama.


Stimulus 101: Obama Vs. Reagan:
Stimulus 101: Obama Vs. Reagan - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives

Reagan’s prescription rested on four pillars: tax cuts, deregulation, reductions in the rate of government spending, and a stable, carefully managed growth of the money supply.

Did it ever cross your mind that Reagan had REVENUE to work with.... do you really understand econ 101 NO Biz? When Reagan was president, the tax rate and revenues generated were high, still reflecting a war time economy tax rate that needed to be reduced... That is NOT the economic situation Obama inherited...

In reality, Obama has inherited the NEGATIVE consequences of Reagan's tax cuts and deregulation...

BTW, after Reagan cut taxes, he RAISED 'em!

One year after his massive tax cut, Reagan agreed to a tax increase to reduce the deficit that restored fully one-third of the previous year's reduction. (In a bizarre bit of self-deception, Reagan, who never came to terms with this episode of ideological apostasy, persuaded himself that the three-year, $100 billion tax hike--the largest since World War II--was actually "tax reform" that closed loopholes in his earlier cut and therefore didn't count as raising taxes.)

Faced with looming deficits, Reagan raised taxes again in 1983 with a gasoline tax and once more in 1984, this time by $50 billion over three years, mainly through closing tax loopholes for business. Despite the fact that such increases were anathema to conservatives--and probably cost Reagan's successor, George H.W. Bush, reelection--Reagan raised taxes a grand total of four times just between 1982-84.

You know you love me.... Why do you try so hard to hide it???

Now how is it possible that Obama has inherited only the NEGATIVE consequences of Reagan's four-pillared Rx when you guys have been tellin' us guys what a damned stellar job Billy boy did of fixing everything in the years in between??? Huh???

How is it possible? Are you forgetting 8 years of George W...a.k.a. Reagan on steroids? Bush didn't shrink government, he bloated government, then he castrated it. Starting wars that will end up costing taxpayers 3 trillion dollar is beyond's criminal. Bill Clinton was a very good steward of the economy... he kept down the deficit and created 23 million jobs... Bush created a huge deficit and created NO jobs, oh yea, 3 million jobs were created in Bush's 8 years, but that is the most dismal performance in modern history!

The real pea brain part of your no biz argument...besides the tax revenue advantage Reagan inherited, the two recessions had different causes, THUS, require different solutions. If you had gangrene in your left leg, a doctor would probably amputate the leg. But, if you had a heart attack, cutting off your leg would KILL you...
Reagan’s prescription rested on four pillars: tax cuts, deregulation, reductions in the rate of government spending, and a stable, carefully managed growth of the money supply.

Did it ever cross your mind that Reagan had REVENUE to work with.... do you really understand econ 101 NO Biz? When Reagan was president, the tax rate and revenues generated were high, still reflecting a war time economy tax rate that needed to be reduced... That is NOT the economic situation Obama inherited...

In reality, Obama has inherited the NEGATIVE consequences of Reagan's tax cuts and deregulation...

BTW, after Reagan cut taxes, he RAISED 'em!

One year after his massive tax cut, Reagan agreed to a tax increase to reduce the deficit that restored fully one-third of the previous year's reduction. (In a bizarre bit of self-deception, Reagan, who never came to terms with this episode of ideological apostasy, persuaded himself that the three-year, $100 billion tax hike--the largest since World War II--was actually "tax reform" that closed loopholes in his earlier cut and therefore didn't count as raising taxes.)

Faced with looming deficits, Reagan raised taxes again in 1983 with a gasoline tax and once more in 1984, this time by $50 billion over three years, mainly through closing tax loopholes for business. Despite the fact that such increases were anathema to conservatives--and probably cost Reagan's successor, George H.W. Bush, reelection--Reagan raised taxes a grand total of four times just between 1982-84.

You know you love me.... Why do you try so hard to hide it???

