Question for the liberals.......

Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.

Its been about 15 years now (or longer) but there was this woman who ran a deli. She was on NPR being interviewed about government regulation. She was told that she would have to stop using a certain type of tray to hold her product because it wasn't appropriately bio degradable.

I can understand if a major grocery chain is told to stop doing this as they are selling tens of thousands of units a day. Somehow...a local butchery? Nope.

The left is completely out to lunch on a few things. Not embracing nuke energy for one. The whole CPB thing too. We're what, 31T in debt? If you're not going to cut CPB now...when? Yes...I know it costs the taxpayers 1 billionth of a penny or whatever it is... Can anyone name the last time they spent any appreciable time watching their local PBS station?

All sorts of extreme behavior on the left. My favorite is the resistance to armed security guards on campus. Once shooting starts...who do you call? The proverbial "good guy" with a gun. And you hope he brings friends. Given what we saw in Uvalde where the cops don't really have a relationship with the kids, you get this professional distancing that seemed to paralyze the responders. I think you may get a more "heroic" response from someone who knows the kids, sees the parents, might have crush on the pretty young teacher who teaches 2nd grade (hey--it happens).
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.
Storming the capitol because our guy lost the election. That would be going too far.

Another one would be trying to hang our VP because he/she would not overturn the said election.
Storming the capitol because our guy lost the election. That would be going too far.

Another one would be trying to hang our VP because he/she would not overturn the said election.

And yet another would be possessing such naivete' that you actually believe the stupid Leftist corporate bullshit that you consume on a daily basis while believing that you're the "Resistance".

Downright embarrassing.
And yet another would be possessing such naivete' that you actually believe the stupid Leftist corporate bullshit that you consume on a daily basis while believing that you're the "Resistance".

Downright embarrassing.
So, storming the Capitol because your guy lost the election and/or hanging the VP is all good?

Thanks for letting us know.
So, storming the Capitol because your guy lost the election and/or hanging the VP is all good?

Thanks for letting us know.

How many times?

How many times are we going to have to bring up the Black Lives Matter riots/looting, the Antifa killings, the bailing out of rapist criminals by your VP?

How many times will you plug your ears and ignore all of it?

What is the point in attempting to engage in a rational discussion with someone who is utterly compromised and not interested in information dispensing discourse - but instead strongly prefers partisan screed?

In short, if you are under the misimpression that I believe you're immersing yourself in an intellectually honest search for the truth, you can immediately disavow yourself of such a misguided notion.

Translation: I put about as much stock in your opinion as I would in Lehman Bros. stock circa September 2008.
Too far would be consistently pushing points that the majority of Americans aren’t in favor of.

So far not the case.

America and liberals are generally on the same page

Still believes abortion is a constitutional right.
There's very few far left people in this far right country.

Again, the USA is thee most rightwing modern Western country. It's rightwing by default.

And, people are lined up to get in, they're jumping fences, digging holes, and risking life and limb to get here.

They even build boats out of trash to get here.

The left has little power in the US. It’s a right wing country. Both major parties are right wing. The major media protects the status quo.
Thanks for the demonstration of the leftist tactic of blaming the other side for their own behavior. Dont forget to mention that CNN is hard right wing as is ANTIFA and BLM and of course George Soros, who is the sole supporter of the NRA.
How many times?

How many times are we going to have to bring up the Black Lives Matter riots/looting, the Antifa killings, the bailing out of rapist criminals by your VP?

How many times will you plug your ears and ignore all of it?

What is the point in attempting to engage in a rational discussion with someone who is utterly compromised and not interested in information dispensing discourse - but instead strongly prefers partisan screed?

In short, if you are under the misimpression that I believe you're immersing yourself in an intellectually honest search for the truth, you can immediately disavow yourself of such a misguided notion.

Translation: I put about as much stock in your opinion as I would in Lehman Bros. stock circa September 2008.
But...but BLM!!!

What has BLM rioting have to do with you retards storming the Capitol and trying to punish the VP because the elections did not go as you wanted?
But...but BLM!!!

What has BLM rioting have to do with you retards storming the Capitol and trying to punish the VP because the elections did not go as you wanted?

I can tell you've had an intellectual/philosophical deep dive on the subject, as is evidenced by your classical statue avatar.

It's so refreshing to speak with someone who is so strikingly candid.

Thank you.
Thanks for the demonstration of the leftist tactic of blaming the other side for their own behavior. Dont forget to mention that CNN is hard right wing as is ANTIFA and BLM and of course George Soros, who is the sole supporter of the NRA.
The US is in trouble.
One party is pro-war, imperialistic, 100% corrupt, far right-wing, and pro-censorship.
In stark contrast, the Repub Party is pro-war, imperialistic, 100% corrupt, far right-wing, woman-hating (the abortion issue), and pro-censorship.
I can tell you've had an intellectual/philosophical deep dive on the subject, as is evidenced by your classical statue avatar.

It's so refreshing to speak with someone who is so strikingly candid.

Thank you.
Thanks. I wish I could say the same about you.

Maybe one day. Till then, keep reading my posts. Hopefully, you will learn something.

Good luck.
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.
Like Democrat Mayors, Governors and Presidents not enforcing the law?
Yes, Leftists can, and have, gone too far.
Well, I doubt it's been defined by anyone.
There's a spectrum and everything is debatable as to where someone is on that spectrum or even what the spectrum is.
Though, I'd say there are Liberals who try and make things better for everyone, who want tolerance, and there are those who have taken an -ism and everything is defined by their -ism.
The reality is what works is what works, and to figure it out takes intelligent thought. To simply say "this fits my theory, therefore it's what we're doing" is ridiculous, whatever side.
The only tolerance Leftists exhibit is tolerance for everyone who agrees with them 100%.

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