Random Truths

There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

THis statement gets at the "mind of the conservative"...........create a straw man.........and rail against it...........u above said liberals claim conservatives are evil.......but this statement of yours shows your blind demonization of liberals.

10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?

because, in part, of the iron law of oligarchy....governmental/economic systems tend to help the rich get richer
a progressive income tax helps to combat that.

Oligarchs R US. That Iron Law Of Oligarchy Is Back To Haunt Us Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

There is no such law.

In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!
David Mamet

ever heard the saying "it takes money to make money"...
the tendency is in almost any system is to gravitate towards consolidation,
a progressive tax helps combat that.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

THis statement gets at the "mind of the conservative"...........create a straw man.........and rail against it...........u above said liberals claim conservatives are evil.......but this statement of yours shows your blind demonization of liberals.

10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?

because, in part, of the iron law of oligarchy....governmental/economic systems tend to help the rich get richer
a progressive income tax helps to combat that.

Oligarchs R US. That Iron Law Of Oligarchy Is Back To Haunt Us Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

There is no such law.

In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!
David Mamet

ever heard the saying "it takes money to make money"...
the tendency is in almost any system is to gravitate towards consolidation,
a progressive tax helps combat that.

Sez you.

Do rich folks get more for their taxes than the folks taking from the fisc?

You may have zero understanding of the nexus of human nature and taxation, but you have the best avis around.

For your edification:
  1. Professors at the University of Chicago law school, Blum and Kalven examined and found very little support for progressive taxation as “the possible rationale for desiring to lessen economic inequalities within the confines of a private enterprise and market system,” and found, on the contrary, that since there have been enormous increases in wealth, even among the poorest, and yet the issue of inequality has become more outspoken, “It initially appears that what is involved is envy, the dissatisfaction produced in men not by what they lack but by what others have.” Blum and Klaven, jr., “The Uneasy Case for Progressive Taxation.”
Propagandist do not debate. They are not interested in matching concepts and ideas to reach academic and logical conclusions. Their goal is to imprint thoughts. That means repeating their subjective conclusions over and over until it is imprinted into the subject target to the point of acceptance by virtue of the imprinted thoughts that will resemble instinct to the individuals who have been imprinted. In other words, tell the lie often and eventually the masses will believe the lie as truth.
PoliticalChick is a propagandist. That is why she does not debate in any kind of normal fashion. Her goal is to simply repeat the topic of her concept over and over. Deviation away from that method of imprinting and entering an actual debate is tantamount to giving up on the purpose and abandoning the goal of the concept stated in the OP.
Propagandist do not debate. They are not interested in matching concepts and ideas to reach academic and logical conclusions. Their goal is to imprint thoughts. That means repeating their subjective conclusions over and over until it is imprinted into the subject target to the point of acceptance by virtue of the imprinted thoughts that will resemble instinct to the individuals who have been imprinted. In other words, tell the lie often and eventually the masses will believe the lie as truth.
PoliticalChick is a propagandist. That is why she does not debate in any kind of normal fashion. Her goal is to simply repeat the topic of her concept over and over. Deviation away from that method of imprinting and entering an actual debate is tantamount to giving up on the purpose and abandoning the goal of the concept stated in the OP.

"Propagandist do not debate. They are not interested in matching concepts and ideas to reach academic and logical conclusions. Their goal is to imprint thoughts."


I just love autobiographical confessions.

Feel better now?

And, true....I don't debate.
I merely explain why I'm right.

That's why you never find errors in my posts, and have to resort to lies.
Isn't that the case?
Propagandist do not debate. They are not interested in matching concepts and ideas to reach academic and logical conclusions. Their goal is to imprint thoughts. That means repeating their subjective conclusions over and over until it is imprinted into the subject target to the point of acceptance by virtue of the imprinted thoughts that will resemble instinct to the individuals who have been imprinted. In other words, tell the lie often and eventually the masses will believe the lie as truth.
PoliticalChick is a propagandist. That is why she does not debate in any kind of normal fashion. Her goal is to simply repeat the topic of her concept over and over. Deviation away from that method of imprinting and entering an actual debate is tantamount to giving up on the purpose and abandoning the goal of the concept stated in the OP.

"Propagandist do not debate. They are not interested in matching concepts and ideas to reach academic and logical conclusions. Their goal is to imprint thoughts."


I just love autobiographical confessions.

Feel better now?

And, true....I don't debate.
I merely explain why I'm right.

That's why you never find errors in my posts, and have to resort to lies.
Isn't that the case?
Most of this thread consist of you doing the exact opposite of what you are claiming in your last post. You avoid answering challenges or refuting criticism. You have been asked repeated, consistently to answer some questions and you do exactly what I said you do. You ignore them, evade them and deflect away from them. You admit it by the last sentence in your post. You say you don't debate, you merely explain why you are right. The problem is, that is a lie. You do not explain why you are right. You simply repeat yourself and declare you are right. You have not explained why you were right about Detroit currently being dead and you have not explained your bastardizing and changing the quote you falsely attributed to Keynes about FDR. You have never answered or explained the challenges I have given you a dozen times about one of your main sources, and one I believe you used in this thread, Chesly Manly, who stands accused of being a fascist front pen name. You have had over a year to answer that one and consistently refuse or are unable to do so.
Explain Rainbow Five and how the so called reporter Manly was connected to it.
Explain who or what Manly was.
Explain how it is OK to change the wording in a quote.
Explain how you concluded your opinion and statement that Keynes viewed FDR as a dunce or even disagreed with the bulk of FDR's policies.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

THis statement gets at the "mind of the conservative"...........create a straw man.........and rail against it...........u above said liberals claim conservatives are evil.......but this statement of yours shows your blind demonization of liberals.

