R denies Medicaid to poorest in south

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Medicaid Expansion To Poorest Southerners Denied By Republicans

If you're poor and you live in the South, there's a good chance health care reform won't reach you. Intransigent Republican governors from Florida to Texas remain steadfastly resistant to President Barack Obama's plan to expand Medicaid to their neediest constituents.

The health care reform law Obama enacted in 2010 depends heavily on Medicaid, a joint federal-state health benefits program, to reach the goal of near-universal health care. If every state participated, 17 million uninsured people would gain coverage through Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program between 2014 and 2022, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The law extends Medicaid to anyone who earns up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, which is $14,856 this year.

These are the same people who voted so heavily for pubs.

Once again, the ignorant and poorly educated rw voting against their own best interest.
From the article -

Texas had the highest rate of uninsurance in the nation last year: 24 percent, according to census data compiled by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. In Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Louisiana, it was 20 percent. Nineteen percent of Mississippians were uninsured in 2011. Nationally, 16 percent of people had no health insurance last year. In Massachusetts, which enacted a comprehensive health care reform program in 2006, only 4 percent of residents are uninsured.
The truly ignorant believe Gov't will provide for them.

When the Dollar implodes no one will get MediCare.
The truly ignorant believe Gov't will provide for them.
Agreed that rw's want to keep their free, emergency room health care rather than pay for it themselves. That's a huge part of the reason rw's voted for Mitt. heSAID that was his plan for national health care.
When the Dollar implodes no one will get MediCare. The article is not about Medicare.
The truly ignorant believe Gov't will provide for them.
Agreed that rw's want to keep their free, emergency room health care rather than pay for it themselves. That's a huge part of the reason rw's voted for Mitt. heSAID that was his plan for national health care.
When the Dollar implodes no one will get MediCare. The article is not about Medicare.
Excuse me Medicaid.

No gov't services will be available when the Dollar implodes due to QE Infinity.
If you're poor and you live in the South, there's a good chance health care reform won't reach you. Intransigent Republican governors from Florida to Texas remain steadfastly resistant to President Barack Obama's plan to expand Medicaid to their neediest constituents.

The health care reform law Obama enacted in 2010 depends heavily on Medicaid, a joint federal-state health benefits program, to reach the goal of near-universal health care. If every state participated, 17 million uninsured people would gain coverage through Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program between 2014 and 2022, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The law extends Medicaid to anyone who earns up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, which is $14,856 this year.

These are the same people who voted so heavily for pubs.

Once again, the ignorant and poorly educated rw voting against their own best interest.

Yeah, voting to live free of nanny-statism and having enough pride and personal accountability to refuse undeserved handouts is "voting against their own best interest" now?

Typical liberal Marxist communist socialist.
If the states refuse to make a plan for how their health care will meld with the new HC laws, then FEDs will do it for them

The people in those states WILL get HC, anyway.
If the states refuse to make a plan for how their health care will meld with the new HC laws, then FEDs will do it for them

The people in those states WILL get HC, anyway.

wonderful, and YOU people thought you lived in a FREE country

it's Obama's AMERIKA now
If the states refuse to make a plan for how their health care will meld with the new HC laws, then FEDs will do it for them

The people in those states WILL get HC, anyway.

Whether they want it or not; whether they submit, or we cram it down their throats at gunpoint.
The truly ignorant believe Gov't will provide for them.
Agreed that rw's want to keep their free, emergency room health care rather than pay for it themselves. That's a huge part of the reason rw's voted for Mitt. heSAID that was his plan for national health care.
When the Dollar implodes no one will get MediCare. The article is not about Medicare.

Got too protect "the one" so let's blame someone else for his failures.
If the states refuse to make a plan for how their health care will meld with the new HC laws, then FEDs will do it for them

The people in those states WILL get HC, anyway.

There is not such thing as a Constitutionally allowed obamacare. However obama tax is another thing. So tell me why do you support raising taxes on those who already pay to many taxes?
If you're poor and you live in the South, there's a good chance health care reform won't reach you. Intransigent Republican governors from Florida to Texas remain steadfastly resistant to President Barack Obama's plan to expand Medicaid to their neediest constituents.

The health care reform law Obama enacted in 2010 depends heavily on Medicaid, a joint federal-state health benefits program, to reach the goal of near-universal health care. If every state participated, 17 million uninsured people would gain coverage through Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program between 2014 and 2022, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The law extends Medicaid to anyone who earns up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, which is $14,856 this year.

These are the same people who voted so heavily for pubs.

Once again, the ignorant and poorly educated rw voting against their own best interest.

Yeah, voting to live free of nanny-statism and having enough pride and personal accountability to refuse undeserved handouts is "voting against their own best interest" now?

Typical liberal Marxist communist socialist.

Will you PUH-lese look up the definitions of these words? Using these terms in this way just screams your ignorance.
Complete lie.

The NEEDIEST constituents in the south already HAVE medicaid.

They are resisting expanding it to everyone else. Which will CREATE more of the poorest class.
From the article -

Texas had the highest rate of uninsurance in the nation last year: 24 percent, according to census data compiled by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. In Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Louisiana, it was 20 percent. Nineteen percent of Mississippians were uninsured in 2011. Nationally, 16 percent of people had no health insurance last year. In Massachusetts, which enacted a comprehensive health care reform program in 2006, only 4 percent of residents are uninsured.

Move to Massachusetts and suck off their tit then

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