Reading and Comprehension Skills Required.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy

Now consider that this pathetic recovery was “achieved” by a ridiculous increase of 54% in the U.S. public debt (from $9.3 trillion as the recession began in late-2007, to $14.3 trillion today) and of 211% in the Fed’s monetary base (from $825 billion to $2.5 trillion), which serves as latent rocket fuel for rising inflation rates. These numbers would be horrific enough were they merely the inadvertent fallout of otherwise reasonable and well-meaning public policies; but in truth the results are the inevitable result of two highly-acclaimed, widely applauded but deadly policy approaches: Keynesianism and Monetarism.

How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy - Richard M. Salsman - The Capitalist - Forbes

After reading this pay close attention to what they are dc.. more borrowing, more spending will get us out of this.. utter Bullshit.
that's pretty funny since the supply-siders collapsed the economy.

but don't let facts get in the way.

and if reading comprehension is required, why do you have anything to do with the subject?

you sound arrogant and pissy,, just like the little weenie guy! Is that a demonRat trait???
that's pretty funny since the supply-siders collapsed the economy.

but don't let facts get in the way.

and if reading comprehension is required, why do you have anything to do with the subject?

you sound arrogant and pissy,, just like the little weenie guy! Is that a demonRat trait???

and you sound angry and bitter. i already know that's a rightwingnut trait. :)

have a good day, willow :bye1:
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that's pretty funny since the supply-siders collapsed the economy.

but don't let facts get in the way.

and if reading comprehension is required, why do you have anything to do with the subject?

you sound arrogant and pissy,, just like the little weenie guy! Is that a demonRat trait???

and you sound angry and bitter. i already know that's a rightwingnut trait. :)

have a good day, willow :bye1:

Thank You JIlly Willy.. you have a good day too. I am sorry about your hero but he did it to himself..
How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy

Now consider that this pathetic recovery was “achieved” by a ridiculous increase of 54% in the U.S. public debt (from $9.3 trillion as the recession began in late-2007, to $14.3 trillion today) and of 211% in the Fed’s monetary base (from $825 billion to $2.5 trillion), which serves as latent rocket fuel for rising inflation rates. These numbers would be horrific enough were they merely the inadvertent fallout of otherwise reasonable and well-meaning public policies; but in truth the results are the inevitable result of two highly-acclaimed, widely applauded but deadly policy approaches: Keynesianism and Monetarism.

How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy - Richard M. Salsman - The Capitalist - Forbes

After reading this pay close attention to what they are dc.. more borrowing, more spending will get us out of this.. utter Bullshit.

The response to the BANKSTER'S MELTDOWN worked beautifully to SAVE THE BASTARDS.

That feeble and ridiculously underfunded STIMULUS to help the American economy was DESIGNED to fail.

Blaming keynesian economic response for failing to save the economy makes about as much sense as faulting SWIMMING for people who cannot SWIM all the way across the pool.
Bitter Pillian doesn't grok how Big Government Progressivism has crept along until it reached its inevitable economy strangling form represented by Obamanomics.
How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy

Now consider that this pathetic recovery was “achieved” by a ridiculous increase of 54% in the U.S. public debt (from $9.3 trillion as the recession began in late-2007, to $14.3 trillion today) and of 211% in the Fed’s monetary base (from $825 billion to $2.5 trillion), which serves as latent rocket fuel for rising inflation rates. These numbers would be horrific enough were they merely the inadvertent fallout of otherwise reasonable and well-meaning public policies; but in truth the results are the inevitable result of two highly-acclaimed, widely applauded but deadly policy approaches: Keynesianism and Monetarism.

How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy - Richard M. Salsman - The Capitalist - Forbes

After reading this pay close attention to what they are dc.. more borrowing, more spending will get us out of this.. utter Bullshit.

The response to the BANKSTER'S MELTDOWN worked beautifully to SAVE THE BASTARDS.

That feeble and ridiculously underfunded STIMULUS to help the American economy was DESIGNED to fail.

Blaming keynesian economic response for failing to save the economy makes about as much sense as faulting SWIMMING for people who cannot SWIM all the way across the pool.

From WT's link: "What always drives a robust economy is not “consumers” per se but savers, investors, innovators and producers."

Let's not attack the messengers, instead let's offer a' real' world scenarior and test the axiom offered by Mr. Salsman.