10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?

because, in part, of the iron law of oligarchy....governmental/economic systems tend to help the rich get richer
a progressive income tax helps to combat that.

Oligarchs R US. That Iron Law Of Oligarchy Is Back To Haunt Us Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

There is no such law.

In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!
David Mamet

ever heard the saying "it takes money to make money"...
the tendency is in almost any system is to gravitate towards consolidation,
a progressive tax helps combat that.

Sez you.

Do rich folks get more for their taxes than the folks taking from the fisc?

You may have zero understanding of the nexus of human nature and taxation, but you have the best avis around.

For your edification:
  1. Professors at the University of Chicago law school, Blum and Kalven examined and found very little support for progressive taxation as “the possible rationale for desiring to lessen economic inequalities within the confines of a private enterprise and market system,” and found, on the contrary, that since there have been enormous increases in wealth, even among the poorest, and yet the issue of inequality has become more outspoken, “It initially appears that what is involved is envy, the dissatisfaction produced in men not by what they lack but by what others have.” Blum and Klaven, jr., “The Uneasy Case for Progressive Taxation.”
Sounds like class envy since the least wealthy know how to avoid taxes without having to lobby Congress for a tax loophole big enough to drive a yacht through.

The right is always welcome to quit their day jobs and mooch the system if they feel they are being taxed too much; instead of just being whiners with envy.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

THis statement gets at the "mind of the conservative"...........create a straw man.........and rail against it...........u above said liberals claim conservatives are evil.......but this statement of yours shows your blind demonization of liberals.

10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?

because, in part, of the iron law of oligarchy....governmental/economic systems tend to help the rich get richer
a progressive income tax helps to combat that.

Oligarchs R US. That Iron Law Of Oligarchy Is Back To Haunt Us Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

There is no such law.

In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!
David Mamet

ever heard the saying "it takes money to make money"...
the tendency is in almost any system is to gravitate towards consolidation,
a progressive tax helps combat that.

Sez you.

Do rich folks get more for their taxes than the folks taking from the fisc?

You may have zero understanding of the nexus of human nature and taxation, but you have the best avis around.

For your edification:
  1. Professors at the University of Chicago law school, Blum and Kalven examined and found very little support for progressive taxation as “the possible rationale for desiring to lessen economic inequalities within the confines of a private enterprise and market system,” and found, on the contrary, that since there have been enormous increases in wealth, even among the poorest, and yet the issue of inequality has become more outspoken, “It initially appears that what is involved is envy, the dissatisfaction produced in men not by what they lack but by what others have.” Blum and Klaven, jr., “The Uneasy Case for Progressive Taxation.”

from the fisc? from the government you mean...rich folks do take from the government...........look at pro-sport team owners and publicly funded stadiums..........they take huge amounts.

I suspect the professors were biased to begin with.........I think the University of Chicago has a reputation as a right-wing college.

