Rally for Rush

people, stop doing Businsess with these companies dropping Rush...time to take a stand for your Freedoms of Speech..
long read


You are sweating it now, aren't you?

What's the count up to now? 10?

I might be enticed to purchase something from proflowers now.

go do whatever blows your skirt up..

And by all means continue to attack sponsors and Ms. Fluke.

That will really win the day!
people, stop doing Businsess with these companies dropping Rush...time to take a stand for your Freedoms of Speech..
long read

So. Did you hear about Carbonite and Rush Limbaugh?

No, you didn't. Not the way you will in a minute. But first?

It's time to turn the tables.

It's time to stand up to the bullies.

It's time to Rally for Rush.

Rush Limbaugh has discussed at length -- at length -- what Sandra Fluke and her statist cronies are up to. Yes, he used the words "slut" and "prostitute" -- using the ludicrous to make his point. Ms. Fluke, in one of the most pathetic, shamelessly whining stories in recent memory, demands to be paid for her sex life because it costs $3,000 for three years of birth control while she's at law school. She demands that a Catholic university violate its fundamental right to religious liberty so she can have others pay for her sex life. So Rush asked the farcical obvious about somebody who demands that someone else pay her for her apparent, self-admitted prolific sex life. He spent two solid days relating her greed for other people's money and a lack of personal responsibility to the oldest of principles.

Right on cue, the blacklisting crowd came out of their Stalinist caves. Having driven Lou Dobbs from CNN, cut off Beck's windpipe at Fox, severed Pat Buchanan from MSNBC, thus emboldened they have now set their sights on Rush.

read it all here.
The American Spectator : Rally for Rush

My goodness. And here you were in ALL those threads about Rush saying this was no big thing....:eusa_whistle:
Some background on Carbonite.... spread this around.


Now. Carbonite really deserves some special attention.

David Friend is making his attack on Rush sound like he's one upset Dad with a couple of nice young daughters. And oh, yes, he wants a "more civilized public discourse."

Is that all there is to Mr. Friend? Quite aside that he gives a pass to Sandra Fluke for her obnoxiously intolerant behavior when it comes to the free speech of others, is there anything else going on here?

Yes. Of course.

Take a look here at this link to Bloomberg/Business Week which profiles Mr. Friend and affirms him as "General Partner" of an investment group called "Orchid Partners" in Boston, Massachusetts. And Orchid Partners? Yes indeed, they are the venture capital firm behind… Carbonite.

Where Mr. Friend is listed as "Co-Founder, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President."


So when you cross check Mr. David Friend of Orchid Partners in Boston with the Federal Election Commission, one finds -- ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh shocker!……… that a Mr. David Friend of Orchid Partners in Boston has been a contributor to… ready? Here's the list of just where David Friend spends his political money:

MoveOn.org, America Coming Together and Democracy for America, all three listed here as George Soros funded groups, the latter set up by Howard Dean. Texans for Truth also drew Mr. Friend's support. This group, according to Wikipedia, was set up by MoveOn.org spin-off Drive Democracy.org in 2004. Why? To… wait for it… challenge then-President Bush's service in the Texas National Guard. The precise same stunt for which CBS fired Dan Rather after documents were discovered to have been forged. The Bush-Cheney campaign said of Texans for Truth that it was "a smear group launching baseless attacks on behalf of John Kerry's campaign that will be rejected by the American people." They were. But that didn't quench Mr. Friend's affection for either the smear campaign or supporting leftist candidates such as Howard Dean, and John Kerry.

And get a load of this. Take a look right here at Ed "Laura Ingraham is a slut" Schultz's site for his radio show. Who is listed as a Schultz sponsor? That's right: Carbonite. Like Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz apologized. The difference? If Rush uses the word "slut" to illustrate the absurdity of the left-wing Sandra Fluke's views -- David Friend is outraged. But when Ed Schultz refers in hostile fashion out of the blue to conservative and Catholic Laura Ingraham as a "slut" -- hey, no big deal for Carbonite.

In other words, to put it politely, Mr. Friend's woe-is-me I'm-withdrawing-my-company's sponsorship-from-Rush Limbaugh-because of-my-lovely-daughters is as close to certifiable BS as one can imagine. Mr. Friend, one can only suspect, placed Carbonite's ads with Rush Limbaugh because he knew it would make him money -- which he obviously then funneled to MoveOn and the rest. Meanwhile, he keeps advertising on the Ed Slut Show… sorry… Ed Schultz Show. His daughters? His daughters? What a deeply cynical man.