A young man who loved pizza, saved his money and learned all he could about pizza makiing. He leaned how to make several forms of cheese from a secret source which tasted better than that used by the more expensive pizza chains, was lower in calories, cost less to produce and didn't mold or spoil and could be kept for months at room temperature.

He also studied baking and developed a crust which was low in carbs yet as tasty as an artisian bread and easliy formed into thin, thick and pan sizes. He opened is first store in San Francisco, and soon had shops in Chicago and New York. By 2011 his pizza was rated number 1 by by Zigat in San Francisco, Chicago and even New York.

Then the unexpected happened. A world wide crisis and the Panic of 2012 hit America. Banks refused to extend credit and many businesses could not make payroll. Lay-offs began slowly but by August unemployment was at an alltime high. His customers had money for only the essentials, and as both political parties fought over solutions, customers for his best ever pizza's dried up. Soon only bankers and ball players ordered pizza for delievery only, but only pizza and his profits became losses. For with few consumers to eat his pizza, no matter how tasty & how economical his innovative methods of production, his business failed.

The owner of the buidlings from whom he rented space in SF. Chitown and the Big Apple defaulted on their loan, for without the rent and do to the tight money no one would risk takikng on more debt.

Then in November an election changed everything. The newly elected government decided to put people to work. Contracts were issue to build a high speed intercontinental rail road, fix our electirc grid and fund local communities shovel ready projects.

An Apollo effort created millions of jobs, and most projects were on a 24/7 schedule. Our young innovative pizza maker now had shops all over America and was baking pies for three shifts of workers, consumming his product. He alone by 2014 had newly hired over 1,000 pizza pie makers supported by managers for his 342 (and growing) shops.

His suppliers too were able to expand as as not only did Best Pizza's orders create the need but the dozens of other businesses created by the wise new government flooded them with orders.

Soon tax revenue from all the workers and innovative entrepreneurs who enjoyed the profits from a steady supply of customers flooded the government. So much revenue that the treasury bills and notes and other debts incurred by the build up allowed the government to first balance the budget and then to begin to slash long term obligations.

If WT's sources can offer their fantasy, shouldn't we all be granted the opportunity? My fantasy seems much more realistic than the failed fanstasy which is supply side theory voo doo economics.
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How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy

Now consider that this pathetic recovery was “achieved” by a ridiculous increase of 54% in the U.S. public debt (from $9.3 trillion as the recession began in late-2007, to $14.3 trillion today) and of 211% in the Fed’s monetary base (from $825 billion to $2.5 trillion), which serves as latent rocket fuel for rising inflation rates. These numbers would be horrific enough were they merely the inadvertent fallout of otherwise reasonable and well-meaning public policies; but in truth the results are the inevitable result of two highly-acclaimed, widely applauded but deadly policy approaches: Keynesianism and Monetarism.

How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy - Richard M. Salsman - The Capitalist - Forbes

After reading this pay close attention to what they are dc.. more borrowing, more spending will get us out of this.. utter Bullshit.

The response to the BANKSTER'S MELTDOWN worked beautifully to SAVE THE BASTARDS.

That feeble and ridiculously underfunded STIMULUS to help the American economy was DESIGNED to fail.

Blaming keynesian economic response for failing to save the economy makes about as much sense as faulting SWIMMING for people who cannot SWIM all the way across the pool.

From WT's link: "What always drives a robust economy is not “consumers” per se but savers, investors, innovators and producers."

Let's not attack the messengers, instead let's offer a' real' world scenarior and test the axiom offered by Mr. Salsman.

A young man who loved pizza, saved his money and learned all he could about pizza makiing. He leaned how to make several forms of cheese from a secret source which tasted better than that used by the more expensive pizza chains, was lower in calories, cost less to produce and didn't mold or spoil and could be kept for months at room temperature.

He also studied baking and developed a crust which was low in carbs yet as tasty as an artisian bread and easliy formed into thin, thick and pan sizes. He opened is first store in San Francisco, and soon had shops in Chicago and New York. By 2011 his pizza was rated number 1 by by Zigat in San Francisco, Chicago and even New York.

Then the unexpected happened. A world wide crisis and the Panic of 2012 hit America. Banks refused to extend credit and many businesses could not make payroll. Lay-offs began slowly but by August unemployment was at an alltime high. His customers had money for only the essentials, and as both political parties fought over solutions, customers for his best ever pizza's dried up. Soon only bankers and ball players ordered pizza for delievery only, but only pizza and his profits became losses. For with few consumers to eat his pizza, no matter how tasty & how economical his innovative methods of production, his business failed.