Thanks for the comment on the avi
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Time to address these points since I'm bored:
1.) Yeah, no, in fact, the majority of left wing people on this site are actually interested in discussion, and don't try to start throwing out the bullshit about only the left demonizing.. Rightwingers calling obama a communist, calling liberals marxists, trying to claim socialism has anything to do with state ownership..
2.) Uh, no, no one on the left ever puts this forward, at all... What the fuck are you talking about? You know literally nothing about marx if you think he wanted to bring about a "UTOPIA NOW." Marx critiqued a recently formed system, capitalism, and wrote about the class relations it brought forth, you may refer to his later life when addressing particular communist groups in europe, which still has nothing to do with you've wrote. Recognizing income inequality and failed distribution methods does not mean "envy" is evil, millions of children die every year when the world produces more then enough food/resources to care for them, I recognize distribution methods have failed, that's not envy.
3.) I don't even understand what you're trying to get at with number 3, government must be limited? I agree, in fact, I can imagine a society where the government doesn't represent the capitalist interests more then the interests of the people, unfortunately, this will never happen unless the contradictions of capitalism come out swinging in full force. Let me try to understand something.. Ideally, america is some sort of democracy, don't you rightwingers agree? So, the government is elected by the citizens, through "representative democracy" (Anyone with common sense knows this favors the capitalist interests, but I'll just roll with this point..)If the government is democratically elected, it should be representing the interests of the people, would you rather have capitalists owning everything in the name of "limited government." That's what you rightwingers fail to understand, you're literally calling for capitalists to control everything for their own selfish desires, a small government is not a good thing, it never is, considering you loons can never give anyone an example of a society with a "small government" according to your terms that didn't/doesn't have rampant poverty, horrid wages, etc, etc.. (Somalia?)
4.) What famine do you refer to? You do realize the USSR was a country in a state of virtual agrarian feudalism under tsars, was thrown into world war 1, was completely decimated, all while a revolution was occurring. The population was mostly illiterate, hell, let's get some actual fucking perspective. When the bolsheviks won the revolution, or were about to, countries attacked russia from all sides to "overthrow" them, including america, so much for self determination, but then again, american imperialism can care less, latin america shows this.. Do you refer to the famines that have periodically occurred throughout the USSR before the Bolsheviks seized power? The famine of 1891-92? Oh wait, you fail to realize.. well.. anything. The holdomor, if you refer to that, was not an intentional genocide carried out by stalin, it was a collection of factors and bad policies.. read up: http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/Tauger, 'The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933, SR 91.pdf
6.) The danger of citizens electing a, by almost every other countries standards, a right wing leaning african american? You rightwingers never cease to amaze me..
7.) The mind of the liberal? Being imposed? What the fuck? You refer to rightwingers, fuck, they're all for "MUH SMALL GOVERNMENT" but, oh yes, we must get rid of the minimum wage, evil "socialist" entitlements, we must control women's bodies, we must ban gay marriage, we must not allow anyone to smoke pot.. The only example I can see from liberals is gun control, which I disagree with, however, I can see both sides of an argument unlike some people on this site, like yourself, although your revisionist history is laughable.
8.) What the fuck are you talking about? The arab spring was protesting what the state was doing, shouldn't you agree with that? Jesus christ. What liberals support the muslim brotherhood?
9.) I don't see what the fuck you're talking about.
10.) The progressive income tax is common sense within our current framework, as demonstrated by germany/etc..
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Time to address these points since I'm bored:
1.) Yeah, no, in fact, the majority of left wing people on this site are actually interested in discussion, and don't try to start throwing out the bullshit about only the left demonizing.. Rightwingers calling obama a communist, calling liberals marxists, trying to claim socialism has anything to do with state ownership..
2.) Uh, no, no one on the left ever puts this forward, at all... What the fuck are you talking about? You know literally nothing about marx if you think he wanted to bring about a "UTOPIA NOW." Marx critiqued a recently formed system, capitalism, and wrote about the class relations it brought forth, you may refer to his later life when addressing particular communist groups in europe, which still has nothing to do with you've wrote. Recognizing income inequality and failed distribution methods does not mean "envy" is evil, millions of children die every year when the world produces more then enough food/resources to care for them, I recognize distribution methods have failed, that's not envy.
3.) I don't even understand what you're trying to get at with number 3, government must be limited? I agree, in fact, I can imagine a society where the government does represent the capitalist interests more then the interests of the people, unfortunately, this will never happen unless the contradictions of capitalism come out swinging in full force. Let me try to understand something.. Ideally, america is some sort of democracy, don't you rightwingers agree? So, the government is elected by the citizens, through "representative democracy" (Anyone with common sense knows this favors the capitalist interests, but I'll just roll with this point..)If the government is democratically elected, it should be representing the interests of the people, would you rather have capitalists owning everything in the name of "limited government." That's what you rightwingers fail to understand, you're literally calling for capitalists to control everything for their own selfish desires, a small government is not a good thing, it never is, considering you loons can never give anyone an example of a society with a "small government" according to your terms that didn't/doesn't have rampant poverty, horrid wages, etc, etc.. (Somalia?)
