Rabbi Finkelstein admits Jewish treachery

Sunni...Living in an enlightened age does not mean that the whole world is completely free of war and hatred. That would be utopia. But it clearly means that intelligent and wise people have come to recognize that judging an entire Race, Religion or Creed is completely wrong. Bigotry is nothing but old-school hate and stupidity. I think it is time you grow up and learn that there are good and bad in all peoples. Modern people view the merits of INDIVIDUALS.

While judging and entire race, religion or tribe maybe foolish, it is just as foolish to ignore the commonalities that bind these people together and make them what they are.
DILLODUCK: you said
While judging and entire race, religion or tribe maybe foolish, it is just as foolish to ignore the commonalities that bind these people together and make them what they are

Certain commonalities within groups do exist, but when you make comparisons between large racial and religious groups there are far more similarities than differences. Bigots like Sunni are trying to suggest that certain groups are evil while others are purely noble. This is foolishness. It is even greater foolishness to condemn all Jews based on the rantings of a FAKE Rabbi. Believe me...the Bigots on this site are not open-minded thinkers. They just seek to denigrate other races and creeds. Don't give them too much credit.

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