Quit making everything partisan


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
As a moderate who could give a shit who or what party is in what position, and only concerned with the best people winning things, everytime some buttmuncher opposes someone else saying like "You liberals think this about everything," or "you conservatives hate everybody" I wanna kill you both because all you do is embarass and weaken whose ever side you're supposedly on. It actually makes it look like you're with the opposition pretending to be against them just to make 'your side' look even worse having a flatulent dicksuck speaking for them.

Close those silly holes below your nose. If you can't think, can't write, can't argue without marginalizing your opposiiton for the love of god, kill yourself. You're worthless.

We all have our opinions.


As a moderate who could give a shit who or what party is in what position, and only concerned with the best people winning things, everytime some buttmuncher opposes someone else saying like "You liberals think this about everything," or "you conservatives hate everybody" I wanna kill you both because all you do is embarass and weaken whose ever side you're supposedly on. It actually makes it look like you're with the opposition pretending to be against them just to make 'your side' look even worse having a flatulent dicksuck speaking for them.

Close those silly holes below your nose. If you can't think, can't write, can't argue without marginalizing your opposiiton for the love of god, kill yourself. You're worthless.
It takes two to tango and we have a two-party system, hence a partisan system with partisans on both side. As a moderate you are standing here, and in election season, which now never stops, that is a bad place to be.


Your calls for moderation will find nothing but deaf ears from now until November of 2016. BTW, the best people are not the ones who win things. The people who can win win things. Now you know.
As a moderate who could give a shit who or what party is in what position, and only concerned with the best people winning things, everytime some buttmuncher opposes someone else saying like "You liberals think this about everything," or "you conservatives hate everybody" I wanna kill you both because all you do is embarass and weaken whose ever side you're supposedly on. It actually makes it look like you're with the opposition pretending to be against them just to make 'your side' look even worse having a flatulent dicksuck speaking for them.

Close those silly holes below your nose. If you can't think, can't write, can't argue without marginalizing your opposition for the love of god, kill yourself. You're worthless.
Where have you been? Just wake up? Welcome, we're in the new normal in the 21st century.
By definition, 'party loyalty' means you don't want the best, just the best from your party. Consequently, by extension, you're anti-American because instead of choosing from the opposition party for the best, you'll sacrifice your nation's best interests to be partisan.

Country doesn't need you if this is you. Nor does the planet.
By definition, 'party loyalty' means you don't want the best, just the best from your party. Consequently, by extension, you're anti-American because instead of choosing from the opposition party for the best, you'll sacrifice your nation's best interests to be partisan.

Country doesn't need you if this is you. Nor does the planet.
In a partisan system only a partisan can win. How long before you start dealing with the real world?
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As a moderate who could give a shit who or what party is in what position, and only concerned with the best people winning things, everytime some buttmuncher opposes someone else saying like "You liberals think this about everything," or "you conservatives hate everybody" I wanna kill you both because all you do is embarass and weaken whose ever side you're supposedly on. It actually makes it look like you're with the opposition pretending to be against them just to make 'your side' look even worse having a flatulent dicksuck speaking for them.

Close those silly holes below your nose. If you can't think, can't write, can't argue without marginalizing your opposiiton for the love of god, kill yourself. You're worthless.

You mean like that other thread that tries to turn a crazy driving through a crowd into a party situation?
As a moderate who could give a shit who or what party is in what position, and only concerned with the best people winning things, everytime some buttmuncher opposes someone else saying like "You liberals think this about everything," or "you conservatives hate everybody" I wanna kill you both because all you do is embarass and weaken whose ever side you're supposedly on. It actually makes it look like you're with the opposition pretending to be against them just to make 'your side' look even worse having a flatulent dicksuck speaking for them.

Close those silly holes below your nose. If you can't think, can't write, can't argue without marginalizing your opposiiton for the love of god, kill yourself. You're worthless.

You mean like that other thread that tries to turn a crazy driving through a crowd into a party situation?

If you don't know which threads explaining it wont help you.
As a moderate who could give a shit who or what party is in what position, and only concerned with the best people winning things, everytime some buttmuncher opposes someone else saying like "You liberals think this about everything," or "you conservatives hate everybody" I wanna kill you both because all you do is embarass and weaken whose ever side you're supposedly on. It actually makes it look like you're with the opposition pretending to be against them just to make 'your side' look even worse having a flatulent dicksuck speaking for them.

Close those silly holes below your nose. If you can't think, can't write, can't argue without marginalizing your opposiiton for the love of god, kill yourself. You're worthless.

You mean like that other thread that tries to turn a crazy driving through a crowd into a party situation?

If you don't know which threads explaining it wont help you.

We both know which thread I'm talking about. You posted in it. Is that the kind of partisan crap you are talking about?
As a moderate who could give a shit who or what party is in what position, and only concerned with the best people winning things, everytime some buttmuncher opposes someone else saying like "You liberals think this about everything," or "you conservatives hate everybody" I wanna kill you both because all you do is embarass and weaken whose ever side you're supposedly on. It actually makes it look like you're with the opposition pretending to be against them just to make 'your side' look even worse having a flatulent dicksuck speaking for them.

Close those silly holes below your nose. If you can't think, can't write, can't argue without marginalizing your opposiiton for the love of god, kill yourself. You're worthless.

I am in RARE agreement with you-----deltadawn. 30% of the arguments on this board "seem"
to be based on "east is east, and west is west, and NE'ER the twain shall meet"--------poetic but
silly-----------you "LOUSY LIBTARD" is also poetic as is "RINO" -----which took me some time......
to grasp. reminds me of the McCarthy era--------and "bettah dead than red"---------lots of
poetry and jingles
That's why I'm a Libertarian, I see Hillary and Sanders for what they are... I see Bush/Carson/Trump for what they are, not as a team no matter how bad they are.

Republican or Democrat the country only gets worse and worse, don't believe me, just watch the two sides bitch about how it's all falling apart.
As a moderate who could give a shit who or what party is in what position, and only concerned with the best people winning things, everytime some buttmuncher opposes someone else saying like "You liberals think this about everything," or "you conservatives hate everybody" I wanna kill you both because all you do is embarass and weaken whose ever side you're supposedly on. It actually makes it look like you're with the opposition pretending to be against them just to make 'your side' look even worse having a flatulent dicksuck speaking for them.

Close those silly holes below your nose. If you can't think, can't write, can't argue without marginalizing your opposiiton for the love of god, kill yourself. You're worthless.

Obviously, you have failed to take your own advice.
As a moderate who could give a shit who or what party is in what position, and only concerned with the best people winning things, everytime some buttmuncher opposes someone else saying like "You liberals think this about everything," or "you conservatives hate everybody" I wanna kill you both because all you do is embarass and weaken whose ever side you're supposedly on. It actually makes it look like you're with the opposition pretending to be against them just to make 'your side' look even worse having a flatulent dicksuck speaking for them.

Close those silly holes below your nose. If you can't think, can't write, can't argue without marginalizing your opposiiton for the love of god, kill yourself. You're worthless.

I don't mind the partisanship as much as I mind the dishonesty. Case in point; any one who identifies themselves as a conservative then supports Donald Trump. There is very little that the ideology and the man have had in common in the not-too-distant-past. There is little to suggest that the man has any workable plan that will solve any problem America is currently facing. Yet here they are, day in and day out.

Partisan politics is a given. Turning it into blood sport is a choice folks make. Those who engage are as much a "problem" (if you want to call it that) as those who take the opening shot.

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