Random Truths

There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
You sure can spin shit into a nice conservative meal.

Ooooooo, look!

Another Liberal moron who can't produce any more than an "is not, is notttttt" post.

There must be an intelligent Liberals out there somewhere.......

i heard they just want to look at cute butts.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
You sure can spin shit into a nice conservative meal.

Ooooooo, look!

Another Liberal moron who can't produce any more than an "is not, is notttttt" post.

There must be an intelligent Liberals out there somewhere.......


Since you don't offer proof or even credible evidence for anything you claimed in the OP, you've done no more than the poster you called a moron did.

I provided 50 undeniable truths, statements that will resonate with honest and insightful individuals.

You, being the NYLiar, have neither of those characteristics,and, so, will find them less valuable.

Your loss.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
You sure can spin shit into a nice conservative meal.

Ooooooo, look!

Another Liberal moron who can't produce any more than an "is not, is notttttt" post.

There must be an intelligent Liberals out there somewhere.......


Since you don't offer proof or even credible evidence for anything you claimed in the OP, you've done no more than the poster you called a moron did.

I provided 50 undeniable truths, statements that will resonate with honest and insightful individuals.

You, being the NYLiar, have neither of those characteristics,and, so, will find them less valuable.

Your loss.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
You sure can spin shit into a nice conservative meal.

Ooooooo, look!

Another Liberal moron who can't produce any more than an "is not, is notttttt" post.

There must be an intelligent Liberals out there somewhere.......


Since you don't offer proof or even credible evidence for anything you claimed in the OP, you've done no more than the poster you called a moron did.

I provided 50 undeniable truths, statements that will resonate with honest and insightful individuals.

You, being the NYLiar, have neither of those characteristics,and, so, will find them less valuable.

Your loss.

Prove that liberals won't debate. That was a claim in your OP.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

THis statement gets at the "mind of the conservative"...........create a straw man.........and rail against it...........u above said liberals claim conservatives are evil.......but this statement of yours shows your blind demonization of liberals.

10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?

because, in part, of the iron law of oligarchy....governmental/economic systems tend to help the rich get richer
a progressive income tax helps to combat that.

Oligarchs R US. That Iron Law Of Oligarchy Is Back To Haunt Us Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

There is no such law.

In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!
David Mamet
This lady must have me on ignore. I proved her a liar and used four different links from accepted sources and I have asked her over and over to explain why she changed the wording and manipulated one of her standard quotes, but specifically used in this thread also. Silence from the propagandist liar.
7. Folks who have never run a business think they can decide what level of margin represents greed, rather than ambition.


And what business have you run?

1. I work at Stark Industries.....I'm in charge of mergers and acquisitions.....oops- I mean murders and executions.

2. I'm not an elected official making anti-business, anti-capitalism, anti-hard work outbursts like this:

No you're an aging hausfrau living off someone else's labors.

The truth I've provided really got under you skin.

As a result you feel the need to change the subject.

And my immense wealth would relate to the 50 true statements in what way?

Oh...right....in no way.
This lady must have me on ignore. I proved her a liar and used four different links from accepted sources and I have asked her over and over to explain why she changed the wording and manipulated one of her standard quotes, but specifically used in this thread also. Silence from the propagandist liar.

I have no one on 'ignore.'

I've already shown what a lying dunce you are.....what more need be said?
This lady must have me on ignore. I proved her a liar and used four different links from accepted sources and I have asked her over and over to explain why she changed the wording and manipulated one of her standard quotes, but specifically used in this thread also. Silence from the propagandist liar.

I have no one on 'ignore.'

I've already shown what a lying dunce you are.....what more need be said?
You haven't shown anything. You gave a quote you claim was made by Keynes that was not real. You took a piece of a quote and changed the wording to say what you want it to say. You posted a non existent quote and attributed it as a real post. That is equal to a lie. One of your fans tried to defend you but actually posted the exact quote from the source, which means your own fan proved you a liar. To his credit, he did try to explain why you doing that was OK because you were attempting to make some kind of point. Apparently for point making, lying is OK with you people.
Now that I think about it, I believe the lie started with you making the claim that Keynes thought FDR was a dunce and used the made up manipulated quote as your source.
This lady must have me on ignore. I proved her a liar and used four different links from accepted sources and I have asked her over and over to explain why she changed the wording and manipulated one of her standard quotes, but specifically used in this thread also. Silence from the propagandist liar.

