RASMUSSEN POLL-64% of americans prefer LESS SERVICES and LOWER TAXES..

You know what Space-Case? When you stop with the "Dems are welfare recipients" bullshit....perhaps we'll stop calling you fuckers blanket racists.

Until then fuck off KKK.
Obama wants to spend billions to upgrade roads and bridges all over the USA,,but what the point of doing that when so many businesses are folding and/or leaving the country?,,,then we will have all these new and repaired roads lined with empty office and retail space,,,,yup,,,our tax dollars down the drain again.
Public services such as fire and police should be removed from state general funds and be put into into special funds. This way state legislators could not hold voters hostage to the threats of "protective services" during budget and election votes. Of course democrats would start losing reelections or be forced to slow the growth of government.
Obama wants to spend billions to upgrade roads and bridges all over the USA,,but what the point of doing that when so many businesses are folding and/or leaving the country?,,,then we will have all these new and repaired roads lined with empty office and retail space,,,,yup,,,our tax dollars down the drain again.

and as an example (but not regarding new roads) within a ten mile radius of my community/country club here in Naples, we have our share of 1/2 ass projects,one is a shell/aka/skeleton of a mall that has been sitting there since 2007ish. we have a Target Super Complex in the planning,land cleared but no construction,,200 homes were planned to have been built, and a few others. Whats the hold-up? OBAMA!! no one wants to build or finish building their new businesses here until Obama is shown the door in 2013.
Public services such as fire and police should be removed from state general funds and be put into into special funds. This way state legislators could not hold voters hostage to the threats of "protective services" during budget and election votes. Of course democrats would start losing reelections or be forced to slow the growth of government.

Have you ever seen Republicans reduce government?
Public services such as fire and police should be removed from state general funds and be put into into special funds. This way state legislators could not hold voters hostage to the threats of "protective services" during budget and election votes. Of course democrats would start losing reelections or be forced to slow the growth of government.

Have you ever seen Republicans reduce government?

No, but they discuss their desires to do so on a regular basis.
Public services such as fire and police should be removed from state general funds and be put into into special funds. This way state legislators could not hold voters hostage to the threats of "protective services" during budget and election votes. Of course democrats would start losing reelections or be forced to slow the growth of government.

Have you ever seen Republicans reduce government?

Yes- the 104th and 105th congress.

That aside, do you not agree with the idea of a separate budgetary fund being created for "protective" services such as fire and police within local and state budgets? Separating them out of general funds for budgetary cuts?
You know what Space-Case? When you stop with the "Dems are welfare recipients" bullshit....perhaps we'll stop calling you fuckers blanket racists.

Until then fuck off KKK.

liberals and democrats are the seperative divisionists,dividing and conquering the segment and identify the society rather than the acceptance of a one american nation,full of individual americans. Its the.marxist code.
explain robert glad hes dead byrd.
explain LBJ,nominating thugood thomas as the "token ******"on the supreme court...
creating self victimization and baiting to suit the needs of your masters.
I would be willing to bet that by "less services" they mean services for other people, not ones that benefit themselves

Why not poll people on whether they would be willing to give up their own benefits for lower taxes?


Good bet that Republicans/conservatives prefer services and benefits they paid for, while Democrats/liberals/progressives DEMAND money they never paid for, but feel that it is their RIGHT to gauge working people for benefits that they never earned .
Explain SALT JONES on USMB here...
al sharpton,obama,etc...
I agree let us cut some wasteful government services.

First thing we can cut is the endless argument over gay marriage. How much money and time have we blown trying to keep 2 adults from entering into a government contract? It costs money and it does not benefit anyone in society. Hey, we would also a huge burst in jobs and revenue as gays make weddings.

How about we cut congressional pay? Seriously, do they need this much money? Do they do their job in a timely efficient manner? No, so let us put that on the chopping block.

How about we cut the war budget? Let us get out of afganistan. How much money could we save by not trying to keep people in the middle east from killing each other?

I know it is small compared to some other things, but we could cut funding for abstinence only education. It doesn't work, and we could take that money and put it into actual education which would increase our education budget while not costing us more money.

Here is a good idea which will not only cut our prison and legal system budget while raising tax revenue. make pot legal and tax the hell out of it. No more spending tons of money imprisoning people for possession, making legitimate jobs, freeing up the present police force to deal with real crime, sales tax revenue, lower medical costs (pot is much cheaper, healthy, and more effective than many designer pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors), and a reduction of criminal organization profits which reduces the amount of problems we have on the mexican border. Not to mention with more jobs we might get some of those people off of welfare.

Look, I am with the OP in that we could cut many things our government pisses money away on every year. If the republicans were really for cuts of wasteful spending i would be all over supporting them. They do not want to cut anything, they simply want to move money from one thing to another. Taking money from social programs that help americans and putting it into bombing the middle east is not saving money or saving america. Stupifying our children by cutting education while increasing biblical nonsense is not saving money. The republicans only want to cut certain services which play into their power structure. They piss money away much worse than the democrats want to. We have plenty of bullshit to cut long before we start looking at kid's education and giving poor people food. If you really want smaller government than shrink it's bloated parts like the war machine. You can cut the huge intrusive legal system which pokes it's heads into all of our lives and tries to limit who we have consentual sex with, or what substances we take. Poor people need food and housing, but no one needs a ban on same sex marriage.

