Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a powerful film about the evils of communism/socialism *SPOILERS!!!*


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
This review/topic will contain spoilers for all Star Wars films. If you haven't seen episodes 1-8 plus Rogue One, leave now. You've been warned.

The Empire is basically the almighty, liberal state/Deep State with backasswards views that view civil liberties and freedom as evil. Or, as Anakin put it:

The Jedi represent the light and respect for tradition and knowledge. Basically, conservatives. However, like the Sith, the Jedi became complacent and corrupt as well and allowed for Palpatine aka The Emperor aka George Soros to rise to power.

Anakin is basically Obama aka Soros' bitch aka the Emperor's bitch. Kylo Ren is basically Hillary Clinton who wanted to finish what Darth Obama started.

Rey is basically Donald J. Trump. An every man/woman who seeks to resurrect what the Jedi/conservatives stand for as the America stands on the brink thanks to 8 years of tyranny under Darth Obama.

Finn is metaphor for all minorities who were formerly slaves under the liberal Empire and who ultimately rebelled and sought freedom and autonomy from the liberal state.

Snoke is basically the ghost of Karl Marx, resurrected by hipster Antifa faggots who want to destroy everything America stands for.

Overall, Empire is still a better film, but I really enjoyed The Last Jedi.

This review/topic will contain spoilers for all Star Wars films. If you haven't seen episodes 1-8 plus Rogue One, leave now. You've been warned.

The Empire is basically the almighty, liberal state/Deep State with backasswards views that view civil liberties and freedom as evil. Or, as Anakin put it:

The Jedi represent the light and respect for tradition and knowledge. Basically, conservatives. However, like the Sith, the Jedi became complacent and corrupt as well and allowed for Palpatine aka The Emperor aka George Soros to rise to power.

Anakin is basically Obama aka Soros' bitch aka the Emperor's bitch. Kylo Ren is basically Hillary Clinton who wanted to finish what Darth Obama started.

Rey is basically Donald J. Trump. An every man/woman who seeks to resurrect what the Jedi/conservatives stand for as the America stands on the brink thanks to 8 years of tyranny under Darth Obama.

Finn is metaphor for all minorities who were formerly slaves under the liberal Empire and who ultimately rebelled and sought freedom and autonomy from the liberal state.

Snoke is basically the ghost of Karl Marx, resurrected by hipster Antifa faggots who want to destroy everything America stands for.

Overall, Empire is still a better film, but I really enjoyed The Last Jedi.


Clearly this sort of stupidity is typical of most on the right.

No one is advocating for ‘socialism’ or ‘communism’ – both of which were discredited and abandoned decades ago.

That conservatives continue their anachronistic fearmongering with regard to ‘socialism’ and ‘communism’ is as pathetic as it is ridiculous.
This review/topic will contain spoilers for all Star Wars films. If you haven't seen episodes 1-8 plus Rogue One, leave now. You've been warned.

The Empire is basically the almighty, liberal state/Deep State with backasswards views that view civil liberties and freedom as evil. Or, as Anakin put it:

The Jedi represent the light and respect for tradition and knowledge. Basically, conservatives. However, like the Sith, the Jedi became complacent and corrupt as well and allowed for Palpatine aka The Emperor aka George Soros to rise to power.

Anakin is basically Obama aka Soros' bitch aka the Emperor's bitch. Kylo Ren is basically Hillary Clinton who wanted to finish what Darth Obama started.

Rey is basically Donald J. Trump. An every man/woman who seeks to resurrect what the Jedi/conservatives stand for as the America stands on the brink thanks to 8 years of tyranny under Darth Obama.

Finn is metaphor for all minorities who were formerly slaves under the liberal Empire and who ultimately rebelled and sought freedom and autonomy from the liberal state.

Snoke is basically the ghost of Karl Marx, resurrected by hipster Antifa faggots who want to destroy everything America stands for.

Overall, Empire is still a better film, but I really enjoyed The Last Jedi.


Clearly this sort of stupidity is typical of most on the right.

No one is advocating for ‘socialism’ or ‘communism’ – both of which were discredited and abandoned decades ago.

That conservatives continue their anachronistic fearmongering with regard to ‘socialism’ and ‘communism’ is as pathetic as it is ridiculous.

Every stance you take is for more socialism, more usurping Capitalist American and growing the government to the point of tyranny. That is your position.