4.) What famine do you refer to? You do realize the USSR was a country in a state of virtual agrarian feudalism under tsars, was thrown into world war 1, was completely decimated, all while a revolution was occurring. The population was mostly illiterate, hell, let's get some actual fucking perspective. When the bolsheviks won the revolution, or were about to, countries attacked russia from all sides to "overthrow" them, including america, so much for self determination, but then again, american imperialism can care less, latin america shows this.. Do you refer to the famines that have periodically occurred throughout the USSR before the Bolsheviks seized power? The famine of 1891-92? Oh wait, you fail to realize.. well.. anything. The holdomor, if you refer to that, was not an intentional genocide carried out by stalin, this is great man bullshit, read up: http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/Tauger, 'The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933, SR 91.pdf
6.) The danger of citizens electing a, by almost every other countries standards, a right wing leaning african american? You rightwingers never cease to amaze me..
7.) The mind of the liberal? Being imposed? What the fuck? You refer to rightwingers, fuck, they're all for "MUH SMALL GOVERNMENT" but, oh yes, we must get rid of the minimum wage, evil "socialist" entitlements, we must control women's bodies, we must ban gay marriage, we must not allow anyone to smoke pot.. The only example I can see from liberals is gun control, which I disagree with, however, I can see both sides of an argument unlike some people on this site, like yourself, although your revisionist history is laughable.
8.) What the fuck are you talking about? The arab spring was protesting what the state was doing, shouldn't you agree with that? Jesus christ. What liberals support the muslim brotherhood?
9.) I don't see what the fuck you're talking about.
10.) The progressive income tax is common sense within our current framework, as demonstrated by germany/etc..
One thing yoou must learn is:
Polichic is a troll
Polichic is a spammer
She is also a paid poster for the lunatic right wing fringe...or better known as The Heritage Foundation....
She likes to think shes a genius, when in fact she's a greased pig we is suppose to grab and put in a poke...
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Time to address these points since I'm bored:
1.) Yeah, no, in fact, the majority of left wing people on this site are actually interested in discussion, and don't try to start throwing out the bullshit about only the left demonizing.. Rightwingers calling obama a communist, calling liberals marxists, trying to claim socialism has anything to do with state ownership..
2.) Uh, no, no one on the left ever puts this forward, at all... What the fuck are you talking about? You know literally nothing about marx if you think he wanted to bring about a "UTOPIA NOW." Marx critiqued a recently formed system, capitalism, and wrote about the class relations it brought forth, you may refer to his later life when addressing particular communist groups in europe, which still has nothing to do with you've wrote. Recognizing income inequality and failed distribution methods does not mean "envy" is evil, millions of children die every year when the world produces more then enough food/resources to care for them, I recognize distribution methods have failed, that's not envy.
3.) I don't even understand what you're trying to get at with number 3, government must be limited? I agree, in fact, I can imagine a society where the government does represent the capitalist interests more then the interests of the people, unfortunately, this will never happen unless the contradictions of capitalism come out swinging in full force. Let me try to understand something.. Ideally, america is some sort of democracy, don't you rightwingers agree? So, the government is elected by the citizens, through "representative democracy" (Anyone with common sense knows this favors the capitalist interests, but I'll just roll with this point..)If the government is democratically elected, it should be representing the interests of the people, would you rather have capitalists owning everything in the name of "limited government." That's what you rightwingers fail to understand, you're literally calling for capitalists to control everything for their own selfish desires, a small government is not a good thing, it never is, considering you loons can never give anyone an example of a society with a "small government" according to your terms that didn't/doesn't have rampant poverty, horrid wages, etc, etc.. (Somalia?)
4.) What famine do you refer to? You do realize the USSR was a country in a state of virtual agrarian feudalism under tsars, was thrown into world war 1, was completely decimated, all while a revolution was occurring. The population was mostly illiterate, hell, let's get some actual fucking perspective. When the bolsheviks won the revolution, or were about to, countries attacked russia from all sides to "overthrow" them, including america, so much for self determination, but then again, american imperialism can care less, latin america shows this.. Do you refer to the famines that have periodically occurred throughout the USSR before the Bolsheviks seized power? The famine of 1891-92? Oh wait, you fail to realize.. well.. anything. The holdomor, if you refer to that, was not an intentional genocide carried out by stalin, this is great man bullshit, read up: http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/Tauger, 'The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933, SR 91.pdf
6.) The danger of citizens electing a, by almost every other countries standards, a right wing leaning african american? You rightwingers never cease to amaze me..
7.) The mind of the liberal? Being imposed? What the fuck? You refer to rightwingers, fuck, they're all for "MUH SMALL GOVERNMENT" but, oh yes, we must get rid of the minimum wage, evil "socialist" entitlements, we must control women's bodies, we must ban gay marriage, we must not allow anyone to smoke pot.. The only example I can see from liberals is gun control, which I disagree with, however, I can see both sides of an argument unlike some people on this site, like yourself, although your revisionist history is laughable.
8.) What the fuck are you talking about? The arab spring was protesting what the state was doing, shouldn't you agree with that? Jesus christ. What liberals support the muslim brotherhood?
9.) I don't see what the fuck you're talking about.
10.) The progressive income tax is common sense within our current framework, as demonstrated by germany/etc..
One thing yoou must learn is:
Polichic is a troll
polichic is a spammer
She is also a paid poster for the lunatic right wing fringe...or better known as The Heritage Foundation....
I've gone through her post history, and I know this already, I'm just quite bored tonight, haha.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Time to address these points since I'm bored:
1.) Yeah, no, in fact, the majority of left wing people on this site are actually interested in discussion, and don't try to start throwing out the bullshit about only the left demonizing.. Rightwingers calling obama a communist, calling liberals marxists, trying to claim socialism has anything to do with state ownership..
