Race and the 'flash mob' attacks


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Race and the 'flash mob' attacks

June 08, 2011|Steve Chapman

Here's my question about the teenagers who have been attacking and robbing people on North Michigan Avenue in recent days: Were they Christians? And if so, what denomination? Baptist? Catholic? Seventh Day Adventist?

Those may sound like ridiculous questions. But so is the question raised by many Tribune readers about our coverage: Why aren't we mentioning that the culprits are black?

There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It's the newspaper's sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic.

If a reporter goes out and interviews people about the weather, would it make sense for the story to say, "Joe Smith, who is black, is hoping for a cool front"? If a pedestrian gets run over by a bicyclist, should the story mention that the rider was white?

Race and the 'flash mob' attacks - Chicago Tribune
Race and the 'flash mob' attacks

June 08, 2011|Steve Chapman

Here's my question about the teenagers who have been attacking and robbing people on North Michigan Avenue in recent days: Were they Christians? And if so, what denomination? Baptist? Catholic? Seventh Day Adventist?

Those may sound like ridiculous questions. But so is the question raised by many Tribune readers about our coverage: Why aren't we mentioning that the culprits are black?

There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It's the newspaper's sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic.

If a reporter goes out and interviews people about the weather, would it make sense for the story to say, "Joe Smith, who is black, is hoping for a cool front"? If a pedestrian gets run over by a bicyclist, should the story mention that the rider was white?

Race and the 'flash mob' attacks - Chicago Tribune

Generally media outlets are asked not to mention the race of either victim or attacker so that the public is unaware of how much crime is committed by blacks or how many victims are white, when a media outlet wants to get around this, they don't mention the race, but will publish a picture.
I didn't think any whites still lived in michigan,no work for those union loving jerks
White flash mob:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXh7JR9oKVE]Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See! - YouTube[/ame]

Afro flash mob:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHyug2PvpB8]Flash Mob Robs 7-11 - YouTube[/ame]
Race and the 'flash mob' attacks

June 08, 2011|Steve Chapman

Here's my question about the teenagers who have been attacking and robbing people on North Michigan Avenue in recent days: Were they Christians? And if so, what denomination? Baptist? Catholic? Seventh Day Adventist?

Those may sound like ridiculous questions. But so is the question raised by many Tribune readers about our coverage: Why aren't we mentioning that the culprits are black?

There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It's the newspaper's sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic.

If a reporter goes out and interviews people about the weather, would it make sense for the story to say, "Joe Smith, who is black, is hoping for a cool front"? If a pedestrian gets run over by a bicyclist, should the story mention that the rider was white?

Race and the 'flash mob' attacks - Chicago Tribune

Generally media outlets are asked not to mention the race of either victim or attacker so that the public is unaware of how much crime is committed by blacks or how many victims are white, when a media outlet wants to get around this, they don't mention the race, but will publish a picture.

I love it -- a "journalist" arguing in favor of censoring information. What other categories of information would he withhold from readers?
Some of these posts affirm a lot about the poster.
I didn't think any whites still lived in michigan,no work for those union loving jerks

North Michigan Avenue is in Chicago dumbass
Don't give away the secret !.:badgrin::eusa_silenced:
I had a UF grad ask me how I liked living on an island. I'm in Costa Rica ( until the 15th---then Chile for snowboarding-refinishing floors).
BTW. What country are you from ?:D
I didn't think any whites still lived in michigan,no work for those union loving jerks

North Michigan Avenue is in Chicago dumbass
Don't give away the secret !.:badgrin::eusa_silenced:
I had a UF grad ask me how I liked living on an island. I'm in Costa Rica ( until the 15th---then Chile for snowboarding-refinishing floors).
BTW. What country are you from ?:D

Isn't it obvious, the greatest country on Gods green Earth :cool:
Race and the 'flash mob' attacks

June 08, 2011|Steve Chapman

Here's my question about the teenagers who have been attacking and robbing people on North Michigan Avenue in recent days: Were they Christians? And if so, what denomination? Baptist? Catholic? Seventh Day Adventist?

Those may sound like ridiculous questions. But so is the question raised by many Tribune readers about our coverage: Why aren't we mentioning that the culprits are black?

There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It's the newspaper's sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic.

If a reporter goes out and interviews people about the weather, would it make sense for the story to say, "Joe Smith, who is black, is hoping for a cool front"? If a pedestrian gets run over by a bicyclist, should the story mention that the rider was white?

Race and the 'flash mob' attacks - Chicago Tribune

Yoiu should mention the race when its an epidemic being perpetrated by a particular race. Its a big problem, but not in the asian community, or the white community. There seems to be a racial trend, and thats why you should mention the race.
Race and the 'flash mob' attacks

June 08, 2011|Steve Chapman

Here's my question about the teenagers who have been attacking and robbing people on North Michigan Avenue in recent days: Were they Christians? And if so, what denomination? Baptist? Catholic? Seventh Day Adventist?

Those may sound like ridiculous questions. But so is the question raised by many Tribune readers about our coverage: Why aren't we mentioning that the culprits are black?

There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It's the newspaper's sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic.

If a reporter goes out and interviews people about the weather, would it make sense for the story to say, "Joe Smith, who is black, is hoping for a cool front"? If a pedestrian gets run over by a bicyclist, should the story mention that the rider was white?

Race and the 'flash mob' attacks - Chicago Tribune

Generally media outlets are asked not to mention the race of either victim or attacker so that the public is unaware of how much crime is committed by blacks or how many victims are white, when a media outlet wants to get around this, they don't mention the race, but will publish a picture.

All the media has to do is use the word "youths".
I didn't think any whites still lived in michigan,no work for those union loving jerks

North Michigan Avenue is in Chicago dumbass
Don't give away the secret !.:badgrin::eusa_silenced:
I had a UF grad ask me how I liked living on an island. I'm in Costa Rica ( until the 15th---then Chile for snowboarding-refinishing floors).
BTW. What country are you from ?:D
Chitown is just as bad as detroit,what with those out of work whites running around doing the flash mob dance.

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