Question to those Americans who say they love this country

Why is it that Americans will bend over backwards to appease the Islam country's? Why is that we must walk around such issues like the 9/11 Mosque, and the Florida Qur’an bonfire? Is it from fear of an attack from a peaceful religion, It's a known fact they have killed Americans before without any provocation in the past. Like some of these attacks from the following link.
frontline: target america: terrorist attacks on americans, 1979-1988

I don't understand why we don't purposely piss everyone off....who do they think they are anyways? Don't they know we rule the world?

If someone has it in them to hate you anyway, not much you do won't piss them off.

Kind of like if I say I'm against gay marriage, you would hypothetically hate anything I said or did from then on out. In that case, why would I bend over backwards to appease someone who doesn't like me anyway?

If every Islamic fundamentalist (terrorist) lived within defined borders, and polling in that state indicated that the majority view the USA as its number one enemy, that might be different. But there IS no geography for the terrorist mindset. It's a method, and it's everywhere, and he/she might even be blue eyed and blonde standing next to you on your next commerical flight. Would you deliberately pour gasoline on a fire if it would engulf your whole house?
Why is it that Americans will bend over backwards to appease the Islam country's? Why is that we must walk around such issues like the 9/11 Mosque, and the Florida Qur’an bonfire? Is it from fear of an attack from a peaceful religion, It's a known fact they have killed Americans before without any provocation in the past. Like some of these attacks from the following link.
frontline: target america: terrorist attacks on americans, 1979-1988

Not sure how we appease Islamic countries.

No one is walking around the mosque issue. Hell, its been a huge discussion for both sides of the issue. Theres nothing wrong with that. Thats the American way.

The Florida Quran burning has been the hot button issue of the last two weeks. Not walking around that.

To say people fear something because they discuss events is just not correct. To hate another people because of their religious beliefs is fear.

Im not afraid of anothers religious belief or color or creed or sexual preference. I love America and fear nothing.

Glad to hear that you do not fall into the media and obama hype of fear. If the crazy preac hers burns a few Muslim books so what If they get piss so what? If they kill so what? That was their plan all along. They do not need a reason to kill.

Why is it that Americans will bend over backwards to appease the Islam country's? Why is that we must walk around such issues like the 9/11 Mosque, and the Florida Qur’an bonfire? Is it from fear of an attack from a peaceful religion, It's a known fact they have killed Americans before without any provocation in the past. Like some of these attacks from the following link.
frontline: target america: terrorist attacks on americans, 1979-1988

It is all about an election cycle. You see the Liberals think they can blame the Republicans for the opposition to the Mosque and the Koran Burning and win political points. They will say or do ANYTHING at this point cause they know they are in deep trouble.

Bullshit. On September 17, 2001, George W. Bush gave this speech. Muslim hatred has zero to do with "election cycles." He knew, as does President Obama, that it serves no good purpose to enflame an entire population because of the behavior of a few.

[ame=]YouTube - GWB's entire "Islam is Peace" speech[/ame]

Yup that was when Bush decided to lie rather than educate.
Sad moment, a disgrace really.
Why is it that Americans will bend over backwards to appease the Islam country's? Why is that we must walk around such issues like the 9/11 Mosque, and the Florida Qur’an bonfire? Is it from fear of an attack from a peaceful religion, It's a known fact they have killed Americans before without any provocation in the past. Like some of these attacks from the following link.
frontline: target america: terrorist attacks on americans, 1979-1988

Perhaps because we are supposed to be the 'adults' on the planet. Maybe because Christianity got this sort of mess out of its system when it was also about 1400 years old. Perhaps because we are supposed to be the ones who have found a place for religion somewhere below the mystic. Perhaps because we understand that two wrongs (or three) don't make a single right. Perhaps it's simply because, we prefer to hold individuals accountable for their actions and not the group they come from.
Why is it that Americans will bend over backwards to appease the Islam country's? Why is that we must walk around such issues like the 9/11 Mosque, and the Florida Qur’an bonfire? Is it from fear of an attack from a peaceful religion, It's a known fact they have killed Americans before without any provocation in the past. Like some of these attacks from the following link.
frontline: target america: terrorist attacks on americans, 1979-1988

According to the IMAM behind the Mosque they can not move it, Because moving it will lead to anger, hate, and violence around the world.

From so called Tolerant, peaceful Muslims.