2.) Uh, no, no one on the left ever puts this forward, at all... What the fuck are you talking about? You know literally nothing about marx if you think he wanted to bring about a "UTOPIA NOW." Marx critiqued a recently formed system, capitalism, and wrote about the class relations it brought forth, you may refer to his later life when addressing particular communist groups in europe, which still has nothing to do with you've wrote. Recognizing income inequality and failed distribution methods does not mean "envy" is evil, millions of children die every year when the world produces more then enough food/resources to care for them, I recognize distribution methods have failed, that's not envy.
3.) I don't even understand what you're trying to get at with number 3, government must be limited? I agree, in fact, I can imagine a society where the government does represent the capitalist interests more then the interests of the people, unfortunately, this will never happen unless the contradictions of capitalism come out swinging in full force. Let me try to understand something.. Ideally, america is some sort of democracy, don't you rightwingers agree? So, the government is elected by the citizens, through "representative democracy" (Anyone with common sense knows this favors the capitalist interests, but I'll just roll with this point..)If the government is democratically elected, it should be representing the interests of the people, would you rather have capitalists owning everything in the name of "limited government." That's what you rightwingers fail to understand, you're literally calling for capitalists to control everything for their own selfish desires, a small government is not a good thing, it never is, considering you loons can never give anyone an example of a society with a "small government" according to your terms that didn't/doesn't have rampant poverty, horrid wages, etc, etc.. (Somalia?)
4.) What famine do you refer to? You do realize the USSR was a country in a state of virtual agrarian feudalism under tsars, was thrown into world war 1, was completely decimated, all while a revolution was occurring. The population was mostly illiterate, hell, let's get some actual fucking perspective. When the bolsheviks won the revolution, or were about to, countries attacked russia from all sides to "overthrow" them, including america, so much for self determination, but then again, american imperialism can care less, latin america shows this.. Do you refer to the famines that have periodically occurred throughout the USSR before the Bolsheviks seized power? The famine of 1891-92? Oh wait, you fail to realize.. well.. anything. The holdomor, if you refer to that, was not an intentional genocide carried out by stalin, this is great man bullshit, read up: http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/Tauger, 'The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933, SR 91.pdf
6.) The danger of citizens electing a, by almost every other countries standards, a right wing leaning african american? You rightwingers never cease to amaze me..
7.) The mind of the liberal? Being imposed? What the fuck? You refer to rightwingers, fuck, they're all for "MUH SMALL GOVERNMENT" but, oh yes, we must get rid of the minimum wage, evil "socialist" entitlements, we must control women's bodies, we must ban gay marriage, we must not allow anyone to smoke pot.. The only example I can see from liberals is gun control, which I disagree with, however, I can see both sides of an argument unlike some people on this site, like yourself, although your revisionist history is laughable.
8.) What the fuck are you talking about? The arab spring was protesting what the state was doing, shouldn't you agree with that? Jesus christ. What liberals support the muslim brotherhood?
9.) I don't see what the fuck you're talking about.
10.) The progressive income tax is common sense within our current framework, as demonstrated by germany/etc..
One thing yoou must learn is:
Polichic is a troll
polichic is a spammer
She is also a paid poster for the lunatic right wing fringe...or better known as The Heritage Foundation....
I've gone through her post history, and I know this already, I'm just quite bored tonight, haha.
I have Adult Swim to keep me company....
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Time to address these points since I'm bored:
1.) Yeah, no, in fact, the majority of left wing people on this site are actually interested in discussion, and don't try to start throwing out the bullshit about only the left demonizing.. Rightwingers calling obama a communist, calling liberals marxists, trying to claim socialism has anything to do with state ownership..
2.) Uh, no, no one on the left ever puts this forward, at all... What the fuck are you talking about? You know literally nothing about marx if you think he wanted to bring about a "UTOPIA NOW." Marx critiqued a recently formed system, capitalism, and wrote about the class relations it brought forth, you may refer to his later life when addressing particular communist groups in europe, which still has nothing to do with you've wrote. Recognizing income inequality and failed distribution methods does not mean "envy" is evil, millions of children die every year when the world produces more then enough food/resources to care for them, I recognize distribution methods have failed, that's not envy.
3.) I don't even understand what you're trying to get at with number 3, government must be limited? I agree, in fact, I can imagine a society where the government does represent the capitalist interests more then the interests of the people, unfortunately, this will never happen unless the contradictions of capitalism come out swinging in full force. Let me try to understand something.. Ideally, america is some sort of democracy, don't you rightwingers agree? So, the government is elected by the citizens, through "representative democracy" (Anyone with common sense knows this favors the capitalist interests, but I'll just roll with this point..)If the government is democratically elected, it should be representing the interests of the people, would you rather have capitalists owning everything in the name of "limited government." That's what you rightwingers fail to understand, you're literally calling for capitalists to control everything for their own selfish desires, a small government is not a good thing, it never is, considering you loons can never give anyone an example of a society with a "small government" according to your terms that didn't/doesn't have rampant poverty, horrid wages, etc, etc.. (Somalia?)
