Racist math; the case for separate schools.

Do you think the reality of any of those is really simple, or determined by "race"?
The reality is that the black subculture needs these simple solutions. Most blacks get it.

It's like a pro football game. All other things being equal the team that makes the fewest mistakes will likely win.
The reality is that the black subculture needs these simple solutions. .....
You speak from many years living as a black man? Or are you just fulfilling your white man's burden to help those beneath you?
You speak from many years living as a black man? Or are you just fulfilling your white man's burden to help those beneath you?
Even a casual observer can perceive that the black subculture needs to be addressed. Of course no one understands this better than blacks themselves.

I do try to be helpful. :)
Whoa, Nellie!

What a sensitive topic!

Of course, we are NOT returning to de jure school segregation, although I think that in the coming decades there will be a lot of de facto school segregation as parents of ALL ethnicities (the majority African Americans and Hispanics + the minority Caucasians and Asians) seek the best schools for their children.

Hear tell that back in the day when there were many Catholic schools (and when tuition was reasonable), some African American parents sent their kids to Catholic school where they received an excellent education in the 3 Rs and an orderly environment strictly enforced by nuns (with a ruler in hand).

Ah! The good old days!
And how did that work out?
It's worked very well for me. I was raised by a grandmother who smoked like a chimney. I saw what it did to her and what it cost, so I said no to cigarettes long before it was popular. My grandfather was an alcoholic and I saw what it did to him and those around him, so I said no to drinking. I grew up in a drug infested neighborhood and saw what it did to people, so I said no to drugs, I've never even smoked grass. So by saying no to those things, I never developed expensive, illegal addictions. Unfortunately I said yes to reading and good food, so I spend hours every day immersed in books and weigh a good bit more than is good for me.
Separate schools for those who have a problem with "white" curriculums. High achieving minorities would still be welcome in 'white' schools.

That would be a change. Blacks are not welcome there now.

Your attitude harks back to the “Assimilate or die” attitude of white people to Native Americans. That resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Native Children throughout North America.

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past, are condemned to repeat them. Americans won’t even acknowledge the mistakes and as you clearly demonstrate, they have learned nothing from all of the pain and suffering they’ve inflicted on others.
That would be a change. Blacks are not welcome there now.

Your attitude harks back to the “Assimilate or die” attitude of white people to Native Americans. That resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Native Children throughout North America.

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past, are condemned to repeat them. Americans won’t even acknowledge the mistakes and as you clearly demonstrate, they have learned nothing from all of the pain and suffering they’ve inflicted on others.
Blacks are welcome in any school in the USA now. All they have to do is to either live in the district or pay the tuition.
That would be a change. Blacks are not welcome there now.

Your attitude harks back to the “Assimilate or die” attitude of white people to Native Americans. That resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Native Children throughout North America.

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past, are condemned to repeat them. Americans won’t even acknowledge the mistakes and as you clearly demonstrate, they have learned nothing from all of the pain and suffering they’ve inflicted on others.
If you don't want to assimilate, don't complain about not being treated like everyone else who has assimilated. Even you can't have your cake and eat it as well.
That would be a change. Blacks are not welcome there now.

Your attitude harks back to the “Assimilate or die” attitude of white people to Native Americans. That resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Native Children throughout North America.

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past, are condemned to repeat them. Americans won’t even acknowledge the mistakes and as you clearly demonstrate, they have learned nothing from all of the pain and suffering they’ve inflicted on others.

Many scams begin with the guilt trip.
We need to be educated about the horrible things we've done, then we can feel guilty and turn our pockets inside out to make amends. Nice try, but no cigar. ;)
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Many scams begin with the guilt trip.
We need to be educated about the horrible things we've done, then we can feel guilty and turn our pockets inside out to make amends. Nice try, but no cigar. ;)

Spoken like a brainwashed, Republican. It's always about money with Republicans, and keeping that money out of the hands of anyone but the wealthiest Americans.

You refuse to speak of the atrocities committed by your government against non-white Americans. That's because if you admit to systemic racism, you'll have to DO something about it. And not just in financial compensation. You'll have to dismantle the systems that ensure poor children receive an inferior quality of education to children in middle class neighbourhoods.

The USA is now headed in the same direction as South America: permanent second world status due to high levels of poverty, as well as both wealth and wage inequity. A thriving and health middle class is necessary for a successful First World economy, and the USA has a shrinking middle class, with more people falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth.

This is what Milton Friedman's economic policies did to South America, and it's now happening in the USA. The Republican Party's continued embrace of these failed economic strategies, which the rest of the First and Second world have all discontinued, is your undoing.

Ronald Reagan and his "voodoo economics" of cut taxes and spend, are still destroying your economy. You can't crash your economy utterly every 10 years, to benefit the wealthy and improverish your workers, and expect things to turn out well for your nation.
Spoken like a brainwashed, Republican. It's always about money with Republicans, and keeping that money out of the hands of anyone but the wealthiest Americans.

You refuse to speak of the atrocities committed by your government against non-white Americans. That's because if you admit to systemic racism, you'll have to DO something about it. And not just in financial compensation. You'll have to dismantle the systems that ensure poor children receive an inferior quality of education to children in middle class neighbourhoods.

The USA is now headed in the same direction as South America: permanent second world status due to high levels of poverty, as well as both wealth and wage inequity. A thriving and health middle class is necessary for a successful First World economy, and the USA has a shrinking middle class, with more people falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth.

This is what Milton Friedman's economic policies did to South America, and it's now happening in the USA. The Republican Party's continued embrace of these failed economic strategies, which the rest of the First and Second world have all discontinued, is your undoing.

Ronald Reagan and his "voodoo economics" of cut taxes and spend, are still destroying your economy. You can't crash your economy utterly every 10 years, to benefit the wealthy and improverish your workers, and expect things to turn out well for your nation.
Unless a person is seriously handicapped in some way anyone can succeed in America, if they follow the tried-and-true rules for success.

Dwelling on past injustices against long-dead people doesn't help with the future. Sitting on their "pity pot" might get them some pity, but little else.

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