Question for the anti-healthcare crowd

No. The government has come in and made it illegal in many cases to offer competing prices by implementing a minimum price for certain procedures and medicines.
You'll need to supply a link that cites the relevant US Code. :doubt:

I don't have the relevant U.S. code. However, here's a U.S. Congressman and Obstetrician discussing the price controls under Medicare/Medicaid.,ID=090803_3078,TEMPLATE=postingdetail.shtml

Here's a video of Rand Paul, running for U.S. Senate, an Opthamologist. They start discussing healthcare reform around 3 minutes into the video.

No. The government has come in and made it illegal in many cases to offer competing prices by implementing a minimum price for certain procedures and medicines.
You'll need to supply a link that cites the relevant US Code. :doubt:

I don't have the relevant U.S. code. However, here's a U.S. Congressman and Obstetrician discussing the price controls under Medicare/Medicaid.

Congressman Ron Paul - Healthcare Plan Based on Economic Fantasy - Texas Straight Talk

Here's a video of Rand Paul, running for U.S. Senate, an Opthamologist. They start discussing healthcare reform around 3 minutes into the video.

I'll withhold my responses to these until you back up your earlier point.
No. The government has come in and made it illegal in many cases to offer competing prices by implementing a minimum price for certain procedures and medicines.
You'll need to supply a link that cites the relevant US Code. :doubt:

I don't have the relevant U.S. code. However, here's a U.S. Congressman and Obstetrician discussing the price controls under Medicare/Medicaid.,ID=090803_3078,TEMPLATE=postingdetail.shtml

Here's a video of Rand Paul, running for U.S. Senate, an Opthamologist. They start discussing healthcare reform around 3 minutes into the video.


someone new for liberals to hate, spouting all that freedom and liberty crap
When you depend on profit-making corporations to provide you with care, they are under pressure to make more money every quarter. Which means they either have to raise their prices, cut the quality of their services for the same price, or both.

How is this better than a government-administered service?

I may be anti "Obama care" (i.e. public option), but how does that make me anti-health care (reform)?

and there is the 'rub'. Most of us want to make it easier and more cost effective, which shouldn't be difficult. Problem with Obama care is they want government more empowered. Like they don't have enough? :gagme:
You'll need to supply a link that cites the relevant US Code. :doubt:

I don't have the relevant U.S. code. However, here's a U.S. Congressman and Obstetrician discussing the price controls under Medicare/Medicaid.

Congressman Ron Paul - Healthcare Plan Based on Economic Fantasy - Texas Straight Talk

Here's a video of Rand Paul, running for U.S. Senate, an Opthamologist. They start discussing healthcare reform around 3 minutes into the video.

I'll withhold my responses to these until you back up your earlier point.

This is backing up my earlier point. Two doctors, one being a current U.S. Congressman and the other running for the U.S. Senate, are backing up the point that I made.
This is backing up my earlier point. Two doctors, one being a current U.S. Congressman and the other running for the U.S. Senate, are backing up the point that I made.
I'm not willing to trust the interpretation of law to someone who has no experience in the legal profession. Sorry.
This is backing up my earlier point. Two doctors, one being a current U.S. Congressman and the other running for the U.S. Senate, are backing up the point that I made.
I'm not willing to trust the interpretation of law to someone who has no experience in the legal profession. Sorry.

Ron Paul is in his 11th term as a United States Congressman and, once again, a medical doctor. He certainly does have some experience with the law, and a personal experience dealing with it as it relates to the medical profession.
Ron Paul is in his 11th term as a United States Congressman and, once again, a medical doctor. He certainly does have some experience with the law, and a personal experience dealing with it as it relates to the medical profession.
He also has, shall we say, credibility issues. Look, Kevin, the entire US Code is available online. Why don't you find the relevant passage, since you made the assertion about legality?
Ron Paul is in his 11th term as a United States Congressman and, once again, a medical doctor. He certainly does have some experience with the law, and a personal experience dealing with it as it relates to the medical profession.
He also has, shall we say, credibility issues. Look, Kevin, the entire US Code is available online. Why don't you find the relevant passage, since you made the assertion about legality?

There are no credibility issues. I'm not going through the entire U.S. code. I don't have the time or the will. If you choose not to accept facts that have been backed up by a U.S. Congressman and two doctors then that's your choice.
Not centrist but leftist tool. With all due respect the Medical industry is among the most, if not the most, heavily regulated portions of the economy already. That in and of itself goes far to explaining why the cost are such as they are. Major hospitals actually have entire departments whose entire purpose is to make sure they are in compliance with the litterally thousands of state, federal, and local rules and regulations that apply to them.
If a corporation does not make a profit they go out of business, unless the government takes them over like GM. Corporations and busnesses are not in busness to lose money.
When you depend on profit-making corporations to provide you with care, they are under pressure to make more money every quarter. Which means they either have to raise their prices, cut the quality of their services for the same price, or both.

How is this better than a government-administered service?

Obama is heading to Grand Junction, CO tomorrow--there he will find a PRIVATELY run co-op called Rocky Mountain Health Services that is a not-for-profit-medical insurance company.

There is a much better solution to provide quality--care at afforable rates to everyone versus a federal government that has really no track record what-so-ever of running anything efficiently. They bankrupt everything.
Question for the anti-healthcare crowd
This is dishonest. No one's against health care reform. The people are simply against this far over-reaching, Marxist PLAN.

Instead of fixing the leaky roof, replacing the sagging steps, fixing the faulty plumbing and electrical, and changing out the bath water, THIS plan proposes to tear the whole house down and replace it with a new, trillion dollar one that still will have a leaky roof, sagging steps, bad plumbing and electrical, and throws the baby out with the bath water!

AND tries to pack millions more into it without any increase in square footage!

The plan makes no sense, and the fast, hard sell just didn't fly.

So now, following Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals, you have to try to demonize those who resist, by claiming they are "against reform, against health care."

and of course MM....being that he is a "CENTRIST" would have thought he would have realized that.....
Let's also not forget that dead customers don't pay bills and tend to generate shit loads of legal expenses if there is even a hint of error.
Everyone can get by nicely without the government sticking their greedy paws into the healthcare industry, junior ..........
You must be from the same alternate universe as ScreamingChicken.

You must be from the same cave as MoonBat .... got this guy all wrong....he is a "CENTRIST"....he just happens to have a fairly left leaning view on just about every thread he comments on......
Not centrist but leftist tool. With all due respect the Medical industry is among the most, if not the most, heavily regulated portions of the economy already. That in and of itself goes far to explaining why the cost are such as they are. Major hospitals actually have entire departments whose entire purpose is to make sure they are in compliance with the litterally thousands of state, federal, and local rules and regulations that apply to them.

Yes, we should deregulate the medical industry.

That worked really well with the financial industry.
Not centrist but leftist tool. With all due respect the Medical industry is among the most, if not the most, heavily regulated portions of the economy already. That in and of itself goes far to explaining why the cost are such as they are. Major hospitals actually have entire departments whose entire purpose is to make sure they are in compliance with the litterally thousands of state, federal, and local rules and regulations that apply to them.

Yes, we should deregulate the medical industry.

That worked really well with the financial industry.

you mean when Clinton did it, Monica?
If a corporation does not make a profit they go out of business, unless the government takes them over like GM. Corporations and busnesses are not in busness to lose money.

Every other industrialized country has national health insurance, and they pay half per capita what we pay for healthcare.

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