re: ISIS, Obama has a plan!

As of yet no one hostile to the president has documented anywhere in international law that Obama is 'responsible' for dealing with the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state.'

In fact, it's Iraq's sole responsibility to defend itself.

We're still waiting for that documentation.

The part where he is supposed to keep Americans safe...that little part......
Someone said that it will only take an act of GOD to save America from all the damage Obama has done.

Indeed, not only to America but to the world!

And he said he is not done yet ... can you imagine?? Not done yet?????

Lord Have Mercy of poor America! :(
Breitbart reporting insurance rates increasing from 25% up to 50% (Minnesota) due to Obamacare. Don't think for one moment this won't play into the GOP's hand for 2016.

Obamacare 30 Price Increases Will be Dominate 2016 Elections
Are they smart enough to get the low information voters attention?

There lies the problem. Hubby said the firm's rates are sky rocketing and people are pissed off. It's got the working stiff's attention

Breitbart reporting insurance rates increasing from 25% up to 50% (Minnesota) due to Obamacare. Don't think for one moment this won't play into the GOP's hand for 2016.

Obamacare 30 Price Increases Will be Dominate 2016 Elections
Are they smart enough to get the low information voters attention?

There lies the problem. Hubby said the firm's rates are sky rocketing and people are pissed off. It's got the working stiff's attention

I asked him and he said about 21% increase and the firm won't eat the entire cost so yeah they will be pissed
Vigi 11772827

Obama didn't say we don't have a strategy. And if you believe Daesh terrorist scum have a strategy why have they lost 25% of the populated areas they controlled last summer?

Is it their strategy to have 10,000 fighters die while not being able to kill one single US soldier over one year's time? It appears you are very confused about what an intelligent and realistic strategy is compared to the brutal act of killing defenseless people that does not provide these terrorists with any type of long term gain or achievement or benefit for their insane cause.

But you are impressed by the terrorists. They surely appreciate your support of their political propaganda recruiting tools.
Mudw 11773122

The terrorist wannabe's are more likely to join up with your propaganda cartoon there.

If they believe as you apparently do that the U.S. Is not bombing the terrorist scum in Iraq and Syria then they might think they actually have a chance of winning.

Republicans / helping ISIS every chance they get.
Vigi 11772827

Obama didn't say we don't have a strategy. And if you believe Daesh terrorist scum have a strategy why have they lost 25% of the populated areas they controlled last summer?

Is it their strategy to have 10,000 fighters die while not being able to kill one single US soldier over one year's time? It appears you are very confused about what an intelligent and realistic strategy is compared to the brutal act of killing defenseless people that does not provide these terrorists with any type of long term gain or achievement or benefit for their insane cause.

But you are impressed by the terrorists. They surely appreciate your support of their political propaganda recruiting tools.

You ARE A FUCKING MORON, or perhaps just a NeoCommie liar! In his own words!

Mudw 11773122

The terrorist wannabe's are more likely to join up with your propaganda cartoon there.

If they believe as you apparently do that the U.S. Is not bombing the terrorist scum in Iraq and Syria then they might think they actually have a chance of winning.

Republicans / helping ISIS every chance they get.

Says the far left drone that supports the illegal wars of Obama..

And you see how the far left drones deny the fact that ISIS was allowed to grow under their messiah!
I can't believe he said the strategy was to win hearts and minds. Hope and fucking change.


All he is saying.....

is give peace a chance.....

'Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they're defeated by better ideas, a more attractive and compelling vision,' Obama said.

That is why the coalition against ISIS must discredit the group's ideology, paying special attention to the online communities and social networks the terrorist group frequents.

'We will constantly reaffirm with words and with deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We are fighting terrorists who distort Islam,' Obama said, 'and whose victims are mostly Muslims.'

The U.S. is relying on Muslim communities around the world to push back against ISIS forcefully though and teach young people the true teachings of Islam.

'This larger battle for hearts and minds is gonna be a generational struggle. It's ultimately not going to be won or lost by the United States alone,' he said. It will be decided by countries and communities that ISIS has set its sights on."

No end in sight to ISIS battle says Barack Obama as he refuses more troops Daily Mail Online
I can't believe he said the strategy was to win hearts and minds. Hope and fucking change.


All he is saying.....

is give peace a chance.....

'Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they're defeated by better ideas, a more attractive and compelling vision,' Obama said.

That is why the coalition against ISIS must discredit the group's ideology, paying special attention to the online communities and social networks the terrorist group frequents.

'We will constantly reaffirm with words and with deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We are fighting terrorists who distort Islam,' Obama said, 'and whose victims are mostly Muslims.'

The U.S. is relying on Muslim communities around the world to push back against ISIS forcefully though and teach young people the true teachings of Islam.

'This larger battle for hearts and minds is gonna be a generational struggle. It's ultimately not going to be won or lost by the United States alone,' he said. It will be decided by countries and communities that ISIS has set its sights on."

No end in sight to ISIS battle says Barack Obama as he refuses more troops Daily Mail Online
Spoken like the organizer in chief.
West nails it.

Allen West
6 mins ·
This afternoon, I watched President Obama read a speech about his meeting at the Pentagon about ISIS. I’m still not clear what our strategy is, as he stated, to degrade and destroy ISIS. Obama admitted this will not be quick and it will be a long campaign. That didn’t have to be the case if he hadn’t made the decision to honor a campaign promise and then ignore the enemy. The speech wasn’t devoid of political jabs — one being his plea some Under Secretary of the Treasury’s confirmation — as if success against ISIS depended on this one fella. Also, Obama had to make the inane moral equivalency comparison of ISIS and Islamic jihadism to the racist sociopath in Charleston, South Carolina. We reported today that Obama’s been blocking Arab nation support to the Kurds. And the sixteen airstrikes are hardly a massive bombing campaign; 10 ISIS fighters were killed — big deal. Bottom line assessment: the political optics of doing something — having a meeting, press conference and more photo ops —when nothing’s truly being done continues. Who’s in charge of the 3,500 American troops in Iraq and what is their task and purpose? It can’t be about training Syrian rebels — all ten of them. A totally uninspiring presentation.
Rabbi 11768918
Step 1: Arm the Iraqi troops.
Step 2:?
Step 3:

What's step 2?
Step 3 is victory!

This is the entire story of the Obama Administration.

What is your plan other than complain about the current plan that does not involve US troops fighting and dying on the ground in a country that had many more men than Daesh has fighters?

Why did you forget to mention air strikes?
Because THE Obama brags about 5,000 air strikes when we used to do 2-3000 per DAY
Obama naively backs Turkey, even though Erdogan supports and facillates ISIS, and only wants to intervene in Syria to wipe out the Kurds - thus aiding ISIS.

So while the Obama administration claims to be against ISIS, it indirectly supports it at this same time. Hypocrisy or irony, take your pick. Presidents might change, but foreign policy really doesn't.

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