Rachel Maddow Busted For FAKE NEWS / Deception


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
MSNBC star Rachel Maddow accused of deceiving viewers by glossing over Trump Jr. blocked call reports

"MSNBC host Rachel Maddow was called out by a media watchdog group for deceiving viewers when she failed to mention details of reports seemingly clearing Donald Trump Jr. of suspicions that he made phone calls to President Trump around the time of the Trump Tower meeting with Russians in June 2016.

Mediaite’s Caleb Howe
penned an opinion piece on Monday headlined, “Rachel Maddow’s narrative on Don Jr.’s ‘blocked calls’ disappeared. She forgot to tell her audience.”

Uh-huh.... :p

Remember when she was so obsessed with Trump’s Taco Bell receipts last year.

I still have to laugh at it's smug self righteous face when Trump leaked a tax return and it was sure it had something relevant, only to find out Trump over paid that year.

That thing is beneath contempt like all the libturds who parrot it.


MSNBC star Rachel Maddow accused of deceiving viewers by glossing over Trump Jr. blocked call reports

"MSNBC host Rachel Maddow was called out by a media watchdog group for deceiving viewers when she failed to mention details of reports seemingly clearing Donald Trump Jr. of suspicions that he made phone calls to President Trump around the time of the Trump Tower meeting with Russians in June 2016.

Mediaite’s Caleb Howe
penned an opinion piece on Monday headlined, “Rachel Maddow’s narrative on Don Jr.’s ‘blocked calls’ disappeared. She forgot to tell her audience.”

Uh-huh.... :p

I watch her live every night - and she made it plain enough for me. More fake news from Fox News.
What's really funny is that her ratings are higher than FNC during her time slot. There really are a bunch of gullible idiots out there! LOL

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