The owner of the buidlings from whom he rented space in SF. Chitown and the Big Apple defaulted on their loan, for without the rent and do to the tight money no one would risk takikng on more debt.

Then in November an election changed everything. The newly elected government decided to put people to work. Contracts were issue to build a high speed intercontinental rail road, fix our electirc grid and fund local communities shovel ready projects.

An Apollo effort created millions of jobs, and most projects were on a 24/7 schedule. Our young innovative pizza maker now had shops all over America and was baking pies for three shifts of workers, consumming his product. He alone by 2014 had newly hired over 1,000 pizza pie makers supported by managers for his 342 (and growing) shops.

His suppliers too were able to expand as as not only did Best Pizza's orders create the need but the dozens of other businesses created by the wise new government flooded them with orders.

Soon tax revenue from all the workers and innovative entrepreneurs who enjoyed the profits from a steady supply of customers flooded the government. So much revenue that the treasury bills and notes and other debts incurred by the build up allowed the government to first balance the budget and then to begin to slash long term obligations.

If WT's sources can offer their fantasy, shouldn't we all be granted the opportunity? My fantasy seems much more realistic than the failed fanstasy which is supply side theory voo doo economics.
Your fantasy realistic? :lol:

The stimulus has failed. Inarguably. Doing it over even larger only means the failure will be larger.
How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy

Now consider that this pathetic recovery was “achieved” by a ridiculous increase of 54% in the U.S. public debt (from $9.3 trillion as the recession began in late-2007, to $14.3 trillion today) and of 211% in the Fed’s monetary base (from $825 billion to $2.5 trillion), which serves as latent rocket fuel for rising inflation rates. These numbers would be horrific enough were they merely the inadvertent fallout of otherwise reasonable and well-meaning public policies; but in truth the results are the inevitable result of two highly-acclaimed, widely applauded but deadly policy approaches: Keynesianism and Monetarism.

How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy - Richard M. Salsman - The Capitalist - Forbes

After reading this pay close attention to what they are dc.. more borrowing, more spending will get us out of this.. utter Bullshit.

The response to the BANKSTER'S MELTDOWN worked beautifully to SAVE THE BASTARDS.

That feeble and ridiculously underfunded STIMULUS to help the American economy was DESIGNED to fail.

Blaming keynesian economic response for failing to save the economy makes about as much sense as faulting SWIMMING for people who cannot SWIM all the way across the pool.

The stimulus was a waste. Despite putting money into the hands of Americans, it wasn't nearly enough and it didn't carry through. Had they taken the entire stimulus and put it into infrastructure spending, it would have created a couple million jobs minimum. Spending from those jobs would have helped spur on the rest of the economy. That does not mean we would now have 4 or 5 percent unemployment, but it certainly would be a couple points lower than it is currently. On top of that, we would have actually seen something from the money as in new roads, bridges, water works projects, you name it. It would have benefited everyone, and it would still be going on.
How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy

Now consider that this pathetic recovery was “achieved” by a ridiculous increase of 54% in the U.S. public debt (from $9.3 trillion as the recession began in late-2007, to $14.3 trillion today) and of 211% in the Fed’s monetary base (from $825 billion to $2.5 trillion), which serves as latent rocket fuel for rising inflation rates. These numbers would be horrific enough were they merely the inadvertent fallout of otherwise reasonable and well-meaning public policies; but in truth the results are the inevitable result of two highly-acclaimed, widely applauded but deadly policy approaches: Keynesianism and Monetarism.

How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy - Richard M. Salsman - The Capitalist - Forbes

After reading this pay close attention to what they are dc.. more borrowing, more spending will get us out of this.. utter Bullshit.

The response to the BANKSTER'S MELTDOWN worked beautifully to SAVE THE BASTARDS.

That feeble and ridiculously underfunded STIMULUS to help the American economy was DESIGNED to fail.

Blaming keynesian economic response for failing to save the economy makes about as much sense as faulting SWIMMING for people who cannot SWIM all the way across the pool.

From WT's link: "What always drives a robust economy is not “consumers” per se but savers, investors, innovators and producers."

