Rabbi Finkelstein admits Jewish treachery

^^ Moron

This place gets them all. The loonies are off the path when they come here.

Got to keep the loonies on the path....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUwUKyztI10]YouTube - ‪Pink Floyd-Brain Damage/Eclipse‬‏[/ame]
Reptilian ? Offspring of "that ancient serpent" ?


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Rabbi who tells the truth !!! :clap:

1. Of course that rabbi is an obvious Fake...

2. It's from a raging but goofy hate site/Turner radio...

3. It has NOTHING to do with 'Israel and Palestine' (OFF Topic) rather Jews/Religion.

4. The post is an embarrassment to any DECENT message board. Nonetheless... when it was reported, mainly as off topic, they did Nothing about it.

5. Congrats USMB. Let's keep this one at the top of the page as representative of what you allow and who you accept here.
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Ah, he told you why he thinks that it's a fake.

It doesn't matter to me. There are 500 Million Arab Muslims and out of those ones there are quite a few who vocally call for the end of Jewry worldwide.

Kind of like what you say Sunn Man except they want to end their lives, not just their participation in humanity like you do, so kindof.

At any rate. For every thousand Muslim religious zealots (Clerics) there is likely a Jewish one. I don't doubt it. I've met them. They exist. They are part of humanity.

You know Sunni Man. That humanity that you want to strip the Jews of... :cuckoo:
This pathetic attempt to imitate a Rabbi is completely laughable. Anyone who has even the most basic knowledge would see it. He used an inaccurate form of a Hebrew word and even got the New York accent wrong. :cuckoo: I guess people who are desperately eager to hate Jews will believe any insane crap they hear. It is the very nature of Bigotry.
Sunni Man

There is on unquestionable Truth with regard to people. Each individual is unique. To judge an entire race or creed is intellectually, statistically and morally wrong. There are good and bad people in all races and religions. I wonder Sunni...are you capable of realizing this most basic Truth? We live in a enlightened age and great people like Martin Luther King have shown us the light. Why don't you join us in the Modern era.
Sunni Man

There is on unquestionable Truth with regard to people. Each individual is unique. To judge an entire race or creed is intellectually, statistically and morally wrong. There are good and bad people in all races and religions. I wonder Sunni...are you capable of realizing this most basic Truth? We live in a enlightened age and great people like Martin Luther King have shown us the light. Why don't you join us in the Modern era.

We are in an "enlightened age"??

The "TRUTH" is we are engaged in 3 wars; Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and bombing Yemen and Somalia on a regular basis.

And have killed/murdered tens of thousands of innocent men, women, and children, in this so calle "Modern era", as you termed it.

And don't get me started on the so called "Light" MLK ; the womanizer and adulter preacher. What a fraud.

No Thanks, I don't want to join your club. :doubt:
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Hey...I read a book some time ago, and the topic might be right in your bailiwick!

It was by an NYU professor, Ernst van den Haag, called "The Jewish Mystique." Maybe you could get it at your local library....
Fascinating theory....see the prof sees the middle ages as the key: he says that while the really, really smart Christians entered monasteries, where they studied and taught, but practiced abstinence, they pretty much kept their 'smart' genes out of the Christian gene pool.

Still with me? Good.

But a really smart Jewish fellow would be married off to the daughter of the richest member of the community, and basically supported his whole life to study, have kids, study, have kids......

Get it? Can you guess what happened to their gene pool???

Maybe that explains both the part of your vid that says that you don't find Jewish folk cleaning toilets...and it explains your inveterate, atavistic envy.
Pretty good, huh?
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Sunni...Living in an enlightened age does not mean that the whole world is completely free of war and hatred. That would be utopia. But it clearly means that intelligent and wise people have come to recognize that judging an entire Race, Religion or Creed is completely wrong. Bigotry is nothing but old-school hate and stupidity. I think it is time you grow up and learn that there are good and bad in all peoples. Modern people view the merits of INDIVIDUALS.

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