I have no one on 'ignore.'

I've already shown what a lying dunce you are.....what more need be said?
You haven't shown anything. You gave a quote you claim was made by Keynes that was not real. You took a piece of a quote and changed the wording to say what you want it to say. You posted a non existent quote and attributed it as a real post. That is equal to a lie. One of your fans tried to defend you but actually posted the exact quote from the source, which means your own fan proved you a liar. To his credit, he did try to explain why you doing that was OK because you were attempting to make some kind of point. Apparently for point making, lying is OK with you people.


and project your own hypocrisy onto others
This lady must have me on ignore. I proved her a liar and used four different links from accepted sources and I have asked her over and over to explain why she changed the wording and manipulated one of her standard quotes, but specifically used in this thread also. Silence from the propagandist liar.

I have no one on 'ignore.'

I've already shown what a lying dunce you are.....what more need be said?
You haven't shown anything. You gave a quote you claim was made by Keynes that was not real. You took a piece of a quote and changed the wording to say what you want it to say. You posted a non existent quote and attributed it as a real post. That is equal to a lie. One of your fans tried to defend you but actually posted the exact quote from the source, which means your own fan proved you a liar. To his credit, he did try to explain why you doing that was OK because you were attempting to make some kind of point. Apparently for point making, lying is OK with you people.


and project your own hypocrisy onto others
So it should be easy to go to a post in this thread and quote it and point out why it is a lie. I'll settle for a mistake.
You really can't see any distinction between say the working poor struggling to pay rent and feed their family....and hundreds of millions of dollars held generationally in hereditary trust funds?

No. Because they have all been granted the right to earn and keep their money. Poor and rich alike. The rich are entitled their money as much as poor people are.

Notice how I give links to back up what I say.

Notice how I use your links to kick your backside in an FDR debate.

You need a better source than something like Wikipedia. Rexford Tugwell was part of the famous "Brain Trust" and was a top adviser to FDR before he became President. He was offered any position he wanted and could have gotten the Douglas job if that is what he wanted. Douglas went along with many New Deal programs but as stated previously, he turned out not to fit on the team and not to be a team player. He was gone after about a year. Tugwell remained until 1937, serving the entire first term plus. He became frustrated and it became obvious that his efforts on suburban planning and moving urban residents into rural areas was not going to fly. His plan was in fact ruled unconstitutional. That was the deciding factor and he decided to end his association as the false claim of him being a communist began to surface. He resigned and was not as you claim kicked out. In fact a positive relationship with FDR continued and after a short stint as the Chairman of the NY planning commission FDR appointed him as the Governor of Puerto Rico were he was able to implement many of his ideas, build infrastructure, improve health and education and bring free elections the territory.

Notice how you repeated ad verbum what I posted to you.
Another good example of distortion. FDR tried to balance the budget as promised and discovered the theory that supported balancing the budget to repair the economy did not work. It led to the '37-38' recession and he quickly abandoned the idea that a struggling economy could be repaired with concentrating on balancing the budget. He got the economy back on track and shortly later a little glitch developed called World War II.

"...FDR tried to balance the budget as promised and discovered the theory that supported balancing the budget to repair the economy did not work. It led to the '37-38' recession..."

And this, you liar: LewisDouglas quit the Budget Bureau in 1934 in protest against FDR's spending
"The Defining Moment: FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope,"
By Jonathan Alter....p. 324

Lewis Douglas was not the top economic adviser or official in the FDR administration. Rexford Tugwell was and Douglas was frustrated with constantly being overruled by FDR because of Tugwell's advice. To complicate it more Douglas would pick and choose which New Deal programs were OK and which he judged to be not OK. He had promised to be a team player and turned out not to be anything close to a team player. He came in with a new administration and was gone after a year and a half.

Wrong again. Lewis Douglas was appointed Director of the Bureau of the Budget in 1933. That made him one of FDR's top economic advisers until FDR decided to go on a spending binge. After which he broke ties with him altogether in 1934.

