Rate the Beauty

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Let me kick this off by first talking about this Beauty
She is back in Europe but she spent a lot of time in America and down into Mexico and I think into South America. She was in Alaska and drove down to the US using the ALKAN highway. So if you want more of her only in America, click her link and you can see her here too.

I rate her as a 10. I won't say she is my favorite at all But she is magnificent.
What do you rate her as? I will add in other beauties as you may expect. If you want yours added, show them here.
My purpose as it will become more and more clear is not to argue for or against any posters rating. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As I said, she gets a 10 from me but this does not mean she is the only 10. I have seem a fair number of her videos and enjoy some more than others. She goes from light to serious in a flash. By the way you noticed her accent. She came from France but was raised in the UK.
I believe I misled all. She did not travel all over the USA. This was not her that did this. I will later show you who I did talk about being all over the USA but had to go back to Europe.
Enjoy her and of course if you know a Beauty you want rated, put her on this thread.
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I suspect that's the case, if some Thot wants your Johnson she just sends you a pic of her pubic mound. ;)
I'm very happily and thankfully married.

It's scary out there for single men and women right now. The horror stories are piling up of people abusing each other in the name of love. I'm really just a simple guy who wants a simple life and faithful wife. Nothing extraordinary...don't want to be famous on social media or want a wife who is. (For anything)

What became so wrong with being an average guy who lives a quiet life rich in friends and family?
Not me. Why can't you use your power to visualize?
Who says I can’t? You are asking if this chick is a “10”. I seriously responded, saying I needed to see what she had going on below. For example, if she had gross oversized nips with hair growing out around them, that would knock her down and eliminate her from consideration of being a “10”. It certainly would for me. Wouldn’t it for you?

Moreover, what if she has a penis? You cannot bee too safe these days. That would knock her WAY below a “10” for me. Wouldn’t it for you too?
Who says I can’t? You are asking if this chick is a “10”. I seriously responded, saying I needed to see what she had going on below. For example, if she had gross oversized nips with hair growing out around them, that would knock her down and eliminate her from consideration of being a “10”. It certainly would for me. Wouldn’t it for you?

Moreover, what if she has a penis? You cannot bee too safe these days. That would knock her WAY below a “10” for me. Wouldn’t it for you too?
You say you can visualize. Read what you then said above on visualizing.
It has been my impression that you value dicks.
Dude, you are just full of shit. Are you a fucking virgin?!? Do you have no experience with naked chicks?!? Apparently not. I have never, ever, encountered a perfect “10”, and neither have you. She does not exist.
My purpose as it will become more and more clear is not to argue for or against any posters rating. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As I said, she gets a 10 from me but this does not mean she is the only 10. I have seem a fair number of her videos and enjoy some more than others. She goes from light to serious in a flash. By the way you noticed her accent. She came from France but was raised in the UK.
I believe I misled all. She did not travel all over the USA. This was not her that did this. I will later show you who I did talk about being all over the USA but had to go back to Europe.
Enjoy her and of course if you know a Beauty you want rated, put her on this thread.
Somebody is so deep in the closet he is standing on hidden Christmas presents. 🙄
Let me kick this off by first talking about this Beauty
She is back in Europe but she spent a lot of time in America and down into Mexico and I think into South America. She was in Alaska and drove down to the US using the ALKAN highway. So if you want more of her only in America, click her link and you can see her here too.

I rate her as a 10. I won't say she is my favorite at all But she is magnificent.
What do you rate her as? I will add in other beauties as you may expect. If you want yours added, show them here.

I will give this bitch a solid 8 conditioned upon her not having a dick. Fair?
Let me kick this off by first talking about this Beauty
She is back in Europe but she spent a lot of time in America and down into Mexico and I think into South America. She was in Alaska and drove down to the US using the ALKAN highway. So if you want more of her only in America, click her link and you can see her here too.

I rate her as a 10. I won't say she is my favorite at all But she is magnificent.
What do you rate her as? I will add in other beauties as you may expect. If you want yours added, show them here.

I feel kinda sad for her. She must not have anyone.

Looks way too much like my cousin for me to get into that. :aargh:

I'm thinking she cried herself to sleep that night.
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