Racism, Inc.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Racism, Inc.
Like the word “heretic” in an earlier age, “racism” is more weapon than word.

6 Jun 2020 ~~ By Roger Kimball
For the last couple of months, your inbox, like mine, has been awash in nauseating communiqués from every school, club, or business you had carelessly entrusted with your email address. “Stay safe,” they urged—and stay home. A great plague is upon the land, and we must all respond with displays of ritual purification and groveling obedience. Shows of obedience were critical, as was the virtue-signaling that accompanied them. People were shamed for appearing in public without a mask or for walking too close to other people. The whole thing was an extraordinary display of communal insanity.
Suddenly, almost overnight, those communiqués vanished, replaced by others, no less nauseating. There are new items on the menu of virtue-signaling and ritual abasement. Now the theme is not a novel respiratory virus, but a spiritual virus: the virus of supposed “systemic” or “institutional” “racism” and police brutality.
As all the world knows, the catalyst for this emetic display of meaningless verbiage was the unfortunate death of George Floyd, a black man and career criminal, who expired while being arrested by the police in Minneapolis. Much obloquy—to say nothing of a second-degree murder charge—has been directed at Officer Derek Chauvin, one of four police officers involved with the arrest, for his rough restraint of Floyd. Chauvin, who is white, pinned a handcuffed Floyd to the ground, kneeling on his neck. Was that what killed Floyd? Maybe. But maybe he died because his serious heart condition was fatally aggravated by the Fentanyl and methamphetamine he had ingested.
In any event, the death of Floyd, excruciatingly captured by an amateur video that went viral, was the spark that excited not only the explosion of hand-wringing about supposed “systemic racism” among the police and in American society at large, but also the nationwide wave of protests, violent riots, and even calls to defund or disband the police.

Another oddity: Racism, Inc. manufactures only one-way ratchets. That is to say, “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” I well remember a bulletin from a professor at Texas Christian University:
At the beginning of the semester, I usually like to invite all my white students to get together and discuss the challenges they may face. . . . However, the time slipped by and I didn’t get a chance. So, I would like to ask if you are interested in a get together on Monday afternoon. We can also discuss the exam that is coming up. I don’t mind if this would turn out to be a study session for my WHITE STUDENTS ONLY.
Are you outraged and disgusted by this blatantly racist invitation? Of course, you are. Though given that it issued from an institution with the words “Texas” and “Christian” in its name, perhaps you are not surprised. What else can you expect from so tainted a source?
Except, that is not exactly how the bulletin read. The professor really did offer an invitation to some, and only some, of his students, and the invitation was race-based. But the original email extended the invitation not to white students, but to “STUDENTS OF COLOR ONLY.” Do you find that your feelings of outrage and disgust are noticeably diminished? Are you busy searching for an explanation, an extenuation, an excuse? Just asking.
“As morally offensive as is the expression of racism wherever it is found,” Hook wrote, a false charge of racism is equally offensive, perhaps even more so, because the consequences of a false charge of racism enable an authentic racist to conceal his racism by exploiting the loose way the term is used to cover up his actions. The same is true of a false charge of sexism or anti-Semitism. This is the lesson we should all have learned from the days of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Because of his false and irresponsible charges of communism against liberals, socialists, and others among his critics, many communists and agents of communist influence sought to pass themselves off as Jeffersonian democrats or merely idealistic tenured radicals reformers.
Hook wrote that several decades ago. We have yet to catch up to it.

t's worth noting this passage again, "As Heather Mac Donald has shown (in her recent book), the charge that the police are guilty of “systemic racism” is a divisive myth. In 2018, Blacks were responsible for 53 percent of the homicides and 60 percent of the robberies in the United States, though they represent only 13 percent of the population. “Police shootings,” Mac Donald observed, “are not the reason that blacks die of homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined; criminal violence is.”
In 2019, there were 89 police officers killed in the line of duty, yet there were only 9 black, unarmed individuals killed by police. As a result, can we then conclude that it's much safer to be black than to be a policeman.
The most racist people in the world are Blacks. It is their main reason for living. It is not all their fault. They have been egged on for a couple of hundred years.
The ones doing the brainwashing are mostly Communists and all the other names they go by. Anarchists, Radicals, Liberals, Marxist, Socialists etc.
Black people are the victims of murder, home invasion, beaten and otherwise killed with great regularity by other black people who are not police.
if our current oppressors cry "wolf!" as often as they do (where, literally, even the very weather is blamed on White racism), there will come a time, perhaps not far into the future, where racism will be exorcised, if not outright celebrated like some groups are already free to do. If this isn't a cautionary tale, I don't know what is.

