Question for Men: When you see a sexy woman....

.... do you immediately envision having sex with her?

Serious question. I have had men tell me this, wondering if it's the "norm".

No. Just enjoy seeing beauty.

Saw a women on the street the other day that took my breath away. She turned and looked at me for a second. She was stunning. She looked like a young Charlize Theron, but never thought about having sex with her.

It is only a trap, if one lets it be so. No one is forced into a marriage today, with exceptions for a few minor nutty groups.

Staying monogamous can be difficult for some maybe most men, due to the strong sex drive many of us have. Yet many men do. I think that is an important aspect that never gets discussed. Men should get credit for it. God gave us a powerful sex drive, but we manage to control it.

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