Let's not attack the messengers, instead let's offer a' real' world scenarior and test the axiom offered by Mr. Salsman.

A young man who loved pizza, saved his money and learned all he could about pizza makiing. He leaned how to make several forms of cheese from a secret source which tasted better than that used by the more expensive pizza chains, was lower in calories, cost less to produce and didn't mold or spoil and could be kept for months at room temperature.

He also studied baking and developed a crust which was low in carbs yet as tasty as an artisian bread and easliy formed into thin, thick and pan sizes. He opened is first store in San Francisco, and soon had shops in Chicago and New York. By 2011 his pizza was rated number 1 by by Zigat in San Francisco, Chicago and even New York.

Then the unexpected happened. A world wide crisis and the Panic of 2012 hit America. Banks refused to extend credit and many businesses could not make payroll. Lay-offs began slowly but by August unemployment was at an alltime high. His customers had money for only the essentials, and as both political parties fought over solutions, customers for his best ever pizza's dried up. Soon only bankers and ball players ordered pizza for delievery only, but only pizza and his profits became losses. For with few consumers to eat his pizza, no matter how tasty & how economical his innovative methods of production, his business failed.

The owner of the buidlings from whom he rented space in SF. Chitown and the Big Apple defaulted on their loan, for without the rent and do to the tight money no one would risk takikng on more debt.

Then in November an election changed everything. The newly elected government decided to put people to work. Contracts were issue to build a high speed intercontinental rail road, fix our electirc grid and fund local communities shovel ready projects.

An Apollo effort created millions of jobs, and most projects were on a 24/7 schedule. Our young innovative pizza maker now had shops all over America and was baking pies for three shifts of workers, consumming his product. He alone by 2014 had newly hired over 1,000 pizza pie makers supported by managers for his 342 (and growing) shops.

His suppliers too were able to expand as as not only did Best Pizza's orders create the need but the dozens of other businesses created by the wise new government flooded them with orders.

Soon tax revenue from all the workers and innovative entrepreneurs who enjoyed the profits from a steady supply of customers flooded the government. So much revenue that the treasury bills and notes and other debts incurred by the build up allowed the government to first balance the budget and then to begin to slash long term obligations.

If WT's sources can offer their fantasy, shouldn't we all be granted the opportunity? My fantasy seems much more realistic than the failed fanstasy which is supply side theory voo doo economics.

And the answer lies somewhere in the middle. We can't overtax and overburden investors by over-taxing and over-regulating them, because it will curb investment. BTW, we are not currently overburdening them with either too much regulation or too many taxes. On the flipside, consumers must have money to spend in order to drive the economy, at least in a consumer economy such as ours.

The biggest problem is not actually with anything the government has done. The big problem is with American companies that have sought the highest profit margins possible rather than being concerned with actual growth. Many, if not most, of the big companies today have again become profitable, but their actual sales are down. They have cut back on employees by sending many jobs overseas, which helped them increase profits. The problem is that their sales are diminishing as the people they used to employ can no longer purchase their products or services. Eventually, it will hit them on the profit side as well.

Just for the hell of it, think about this. What would happen if every single employer in the US, added 5% more employees to their payrolls? Initially, it would cost them some of their profit. Some companies would even have to operate in the red. But think what would happen to demand for their products and services. Adding 5% to every company's payroll would add approximately 7 million new jobs. The money from those jobs would be injected directly back into the economy.

Now, this is not how companies think, and I can't say I would hop on the train to just go out and hire more employees if it cost me a good amount of my profit to do so. But businesses in the US do need to think about the way they operate. Just making a good profit by maximizing margins is not necessarily in the best interest of the business, especially in the long run. This, in many ways, is what led to the banking mess we found ourselves in. Banks looked to maximize profits any way possible for the quick return, because the quick return is what made investors happy, and they in turn rewarded CEO's with massive payouts. In the end, it created disaster. Maybe we should have let those banks fail to teach business a lesson. Long term growth is much more important than maximizing profits at the cost of ruining long term growth, both for the business and for society as a whole.
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Your fantasy realistic? :lol:

The stimulus has failed. Inarguably. Doing it over even larger only means the failure will be larger.

you can't say the stimulus failed. what you can say is it didn't succeed quickly enough or in larger numbers.

the president was far too conciliatory and gave far too much of the stimulus package in the form of tax cuts. given that we already know supply side economics is a massive failure since we've lived with the voodoo economics for the past 10 or so years, this was clearly a mistake.