Now how is it possible that Obama has inherited only the NEGATIVE consequences of Reagan's four-pillared Rx when you guys have been tellin' us guys what a damned stellar job Billy boy did of fixing everything in the years in between??? Huh???

How is it possible? Are you forgetting 8 years of George W...a.k.a. Reagan on steroids? Bush didn't shrink government, he bloated government, then he castrated it. Starting wars that will end up costing taxpayers 3 trillion dollar is beyond's criminal. Bill Clinton was a very good steward of the economy... he kept down the deficit and created 23 million jobs... Bush created a huge deficit and created NO jobs, oh yea, 3 million jobs were created in Bush's 8 years, but that is the most dismal performance in modern history!

The real pea brain part of your no biz argument...besides the tax revenue advantage Reagan inherited, the two recessions had different causes, THUS, require different solutions. If you had gangrene in your left leg, a doctor would probably amputate the leg. But, if you had a heart attack, cutting off your leg would KILL you...

Still a brainless shithead, aren't you?

THAT would mean that, in reality, Obama has inherited the NEGATIVE consequences of BUSH'S tax cuts and deregulation!

Do try to keep up, will ya?
You know you love me.... Why do you try so hard to hide it???

Now how is it possible that Obama has inherited only the NEGATIVE consequences of Reagan's four-pillared Rx when you guys have been tellin' us guys what a damned stellar job Billy boy did of fixing everything in the years in between??? Huh???

How is it possible? Are you forgetting 8 years of George W...a.k.a. Reagan on steroids? Bush didn't shrink government, he bloated government, then he castrated it. Starting wars that will end up costing taxpayers 3 trillion dollar is beyond's criminal. Bill Clinton was a very good steward of the economy... he kept down the deficit and created 23 million jobs... Bush created a huge deficit and created NO jobs, oh yea, 3 million jobs were created in Bush's 8 years, but that is the most dismal performance in modern history!

The real pea brain part of your no biz argument...besides the tax revenue advantage Reagan inherited, the two recessions had different causes, THUS, require different solutions. If you had gangrene in your left leg, a doctor would probably amputate the leg. But, if you had a heart attack, cutting off your leg would KILL you...

Still a brainless shithead, aren't you?

THAT would mean that, in reality, Obama has inherited the NEGATIVE consequences of BUSH'S tax cuts and deregulation!

Do try to keep up, will ya?

Brainless shithead? Actually it is a culmination of the philosophy of Reaganomics; starve the beast, compounded by Bush's irresponsible bloating and castration...Bush took Reagan's "government is the problem" and MADE IT the problem...
How is it possible? Are you forgetting 8 years of George W...a.k.a. Reagan on steroids? Bush didn't shrink government, he bloated government, then he castrated it. Starting wars that will end up costing taxpayers 3 trillion dollar is beyond's criminal. Bill Clinton was a very good steward of the economy... he kept down the deficit and created 23 million jobs... Bush created a huge deficit and created NO jobs, oh yea, 3 million jobs were created in Bush's 8 years, but that is the most dismal performance in modern history!

The real pea brain part of your no biz argument...besides the tax revenue advantage Reagan inherited, the two recessions had different causes, THUS, require different solutions. If you had gangrene in your left leg, a doctor would probably amputate the leg. But, if you had a heart attack, cutting off your leg would KILL you...

Still a brainless shithead, aren't you?

THAT would mean that, in reality, Obama has inherited the NEGATIVE consequences of BUSH'S tax cuts and deregulation!

Do try to keep up, will ya?

Brainless shithead? Actually it is a culmination of the philosophy of Reaganomics; starve the beast, compounded by Bush's irresponsible bloating and castration...Bush took Reagan's "government is the problem" and MADE IT the problem...

Look.... Everyone KNOWS that Bush didn't have the intelligence or the balls to do shit. You've all been telling us that for years now, so don't go trying to pull the IQ card on me now, okay?

I hear The Tank wants ya back. The village needs all their idiots....


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