Here's another article and statistics that defines "Black Live Matter';
Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving “racist” white cops are the least of their worries.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: there are more black people in jail right now in america than there were black slaves in 1860

All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
Racism, Inc.
Like the word “heretic” in an earlier age, “racism” is more weapon than word.

6 Jun 2020 ~~ By Roger Kimball
For the last couple of months, your inbox, like mine, has been awash in nauseating communiqués from every school, club, or business you had carelessly entrusted with your email address. “Stay safe,” they urged—and stay home. A great plague is upon the land, and we must all respond with displays of ritual purification and groveling obedience. Shows of obedience were critical, as was the virtue-signaling that accompanied them. People were shamed for appearing in public without a mask or for walking too close to other people. The whole thing was an extraordinary display of communal insanity.
Suddenly, almost overnight, those communiqués vanished, replaced by others, no less nauseating. There are new items on the menu of virtue-signaling and ritual abasement. Now the theme is not a novel respiratory virus, but a spiritual virus: the virus of supposed “systemic” or “institutional” “racism” and police brutality.
As all the world knows, the catalyst for this emetic display of meaningless verbiage was the unfortunate death of George Floyd, a black man and career criminal, who expired while being arrested by the police in Minneapolis. Much obloquy—to say nothing of a second-degree murder charge—has been directed at Officer Derek Chauvin, one of four police officers involved with the arrest, for his rough restraint of Floyd. Chauvin, who is white, pinned a handcuffed Floyd to the ground, kneeling on his neck. Was that what killed Floyd? Maybe. But maybe he died because his serious heart condition was fatally aggravated by the Fentanyl and methamphetamine he had ingested.
In any event, the death of Floyd, excruciatingly captured by an amateur video that went viral, was the spark that excited not only the explosion of hand-wringing about supposed “systemic racism” among the police and in American society at large, but also the nationwide wave of protests, violent riots, and even calls to defund or disband the police.

Another oddity: Racism, Inc. manufactures only one-way ratchets. That is to say, “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” I well remember a bulletin from a professor at Texas Christian University:
At the beginning of the semester, I usually like to invite all my white students to get together and discuss the challenges they may face. . . . However, the time slipped by and I didn’t get a chance. So, I would like to ask if you are interested in a get together on Monday afternoon. We can also discuss the exam that is coming up. I don’t mind if this would turn out to be a study session for my WHITE STUDENTS ONLY.
Are you outraged and disgusted by this blatantly racist invitation? Of course, you are. Though given that it issued from an institution with the words “Texas” and “Christian” in its name, perhaps you are not surprised. What else can you expect from so tainted a source?
Except, that is not exactly how the bulletin read. The professor really did offer an invitation to some, and only some, of his students, and the invitation was race-based. But the original email extended the invitation not to white students, but to “STUDENTS OF COLOR ONLY.” Do you find that your feelings of outrage and disgust are noticeably diminished? Are you busy searching for an explanation, an extenuation, an excuse? Just asking.
“As morally offensive as is the expression of racism wherever it is found,” Hook wrote, a false charge of racism is equally offensive, perhaps even more so, because the consequences of a false charge of racism enable an authentic racist to conceal his racism by exploiting the loose way the term is used to cover up his actions. The same is true of a false charge of sexism or anti-Semitism. This is the lesson we should all have learned from the days of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Because of his false and irresponsible charges of communism against liberals, socialists, and others among his critics, many communists and agents of communist influence sought to pass themselves off as Jeffersonian democrats or merely idealistic tenured radicals reformers.
Hook wrote that several decades ago. We have yet to catch up to it.

