
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
My order:

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi
3. A New Hope
4. The Last Jedi
5. The Force Awakens
6. Rogue One (it could have been better if not for the uneven first half)
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Phantom Menace
9. Attack of the Clones

The Last Jedi is the best Disney Star Wars movie to date, IMO; however, it still falls fall short of the original trilogy. Disney doesn't know how to let 3 minutes of drama to go by without slipping in a stupid joke. That said, the Disney films are MUCH better than the prequel trilogy.
My order:

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi
3. A New Hope
4. The Last Jedi
5. The Force Awakens
6. Rogue One (it could have been better if not for the uneven first half)
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Phantom Menace
9. Attack of the Clones

The Last Jedi is the best Disney Star Wars movie to date, IMO; however, it still falls fall short of the original trilogy. Disney doesn't know how to let 3 minutes of drama to go by without slipping in a stupid joke. That said, the Disney films are MUCH better than the prequel trilogy.

Note: I haven’t seen Last Jedi so I didn’t rank it

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi (saw this in the movies with my dad, so it has a special place for me$
3. Rogue One (I loved this one. The SS could actually hit a target)
4. A New Hope (the special effects still stand the test of time. Amazing it was done so long ago)
5. Revenge of the Sith (call me crazy but I loved this movie. The fight scenes were epic)
6. The Force Awakens (too much of the same thing. The Death Star had already been done twice)
7. Attack of the Clones (it was pure garbage up until the end. It got salvaged from the point Mace entered.)
8. Phantom Menace (Darth Maul was awesome, but everything else sucked. This is really the only Star Wars movie I didn’t like)
9. The Clone War (the cartoon is pretty good, but the movie that hit the threaders was beyond awful)

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Just saw the Last Jedi and it was god awful. Was the worst Star Wars movie by far. They started it out with parody joke that made you think it was Spaceballs and the joke fell flat. They kept on with it and I kept waiting and waiting for it to get better and then they had the stupidest moment at the climax. They ruined Luke. It was awful. At least Phantom Menace had the great fight scene with Darth Maul.

1. Empire Strikes Back (still good today)
2. Return of the Jedi (saw this in the movies with my dad, so it has a special place for me; but it was pretty good and I loved seeing Luke turn into a bad ass)
3. Rogue One (I loved this one. The SS could actually hit a target)
4. A New Hope (the special effects still stand the test of time. Amazing it was done so long ago)
5. Revenge of the Sith (call me crazy but I loved this movie. The fight scenes were epic)
6. The Force Awakens (too much of the same thing. The Death Star had already been done twice. But it was still good)
7. Attack of the Clones (it was pure garbage up until the end. It got salvaged from the point Mace entered. The end battle was pretty darn cool and the Yoda and Dooku fight was one of the best duels of the series)
8. Phantom Menace (Darth Maul was awesome, but everything else sucked. This is really the only Star Wars movie I didn’t like)
9. The Clone War (the cartoon series is pretty good, but the movie that hit the theaters was beyond awful)
10. The Last Jedi (see above. It had not one redeeming value. It sucked from the awful parodyesque joke in the begin to the end credits rolled)

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I'd rate them
1) Empire-
2) A New Hope
3) Return of the Jedi
4) Revenge of the Sith
5) The last Jedi
6) Attack of the Clones
7) Rogue One
8) Phantom Menace
9) The Force Awakens. - I hated this movie.

What the hell did you like about the Last Jedi? It was god awful.

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I've seen all but the Last Jedi. To be perfectly honest, I can only rate them in the order they were released. I never did understand why Lucas did them the way he did.
I have no favorite. Once they repeated the death star storyline, they all began to suck.

I'd like for them to start doing the old republic. I may get interested then.

1. Empire Strikes Back (still great today. The opening battle is on Hoth is awesome. I Empire chasing falcon is great storyline. Intro of Yoda. Then the epic fight btw Luke and Vader and the bad guys winning. Just great)
2. Return of the Jedi (saw this in the movies with my dad, so it has a special place for me; but it was pretty good and I loved seeing Luke turn into a bad ass. Jaba’s Hut opening batt is great. I will admit issues with the Ewok battle scene. But I love this movie)
3. Rogue One (I loved this one. The SS could actually hit a target. Also all the new characters introduced were awesome. Jen as the leading lady nailed the part. The other main rebel was great. Ki the robot was hilarious and a great addition. The 2 Asian character were a great addition. It was also cool seeing some of the rebel fighters being aliens and not human. The end battle scene was well done and the SS were actually a formidable force. The ending with Vader was epic. It also closed a huge plot hole in the New Hope)
4. A New Hope (the special effects still stand the test of time, but a little dated. Amazing it was done so long ago. Great story. The rescue is great. Still love it)
5. Revenge of the Sith (call me crazy but I loved this movie. The fight scenes btw Obi and Anakin and Yoda and the Empire were epic.
I liked seeing order 66 executed. But I will admit Christian and Portman’s poor acting and lack of chemistry hurt the movie)
6. The Force Awakens (too much of the same thing. The Death Star had already been done twice. Also thought it was stupid how strong the first order is and how weak the Republic is despite the fact they won the war. But it was still good)
7. Attack of the Clones (it was pure garbage up until the end. It got salvaged from the point Mace entered. The end battle was pretty darn cool and the Yoda and Dooku fight was one of the best duels of the series)
8. Phantom Menace (Darth Maul was awesome, but everything else sucked. Also introduced the second worst character of the franchise - JarJar)
9. The Clone War (the cartoon series is pretty good, but the movie that hit the theaters was beyond awful. Horrible story)
10. The Last Jedi (It had not one redeeming value. It sucked from the awful parodyesque joke in the begin from Poe making a prank call to Gen Hux, to Lia flying across space like Superman, to making Luke a weak winny bastard, from Yoda meaningless appearance, to Rey and Kylo having a connection, to the god awful casino scenes, to the stupid Luke hologram. There was honestly nothing good. They introduced the series by far worst character in Hope (Fin’s girl) and they destroyed Fin and Poe’s character, who I liked in the Force Awakens. Then they kill off Luke without him doing anything but destroying his character)

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Attack of the Clones for me was the worst...that was difficult to get through. I distinctly remember watching this in theater thinking "My God is this going to end".
Haven't seen Rogue or Last Jedi, yet, so. . .

New Hope
Revenge of the Sith
Force Awakens
Return of the Jedi (Carebears taking down walkers and playing that terrible fucking song that lodges itself in your brain like a tumor, LoTR style ending that went on for ten minutes AFTER the climax had dried and turned crusty on the bed sheets, can't do it.)
Phantom Menace (Jarjar aside, half this movie was pod racing with baby Anakin, who managed to annoy me even more than teenage Anakin. Even more than fucking Ewoks.)
My definitive, ultimate list! Best to worst!

Empire Strikes Back - of course
A New Hope - masterpiece started it all
Rogue One - decent first half, absolutely stunning second
Return of the Jedi - excellent though a little goofy
The Force Awakens - great movie, great new cast
Revenge of the Sith - the least bad of the prequels
Attack of the Clones - better than the next two
The Last Jedi - killed Star Wars, twisted knife into fans
Phantom Menace - one of the worst movies ever made

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