Quick put it on CNN or MSNBC right now!!


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Nothing new. They are both covering the Michael Brown case. CNN has it still as...


Neither of them have not said one little fucking word about the BLACK cop that shot the unarmed WHITE man though.


Don't you love how the liberals deny the left wing media race baits?

Maybe, just maybe CNN can get another riot to happen.
The American media relay on rating.
Nobody care if Michael Brown was Michael White, its all about the rating ...
The American media relay on rating.
Nobody care if Michael Brown was Michael White, its all about the rating ...

Fox News talks about all stories & they have twice the ratings of those channels. It's about ideology for them. Period

If they cared about ratings they would change their formula
That includes Fox News, there is the way to present the news base on ideologies but in the end its all about rating.
The American media relay on rating.
Nobody care if Michael Brown was Michael White, its all about the rating ...

Fox News talks about all stories & they have twice the ratings of those channels. It's about ideology for them. Period

If they cared about ratings they would change their formula
That includes Fox News, there is the way to present the news base on ideologies but in the end its all about rating.
I never claimed there wasn't bias at Fox. I simply refute your position that the others only cover the race issue from one viewpoint because of ratings. Their ratings are in the dumps & have been for years. Their pro liberal presentation is killing them. Plust they promote a lot of division & hate.

The narrative of these two channels is simply that whites are evil and must pay.
Wrong again. Their narrative is that conservatives are evil. And the Brown case can easily be twisted to fit that narrative. The other shootings, not so much.

It's all about the liberal agenda. Anyone who believes otherwise is only fooling themselves.
The American media relay on rating.
Nobody care if Michael Brown was Michael White, its all about the rating ...

Fox News talks about all stories & they have twice the ratings of those channels. It's about ideology for them. Period

If they cared about ratings they would change their formula
That includes Fox News, there is the way to present the news base on ideologies but in the end its all about rating.

True enough. Then again, it is clear that conservative news gets ratings. Meaning, the morons on the left are your MTV types. They listen to very little AM radio, hence the epic failure of Air America. What a joke.

MSNBC ratings are pretty much in the toilet, and the fruit cake Anderson Cooper's ratings suck (pun intended.)

Hey, remember when the ratings came out a few years ago and Cooper's rating was pathetic. He just so happened to come out of closet and let us all know, what everyone already knew. That he drank sperm. Of course he would not have been doing that so CNN would not fire him, would he? Naaah. Just a coincidence.

Then again, the son of miss Heiress Gloria Vanderbilt means he probably does not need a job.

The point is CNN is not as concerned about ratings, or else they would not be trying to appeal to the left, who are all watching something on HBO, MTV, TMZ, E, etc etc right now while they are high on pot. They would try to appeal to rational thinkers and those who are more interested in fair reporting.

Funny, I can name at least 10 left wing regular paid contributors and guests on FOX News. I dare someone to name 5 conservative regular contributors on MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, or CBS News combined.

You see, to fucktard liberals, if you are not lock step in their absolute pathetic ignorant points of view then you are faaaar right. Fucking brainwashed hacks.

QUICK PUT IT ON CNN RIGHT NOW. Michael Brown story, still alive and well. Not one fucking word about the unarmed white guy SHOT by a BLACK COP though. Nothing, nada, zilch, nothing.
Nothing new. They are both covering the Michael Brown case. CNN has it still as...


Neither of them have not said one little fucking word about the BLACK cop that shot the unarmed WHITE man though.


Don't you love how the liberals deny the left wing media race baits?

Maybe, just maybe CNN can get another riot to happen.

That's called "sensationalism"

--- which is exactly the same thing you're doing with this post.
Thanks a lot. 32 seconds I'll never get back.

All I ever catch on Fox is celebrity news, and fashion 'hints'; I prefer CNN.

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