‘Reading is resistance’: students and parents take on DeSantis’s book bans

It's OK for parents to be involved in the determination of what's safe for children to read. Why is it such a big thing for lefties?
Ad homs are your thing. That's what you come here for. Very predictable. Bye.
^ Another conservative taking refuge from reality. :)

But good to see thug DeSantis getting so much pushback from decent folks.
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Gender Queer, All Boys Aren't Blue, Lawn Boy......those are the kiddie porn.
^ Dangerously delusional assertion.

Not even the Bible with its glorification of child rape, torture and murder is child porn.
Meanwhile, the democrats actually want Huckleberry Finn, and To Kill a Mockingbird banned from schools.
Two criminal gangs...
Yup. Anybody who believes that this has anything to do with protecting kids needs their head examined.
Perpetually deranged and triggered conservatives want to impose their homophobic panic on Florida and the entire nation, thus their love for thug DeSantis.
^ Luckily, this is just a deranged conservative fantasy that Nazi thugs like DeSantis use in an attempt to fascist their way to power.

And it's failing in his case. :)
Tax payer funded. Not State. Not Fed.

We pay for the school period. And if you push bs on the kids we gonna push back.
I have relatives who are leftist who are concerned when their 7-year child comes from school and calls other people a he/she.
I have relatives who are concerned that endlessly triggered/delusional conservatives are a danger to themselves and others.

Luckily, DeSantis is facing pushback for attempting to use these unfortunate people to gain power. :)
Uh huh.

My grandfather said it best, "Mind your own G-ddamn Aristocratic business"
My grandfather said:

"The Bible glorifies the rape, torture and murder of children."

And he was right.

If you're okay with that, it's on you.

But keep it away from the under 12s.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorant people tend to vote right wing. Sick people who are permanently enraged over nothing.
Just the opposite. Conservatives are generally happier and more well-adjusted than liberals. Hard to be 'enraged' when you're happy. Liberals are generally unhappy therefore more easily enraged.

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