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This review/topic will contain spoilers for all Star Wars films. If you haven't seen episodes 1-8 plus Rogue One, leave now. You've been warned.

Rey is basically Donald J. Trump. An every man/woman who seeks to resurrect what the Jedi/conservatives stand for as the America stands on the brink thanks to 8 years of tyranny under Darth Obama.0

I don't remember Rey bragging to Luke that she can grab any women's pussy- and its okay- because she is a Jedi.
This review/topic will contain spoilers for all Star Wars films. If you haven't seen episodes 1-8 plus Rogue One, leave now. You've been warned.

The Empire is basically the almighty, liberal state/Deep State with backasswards views that view civil liberties and freedom as evil. Or, as Anakin put it:

The Jedi represent the light and respect for tradition and knowledge. Basically, conservatives. However, like the Sith, the Jedi became complacent and corrupt as well and allowed for Palpatine aka The Emperor aka George Soros to rise to power.

Anakin is basically Obama aka Soros' bitch aka the Emperor's bitch. Kylo Ren is basically Hillary Clinton who wanted to finish what Darth Obama started.

Rey is basically Donald J. Trump. An every man/woman who seeks to resurrect what the Jedi/conservatives stand for as the America stands on the brink thanks to 8 years of tyranny under Darth Obama.

Finn is metaphor for all minorities who were formerly slaves under the liberal Empire and who ultimately rebelled and sought freedom and autonomy from the liberal state.

Snoke is basically the ghost of Karl Marx, resurrected by hipster Antifa faggots who want to destroy everything America stands for.

Overall, Empire is still a better film, but I really enjoyed The Last Jedi.


Clearly this sort of stupidity is typical of most on the right.

No one is advocating for ‘socialism’ or ‘communism’ – both of which were discredited and abandoned decades ago.

That conservatives continue their anachronistic fearmongering with regard to ‘socialism’ and ‘communism’ is as pathetic as it is ridiculous.

Imagine going through life- and every movie he watches- he is watching for the hidden commies.
To the OP...

I didn't see any advocacy of "Capitalism" in this movie. If anything, it kind of dissed Capitalism by showing how the people on the Casino Planet were all rich assholes who were making money supplying both the First Order and the Resistance with weapons to continue a war that has been dragging on for 30 years now.

The real weakness of this movie is that the First Order is just a generic version of the Empire. It really has no more depth than that. At least the Prequels, as awful as they were, tried to define this universe a bit more.
This review/topic will contain spoilers for all Star Wars films. If you haven't seen episodes 1-8 plus Rogue One, leave now. You've been warned.

The Empire is basically the almighty, liberal state/Deep State with backasswards views that view civil liberties and freedom as evil. Or, as Anakin put it:

The Jedi represent the light and respect for tradition and knowledge. Basically, conservatives. However, like the Sith, the Jedi became complacent and corrupt as well and allowed for Palpatine aka The Emperor aka George Soros to rise to power.

Anakin is basically Obama aka Soros' bitch aka the Emperor's bitch. Kylo Ren is basically Hillary Clinton who wanted to finish what Darth Obama started.

Rey is basically Donald J. Trump. An every man/woman who seeks to resurrect what the Jedi/conservatives stand for as the America stands on the brink thanks to 8 years of tyranny under Darth Obama.

Finn is metaphor for all minorities who were formerly slaves under the liberal Empire and who ultimately rebelled and sought freedom and autonomy from the liberal state.

Snoke is basically the ghost of Karl Marx, resurrected by hipster Antifa faggots who want to destroy everything America stands for.

Overall, Empire is still a better film, but I really enjoyed The Last Jedi.


Fuck that bullshit. The empire, or First order; is clearly the side that cares most for its people. How many wookie stormtroopers have you seen. The only reason a black storm trooper exists is because Disney got hold of the franchise, and is doing its level best to destroy everything that made it great to begin with.
The Rebel Alliance is an experiment in galactic multiculturalism. And predictably... It always collapses after the common foe that ties their tenuous binds, is defeated.
This review/topic will contain spoilers for all Star Wars films. If you haven't seen episodes 1-8 plus Rogue One, leave now. You've been warned.

