Mitt is the front runner? Seriously? I don't believe it.


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
I am sick of seeing "OMG MITT IS #1 with 24%!" it seems really strange that the main stream is basically ignoring cain and conservative wants mitt. no libertarian wants mitt. no republican with half a brain wants mitt. This has to be wrong.
I am sick of seeing "OMG MITT IS #1 with 24%!" it seems really strange that the main stream is basically ignoring cain and conservative wants mitt. no libertarian wants mitt. no republican with half a brain wants mitt. This has to be wrong.

And you shouldn't!!! Don't believe what either side of the media is saying about who is the front runner and all that shit. Vote for who YOU think should be elected. Both sides will cater to whom they think should be elected, and plan to use their media outlet sources to convince you to do the same. In my opinion Herman Cain is clearly the strongest candidate right now, so that is who I will vote for unless a stronger candidate present themselves.
Don't listen to the media hype, they are trying to sway your vote just like they did in 2008, Mcain should never have been the nominee, and the media helped make him just that by hyping him up when there was never anything there to be excited about to begin with.
Its more the case of the Media attempting to drive the election candidates we still have a way's to go before the field is defined
It is time that our Libertarian friends faced a cold, hard fact. America is not Libertarian, it is center right. I'd rather have a decent candidate who could actually beat Obama and who would be an honest and decent POTUS than run someone who cannot win.

Can not win:

Ron Paul
Sarah Palin

Get the fuck over it.
I read a lot of online message boards and news sites and have yet to hear anybody say anything positive about Romney. Nobody seems to like him and yet he is #1. I guess the sheeples will vote for whomever they are told to vote for. Our voters suck.
Its to early to have a front runner.

Hell we know more who aren't running then who are.
I so look forward to the debate. I can't wait to hear the comprehensive plans to fix our many woes. For two and one half years we've heard how wrong Obama has been, how he and the Democrats have taken a nation well in hand, and by the end of January, 2009, Obama alone had created masses of unemployment, increased our debt, raised taxes and instilled a communist system of health care on us all.
Who will offer the most effective palliative? I suppose the one who promises the greatest tax cut, or the one who uses fear most effectively? What we won't hear is an honest explanaton of how we got to where we are and a series of remedies the speaker will offer to deliver us from economic ruin. What we will receive is a promise of a new morning in America, a vebal form of soma.
It is time that our Libertarian friends faced a cold, hard fact. America is not Libertarian, it is center right. I'd rather have a decent candidate who could actually beat Obama and who would be an honest and decent POTUS than run someone who cannot win.

Can not win:

Ron Paul
Sarah Palin

Get the fuck over it.

I cant wait to see if Marco Rubio or Rand Paul will ever throw their hats in. Both would make good presidents I believe, especially Rubio. So would Chris Christie.
I am sick of seeing "OMG MITT IS #1 with 24%!" it seems really strange that the main stream is basically ignoring cain and conservative wants mitt. no libertarian wants mitt. no republican with half a brain wants mitt. This has to be wrong.

Maybe this should be a clue that what you want is not in tune with what the rest of the country wants or even what the rest of the republican party wants. Accept the fact that you're on the fringe and don't represent the majority and these mysteries will make a lot more sense.
It is time that our Libertarian friends faced a cold, hard fact. America is not Libertarian, it is center right. I'd rather have a decent candidate who could actually beat Obama and who would be an honest and decent POTUS than run someone who cannot win.

Can not win:

Ron Paul
Sarah Palin

Get the fuck over it.

I cant wait to see if Marco Rubio or Rand Paul will ever throw their hats in. Both would make good presidents I believe, especially Rubio. So would Chris Christie.

Christie would be awesome, but I doubt he'll run. Maybe next time around, if we're lucky. I actually respect Christie more for his decision to do the job he was elected to do instead of cutting and running for the bigger fish.... like Obama did to his constituents.

Rubio is a definite maybe for me - if he decides to run.

Rand.... I don't know. Haven't decided about him yet.

I'd like to see the GOP put up a serious candidate - one that could actually beat Obama - so far, I'd go with Romney over the rest..... Although I really like Cain - I think he'd be great as VP.
I read a lot of online message boards and news sites and have yet to hear anybody say anything positive about Romney. Nobody seems to like him and yet he is #1. I guess the sheeples will vote for whomever they are told to vote for. Our voters suck.

It is time that our Libertarian friends faced a cold, hard fact. America is not Libertarian, it is center right. I'd rather have a decent candidate who could actually beat Obama and who would be an honest and decent POTUS than run someone who cannot win.

Can not win:

Ron Paul
Sarah Palin

Get the fuck over it.

Only problem with that, Romney isn't honest, or decent, and I doubt he stands a chance against Obama. But, if the poll numbers the media gives you is the only thing you care about, then he's your man.
So now you guys agree with me on certain people having NO chance to win a general election?

You see your manipulators already have it planned who you will vote for.

I really dont think they can cheat enough to win this one anyway though.
So now you guys agree with me on certain people having NO chance to win a general election?

You see your manipulators already have it planned who you will vote for.

I really dont think they can cheat enough to win this one anyway though.

Well, I agree with you in that Obama has no chance of getting reelected. I'll vote for Romney don't get me wrong, I just don't think his media attention is warranted.
I read a lot of online message boards and news sites and have yet to hear anybody say anything positive about Romney. Nobody seems to like him and yet he is #1. I guess the sheeples will vote for whomever they are told to vote for. Our voters suck.

Because, shocking tho it may be, online message boards do not indicate the majority opinion on things.
No one is a frontrunner. it's more than a freaking year before the election.
I am sick of seeing "OMG MITT IS #1 with 24%!" it seems really strange that the main stream is basically ignoring cain and conservative wants mitt. no libertarian wants mitt. no republican with half a brain wants mitt. This has to be wrong.

And you shouldn't!!! Don't believe what either side of the media is saying about who is the front runner and all that shit. Vote for who YOU think should be elected. Both sides will cater to whom they think should be elected, and plan to use their media outlet sources to convince you to do the same. In my opinion Herman Cain is clearly the strongest candidate right now, so that is who I will vote for unless a stronger candidate present themselves.
You clueless-folks SHOULD....


(Maybe Snooki Palin could catch-him-up on the current-news.)​
I am sick of seeing "OMG MITT IS #1 with 24%!" it seems really strange that the main stream is basically ignoring cain and conservative wants mitt. no libertarian wants mitt. no republican with half a brain wants mitt. This has to be wrong.

And you shouldn't!!! Don't believe what either side of the media is saying about who is the front runner and all that shit. Vote for who YOU think should be elected. Both sides will cater to whom they think should be elected, and plan to use their media outlet sources to convince you to do the same. In my opinion Herman Cain is clearly the strongest candidate right now, so that is who I will vote for unless a stronger candidate present themselves.
You clueless-folks SHOULD....


(Maybe Snooki Palin could catch-him-up on the current-news.)​

I am sick of seeing "OMG MITT IS #1 with 24%!" it seems really strange that the main stream is basically ignoring cain and conservative wants mitt. no libertarian wants mitt. no republican with half a brain wants mitt. This has to be wrong.

conservatives DO want mitt.

rightwingnuts do not....

smart conservatives would prefer to have someone electable.

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