Rexford Tugwell was kicked out of the administration in 1936, given that he had an ever increasing opposition to FDR's policies. His opposition was just so that people started calling him (falsely) "Rex the Red," an insinuation that he was a communist.

Stop lying camp. Just...stop.
You need a better source than something like Wikipedia. Rexford Tugwell was part of the famous "Brain Trust" and was a top adviser to FDR before he became President. He was offered any position he wanted and could have gotten the Douglas job if that is what he wanted. Douglas went along with many New Deal programs but as stated previously, he turned out not to fit on the team and not to be a team player. He was gone after about a year. Tugwell remained until 1937, serving the entire first term plus. He became frustrated and it became obvious that his efforts on suburban planning and moving urban residents into rural areas was not going to fly. His plan was in fact ruled unconstitutional. That was the deciding factor and he decided to end his association as the false claim of him being a communist began to surface. He resigned and was not as you claim kicked out. In fact a positive relationship with FDR continued and after a short stint as the Chairman of the NY planning commission FDR appointed him as the Governor of Puerto Rico were he was able to implement many of his ideas, build infrastructure, improve health and education and bring free elections the territory.



Notice how I give links to back up what I say. I invite folks to check out the accuracy of my comments and enjoy giving the opportunity to others to go even further in understanding a topic than merely my few words of comment or analysis. That is not what liars do. What is it that you are accusing me of lying about? You called me a liar for giving some analysis as to why Tugwell left the administration, even though I provided links. Now I have provided two more. So what is your analysis based on that provides the evidence you use to call me a liar and make your own analysis truthful or accurate?

Tugwell was right up there with Stalin....that's why Roosevelt loved him.

1. "Use of all land, public and private will be controlled by the federal government in the future, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Rexford Tugwell predicted this week."
Tugwell Government Will Control All Land

2. " Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose."
Communist Manifesto
The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

Did I mention what a disgusting little commie twerp you are?

Consider it mentioned.

Notice how PC is matching you link for link. You can't win.
You really can't see any distinction between say the working poor struggling to pay rent and feed their family....and hundreds of millions of dollars held generationally in hereditary trust funds?

No. Because they have all been granted the right to earn and keep their money. Poor and rich alike. The rich are entitled their money as much as poor people are.
Earning enough money to eat isn't the same thing as earning enough money to buy that 3rd summer home. The idea that the working poor are being 'greedy' by wanting to be able to earn enough to feed their families is ludicrous. As is equating someone trying to earn a living wage of 15 an hour with someone with a multi million dollar trust fund.

Your argument is straight up ivory tower where you hand your hat on the ideal of 'wealth accumulation' being utterly disconnected from real world circumstances.

In my experience this disconnect is rather common among those who lean libertarian. Its a perspective that largely ignores consequence, circumstance, or real world need instead focusing on ideological and philosophical absolutes.

Where earning to buy your family food is identical to collecting interest off a family trust fund. Where by any practical measure, they are wildly different. And its a difference that I think most Americans can glean.
This is when and how it all went wrong for America.

It all went wrong long before that


The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
She said demonizing the Left, as her MessiahRushie has programmed her to mindlessly do.
You really can't see any distinction between say the working poor struggling to pay rent and feed their family....and hundreds of millions of dollars held generationally in hereditary trust funds?

No. Because they have all been granted the right to earn and keep their money. Poor and rich alike. The rich are entitled their money as much as poor people are.

Notice how I give links to back up what I say.

Notice how I use your links to kick your backside in an FDR debate.

You need a better source than something like Wikipedia. Rexford Tugwell was part of the famous "Brain Trust" and was a top adviser to FDR before he became President. He was offered any position he wanted and could have gotten the Douglas job if that is what he wanted. Douglas went along with many New Deal programs but as stated previously, he turned out not to fit on the team and not to be a team player. He was gone after about a year. Tugwell remained until 1937, serving the entire first term plus. He became frustrated and it became obvious that his efforts on suburban planning and moving urban residents into rural areas was not going to fly. His plan was in fact ruled unconstitutional. That was the deciding factor and he decided to end his association as the false claim of him being a communist began to surface. He resigned and was not as you claim kicked out. In fact a positive relationship with FDR continued and after a short stint as the Chairman of the NY planning commission FDR appointed him as the Governor of Puerto Rico were he was able to implement many of his ideas, build infrastructure, improve health and education and bring free elections the territory.