4.) What famine do you refer to? You do realize the USSR was a country in a state of virtual agrarian feudalism under tsars, was thrown into world war 1, was completely decimated, all while a revolution was occurring. The population was mostly illiterate, hell, let's get some actual fucking perspective. When the bolsheviks won the revolution, or were about to, countries attacked russia from all sides to "overthrow" them, including america, so much for self determination, but then again, american imperialism can care less, latin america shows this.. Do you refer to the famines that have periodically occurred throughout the USSR before the Bolsheviks seized power? The famine of 1891-92? Oh wait, you fail to realize.. well.. anything. The holdomor, if you refer to that, was not an intentional genocide carried out by stalin, this is great man bullshit, read up: http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/Tauger, 'The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933, SR 91.pdf
6.) The danger of citizens electing a, by almost every other countries standards, a right wing leaning african american? You rightwingers never cease to amaze me..
7.) The mind of the liberal? Being imposed? What the fuck? You refer to rightwingers, fuck, they're all for "MUH SMALL GOVERNMENT" but, oh yes, we must get rid of the minimum wage, evil "socialist" entitlements, we must control women's bodies, we must ban gay marriage, we must not allow anyone to smoke pot.. The only example I can see from liberals is gun control, which I disagree with, however, I can see both sides of an argument unlike some people on this site, like yourself, although your revisionist history is laughable.
8.) What the fuck are you talking about? The arab spring was protesting what the state was doing, shouldn't you agree with that? Jesus christ. What liberals support the muslim brotherhood?
9.) I don't see what the fuck you're talking about.
10.) The progressive income tax is common sense within our current framework, as demonstrated by germany/etc..
One thing yoou must learn is:
Polichic is a troll
polichic is a spammer
She is also a paid poster for the lunatic right wing fringe...or better known as The Heritage Foundation....
I've gone through her post history, and I know this already, I'm just quite bored tonight, haha.
I have Adult Swim to keep me company....
Comedy central baby.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Time to address these points since I'm bored:
1.) Yeah, no, in fact, the majority of left wing people on this site are actually interested in discussion, and don't try to start throwing out the bullshit about only the left demonizing.. Rightwingers calling obama a communist, calling liberals marxists, trying to claim socialism has anything to do with state ownership..
2.) Uh, no, no one on the left ever puts this forward, at all... What the fuck are you talking about? You know literally nothing about marx if you think he wanted to bring about a "UTOPIA NOW." Marx critiqued a recently formed system, capitalism, and wrote about the class relations it brought forth, you may refer to his later life when addressing particular communist groups in europe, which still has nothing to do with you've wrote. Recognizing income inequality and failed distribution methods does not mean "envy" is evil, millions of children die every year when the world produces more then enough food/resources to care for them, I recognize distribution methods have failed, that's not envy.
3.) I don't even understand what you're trying to get at with number 3, government must be limited? I agree, in fact, I can imagine a society where the government does represent the capitalist interests more then the interests of the people, unfortunately, this will never happen unless the contradictions of capitalism come out swinging in full force. Let me try to understand something.. Ideally, america is some sort of democracy, don't you rightwingers agree? So, the government is elected by the citizens, through "representative democracy" (Anyone with common sense knows this favors the capitalist interests, but I'll just roll with this point..)If the government is democratically elected, it should be representing the interests of the people, would you rather have capitalists owning everything in the name of "limited government." That's what you rightwingers fail to understand, you're literally calling for capitalists to control everything for their own selfish desires, a small government is not a good thing, it never is, considering you loons can never give anyone an example of a society with a "small government" according to your terms that didn't/doesn't have rampant poverty, horrid wages, etc, etc.. (Somalia?)
4.) What famine do you refer to? You do realize the USSR was a country in a state of virtual agrarian feudalism under tsars, was thrown into world war 1, was completely decimated, all while a revolution was occurring. The population was mostly illiterate, hell, let's get some actual fucking perspective. When the bolsheviks won the revolution, or were about to, countries attacked russia from all sides to "overthrow" them, including america, so much for self determination, but then again, american imperialism can care less, latin america shows this.. Do you refer to the famines that have periodically occurred throughout the USSR before the Bolsheviks seized power? The famine of 1891-92? Oh wait, you fail to realize.. well.. anything. The holdomor, if you refer to that, was not an intentional genocide carried out by stalin, this is great man bullshit, read up: http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/Tauger, 'The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933, SR 91.pdf
6.) The danger of citizens electing a, by almost every other countries standards, a right wing leaning african american? You rightwingers never cease to amaze me..
7.) The mind of the liberal? Being imposed? What the fuck? You refer to rightwingers, fuck, they're all for "MUH SMALL GOVERNMENT" but, oh yes, we must get rid of the minimum wage, evil "socialist" entitlements, we must control women's bodies, we must ban gay marriage, we must not allow anyone to smoke pot.. The only example I can see from liberals is gun control, which I disagree with, however, I can see both sides of an argument unlike some people on this site, like yourself, although your revisionist history is laughable.
8.) What the fuck are you talking about? The arab spring was protesting what the state was doing, shouldn't you agree with that? Jesus christ. What liberals support the muslim brotherhood?
9.) I don't see what the fuck you're talking about.
10.) The progressive income tax is common sense within our current framework, as demonstrated by germany/etc..
One thing yoou must learn is:
Polichic is a troll
Polichic is a spammer
She is also a paid poster for the lunatic right wing fringe...or better known as The Heritage Foundation....
She likes to think shes a genius, when in fact she's a greased pig we is suppose to grab and put in a poke...
This seems like a logical explanation for her wacko postings. It explains a lot.
7. Folks who have never run a business think they can decide what level of margin represents greed, rather than ambition.

