Raising A Society of Fascists

That racism is denounced in the context of private society is not to deny racists their 'right' to free speech, nor does it constitute 'fascism.'

Speaking of denouncing racism...

Do you realize that obama's record is precisely aligned with the projections intrinsic to the MOST PROFOUND Racial Stereotypes?

What's funny is blacks generalize all whites and the left does the same. They don't think this is racism...It is only when anyone dare defend themselves against a black thug that they bitch about racism.

Clayton is a racist piece of shit.

Yeppers... so true.

The Ideological Left is built upon racism... it stands for nothing else.
Did I forget my BA from CAL and my graduate degree from SFSU? Either one trumps your certificate from Columbia Continuation Institute.

Huh... You'd think a person of such a well rounded education would know better than to try to offer up an appeal to misleading authority... .Yet... ya didn't.Now what CAN we make of THAT?
Yet you offer your imbecilic self up as an authority. You write and write and write and offer nothing of worth.
The far thug right here condemns blacks in generalization after generalization, yet deny they do just that.
Red, White and Blue flags and standing for the National Anthem at a Sporting Event don't make this country free.

Really? Tell me how a soldier getting shot overseas somewhere was in the defense of ANY person's right to say the pledge of allegiance. I mean, do you really mean to suggest that if it were not for American soldiers and marines getting killed and or seriously wounded in combat that the youth of America would somehow be in jeopardy of being able to say the pledge?
Neo-con imperialism has not made America any safer since 2001.

It did bash the Taliban in the fall of 2001, it did kill Saddam, and we are still fighting jihadism in North Africa, the Horn, and the ME.
The Democrats have devolved from a political party to a cult with the
worship of their political leaders.

such a shame

Do you have any evidence to support your opinion? You seem so sure of them, and yet, as a Democrat I know I don't worship any pol. I'm a Democrat because the values of the Republican Party today are ideological and impractical, as well as repugnant to me. It's why I've coined the phrase callous conservatives, for that is exactly the face of its current membership.

The Democratic Party is the party of the Big Tent, and included in that tent is our future. Not a dystopian Plutocracy, which is where we are headed, and one where elections are decided by bromides uttered by demagogues.

Our infrastructure is rusting in place, the Tea Party mentality - which drives the GOP today - is oblivious to domestic needs and the consequences of doing nothing; they should adopt the Ostrich as their party animal.

The Neo Conservative element still exists as those who profit from war are alive and well and, donating lots of money to Republican Pols, and poo pooing diplomacy and negotiations, pretending the ME is all Obama's fault; rewriting history when the events are fresh in most of our minds seems foolish, but as President Lincoln sagaciously noted, "you can fool some of the people, all of the time" and some of those people post on this message board ubiquitously.

Democrats have ideas, ideas to rebuild America with labor paid a fair wage, so the workers not only rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, but contribute to our economy by spending their money on Main St., not putting it in a Cayman Islands Bank. A fair wage and health insurance which really protects families, will mean they will be able to save and retire without the need of government aid.
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The Democrats have devolved from a political party to a cult with the
worship of their political leaders.

such a shame

The most common view held by superficial simpletons for the past six years. Easier for them that way, saves them the trouble of thinking about anything.
No, boy, now you are just lying!
Yup, you would crush your opponents' free speech in a heart beat. We all know that here.

No, boy, you are projecting, again and still. Unlike you, I will DEFEND my opponents' right to free speech. (I may use my own free speech to point out they are idiots at the same time, but I will defend it.)

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