So? He should know. Do you think peaceful Muslims aren't aware of what's going on with the non-peaceful brethren?
"To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance." Eric Hoffer

The idiocy inherent in this OP is that somehow tolerance and respect for all religions is a bad thing. No one is bending anywhere, this is America, there is religious freedom, is that not clear by now. The fascist element on the right wants to limit freedom for all religions over 911, they obviously know none of our history of interfering in other nations. If you occupy or interfere in a nation's internal situation you open yourself up to retaliation. Have any of the idiots who hate Islam ever turned their hatred on doctor killers in this nation, on McVeigh a Catholic who killed many, or Eric Rudolph, another Catholic, who thankfully was less successful? The same narrow minded idiocy that fills the heads of these murderers fills the heads of those who cannot respect all people. Hatred and stupidity have no national or religious bounds. Humankind is still a primitive animal who can kill over ideas that exist only in the mind.

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen - Sam Keen: In The Absence of God

You do not respect all religions. I will keep you in miond in the next bash Christainity thread.

I'm guessing people who think like you (and even Pastor Jones) have never been inside a church where the REAL meaning of Christianity is discussed.
Another anti-Muslim thread from the hate monger who wishes to see them all dead, whether they be man, woman, or child. Whether they be innocent or guilty of any sort of crime.

You left out that he's a "Christian." Uh huh...
Why is it that Americans will bend over backwards to appease the Islam country's?

Begs the question.

Do we really bend over backwards to appease Islamic countries?

Hell, lad, we've invaded two Islamic nations recently.

Is that what you call appeasement?

I call what we are doing now appeasement. There is no need to do that. But when you elected a muslim as president that what you will get.

Was George W. Bush a Muslim? Good grief, they don't come much dumber than you.
Begs the question.

Do we really bend over backwards to appease Islamic countries?

Hell, lad, we've invaded two Islamic nations recently.

Is that what you call appeasement?

I call what we are doing now appeasement. There is no need to do that. But when you elected a muslim as president that what you will get.

Was George W. Bush a Muslim? Good grief, they don't come much dumber than you.

You are either blind or just plain stupid yes obama is a muslim and you are stupid for tring to spin this when you mention Bush.
"To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance." Eric Hoffer

The idiocy inherent in this OP is that somehow tolerance and respect for all religions is a bad thing. No one is bending anywhere, this is America, there is religious freedom, is that not clear by now. The fascist element on the right wants to limit freedom for all religions over 911, they obviously know none of our history of interfering in other nations. If you occupy or interfere in a nation's internal situation you open yourself up to retaliation. Have any of the idiots who hate Islam ever turned their hatred on doctor killers in this nation, on McVeigh a Catholic who killed many, or Eric Rudolph, another Catholic, who thankfully was less successful? The same narrow minded idiocy that fills the heads of these murderers fills the heads of those who cannot respect all people. Hatred and stupidity have no national or religious bounds. Humankind is still a primitive animal who can kill over ideas that exist only in the mind.

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen - Sam Keen: In The Absence of God
Has anyone else ever noticed that whenever a group asks to be accepted and granted the same rights as everyone else, the reactionary right belly aches about "Bending over backwards" to accommodate citizens and their rights? Take a look at any of the anti-Gay marriage threads. Same meme. Women's rights? Civil rights? Why the reactionaries all gripe about "bending over backwards".

I guess the rights enjoyed by the reactionaries are somehow exclusive to that group and anyone else wanting equal treatment is just an annoyance.

I love the way the left belly aches and whines for equality but when they are in control theirs no such thing. It's their way or else.

So what are you demanding, you illiterate clown? It's idiots like you who give southerners a bad reputation.
I have concluded that many republicans have simply gone insane. I'm not saying that some Dem's aren't insane either, but not the same pathological egotistical insanity that now plagues the republican party, and is why they have lost so much credibility. The irony is that, though they pretend to defend this country, they are infact the ones that would cause it to go down if they had their way, because, every country would hate us, and we would be all alone and have nobody or nothing, if Republican policies were fully and comprehensibly instituted.

This post is a perfect example of moronic Americanism, fueled %100 by current republican ideology.

I couldn't agree more. Frankly, it's scary.
Has anyone else ever noticed that whenever a group asks to be accepted and granted the same rights as everyone else, the reactionary right belly aches about "Bending over backwards" to accommodate citizens and their rights? Take a look at any of the anti-Gay marriage threads. Same meme. Women's rights? Civil rights? Why the reactionaries all gripe about "bending over backwards".

I guess the rights enjoyed by the reactionaries are somehow exclusive to that group and anyone else wanting equal treatment is just an annoyance.

I love the way the left belly aches and whines for equality but when they are in control theirs no such thing. It's their way or else.

So what are you demanding, you illiterate clown? It's idiots like you who give southerners a bad reputation.

