Racist Lapd Detains Interracial Couple For Prostitution

RGS couldn't BE more wrong.

There is no Law saying that you MUST talk with Police.
Can the Police ask you questions? Yes.
Do you have to answer? No. It's called the 5th Amendment.

You only have to identify yourself AFTER you've been placed under arrest and that's just Name and Address.
1st post
This thread, like all of DTMB's anti police threads, is only giving us one side of the story
The police have the right and authority to ask for ID and you do not have the authority to ignore them when they stop you and walk away with out first discussing it with said police.
Bull crud.... You do not have to show id, period.
And what happens when a cop asks for ID AFTER pointing out you were accused of a crime? What happens is if you attempt to ignore them and walk away they handcuff you. Further this woman claimed racism when all the cop did is ask for her ID. Like she thought that would stop him from doing his duty.

Lets get specific shall we? Given the choice of showing ID or being handcuffed and detained, which is the smarter action?

You may not have to answer but you can NOT just walk away. She caused the problem and here you are defending her.
The police have the right and authority to ask for ID and you do not have the authority to ignore them when they stop you and walk away with out first discussing it with said police.
Bull crud.... You do not have to show id, period.
And what happens when a cop asks for ID AFTER pointing out you were accused of a crime? What happens is if you attempt to ignore them and walk away they handcuff you. Further this woman claimed racism when all the cop did is ask for her ID. Like she thought that would stop him from doing his duty.

Lets get specific shall we? Given the choice of showing ID or being handcuffed and detained, which is the smarter action?

You may not have to answer but you can NOT just walk away. She caused the problem and here you are defending her.
no one is required to carry ''papers'' with them RGS, no one is required by law to carry any kind of ID.... All you have to do by law in those circumstances that you mentioned is to give them your name....

I never carry ID of any sort if I am with my husband and he is driving....no need what so ever.....
The police have the right and authority to ask for ID and you do not have the authority to ignore them when they stop you and walk away with out first discussing it with said police.
Bull crud.... You do not have to show id, period.
And what happens when a cop asks for ID AFTER pointing out you were accused of a crime? What happens is if you attempt to ignore them and walk away they handcuff you. Further this woman claimed racism when all the cop did is ask for her ID. Like she thought that would stop him from doing his duty.

Lets get specific shall we? Given the choice of showing ID or being handcuffed and detained, which is the smarter action?

You may not have to answer but you can NOT just walk away. She caused the problem and here you are defending her.
no one is required to carry ''papers'' with them RGS, no one is required by law to carry any kind of ID.... All you have to do by law in those circumstances that you mentioned is to give them your name....

I never carry ID of any sort if I am with my husband and he is driving....no need what so ever.....
And can you simply IGNORE the officer and attempt to walk away after being told you are suspected of a crime? By the way they could have arrested her the cops chose not to.
5th post
Since the two were accused of a crime by a complaining witness they really couldn't just leave. Being black does not also mean incapable of fucking in public.
Being black does not also mean incapable of fucking in public.

But it is the reason you think she's lying

I think she's lying because racism has become the go to excuse for wrongdoing. It's happened dozens of times. She was caught fucking an ugly white guy in the front seat of a car. She was nicely asked to stop the show. Instead she claimed racism.

If this had been a park instead of a business district she'd be behind bars now.
Okay, in case no one else has it, this is the audio Actress Claims She Was Handcuffed For Kissing Her Boyfriend But Police Audio Tells a Different Story

As I understand it, she and her boyfriend/husband, depending on which article you read, were having sex in the car with the door open. They were being watched by the people in the office building across the street. One of the bosses came out and asked them to stop, saying he had employees that needed to do work. The laughed at him and stopped a few minutes later, before the cop got there, wiping themselves off with tissues.

Then she cries racism and is an absolute brat crying for her "daddy". IMO, they should have both gone to jail for lewd conduct, there sure were enough witnesses. Instead, they let her go. If she'd just shown her ID to begin with, they never would have cuffed her in the first place.
The problem is that the pigs have to respond to whatever dumb call they get. Django bitch should have understood that she was being legitimately detained.

That movie was horribly racist and she deserves no props for being in that film, much less a get out of jail free card because some dumb ass called the cops when he probably shouldn't have. Happens all the time.

You don't have to do anything wrong to be detained by the po po but they have every right to detain your unlucky arse if some moron calls them and makes up shit

They get really pissed off when they can't make an arrest or someone wastes their time. I've been detained for sitting in a car and dunking basketballs at 22:00.
I remember when my German exchange student got caught nailing the cheerleader in the car. The cop yelled at them and let them go. That was good police work in terms of not arresting people for being people.
The problem is that the pigs have to respond to whatever dumb call they get. Django bitch should have understood that she was being legitimately detained.

That movie was horribly racist and she deserves no props for being in that film, much less a get out of jail free card because some dumb ass called the cops when he probably shouldn't have. Happens all the time.

You don't have to do anything wrong to be detained by the po po but they have every right to detain your unlucky arse if some moron calls them and makes up shit

They get really pissed off when they can't make an arrest or someone wastes their time. I've been detained for sitting in a car and dunking basketballs at 22:00.

How were you dunking basketballs while sitting in a car? That is IMPRESSIVE.
15th post
I remember when my German exchange student got caught nailing the cheerleader in the car. The cop yelled at them and let them go. That was good police work in terms of not arresting people for being people.
I guess you missed the part where she refused to identify herself and called the cop racist for asking for her ID, then tried to walk away.
I remember when my German exchange student got caught nailing the cheerleader in the car. The cop yelled at them and let them go. That was good police work in terms of not arresting people for being people.
I guess you missed the part where she refused to identify herself and called the cop racist for asking for her ID, then tried to walk away.

Does anyone else believe that the term "racist" is just as offensive as the word "n*gger?"

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