Race hustlers even infect geek hobby conventions...no racism, no peace...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is from author Larry Correia responding to a race hustler who wrote an article about attending Gencon...a table top gaming convention...and yes...no racism, no peace...

No, Tor.com, GenCon Isn’t Racist. A Fisking. | Monster Hunter Nation

I read this article before arriving in Indianapolis, so I was able to ponder on it a bit as I observed the gleeful masses at GenCon enjoying themselves and having a fantastic time proudly flying their geek flags high. Little did those poor gamers realize that they were actually engaging in racist-cismale-patriarchal-micro-aggressions and invisible privilege. Luckily for us Tor.com has once again swooped in to suck the fun out of everything.

Gaming’s Race Problem: GenCon and Beyond | Tor.com

As usual, the original article is in italics and my comments are in bold. Before I get going, let me just skip ahead a bit and say that the author of this article says he wanted to have a conversation on race in gaming. Okay. Here you go. Be careful what you wish for.

First off, so you know my preexisting biases, here is my opinion on GenCon:GenCon 2014 Report | Monster Hunter Nation In short, it is friggin’ awesome.
Gaming has a race problem. For all its creativity and imagination, for all its acceptance of those who find it hard to be themselves in mainstream society, gaming has made little room for people of color.

I’m calling bullshit on this one. After reading this ridiculous article I was curious, and paid more attention than I normally do to what the people around me looked like over the last few days. Since I’m not a Social Justice Warrior I usually just judge individuals based on the content of their character, but this is for Tor.com, so I was on the lookout.

What did I find? All sorts of people too busy having fun to give a shit what color the person standing next to them was. Having traveled all over most of America, I saw a group of people that looked basically like America, only these were all united in their love of gaming and having a great time.

Wild ass guess, as if I’m back in the corporate world preparing a mandatory EEOC report blacks are statistically under-represented. Asians were probably over represented. On the Latinos it is hard to tell, because as we learned from NPR last week, it is hard to pick us out when we don’t wear sombreros for easy identification. Fisking NPR about Latinos in the movies | Monster Hunter Nation

Sooo, I guess to make this race hustler happy we need federal police forces to go out and force minorities to attend GenCon...
The reason they want to gatecrash the geeks' party is because they know they'll face little resistence in the face of introverted Whites and Asians.
Reading this race hustler....what a whiny pants...get on with your life buddy...let go of the victim hood and you will be,a lot happier....
Gaming does have different races. Elf, dwarf, orc, wizard. There are lots of different races. What this jerk is mad about is that there are no games in which the Elves address the plight of the black man. He should run a halfling woman.
The reason they want to gatecrash the geeks' party is because they know they'll face little resistence in the face of introverted Whites and Asians.

You might be surprised...I was at a gaming Con (not GenCon, never done it) this past March, and many of the players (probably including me) were NOT anyone's mental image of a "geek". Saw two Combat Veteran plates in the hotel lot, one National Guard plate...one of the organizers was an Army reserve Captain. (His was NOT one of the plates.) One of the guys running games had the "real job" of personal trainer, and counted several MLB players as customers! (He was working out at 4:30am every day, much to the disappointment of my wife, who fully expected to have the gym to herself at that hour.)

Another organizer was a tiny woman (late 20's, 5', ~95lbs, and could pass for 16) who wore a different costume all 4 days...she's a competitive trapshooter, a hunter, & has been since age 10. (Her car was easy to find: the bright-yellow Jeep with Texas plates and stickers for Star Wars, Mossberg shotguns, Marlin rifles, and "gut deer".)

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