Notice how you repeated ad verbum what I posted to you.
"...FDR tried to balance the budget as promised and discovered the theory that supported balancing the budget to repair the economy did not work. It led to the '37-38' recession..."

And this, you liar: LewisDouglas quit the Budget Bureau in 1934 in protest against FDR's spending
"The Defining Moment: FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope,"
By Jonathan Alter....p. 324

Lewis Douglas was not the top economic adviser or official in the FDR administration. Rexford Tugwell was and Douglas was frustrated with constantly being overruled by FDR because of Tugwell's advice. To complicate it more Douglas would pick and choose which New Deal programs were OK and which he judged to be not OK. He had promised to be a team player and turned out not to be anything close to a team player. He came in with a new administration and was gone after a year and a half.

Wrong again. Lewis Douglas was appointed Director of the Bureau of the Budget in 1933. That made him one of FDR's top economic advisers until FDR decided to go on a spending binge. After which he broke ties with him altogether in 1934.

Rexford Tugwell was kicked out of the administration in 1936, given that he had an ever increasing opposition to FDR's policies. His opposition was just so that people started calling him (falsely) "Rex the Red," an insinuation that he was a communist.

Stop lying camp. Just...stop.
You need a better source than something like Wikipedia. Rexford Tugwell was part of the famous "Brain Trust" and was a top adviser to FDR before he became President. He was offered any position he wanted and could have gotten the Douglas job if that is what he wanted. Douglas went along with many New Deal programs but as stated previously, he turned out not to fit on the team and not to be a team player. He was gone after about a year. Tugwell remained until 1937, serving the entire first term plus. He became frustrated and it became obvious that his efforts on suburban planning and moving urban residents into rural areas was not going to fly. His plan was in fact ruled unconstitutional. That was the deciding factor and he decided to end his association as the false claim of him being a communist began to surface. He resigned and was not as you claim kicked out. In fact a positive relationship with FDR continued and after a short stint as the Chairman of the NY planning commission FDR appointed him as the Governor of Puerto Rico were he was able to implement many of his ideas, build infrastructure, improve health and education and bring free elections the territory.



Notice how I give links to back up what I say. I invite folks to check out the accuracy of my comments and enjoy giving the opportunity to others to go even further in understanding a topic than merely my few words of comment or analysis. That is not what liars do. What is it that you are accusing me of lying about? You called me a liar for giving some analysis as to why Tugwell left the administration, even though I provided links. Now I have provided two more. So what is your analysis based on that provides the evidence you use to call me a liar and make your own analysis truthful or accurate?

Tugwell was right up there with Stalin....that's why Roosevelt loved him.

1. "Use of all land, public and private will be controlled by the federal government in the future, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Rexford Tugwell predicted this week."
Tugwell Government Will Control All Land

2. " Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose."
Communist Manifesto
The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

Did I mention what a disgusting little commie twerp you are?

Consider it mentioned.

Notice how PC is matching you link for link. You can't win.
You are hopelessly delusional. You will never be right about the acceptability and ethics of changing the wording in a quote to bring about the exact opposite of the original and accurate quote. You can not win that argument made to rational and mature people. Writers get kicked out of school and book publishers take books off the market when authors get caught doing that. The debate about the relationships between the parties, especially FDR and Keynes being discussed was settled 75 years ago. The only thing that gives the new revisionist debate consideration is the misquote used by unscrupulous propagandist and conspiracy theorist who you and the OP have latched onto.
To insinuate I am copying your words is some sick vanity and again, delusional, on your part. You have used comments I speculated were from Wikipedia and you have not refuted my speculation. I have used links of historical articles and essays from four different sources and pointed out how your analysis was poorly informed drivel.
Keep trying to convince yourself that it is OK to change the wording in a quote and than use the fake quote as a primary source. You have found a way to imagine and fantasize every political or history debate you ever take part in into a pat on the back and a claim of victory.
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