Question for libs


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
OK liberals is this the kind of government you want to live under? A government that just deems important major legislation as law without a vote, is this what all you aging hippies marched for? did you invision living under a dictatorship where our representatives don't represent us but they represent the president.

Is this the government that my best friend lost his life for in the disgusting filthy streets of Baghdad? A government that tells the people what to do and how to do it and to sit down and shut up if you don't agree with IT. What in the world are our schools teaching people that leads to a neocomunist taking over our country without a shot.

So come on libs tell me this is what you've always wanted, now you've got it and now we all have to live with it.
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Why is this a question for Libs?

We've lived under this sort of government for years.
yo fuck head, the process has been around for years, ask your repuke buddies, but then again when I served LBJ was no better
OK liberals is this the kind of government you want to live under? A government that just deems important major legislation as law without a vote, is this what all you aging hippies marched for?

Nothing I don't know why you have your knickers in a knot. Major legislation like tax cuts and welfare reform were rammed through the same way. No vote. Stop yer whining.

did you invision living under a dictatorship where our representatives don't represent us but they represent the president.

Look up the meaning of "dictatorship".

Is this the government that my best friend lost his life for in the disgusting filthy streets of Baghdad?

Nope. That was the previous government. This war has been going on for some 7 years buddy.

A government that tells the people what to do and how to do it and to sit down and shut up if you don't agree with IT.

Exactly how is that different from the preceeding administration? Oh wait. It's not. Your just whining because you don't like the ideology du jour.

What in the world are our schools teaching people that leads to a neocomunist taking over our country without a shot.

Don't be so retarded. Look up the definition of "communist" before you throw the label around willy nilly (even if qualified by "neo").

So come on libs tell me this is what you've always wanted, now you've got it and now we all have to live with it.

As a Lib, all I've ever wanted is for people like you to quit yer whining.
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yo fuck head, the process has been around for years, ask your repuke buddies, but then again when I served LBJ was no better

Oh....I see you've explained it so well, now I see where I was wrong. I'm so glad smart folks like you are calling the shots these days.

Yours truly,
Fuck Head.,
PS. You may consider going back to school, but if I were you I would choose a non LBJ school because the institution you attended fucked you in your ass.
OK liberals is this the kind of government you want to live under? A government that just deems important major legislation as law without a vote, is this what all you aging hippies marched for? did you invision living under a dictatorship where our representatives don't represent us but they represent the president.

Is this the government that my best friend lost his life for in the disgusting filthy streets of Baghdad? A government that tells the people what to do and how to do it and to sit down and shut up if you don't agree with IT. What in the world are our schools teaching people that leads to a neocomunist taking over our country without a shot.

So come on libs tell me this is what you've always wanted, now you've got it and now we all have to live with it.

Libs don't care about you, your buddy who died serving his country or anything else unless they can exploit it for political gain. This is their battle cry...."me me me me me me me me me me me me me I I I I I I I I I I I I I I gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme...... Bush did it."
yea yea blowhard RAM , no body fucks me in the ass, I don't swing that way, but after 8 years of BUsh , , give me a fucking break, I know . it's all OBAMA"s fault
OK liberals is this the kind of government you want to live under? A government that just deems important major legislation as law without a vote, is this what all you aging hippies marched for? did you invision living under a dictatorship where our representatives don't represent us but they represent the president.

Is this the government that my best friend lost his life for in the disgusting filthy streets of Baghdad? A government that tells the people what to do and how to do it and to sit down and shut up if you don't agree with IT. What in the world are our schools teaching people that leads to a neocomunist taking over our country without a shot.

So come on libs tell me this is what you've always wanted, now you've got it and now we all have to live with it.

Libs don't care about you, your buddy who died serving his country or anything else unless they can exploit it for political gain. This is their battle cry...."me me me me me me me me me me me me me I I I I I I I I I I I I I I gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme...... Bush did it."