how anyone can keep perpetrating the fraud that there is such a thing as trickle down is beyond me.

auditor was right. the money should have been dumped into massive infrastructure projects. at every site, there should have been a huge sign saying "your federal tax dollars at work".

that would have infused cash into the economy, created jobs and cut off the rightwingnut effort to destroy confidence in the economy... which i believe is the single greatest reason things are stalled.
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Your fantasy realistic? :lol:

The stimulus has failed. Inarguably. Doing it over even larger only means the failure will be larger.

you can't say the stimulus failed. what you can say is it didn't succeed quickly enough or in larger numbers.

the president was far too conciliatory and gave far too much of the stimulus package in the form of tax cuts. given that we already know supply side economics is a massive failure since we've lived with the voodoo economics for the past 10 or so years, this was clearly a mistake.

how anyone can keep perpetrating the fraud that there is such a thing as trickle down is beyond me.

auditor was right. the money should have been dumped into massive infrastructure projects. at every site, there should have been a huge sign saying "your federal tax dollars at work".

that would have infused cash into the economy, created jobs and cut off the rightwingnut effort to destroy confidence in the economy... which i believe is the single greatest reason things are stalled.

Obama's strategy failed. Let's try something else next year.
Your fantasy realistic? :lol:

The stimulus has failed. Inarguably. Doing it over even larger only means the failure will be larger.

you can't say the stimulus failed. what you can say is it didn't succeed quickly enough or in larger numbers.
Actually, yes, I can say it failed.
the president was far too conciliatory and gave far too much of the stimulus package in the form of tax cuts. given that we already know supply side economics is a massive failure since we've lived with the voodoo economics for the past 10 or so years, this was clearly a mistake.

how anyone can keep perpetrating the fraud that there is such a thing as trickle down is beyond me.

auditor was right. the money should have been dumped into massive infrastructure projects. at every site, there should have been a huge sign saying "your federal tax dollars at work".
That would have done far more for the country than the massive Democrat special interest group buyoff and payback, certainly.
that would have infused cash into the economy, created jobs and cut off the rightwingnut effort to destroy confidence in the economy... which i believe is the single greatest reason things are stalled.
It's the economy that's destroying confidence in the economy, and the incompetent way Obama's handling it.
Why is our economy still dragging? There is no consumer demand!
Over two-thirds of our economy is driven by consumer spending and economist are pointing at the fact that consumers aren't spending because of flat wages, no jobs, uncertainty about the jobs that they currently hold. Therefore there is no demand.
If the consumer class had more "ching" in their pockets, consumer spending would certainly pick up and drive the economy.
It's too bad that Corporate America is shooting themselves in the foot by holding back trillions of capital, so they aren't hiring and then they are holding down wages. All they are doing is stalling the economy. They have said they'll start to create jobs when the consumer starts spending,,spending what?
The right always takes the side of Big Business, yet it's the little guy that drives the economy as facts show.
Your fantasy realistic? :lol:

The stimulus has failed. Inarguably. Doing it over even larger only means the failure will be larger.

you can't say the stimulus failed. what you can say is it didn't succeed quickly enough or in larger numbers.

the president was far too conciliatory and gave far too much of the stimulus package in the form of tax cuts. given that we already know supply side economics is a massive failure since we've lived with the voodoo economics for the past 10 or so years, this was clearly a mistake.

how anyone can keep perpetrating the fraud that there is such a thing as trickle down is beyond me.

auditor was right. the money should have been dumped into massive infrastructure projects. at every site, there should have been a huge sign saying "your federal tax dollars at work".

that would have infused cash into the economy, created jobs and cut off the rightwingnut effort to destroy confidence in the economy... which i believe is the single greatest reason things are stalled.

Obama's strategy failed. Let's try something else next year.

No, obstructionism won the battle of words, and will lose the war. I agree with Jilian, Obama has been too willing to compromise. Not that compromise is bad, but one does not compromise with a snake.

All you ever offer Mr. Fate is GOP dogma, dogma based on failure usually makes a thinking man change creed. Sadly you and others on the fringe don't think, so the concept that the ideas of others might have merit never occurs to you (or them), and in that lies your strength. It can also lead to a cliff, as a true believer it would benefit you to seek another road, but it is not in your nature.

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