I am not demanding anything stop being an illiterate ****.
Why is it that Americans will bend over backwards to appease the Islam country's? Why is that we must walk around such issues like the 9/11 Mosque, and the Florida Qur’an bonfire? Is it from fear of an attack from a peaceful religion, It's a known fact they have killed Americans before without any provocation in the past. Like some of these attacks from the following link.
frontline: target america: terrorist attacks on americans, 1979-1988

Some people are so devoid of knowledge they think they can win hearts and minds of Mohammedans, Anything that threatens that gossamer delusion is an act of anti American hate.

There was a failure With GW Bush directly after 9/11 to make the case specifically addressing the ideology that put into actions that ended in the piles of ruble in New York and Washington and a smoking hole in Pennsylvania.

This failure has been passed on daily .
The Acts of 9/11 were acts of fundamental Islam believers acting in accordance with the Quran and hadith .

The problem with that facts is those in "power' have no answer to combat Islam.
Since that day
Those in Power have lied continually to protect Islam from the 15000 attacks since 9/11
We have made no effort to promote the treasures of western commerce education and freedoms ,we have devalued the dollar and capitalism out of existence .We had shackled our freedoms in an effort to make ourselves safe.
The Christianity has been attacked as Islam is beheld as a jewel with an unblemished history .
Our business are movie to Islamic countries and our allies begin to take US less seriously and our government walks around in clownshoes with a red nose spouting more ridicules lies about the economy , its efforts and Islam.

Soon the Government will have the full bozo suit on and the west will collapse all to protect a lies.

So what would YOU have done, genius?
I have concluded that many republicans have simply gone insane. I'm not saying that some Dem's aren't insane either, but not the same pathological egotistical insanity that now plagues the republican party, and is why they have lost so much credibility. The irony is that, though they pretend to defend this country, they are infact the ones that would cause it to go down if they had their way, because, every country would hate us, and we would be all alone and have nobody or nothing, if Republican policies were fully and comprehensibly instituted.

This post is a perfect example of moronic Americanism, fueled %100 by current republican ideology.

I couldn't agree more. Frankly, it's scary.

It's scary they allow you on the compouter. Well at least they do n ot allow you access to any sharp pointy objects
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I have concluded that many republicans have simply gone insane. I'm not saying that some Dem's aren't insane either, but not the same pathological egotistical insanity that now plagues the republican party, and is why they have lost so much credibility. The irony is that, though they pretend to defend this country, they are infact the ones that would cause it to go down if they had their way, because, every country would hate us, and we would be all alone and have nobody or nothing, if Republican policies were fully and comprehensibly instituted.

This post is a perfect example of moronic Americanism, fueled %100 by current republican ideology.

You might be onto something if you were not such a hack.

Everyone's a political hack who posts on this message board. Duh...

The only "hacking" done there was hacking to pieces the OP because it defines clearly the ignorant groupthink of the right wing extremists.
"To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance." Eric Hoffer

8:39. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allâh) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allâh Alone [in the whole of the world[]]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allâh), then certainly, Allâh is All-Seer of what they do.

[ 2:193.. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allâh) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allâh (Alone).[] But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc

Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”

And The Bible has it's own admonitions:

Kill those who speak rebellion against God.
(Deuteronomy 13:5)

Kill anyone who arrogantly rejects priests.
(Deuteronomy 17:12)

Kill anyone who refuses to seek God.
(2 Chronicles 15:13)

Kill anyone who violates the covenant of God.
(Deuteronomy 17:2,4-5)

Those refusing to retain knowledge of God deserve death.
(Romans 1:25,28,32)
First off, moron, Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. In fact, Iran is a mortal enemy of al Qaeda.

Second, as far has the supporting terror Zionist boilerplate nonsense, we support terrorist groups all the time. Come on! Why is it when we support terrorist groups like the MEK and the Jundallah it is foreign policy, but when Iran Iran supports opposition groups it becomes "TERRORISM".

When we overthrow a government and install a brutal dictator like the Shah or support Saddam, we inflict daily terror to an nation and its people for years on end - and it is called foreign policy

The CIA carries out assassinations and it is still considered foreign policy. When the Sandinistas were killing preists and nuns, it was still foreign policy. When we were mining harbors in Central America, yep, you got it, -foreign policy. When we became involved in Lebannon’s civil war and used naval gunfire on villages killing hundreds, of women and children, again foreign policy.

But the yahoos like you wonder why they then took out the Marine barraks. According to you morons they “hated us for our freedoms”. The fact that we killed hundreds of women and children was of no consequence.

You guys remind me of the Jew who is going off to war to kill Turks and the mother, worried for her son’s health, says, “Kill a Turk and rest. Kill another Turk and rest.” Her son says, “Mom, what if they kill me first?” The mother replies, “Why would any of them want to kill my boy?”

There is a good way to end terrorism, and that would be for the U.S. to stop engaging in it.
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