SAD BUT TRUE, not a single scumbag lib said I'm sorry you lost your friend.
hey PP, old man Bush was a soldier , JR was as fucking asswipe, Do you think he cares who was on that wall LOL not for a minute or all real people got he killed with arrogance to show his daddy how to run that war
Libs don't care about you, your buddy who died serving his country or anything else unless they can exploit it for political gain. This is their battle cry...."me me me me me me me me me me me me me I I I I I I I I I I I I I I gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme...... Bush did it."

Oh, the irony is just dripping from this post....
I'd like to consider myself fairly liberal, but then that is mostly because I lack respect for the alternative.

For example, what's with this "Without a vote nonsense?" I mean, what rock were you under throughout 2008 when Obama made it his campaign's cornerstone? Now I didn't vote for Obama because I had enough of Washington's running up the debt with Bush's expanded healthcare entitlements. But as I said, I simply prefer to consider myself liberal.

You say you lost your best friend in Baghdad. Well I couldn't vote for McCain because concerning all those that voted for that war, I don't consider their hands all that much cleaner than those of bin Laden. I was particularly upset with Bush, from the start it seemed to me he was backtracking from the statement made during the 2000 debate when he said he would be careful about nation building. I think we need to get back to what the Constitution says about war. My only relief in seeing Obama win was that at least I had heard he voted against Bush on Iraq.
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OK liberals is this the kind of government you want to live under? A government that just deems important major legislation as law without a vote, is this what all you aging hippies marched for?

Nothing I don't know why you have your knickers in a knot. Major legislation like tax cuts and welfare reform were rammed through the same way. No vote. Stop yer whining.

did you invision living under a dictatorship where our representatives don't represent us but they represent the president.

Look up the meaning of "dictatorship".

Nope. That was the previous government. This war has been going on for some 7 years buddy.

Exactly how is that different from the preceeding administration? Oh wait. It's not. Your just whining because you don't like the ideology du jour.

What in the world are our schools teaching people that leads to a neocomunist taking over our country without a shot.

Don't be so retarded. Look up the definition of "communist" before you throw the label around willy nilly (even if qualified by "neo").

So come on libs tell me this is what you've always wanted, now you've got it and now we all have to live with it.

As a Lib, all I've ever wanted is for people like you to quit yer whining.

Why should 'people like you' stop whining? Did liberals not whine during the previous admin? Was that ok and now it's not ok? Why seek to silence people because they disagree? Why is having your say 'whining' now? Was it 'whining' when it was the left disapproving of Bush?

People died to defend our right to speak freely. Did they die for nothing?
Libs don't care about you, your buddy who died serving his country or anything else unless they can exploit it for political gain. This is their battle cry...."me me me me me me me me me me me me me I I I I I I I I I I I I I I gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme...... Bush did it."

Oh, the irony is just dripping from this post....

It is very juicy indeed...
OK liberals is this the kind of government you want to live under? A government that just deems important major legislation as law without a vote, is this what all you aging hippies marched for?

Nothing I don't know why you have your knickers in a knot. Major legislation like tax cuts and welfare reform were rammed through the same way. No vote. Stop yer whining.

Look up the meaning of "dictatorship".

Nope. That was the previous government. This war has been going on for some 7 years buddy.

Exactly how is that different from the preceeding administration? Oh wait. It's not. Your just whining because you don't like the ideology du jour.

Don't be so retarded. Look up the definition of "communist" before you throw the label around willy nilly (even if qualified by "neo").

So come on libs tell me this is what you've always wanted, now you've got it and now we all have to live with it.

As a Lib, all I've ever wanted is for people like you to quit yer whining.

Why should 'people like you' stop whining? Did liberals not whine during the previous admin? Was that ok and now it's not ok? Why seek to silence people because they disagree? Why is having your say 'whining' now? Was it 'whining' when it was the left disapproving of Bush?

People died to defend our right to speak freely. Did they die for nothing?

So that is your answer?? We did it so now you can to?? I thought you people were better than us?? Now your telling me that because liberals whined now you can to..