You may buy the load of bullshit republicans shovel about cutting the size of government, but it does not make any sense when they clearly rally around expanding our government in some very expensive and pointless ways. Our drug wars got into high gear with regan and nixon poking their noses into our private lives. Bush pushed the war on gays and the intrusive patriot act. The last person who balanced a budget and lowered our defecit was a democrat. Why should I, or anyone, believe that republicans are going to move away from expensive and pointless bullshit in the government when they have been expanding it for as long as most of us have been alive.

Really, please explain to me how cutting welfare is going to increase revenue and business considering welfare is a lot of people can buy food which makes jobs for people. Welfare is one of the reasons some people can pay rent which benefits land owners in our failing housing market. Welfare lets people have utilities, which makes more jobs and helps our utility companies. It is not like these people can put welfare money into the bank and sit on it. It is money they have to spend that goes back into our economy. You cut welfare and you cut food sales, you cut jobs, you destroy farmers. On top of that what do you think happens to these people when they do not have a place to live and money to eat? They end up in jail. Believe me it is a savings to give people food, housing, and utility assistance rather than paying the large cost to imprison them. So you either save some money by giving them some help fending for themselves, or you pay a lot of money to guard and imprison them while increasing your crime rates.
I would be willing to bet that by "less services" they mean services for other people, not ones that benefit themselves

Why not poll people on whether they would be willing to give up their own benefits for lower taxes?


Good bet that Republicans/conservatives prefer services and benefits they paid for, while Democrats/liberals/progressives DEMAND money they never paid for, but feel that it is their RIGHT to gauge working people for benefits that they never earned .

So you worked to pay for blowing people up in Iraq, afganistan, and even pakistan? Well, i did not realize you worked for that goal. You enjoy paying for federal assistance to send jobs overseas? How much money did you get from china?

Really, cut the bullshit. Our government makes it's money off of the people. No one in the government paid for their programs with their hard work and money. They got the money from the taxpayers, and in between their breaks, we call vacations, they piss away money other people make. yes, republicans are quite good at doing it.

I agree with you, and i am all for paying for government programs i find beneficial. Believe me I am going to put in for a safety net in case i lose my job or money long before i put in to shoot brown people in foreign countries. I think i could deal with not giving foreign countries aid also. I not going to put a dime into religious laws and programs, let the church pay for their own programs since they don't pay fucking taxes. I think i will only pay for roads in my area, and perhaps a couple of highways. My safety net is something i would pay for, but maybe i do not want to pay for yours. I bet you are probably going to screw something up, and I don't want to pay for your mistakes.

That would not make much of a country, but at least you are voting for people who are actually going to do everything you want, right?
Perhaps the discussion should begin by identifying services authorized and maintained under the States. Like potholes and road maintenance, which allegedly comes from the excessive gas tax we pay at the pump every time we pump gas. Or perhaps the school services that get paid by property taxes. That too, is a local tax issue.

Maybe, when people say they are willing to pay less taxes, they mean they are willing to pay less taxes to federal government for services that are initiated and outside the authority of the federal government. Like forcing religious institutions to solve problems that don't exist, or force banks to lend money to poor risk borrowers, or perhaps policy that destroys a major source of electrical generation through overreaching, debilitating regulation.

You know, things like that.
Public services such as fire and police should be removed from state general funds and be put into into special funds. This way state legislators could not hold voters hostage to the threats of "protective services" during budget and election votes. Of course democrats would start losing reelections or be forced to slow the growth of government.

Have you ever seen Republicans reduce government?

Yes- the 104th and 105th congress.

That aside, do you not agree with the idea of a separate budgetary fund being created for "protective" services such as fire and police within local and state budgets? Separating them out of general funds for budgetary cuts?

I agree let us cut some wasteful government services.
First thing we can cut is the endless argument over gay marriage. How much money and time have we blown trying to keep 2 adults from entering into a government contract? It costs money and it does not benefit anyone in society. Hey, we would also a huge burst in jobs and revenue as gays make weddings.

Hey fag, how does growing the government to get into the same-sex marriage business cut costs? Faggot behavior is very costly to society (AIDS, child molestation, etc.), without providing any benefits in return. The reason faggots want the government to come into their private relationships is so that the government will add indoctrination of faggotry to public school curriculum and to ban freedom of association/speech (e.g. anti-discrimination laws). The enforcement of that tyranny is costly.

Your Liberal idea to reduce government spending is for people to stop opposing increases in government size. You fucking moron.
Cut OSHA and the EPA to start.

Then outlaw the NEA.

Watch the savings start to add up !
Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere

Whattya know?
most,if not almost the super majority of americans polled dont like excess services and taxes.
liberal thinking in the toilet.
if it matters,nebraska is romney 51%,39%obama.
46% both...
there is hope and change yet...

The other way to view this poll is that 64% of the electorate leans conservative, and 25% lean liberal.

Consistent with earlier exit polls in which it was 40-20, conservative-liberal, and after the experience of the Obama failure it is now 64-25.

This is the real election poll....

Another way to read your analysis is, bullshit.

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