Arrogant and twisted way to suggest a way to judge greed. Poor folks can be greedy and so can hourly workers. Judgement of greed related to accumulated wealth is a simple judgement equated to how much wealth there is and how it is distributed.

Its funny how liberals like you have something wrong with "accumulated wealth." Yet, you want a living wage, but not "accumulated wealth." You want $15 bucks an hour working at a Mickey D's, but not "accumulated wealth." Naturally, those two things will lead to an "accumulation of wealth;" something you view as "greed." What a specious little rationale that is.

You really can't see any distinction between say the working poor struggling to pay rent and feed their family....and hundreds of millions of dollars held generationally in hereditary trust funds?

I think most Americans can.
Just started seeing your posts around here, good to see someone who understands the real issues.
7. Folks who have never run a business think they can decide what level of margin represents greed, rather than ambition.

Arrogant and twisted way to suggest a way to judge greed. Poor folks can be greedy and so can hourly workers. Judgement of greed related to accumulated wealth is a simple judgement equated to how much wealth there is and how it is distributed.

Its funny how liberals like you have something wrong with "accumulated wealth." Yet, you want a living wage, but not "accumulated wealth." You want $15 bucks an hour working at a Mickey D's, but not "accumulated wealth." Naturally, those two things will lead to an "accumulation of wealth;" something you view as "greed." What a specious little rationale that is.

You really can't see any distinction between say the working poor struggling to pay rent and feed their family....and hundreds of millions of dollars held generationally in hereditary trust funds?

I think most Americans can.
Just started seeing your posts around here, good to see someone who understands the real issues.

I'm a capitalist, just to be clear. What separates me from most of the wingers is my belief in 1) regulation 2) no one working a 40 hour a week job should have to worry being able to get food, shelter, clothing or medical care. For them or their family.
7. Folks who have never run a business think they can decide what level of margin represents greed, rather than ambition.

Arrogant and twisted way to suggest a way to judge greed. Poor folks can be greedy and so can hourly workers. Judgement of greed related to accumulated wealth is a simple judgement equated to how much wealth there is and how it is distributed.

Its funny how liberals like you have something wrong with "accumulated wealth." Yet, you want a living wage, but not "accumulated wealth." You want $15 bucks an hour working at a Mickey D's, but not "accumulated wealth." Naturally, those two things will lead to an "accumulation of wealth;" something you view as "greed." What a specious little rationale that is.

You really can't see any distinction between say the working poor struggling to pay rent and feed their family....and hundreds of millions of dollars held generationally in hereditary trust funds?

I think most Americans can.
Just started seeing your posts around here, good to see someone who understands the real issues.

I'm a capitalist, just to be clear. What separates me from most of the wingers is my belief in 1) regulation 2) no one working a 40 hour a week job should have to worry being able to get food, shelter, clothing or medical care. For them or their family.
Sadly, you're probably labeled a socialist by supporting those things by people on this site..
Arrogant and twisted way to suggest a way to judge greed. Poor folks can be greedy and so can hourly workers. Judgement of greed related to accumulated wealth is a simple judgement equated to how much wealth there is and how it is distributed.

Its funny how liberals like you have something wrong with "accumulated wealth." Yet, you want a living wage, but not "accumulated wealth." You want $15 bucks an hour working at a Mickey D's, but not "accumulated wealth." Naturally, those two things will lead to an "accumulation of wealth;" something you view as "greed." What a specious little rationale that is.

You really can't see any distinction between say the working poor struggling to pay rent and feed their family....and hundreds of millions of dollars held generationally in hereditary trust funds?

I think most Americans can.
Just started seeing your posts around here, good to see someone who understands the real issues.

I'm a capitalist, just to be clear. What separates me from most of the wingers is my belief in 1) regulation 2) no one working a 40 hour a week job should have to worry being able to get food, shelter, clothing or medical care. For them or their family.
Sadly, you're probably labeled a socialist by supporting those things by people on this site..

