Rajab An Important spiritual month


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Karachi, Pakistan
Rajab An Important spiritual month
I want to give message to all Muslim followers regarding the importance of holy month o Rajab which is not hidden from any common, every one should try to get maximum number of good deeds in the month of Rajab and pray to God for forgiveness and keep blessing so one can away from Hell forever.

1) Fasting: It is highly recommended to fast in this month of Rajab even for one day at least. A hadith says: Whosoever fasts a day in Rajab, the fire of hell will be away from him a distance of one year's journey, and whosoever fasts 3 days in Rajab, will be entitled for Paradise. Imam Ali (as) used to fast the whole month of Rajab.

2) Seeking Forgiveness (Al-Istighfaar, Istighfar): The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) used to say: Rajab is a month of seeking forgiveness, so seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT); He is verily the Forgiver, the Merciful. It is highly recommended to repeat 'Astaghfirullaah wa as-aluhut tawbah'

3) Sadaqa and Charity: There is a big reward for Sadaqa and charity in the month of Rajab. Those who cannot fast may give Sadaqa to the poor every day, or recite 'Subhana Ilalahil Jaleele Subhana Man la Yanbaghil Tasbeeho Illa Lahoo; Subhanal A'azzinil Akrame; Subhana Man Labisal Izza wa Howa Lahoo Ahlun.'

4) Repeating 'Laa ilaaha illa-Allah' 1000 times.

5) Repeating 'Astaghfirullaaha zul jalale wal Ikraam min jamee al zonoobe wal aathaam' 1000 times.

6) Repeating Sura Al Tawheed 'Qul-ho-wallaho Ahad' or Surah Al-Ikhlas 1000 times to get the reward of 1000 Angels and blessings on the reciter, his / her children, family and neighbours.

7) It is recommended to recite Sura Al Tawheed 'Qul-ho-wallaho Ahad' or Surah Al-Ikhlas 100 times every Friday in the month of Rajab.

Who so observes fast (even one day) during the month of Rajab gets Allah's pleasure. Fasting is one of the most recommended acts during this spiritual season. It becomes Wajib (obligatory) during the month of Ramadan, but is highly recommended during the months of Rajab and Sha'ban. As will be noted from the Hadith above and others to follow, fasting, be it for only one day during these months, is rewarded with untold bounties

Significant Dates
§ 1st Rajab: Birth of ImamMuhammad al-Baqir

§ 3rd Rajab: Martyrdom of ImamAli al-Hadi

§ 5th Rajab: Birth of Imam Ali al-Hadi

§ 9th Rajab: Birth ofAli Asghar ibn Husain

§ 10th Rajab: Birth of ImamMuhammad al-Taqi

§ 13th Rajab: Birth of ImamAli ibn Abu Talib

§ 15th Rajab: Change ofQiblafromBait ul-Muqaddasto theKa'ba

§ 24th Rajab: Victory of Muslims in theBattle of Khyber

§ 25th Rajab: Martyrdom of ImamMusa al-Kadhim

§ 27th Rajab: Day ofMab'ath

§ 28th Rajab: ImamHusain ibn Alistarted his journey towardsKarbalafromMedina

How my efforts do not waste and request to include my this letter in your letter to editorial column so every human beings can understand the importance and value of RAJAB.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )

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