Liberals didn't whine.. We went unheard for 8 years and that killed the economy, and over 4000 american soldiers and countless innocent people.. Liberals went unheard and our telephones were illegally wire tapped and innocent people tortured.. TORTURED!!

We never whined and we had a lot to be upset about.. Bush and the republican party destroyed this nation and our constitution..

If Obama is half as bad as Bush, we would still be better off..

At least liberals are listenging to you.. We don't like what you say cause you are always wrong.. But we are listening.. You never listened to us..

Conservatives whine cause they don't understand enough to have anything usefull to say.. Like death panels.. Was that usefull? Is that what you morons call end of life choices?? When have you ever had anything usefull to say?? Conservatives have done nothing of any benefit to this nation or to the people of this nation.. That is a fact..
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I'd like to consider myself fairly liberal, but then that is mostly because I lack respect for the alternative.

For example, what's with this "Without a vote nonsense?" I mean, what rock were you under throughout 2008 when Obama made it his campaign's cornerstone? Now I didn't vote for Obama because I had enough of Washington's running up the debt with Bush's expanded healthcare entitlements. But as I said, I simply prefer to consider myself liberal.

You say you lost your best friend in Baghdad. Well I couldn't vote for McCain because concerning all those that voted for that war, I don't consider their hands all that much cleaner than those of bin Laden. I was particularly upset with Bush, from the start it seemed to me he was backtracking from the statement made during the 2000 debate when he said he would be careful about nation building. I think we need to get back to what the Constitution says about war. My only relief in seeing Obama win was that at least I had heard he voted against Bush on Iraq.

Obama voted against the Iraq war? Wow. That must have been fraudulent. Obama wasn't even a fucking Senator at the time of the Iraq war vote, you dumbass. However, at the time of the vote (2002) he did comment that his position was 'not that different to that of the President' (that President being George Bush).

I'm glad you didn't vote.
Nothing I don't know why you have your knickers in a knot. Major legislation like tax cuts and welfare reform were rammed through the same way. No vote. Stop yer whining.

Look up the meaning of "dictatorship".

Nope. That was the previous government. This war has been going on for some 7 years buddy.

Exactly how is that different from the preceeding administration? Oh wait. It's not. Your just whining because you don't like the ideology du jour.

Don't be so retarded. Look up the definition of "communist" before you throw the label around willy nilly (even if qualified by "neo").

As a Lib, all I've ever wanted is for people like you to quit yer whining.

Why should 'people like you' stop whining? Did liberals not whine during the previous admin? Was that ok and now it's not ok? Why seek to silence people because they disagree? Why is having your say 'whining' now? Was it 'whining' when it was the left disapproving of Bush?

People died to defend our right to speak freely. Did they die for nothing?

So that is your answer?? We did it so now you can to?? I thought you people were better than us?? Now your telling me that because liberals whined now you can to..

Liberals didn't whine.. We went unheard for 8 years and that killed the economy, and over 4000 american soldiers and countless innocent people.. Liberals went unheard and our telephones were illegally wire tapped and innocent people tortured.. TORTURED!!

We never whined and we had a lot to be upset about.. Bush and the republican party destroyed this nation and our constitution..

If Obama is half as bad as Bush, we would still be better off..

At least liberals are listenging to you.. We don't like what you say cause you are always wrong.. But we are listening.. You never listened to us..

Conservatives whine cause they don't understand enough to have anything usefull to say.. Like death panels.. Was that usefull? Is that what you morons call end of life choices?? When have you ever had anything usefull to say?? Conservatives have done nothing of any benefit to this nation or to the people of this nation.. That is a fact..

Maj, since you just agreed with a post stating that 'Obama voted against the Iraq war', you are a laughing stock to anyone with above a grade school education.

That is a fact.
The aging hippies are in charge now.
This is there road to utopia.
You may find yourself in a mass grave but the ends justify the means .

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