Not to mention Friend's chutzpah calling for a "more civilized public discourse" when he is busy contributing to MoveOn.org, the self-same group that put together this charming video comparing George W. Bush to Hitler. Not to mention MoveOn's "Bush Lied" routine. This is pathetic.

from the article of this thread and the rest.
The American Spectator : Rally for Rush

If it's true, good for Mr. Friend!!!

right, because it's Free Speech for thee but not me..

IF you supported radio stations not playing the DC's then you do not support free speech..
Doesn't occur to independent moderates that the hate Rush campaign is designed to silence the opposition? I mean WTF is going on when the left used the "N" word on Dr. Condie Rice and Sara Palin was called everything under the sun? Now they want to kick Rush off the air for calling someone a slut? He apologized didn't he? That's never good enough to lefties when the motivation is to bypass the 1st Amendment and use left wing media tricks to try to create enough outrage to silence a pesky voice on the radio that you don't agree with.

So....you want to silence those people who don't accept his apology.
people, stop doing Businsess with these companies dropping Rush...time to take a stand for your Freedoms of Speech..
long read

So. Did you hear about Carbonite and Rush Limbaugh?

No, you didn't. Not the way you will in a minute. But first?

It's time to turn the tables.

It's time to stand up to the bullies.

It's time to Rally for Rush.

Rush Limbaugh has discussed at length -- at length -- what Sandra Fluke and her statist cronies are up to. Yes, he used the words "slut" and "prostitute" -- using the ludicrous to make his point. Ms. Fluke, in one of the most pathetic, shamelessly whining stories in recent memory, demands to be paid for her sex life because it costs $3,000 for three years of birth control while she's at law school. She demands that a Catholic university violate its fundamental right to religious liberty so she can have others pay for her sex life. So Rush asked the farcical obvious about somebody who demands that someone else pay her for her apparent, self-admitted prolific sex life. He spent two solid days relating her greed for other people's money and a lack of personal responsibility to the oldest of principles.

Right on cue, the blacklisting crowd came out of their Stalinist caves. Having driven Lou Dobbs from CNN, cut off Beck's windpipe at Fox, severed Pat Buchanan from MSNBC, thus emboldened they have now set their sights on Rush.

read it all here.
The American Spectator : Rally for Rush

My goodness. And here you were in ALL those threads about Rush saying this was no big thing....:eusa_whistle:

she's posting in all these zany oxyRush threads then calls foul when people like me ask her if she's a dittohead,

You are sweating it now, aren't you?

What's the count up to now? 10?

I might be enticed to purchase something from proflowers now.

go do whatever blows your skirt up..

And by all means continue to attack sponsors and Ms. Fluke.

That will really win the day!

I could care less about Fluke.
As for attacking the sponsors, they wanted to get into this Trumped up fray, so now the way to say something to them is to hit them in their PROFITS. all legal and the Amercian way, isn't it.
Last edited:
people, stop doing Businsess with these companies dropping Rush...time to take a stand for your Freedoms of Speech..
long read

So. Did you hear about Carbonite and Rush Limbaugh?

No, you didn't. Not the way you will in a minute. But first?

It's time to turn the tables.

It's time to stand up to the bullies.

It's time to Rally for Rush.

Rush Limbaugh has discussed at length -- at length -- what Sandra Fluke and her statist cronies are up to. Yes, he used the words "slut" and "prostitute" -- using the ludicrous to make his point. Ms. Fluke, in one of the most pathetic, shamelessly whining stories in recent memory, demands to be paid for her sex life because it costs $3,000 for three years of birth control while she's at law school. She demands that a Catholic university violate its fundamental right to religious liberty so she can have others pay for her sex life. So Rush asked the farcical obvious about somebody who demands that someone else pay her for her apparent, self-admitted prolific sex life. He spent two solid days relating her greed for other people's money and a lack of personal responsibility to the oldest of principles.

Right on cue, the blacklisting crowd came out of their Stalinist caves. Having driven Lou Dobbs from CNN, cut off Beck's windpipe at Fox, severed Pat Buchanan from MSNBC, thus emboldened they have now set their sights on Rush.

read it all here.
The American Spectator : Rally for Rush

Sorry Steph, I really liked what the CEO of Carbonite said:

No one with daughters the age of Sandra Fluke, and I have two, could possibly abide the insult and abuse heaped upon this courageous and well-intentioned young lady. Mr. Limbaugh, with his highly personal attacks on Miss Fluke, overstepped any reasonable bounds of decency. Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse.

It's hard for me to see how the parent of daughters could justify financing language like that. These parents have free speech too and I respect them for exercising it.

I heard Rush's apology today and perhaps it will be enough to get some of that financial support back, but I respect anyone who decides it is not enough. I hate how nasty so-called conservative men can be about women sometimes.

