Rand Paul: Cruz 'can't get anything done'

Cruz and Paul are in the same silly category.

Bernie has more integrity and much more sand, but that won't translate into the transaction he needs.
Paul is right, and it is now about him, it is about Cruz whom the overwhelming majority of Senators right and left treat like a pariah.

Perhaps because he has balls, which you and the rest of the Congress know nothing about!

  • 'Preemptive Surrender': Cruz Criticizes Colleagues for Passing Spending Bill that Funds PP
    Town Hall ^ | Sep 29, 2015 | Cortney O'Brien
    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was fuming Monday night after his Republican colleagues voted for a "clean" spending bill that fully funds Planned Parenthood. The Senate voted 77 to 19 to advance the 10-week bill, avoiding a government shutdown that was looming Wednesday. Cruz, one of several conservatives determined not to see one more taxpayer dollar go to Planned Parenthood in the wake of several disturbing videos, criticized his party after the vote for about an hour, accusing them of failing to show any passion for the causes...
Until when, Vigilante? At what point do you think it will start kicking in that the issue isn't with others and that he is more about theater than work?

He seems to be the ONLY SENATOR willing to stand for what he promised... You need Rand's flip flops, or can you do a search for them by yourself?

Look, I don't know how to break it to you but I'm not a huge Rand fan.

Why don't you tell me what it is that you think Cruz stands for and what it is that he is doing for you? Then you can explain what it is that you think this man can accomplish as a senator.

My GOD girl, don't you read any NEWS?
'"Ted has chosen to make this really personal and called people dishonest in leadership and call them names, which really goes against the decorum and also against the rules of the Senate, and as a consequence he can’t get anything done legislatively," he told Fox News Radio.'

Cruz can't get anything done because most in the Senate reject his reckless and irresponsible agenda of reactionary partisanism; indeed, most Americans reject his TPM agenda of fear and hate.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) slammed Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday, saying the Texas Republican "can't get anything done legislatively" and "is pretty much done for" in the Senate.

"Ted has chosen to make this really personal and called people dishonest in leadership and call them names, which really goes against the decorum and also against the rules of the Senate, and as a consequence he can’t get anything done legislatively," he told Fox News Radio.

"He is pretty much done for and stifled, and it’s really because of personal relationships, or lack of personal relationships, and it is a problem."
Rand Paul: Cruz 'can't get anything done'

Because he's a drama queen.....

Very true. Ted Cruz is just a Donald Trump boot licker, trying to catch a coat tail. Cruz is great at his dog & pony shows--that apparently sends some tingley leg feelings to those that support him, but as far as getting something done, (besides hurting the Republican party) he's not a good legislator or Senator.

This is what he has been doing for the last 4 years--and if by some miracle he became the nominee, I couldn't imagine what the DNC would do with this video--LOL

RealClearPolitics just now Trump is plunging.

View attachment 51100
Cruz is poised for an upswing on that chart.

You're joking--LOL Ted Cruz isn't going anywhere. He is licking Donald Trump's boots trying to catch some wind, that's it.

Ted Cruz couldn't possibly win the White House. Hispanics nor women would vote for him, he's way too far right.

I think he's a horrible Senator. Dog & Pony shows that hurt Republicans chances of winning the White House, I am not very fond of. Obama has the VETO pen and until there is a Republican sitting in the Oval office, nothing is going to get done about Obamacare, border security, Planned Parenthood, etc. Ted Cruz knows this--but his personal political gain is more important to him.

Here is what Ted Cruz has been doing for the last 4 years. It's laughable. There is no doubt that the DNC is praying for a Trump or Cruz nominee.

Funny, I was calling Cruz a no good backstabbing slime ball when Cruz called McConnel a liar in public. Obviously not something a party member should do, but Republicans have done this a lot to each other and to the other party for the last 7 years.

That is unusual, and out of character for conservatives, by the way.

Yet, there are some on the right that would defend him to the bitter end. All because he riles them up, put a little passion in their itty bitty hearts and have them scream and yell like a good old crazy leftist radical!!

See the problem now. Cruz is a rw populist!
Trump has lost almost 25% of his support in two weeks and is going straight down.

Either he does something or he may not make it to the primaries.
Trump has lost almost 25% of his support in two weeks and is going straight down.

Either he does something or he may not make it to the primaries.
  • Poll shows Trump receiving 25% of black vote against Hillary
    American Thinker ^ | Thomas Lifson
    It is being called a “shock poll” because Democrats take for granted the support of 90%-plus of the black vote, and expect black turnout rates to equal or surpass those of other ethnic groups, simply because of President Obama’s status as the first black commander in chief. But it really should not be surprising that the one Republican candidate to strongly campaign on the issue of illegal immigration should appeal to a large swath of the African American community. Survey USA’s poll sample is a somewhat small 900 total, of which presumably about 115 were African-American. So there is a...
Paul is right, and it is now about him, it is about Cruz whom the overwhelming majority of Senators right and left treat like a pariah.

Yep, they pussies in the senate are intimidated by someone who actually tries to keep his campaign promises. They're the problem not him. Of course you being the good little commiecrat that you are, you have no idea what it means to make your word your bond or take seriously an oath.
'"Ted has chosen to make this really personal and called people dishonest in leadership and call them names, which really goes against the decorum and also against the rules of the Senate, and as a consequence he can’t get anything done legislatively," he told Fox News Radio.'

Cruz can't get anything done because most in the Senate reject his reckless and irresponsible agenda of reactionary partisanism; indeed, most Americans reject his TPM agenda of fear and hate.

Just can't stand someone who refuses to bend over for your dear leader, can ya?
RealClearPolitics just now Trump is plunging.

View attachment 51100
Cruz is poised for an upswing on that chart.

You're joking--LOL Ted Cruz isn't going anywhere. He is licking Donald Trump's boots trying to catch some wind, that's it.

Ted Cruz couldn't possibly win the White House. Hispanics nor women would vote for him, he's way too far right.

I think he's a horrible Senator. Dog & Pony shows that hurt Republicans chances of winning the White House, I am not very fond of. Obama has the VETO pen and until there is a Republican sitting in the Oval office, nothing is going to get done about Obamacare, border security, Planned Parenthood, etc. Ted Cruz knows this--but his personal political gain is more important to him.

Here is what Ted Cruz has been doing for the last 4 years. It's laughable. There is no doubt that the DNC is praying for a Trump or Cruz nominee.

If the republicans would unite they could shove that veto pen up the dear leaders scrawny ass.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) slammed Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday, saying the Texas Republican "can't get anything done legislatively" and "is pretty much done for" in the Senate.

"Ted has chosen to make this really personal and called people dishonest in leadership and call them names, which really goes against the decorum and also against the rules of the Senate, and as a consequence he can’t get anything done legislatively," he told Fox News Radio.

"He is pretty much done for and stifled, and it’s really because of personal relationships, or lack of personal relationships, and it is a problem."
Rand Paul: Cruz 'can't get anything done'

Because he's a drama queen.....
Rand Paul desperately trying to be relevant. And failing.
Until when, Vigilante? At what point do you think it will start kicking in that the issue isn't with others and that he is more about theater than work?

He seems to be the ONLY SENATOR willing to stand for what he promised... You need Rand's flip flops, or can you do a search for them by yourself?

Look, I don't know how to break it to you but I'm not a huge Rand fan.

Why don't you tell me what it is that you think Cruz stands for and what it is that he is doing for you? Then you can explain what it is that you think this man can accomplish as a senator.

My GOD girl, don't you read any NEWS?

So, you don't know? I read a lot of news including the left, right and in between. None of that can articulate what you think he stands for and what he is doing for you.
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