t's worth noting this passage again, "As Heather Mac Donald has shown (in her recent book), the charge that the police are guilty of “systemic racism” is a divisive myth. In 2018, Blacks were responsible for 53 percent of the homicides and 60 percent of the robberies in the United States, though they represent only 13 percent of the population. “Police shootings,” Mac Donald observed, “are not the reason that blacks die of homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined; criminal violence is.”
In 2019, there were 89 police officers killed in the line of duty, yet there were only 9 black, unarmed individuals killed by police. As a result, can we then conclude that it's much safer to be black than to be a policeman.
The most racist people in the world are Blacks. It is their main reason for living. It is not all their fault. They have been egged on for a couple of hundred years.
The ones doing the brainwashing are mostly Communists and all the other names they go by. Anarchists, Radicals, Liberals, Marxist, Socialists etc.
Black people are the victims of murder, home invasion, beaten and otherwise killed with great regularity by other black people who are not police.
if our current oppressors cry "wolf!" as often as they do (where, literally, even the very weather is blamed on White racism), there will come a time, perhaps not far into the future, where racism will be exorcised, if not outright celebrated like some groups are already free to do. If this isn't a cautionary tale, I don't know what is.

Here's another article and statistics that defines "Black Live Matter';
Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving “racist” white cops are the least of their worries.
Lol! White fragility is strong here.
All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
There are some things that are systemic and not individual acts. Until that is gone we will have problems.
All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
There are some things that are systemic and not individual acts. Until that is gone we will have problems.
Systemic racism does exist. It is why America is in this situation.
All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
There are some things that are systemic and not individual acts. Until that is gone we will have problems.
Systemic racism does exist. It is why America is in this situation.

So it's written somewhere like, for example, in the manuals of the MSP Police Department that if the arrestee is black, you do A,B,C, if the arrestee is white, you do D,E,F?
All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
There are some things that are systemic and not individual acts. Until that is gone we will have problems.
We will have problems as long as racists (including blacks) are determined to invent them.
All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
There are some things that are systemic and not individual acts. Until that is gone we will have problems.
We will have problems as long as racists (including blacks) are determined to invent them.
Democrats are literally so racist they believe that certain races can't be racist because of their race.

No joke
All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
There are some things that are systemic and not individual acts. Until that is gone we will have problems.
We will have problems as long as racists (including blacks) are determined to invent them.
Democrats are literally so racist they believe that certain races can't be racist because of their race.

No joke

Conservatives are literally so dumb that many (if not most) actually believe that.

No joke.
All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
There are some things that are systemic and not individual acts. Until that is gone we will have problems.
We will have problems as long as racists (including blacks) are determined to invent them.
Democrats are literally so racist they believe that certain races can't be racist because of their race.

No joke

Conservatives are literally so dumb that many (if not most) actually believe that.

No joke.
I hear Democrats say it all the time, and if you don't believe Democrats, you're racist
All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
There are some things that are systemic and not individual acts. Until that is gone we will have problems.
We will have problems as long as racists (including blacks) are determined to invent them.
Democrats are literally so racist they believe that certain races can't be racist because of their race.

No joke

Conservatives are literally so dumb that many (if not most) actually believe that.

No joke.
I hear Democrats say it all the time, and if you don't believe Democrats, you're racist
If you're not making that up (you quote nobody), what you're hearing is incredibly misinformed Democrats saying such tripe. Not all "democrats" think the same way about anything any more or any less than all republicans think the same way about anything.


" If black folks are so routinely beaten up for their skin color, how come Jussie Smollett had to pay two Nigerian dudes to beat the hell out of him? "
All of you guys complaining about racism being brought to the forefront of the news is funny. Simply don't be racist and it's all good. That goes for people of all skin colors.

3,000 years from now, we'll still be having the same over-reaction to anytime an injustice against one party is committed against another party and the parties happen to be of opposite colors.

It would help if we could just attribute the act of the actor to the person performing the injustice instead of assigning the behavior to their entire race or gender; amplifying the brutality when they don't look like us and downplaying the brutality when they do.

But, for some people, that is not possible regardless of their skin color.
,,but there is not a problem of racism
... it's a lie ----everyone should complain about lies
..the problem is blacks:
murdering at higher rates--murdering other blacks
hate crimes
graduating at lower rates

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