Rey is basically Donald J. Trump. An every man/woman who seeks to resurrect what the Jedi/conservatives stand for as the America stands on the brink thanks to 8 years of tyranny under Darth Obama.0

I don't remember Rey bragging to Luke that she can grab any women's pussy- and its okay- because she is a Jedi.
Han Solo did and he did.
This review/topic will contain spoilers for all Star Wars films. If you haven't seen episodes 1-8 plus Rogue One, leave now. You've been warned.

The Empire is basically the almighty, liberal state/Deep State with backasswards views that view civil liberties and freedom as evil. Or, as Anakin put it:

The Jedi represent the light and respect for tradition and knowledge. Basically, conservatives. However, like the Sith, the Jedi became complacent and corrupt as well and allowed for Palpatine aka The Emperor aka George Soros to rise to power.

Anakin is basically Obama aka Soros' bitch aka the Emperor's bitch. Kylo Ren is basically Hillary Clinton who wanted to finish what Darth Obama started.

Rey is basically Donald J. Trump. An every man/woman who seeks to resurrect what the Jedi/conservatives stand for as the America stands on the brink thanks to 8 years of tyranny under Darth Obama.

Finn is metaphor for all minorities who were formerly slaves under the liberal Empire and who ultimately rebelled and sought freedom and autonomy from the liberal state.

Snoke is basically the ghost of Karl Marx, resurrected by hipster Antifa faggots who want to destroy everything America stands for.

Overall, Empire is still a better film, but I really enjoyed The Last Jedi.


JJ Abrams pretty much fucked that up. Another piece of Jewish leftist hollywood shit.

He clearly wanted to give us the cliche imagery.

The white guy chasing the girl and the black guy through a forest with a light saber with what curiously looked like a burning cross.

Of course the ONLY conscientious objector to the evils of the ALL WHITE MALE empire or first order was the ONLY black stormtrooper.

Then in this last one, the rich fat cats living their capitlalist lifestyle living in rich decedance were made rich from selling weapons.

Eye roll
This review/topic will contain spoilers for all Star Wars films. If you haven't seen episodes 1-8 plus Rogue One, leave now. You've been warned.

The Empire is basically the almighty, liberal state/Deep State with backasswards views that view civil liberties and freedom as evil. Or, as Anakin put it:

The Jedi represent the light and respect for tradition and knowledge. Basically, conservatives. However, like the Sith, the Jedi became complacent and corrupt as well and allowed for Palpatine aka The Emperor aka George Soros to rise to power.

Anakin is basically Obama aka Soros' bitch aka the Emperor's bitch. Kylo Ren is basically Hillary Clinton who wanted to finish what Darth Obama started.

Rey is basically Donald J. Trump. An every man/woman who seeks to resurrect what the Jedi/conservatives stand for as the America stands on the brink thanks to 8 years of tyranny under Darth Obama.

Finn is metaphor for all minorities who were formerly slaves under the liberal Empire and who ultimately rebelled and sought freedom and autonomy from the liberal state.

Snoke is basically the ghost of Karl Marx, resurrected by hipster Antifa faggots who want to destroy everything America stands for.

Overall, Empire is still a better film, but I really enjoyed The Last Jedi.


JJ Abrams pretty much fucked that up. Another piece of Jewish leftist hollywood shit.

He clearly wanted to give us the cliche imagery.

The white guy chasing the girl and the black guy through a forest with a light saber with what curiously looked like a burning cross.

Of course the ONLY conscientious objector to the evils of the ALL WHITE MALE empire or first order was the ONLY black stormtrooper.

Then in this last one, the rich fat cats living their capitlalist lifestyle living in rich decedance were made rich from selling weapons.

Eye roll

And that pretty much sums up the "new" Star Wars...
JJ Abrams pretty much fucked that up. Another piece of Jewish leftist hollywood shit.

He clearly wanted to give us the cliche imagery.

The white guy chasing the girl and the black guy through a forest with a light saber with what curiously looked like a burning cross.

Of course the ONLY conscientious objector to the evils of the ALL WHITE MALE empire or first order was the ONLY black stormtrooper.

Then in this last one, the rich fat cats living their capitlalist lifestyle living in rich decedance were made rich from selling weapons.

actually, we don't know how many of those guys were black under their masks.

We assume all the storm-troopers were humans, but we don't know that for sure.

The difference is the Republic used Clones, but the Empire used conscripts. The First Order took people as babies and indoctrinated them throughout their lives.

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