Stand by for Rush (and some posters here) to say something about the CEO of Carbonite's daughters.
Sorry Steph, I really liked what the CEO of Carbonite said:

It's hard for me to see how the parent of daughters could justify financing language like that. These parents have free speech too and I respect them for exercising it.

I heard Rush's apology today and perhaps it will be enough to get some of that financial support back, but I respect anyone who decides it is not enough. I hate how nasty so-called conservative men can be about women sometimes.

No problem dear..
But I didn't see anything Courageous about Fluke going in front of CONGRESS to discuss birth control at a time when our country is FALLING apart with high unemployment, high gas prices, etc etc.
Yes these companies are free to drop him but we are also free to stop doing business with them...works both ways

I wish I had clicked your link and read the whole article before I made my post.

Very very interesting.

Thanks for the link.

Very interesting about the CEO of Carbonite and the hate-flingers he and/or his company supports.

Rush was right in the part of his apology where he said he descended to their level. He did. He shouldn't have gone down there but it IS their level. And Mr. Friend of Carbonite seems okay with that on the left. Most interesting.

Really. When did Ms. Fluke call Rush nasty names?
Some background on Carbonite.... spread this around.


Now. Carbonite really deserves some special attention.

David Friend is making his attack on Rush sound like he's one upset Dad with a couple of nice young daughters. And oh, yes, he wants a "more civilized public discourse."

Is that all there is to Mr. Friend? Quite aside that he gives a pass to Sandra Fluke for her obnoxiously intolerant behavior when it comes to the free speech of others, is there anything else going on here?

Yes. Of course.

Take a look here at this link to Bloomberg/Business Week which profiles Mr. Friend and affirms him as "General Partner" of an investment group called "Orchid Partners" in Boston, Massachusetts. And Orchid Partners? Yes indeed, they are the venture capital firm behind… Carbonite.

Where Mr. Friend is listed as "Co-Founder, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President."


So when you cross check Mr. David Friend of Orchid Partners in Boston with the Federal Election Commission, one finds -- ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh shocker!……… that a Mr. David Friend of Orchid Partners in Boston has been a contributor to… ready? Here's the list of just where David Friend spends his political money:

MoveOn.org, America Coming Together and Democracy for America, all three listed here as George Soros funded groups, the latter set up by Howard Dean. Texans for Truth also drew Mr. Friend's support. This group, according to Wikipedia, was set up by MoveOn.org spin-off Drive Democracy.org in 2004. Why? To… wait for it… challenge then-President Bush's service in the Texas National Guard. The precise same stunt for which CBS fired Dan Rather after documents were discovered to have been forged. The Bush-Cheney campaign said of Texans for Truth that it was "a smear group launching baseless attacks on behalf of John Kerry's campaign that will be rejected by the American people." They were. But that didn't quench Mr. Friend's affection for either the smear campaign or supporting leftist candidates such as Howard Dean, and John Kerry.

And get a load of this. Take a look right here at Ed "Laura Ingraham is a slut" Schultz's site for his radio show. Who is listed as a Schultz sponsor? That's right: Carbonite. Like Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz apologized. The difference? If Rush uses the word "slut" to illustrate the absurdity of the left-wing Sandra Fluke's views -- David Friend is outraged. But when Ed Schultz refers in hostile fashion out of the blue to conservative and Catholic Laura Ingraham as a "slut" -- hey, no big deal for Carbonite.

In other words, to put it politely, Mr. Friend's woe-is-me I'm-withdrawing-my-company's sponsorship-from-Rush Limbaugh-because of-my-lovely-daughters is as close to certifiable BS as one can imagine. Mr. Friend, one can only suspect, placed Carbonite's ads with Rush Limbaugh because he knew it would make him money -- which he obviously then funneled to MoveOn and the rest. Meanwhile, he keeps advertising on the Ed Slut Show… sorry… Ed Schultz Show. His daughters? His daughters? What a deeply cynical man.

Not to mention Friend's chutzpah calling for a "more civilized public discourse" when he is busy contributing to MoveOn.org, the self-same group that put together this charming video comparing George W. Bush to Hitler. Not to mention MoveOn's "Bush Lied" routine. This is pathetic.

from the article of this thread and the rest.
The American Spectator : Rally for Rush

And here you are, after ALL those posts on ALL those threads saying this wasn't very important at all and who cared.

More proof how the left want to shut up the speech of conservatives.
Why don't the right do the same, when the left do it, like Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingraham a slut?
Why don't Conservatives do the same thing when Ed did it to Laura?
Because the Conservatives believe in our constitution and freedom of speech.
The left do not, they want to shut them up and want them off the air.