Yeah, but most people on this site have no idea what a socialist is. Or a communist. Or a fascist. The terms are tossed around as random pejoratives.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Time to address these points since I'm bored:
1.) Yeah, no, in fact, the majority of left wing people on this site are actually interested in discussion, and don't try to start throwing out the bullshit about only the left demonizing.. Rightwingers calling obama a communist, calling liberals marxists, trying to claim socialism has anything to do with state ownership..
2.) Uh, no, no one on the left ever puts this forward, at all... What the fuck are you talking about? You know literally nothing about marx if you think he wanted to bring about a "UTOPIA NOW." Marx critiqued a recently formed system, capitalism, and wrote about the class relations it brought forth, you may refer to his later life when addressing particular communist groups in europe, which still has nothing to do with you've wrote. Recognizing income inequality and failed distribution methods does not mean "envy" is evil, millions of children die every year when the world produces more then enough food/resources to care for them, I recognize distribution methods have failed, that's not envy.
3.) I don't even understand what you're trying to get at with number 3, government must be limited? I agree, in fact, I can imagine a society where the government does represent the capitalist interests more then the interests of the people, unfortunately, this will never happen unless the contradictions of capitalism come out swinging in full force. Let me try to understand something.. Ideally, america is some sort of democracy, don't you rightwingers agree? So, the government is elected by the citizens, through "representative democracy" (Anyone with common sense knows this favors the capitalist interests, but I'll just roll with this point..)If the government is democratically elected, it should be representing the interests of the people, would you rather have capitalists owning everything in the name of "limited government." That's what you rightwingers fail to understand, you're literally calling for capitalists to control everything for their own selfish desires, a small government is not a good thing, it never is, considering you loons can never give anyone an example of a society with a "small government" according to your terms that didn't/doesn't have rampant poverty, horrid wages, etc, etc.. (Somalia?)
4.) What famine do you refer to? You do realize the USSR was a country in a state of virtual agrarian feudalism under tsars, was thrown into world war 1, was completely decimated, all while a revolution was occurring. The population was mostly illiterate, hell, let's get some actual fucking perspective. When the bolsheviks won the revolution, or were about to, countries attacked russia from all sides to "overthrow" them, including america, so much for self determination, but then again, american imperialism can care less, latin america shows this.. Do you refer to the famines that have periodically occurred throughout the USSR before the Bolsheviks seized power? The famine of 1891-92? Oh wait, you fail to realize.. well.. anything. The holdomor, if you refer to that, was not an intentional genocide carried out by stalin, this is great man bullshit, read up: http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/Tauger, 'The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933, SR 91.pdf
6.) The danger of citizens electing a, by almost every other countries standards, a right wing leaning african american? You rightwingers never cease to amaze me..
7.) The mind of the liberal? Being imposed? What the fuck? You refer to rightwingers, fuck, they're all for "MUH SMALL GOVERNMENT" but, oh yes, we must get rid of the minimum wage, evil "socialist" entitlements, we must control women's bodies, we must ban gay marriage, we must not allow anyone to smoke pot.. The only example I can see from liberals is gun control, which I disagree with, however, I can see both sides of an argument unlike some people on this site, like yourself, although your revisionist history is laughable.
8.) What the fuck are you talking about? The arab spring was protesting what the state was doing, shouldn't you agree with that? Jesus christ. What liberals support the muslim brotherhood?
9.) I don't see what the fuck you're talking about.
10.) The progressive income tax is common sense within our current framework, as demonstrated by germany/etc..
One thing yoou must learn is:
Polichic is a troll
Polichic is a spammer
She is also a paid poster for the lunatic right wing fringe...or better known as The Heritage Foundation....
She likes to think shes a genius, when in fact she's a greased pig we is suppose to grab and put in a poke...

The lies you just posted about me are due to the regular, frequent, and profound beatings which I am forced to administer to your exposed bottom....and said lies are your only recourse.

Except for the genius part.....that is accurate.

Further...you should appreciate how rarely one comes in contact with folks like moi....geniuses with humility.
7. Folks who have never run a business think they can decide what level of margin represents greed, rather than ambition.

Arrogant and twisted way to suggest a way to judge greed. Poor folks can be greedy and so can hourly workers. Judgement of greed related to accumulated wealth is a simple judgement equated to how much wealth there is and how it is distributed.

Its funny how liberals like you have something wrong with "accumulated wealth." Yet, you want a living wage, but not "accumulated wealth." You want $15 bucks an hour working at a Mickey D's, but not "accumulated wealth." Naturally, those two things will lead to an "accumulation of wealth;" something you view as "greed." What a specious little rationale that is.

You really can't see any distinction between say the working poor struggling to pay rent and feed their family....and hundreds of millions of dollars held generationally in hereditary trust funds?

I think most Americans can.
Just started seeing your posts around here, good to see someone who understands the real issues.

I'm a capitalist, just to be clear. What separates me from most of the wingers is my belief in 1) regulation 2) no one working a 40 hour a week job should have to worry being able to get food, shelter, clothing or medical care. For them or their family.

You should learn to read more carefully.....

....you seem to have missed this earlier in the thread, and it applies to you:

"Many not ideologically Leftist are seduced by the rhetoric that they are helping others. The wise recognize the lie."

Well....the 'wise' part didn't apply to you.
Arrogant and twisted way to suggest a way to judge greed. Poor folks can be greedy and so can hourly workers. Judgement of greed related to accumulated wealth is a simple judgement equated to how much wealth there is and how it is distributed.

Its funny how liberals like you have something wrong with "accumulated wealth." Yet, you want a living wage, but not "accumulated wealth." You want $15 bucks an hour working at a Mickey D's, but not "accumulated wealth." Naturally, those two things will lead to an "accumulation of wealth;" something you view as "greed." What a specious little rationale that is.

You really can't see any distinction between say the working poor struggling to pay rent and feed their family....and hundreds of millions of dollars held generationally in hereditary trust funds?

I think most Americans can.
Just started seeing your posts around here, good to see someone who understands the real issues.

I'm a capitalist, just to be clear. What separates me from most of the wingers is my belief in 1) regulation 2) no one working a 40 hour a week job should have to worry being able to get food, shelter, clothing or medical care. For them or their family.

You should learn to read more carefully.....

....you seem to have missed this earlier in the thread, and it applies to you:

"Many not ideologically Leftist are seduced by the rhetoric that they are helping others. The wise recognize the lie."

Well....the 'wise' part didn't apply to you.

Oh, I read your gibberish. It just didn't amount to much. The regulation of capitalism is one of practical stability. Look at the 80 or so years before the new deal and compare them with the 80 or so after. And you'll find a dramatic reduction in recession and depression after. A rate about half of what it was in unregulated capitalism.

And the economy thrives on stability.

You may consider a doubling of years in recession and depression to be 'wisdom'. But a rational person wouldn't.

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