RCP electoral map: Obama 201, Romney 191

Obama is down to about 231 votes but Romney has not risen above 191. That bothers me.

Doesn't bother me in the least.... :lol:

Again, I think Romney has already jumped the shark. RCP has him shrinking back in the polls, and that cute stunt where they had to drop a poll yesterday the same day they posted it to create the illusion of a .01 lead was hilarious.

Tonight, he gets his Mormon Ass handed to him.

RCP is always pulling that shit this year. That is messed up.

Obama keeps coming back in spite of them though.
Avatar4321, stop the nonsense, please. Romney still has only 191 in the bag. He has not picked up one vote since all of this started two Thursdays ago.

Yes, Romney can win, but it will be incredibly close.

You're going to see Romney go up even more.

It's not going to be close. Romney is going to win big time. At least 319
it is true it close at the moment. I am worried though what chuck todd of msnbc said on morning joe on monday. He said if romney had another good debate tonight against obama then election might be over.

just hope obama can peform tonight
Obama is down to about 231 votes but Romney has not risen above 191. That bothers me.

Doesn't bother me in the least.... :lol:

Again, I think Romney has already jumped the shark. RCP has him shrinking back in the polls, and that cute stunt where they had to drop a poll yesterday the same day they posted it to create the illusion of a .01 lead was hilarious.

Tonight, he gets his Mormon Ass handed to him.
I hope your right. But President must turn up tonight. He can not afford another bad debate. he need keep point shorter, be more passionate and sell why he should be president for next four years.

don,t allow romney to dominate the debate but don,t be rude at the same time
RCP just put up its new map. It shows Romney ahead in the EC for the first time. Here's a screen shot:


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like i said. seem like conservative on here acting like whole race is over.
It's called a trend. Over the last 3 weeks, Romney has gone from what the left was calling an insurmountable lead for obama, to a clear lead for Romney.
We've seen a swing of 10 or more points in Gallup and nearly as much in RCP. The once cocky obama is, or should be, very worried.

I'm guessing there won't be a copy of The Book of Mormon in his Presidential Library.
well if you win well done. in end election are about winning and if you guy does then well done
look again if you win then enjoy it. elections go gop sometimes and dem sometime. when it gop time then enjoy it
Amazed, you are the far righty loser, not me, here. I am for Romney, and I know that he when elected is going to ignore the likes of you. That is what I and thousands of GOP leaders have been working for since the summer of 2009.

If you think Mitt will give the Tea Party likes any sort of support, you are crazy.

Poor Jake and JoeB.....

206-201 today....your boy is losing.
well it be hard to ignore tea party as few in senate who want thing done for the tea party. so romney have to work with them
What does bother me with the RCP numbers is that the swing states aren't moving as much as I think they should be for Mitt. Intrade Odds still has Obama up 62.5, and the "No Toss Ups" are

Electoral College Obama Romney Spread
RCP Electoral Map 201 206 Romney +5
No Toss Up States 294 244 Obama +50
What does bother me with the RCP numbers is that the swing states aren't moving as much as I think they should be for Mitt. Intrade Odds still has Obama up 62.5, and the "No Toss Ups" are

Electoral College Obama Romney Spread
RCP Electoral Map 201 206 Romney +5
No Toss Up States 294 244 Obama +50
well in trade as obama supporter give me hope as does sight lead in midwest states like ohio and wi

but at same time the natonal polls looking very good for romney and disspointing for obama and the news he has nc it seems locked up is good news for him

so you should be confident but not cocky. it not over yet and i won,t give up from obama viewpoint till the end.
well good lift that. needed it after those gallup numbers man. but good to see nbc and cbs poll better man
Amazed, you are the far righty loser, not me, here. I am for Romney, and I know that he when elected is going to ignore the likes of you. That is what I and thousands of GOP leaders have been working for since the summer of 2009.

If you think Mitt will give the Tea Party likes any sort of support, you are crazy.

Poor Jake and JoeB.....

206-201 today....your boy is losing.

Jake please, you are an idiot.

A true legend in your own mind...not real bright...but you think you are.

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