So, we don't have the right of free speech to call in complaints?
Maybe steph likes being called names like that from people she's never even met but I'd bet most young women don't appreciate it.
people, stop doing Businsess with these companies dropping Rush...time to take a stand for your Freedoms of Speech..
long read

So. Did you hear about Carbonite and Rush Limbaugh?

No, you didn't. Not the way you will in a minute. But first?

It's time to turn the tables.

It's time to stand up to the bullies.

It's time to Rally for Rush.

Rush Limbaugh has discussed at length -- at length -- what Sandra Fluke and her statist cronies are up to. Yes, he used the words "slut" and "prostitute" -- using the ludicrous to make his point. Ms. Fluke, in one of the most pathetic, shamelessly whining stories in recent memory, demands to be paid for her sex life because it costs $3,000 for three years of birth control while she's at law school. She demands that a Catholic university violate its fundamental right to religious liberty so she can have others pay for her sex life. So Rush asked the farcical obvious about somebody who demands that someone else pay her for her apparent, self-admitted prolific sex life. He spent two solid days relating her greed for other people's money and a lack of personal responsibility to the oldest of principles.

Right on cue, the blacklisting crowd came out of their Stalinist caves. Having driven Lou Dobbs from CNN, cut off Beck's windpipe at Fox, severed Pat Buchanan from MSNBC, thus emboldened they have now set their sights on Rush.

read it all here.
The American Spectator : Rally for Rush

My goodness. And here you were in ALL those threads about Rush saying this was no big thing....:eusa_whistle:

Be nice. She just got her marching orders from El Dickbo.

What a slut.
people, stop doing Businsess with these companies dropping Rush...time to take a stand for your Freedoms of Speech..
long read

So. Did you hear about Carbonite and Rush Limbaugh?

No, you didn't. Not the way you will in a minute. But first?

It's time to turn the tables.

It's time to stand up to the bullies.

It's time to Rally for Rush.

Rush Limbaugh has discussed at length -- at length -- what Sandra Fluke and her statist cronies are up to. Yes, he used the words "slut" and "prostitute" -- using the ludicrous to make his point. Ms. Fluke, in one of the most pathetic, shamelessly whining stories in recent memory, demands to be paid for her sex life because it costs $3,000 for three years of birth control while she's at law school. She demands that a Catholic university violate its fundamental right to religious liberty so she can have others pay for her sex life. So Rush asked the farcical obvious about somebody who demands that someone else pay her for her apparent, self-admitted prolific sex life. He spent two solid days relating her greed for other people's money and a lack of personal responsibility to the oldest of principles.

Right on cue, the blacklisting crowd came out of their Stalinist caves. Having driven Lou Dobbs from CNN, cut off Beck's windpipe at Fox, severed Pat Buchanan from MSNBC, thus emboldened they have now set their sights on Rush.

read it all here.
The American Spectator : Rally for Rush

My goodness. And here you were in ALL those threads about Rush saying this was no big thing....:eusa_whistle:

Be nice. She just got her marching orders from El Dickbo.

What a slut.

goodness. whatever blows your skirt up dear
Maybe steph likes being called names like that from people she's never even met but I'd bet most young women don't appreciate it.

She has a vagina, therefore she is entitled to judge all women!

Skanky snizz.......

You know that saying. sticks and stones..
I've lifed life too long to let stuff like that bother me..but if it blows your skirt up
people, stop doing Businsess with these companies dropping Rush...time to take a stand for your Freedoms of Speech..
long read

So. Did you hear about Carbonite and Rush Limbaugh?

No, you didn't. Not the way you will in a minute. But first?

It's time to turn the tables.

It's time to stand up to the bullies.

It's time to Rally for Rush.

Rush Limbaugh has discussed at length -- at length -- what Sandra Fluke and her statist cronies are up to. Yes, he used the words "slut" and "prostitute" -- using the ludicrous to make his point. Ms. Fluke, in one of the most pathetic, shamelessly whining stories in recent memory, demands to be paid for her sex life because it costs $3,000 for three years of birth control while she's at law school. She demands that a Catholic university violate its fundamental right to religious liberty so she can have others pay for her sex life. So Rush asked the farcical obvious about somebody who demands that someone else pay her for her apparent, self-admitted prolific sex life. He spent two solid days relating her greed for other people's money and a lack of personal responsibility to the oldest of principles.

Right on cue, the blacklisting crowd came out of their Stalinist caves. Having driven Lou Dobbs from CNN, cut off Beck's windpipe at Fox, severed Pat Buchanan from MSNBC, thus emboldened they have now set their sights on Rush.

read it all here.
The American Spectator : Rally for Rush

My goodness. And here you were in ALL those threads about Rush saying this was no big thing....:eusa_whistle:

Be nice. She just got her marching orders from El Dickbo.

What a slut.


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