Question#1 for the Ladies(Appearance)

I like to look the way I see myself. I am a stylish and chic-looking person who has always looked my highest and best according to my personal taste. It has nothing, I repeat, NOTHING to do with how anyone else sees me. I express my personal style by wearing lots of different "on trend" attire, ( but only if I like the style ) makeup, jewelry, buzzed clipper cut and boots, tennis shoes, slides. I am a "girlie girl" as I have heard it expressed. I have a very sensual nature and like men who are attracted to the kind of style, I present with. They are MY type of men. My style these days is the Moto look....boho chic! Love it to death. And so do many onlookers. ( they tell me and that embarrasses me ) I am also a classy woman with an outgoing and friendly personality who has never met a stranger. I am me roar? :eusa_dance:

Pics, or your just making it up!


HAHA...I make nothing up. And did I mention I also stay slender and in good shape?
As I said, pics or it isn't true...muuuahahahaha....*coughcough*

I could post some pics but proving myself is not my goal. 'Sides your almost there anyway. :11_2_1043:
Almost there? Hehehe...

Not yet. :21:

I said, "almost." Give yourself time. I'm worth it. :smiliehug:
Pics, or your just making it up!


HAHA...I make nothing up. And did I mention I also stay slender and in good shape?
As I said, pics or it isn't true...muuuahahahaha....*coughcough*

I could post some pics but proving myself is not my goal. 'Sides your almost there anyway. :11_2_1043:
Almost there? Hehehe...

Not yet. :21:

I said, "almost." Give yourself time. I'm worth it. :smiliehug:

Except I'm a guy and we need visual proof. *evil grin*

You wouldn't want Me to have the wrong woman, would you?
Another thing that's important about a woman is whether she is clean or whether she is a slob. A woman who is a slob has a messy room and if she has a place to herself, her entire apartment will look like a dump. I would say, don't marry a woman who is a slob.
Agreed. Go for one who takes pride in cleanliness in all things from their house to their car to their pet/s to themselves, ad infinitum.

HAHA...I make nothing up. And did I mention I also stay slender and in good shape?
As I said, pics or it isn't true...muuuahahahaha....*coughcough*

I could post some pics but proving myself is not my goal. 'Sides your almost there anyway. :11_2_1043:
Almost there? Hehehe...

Not yet. :21:

I said, "almost." Give yourself time. I'm worth it. :smiliehug:

Except I'm a guy and we need visual proof. *evil grin*

You wouldn't want Me to have the wrong woman, would you?
You already have it. It is up there in your subliminal wetware. Lizzen up.;)

HAHA...I make nothing up. And did I mention I also stay slender and in good shape?
As I said, pics or it isn't true...muuuahahahaha....*coughcough*

I could post some pics but proving myself is not my goal. 'Sides your almost there anyway. :11_2_1043:
Almost there? Hehehe...

Not yet. :21:

I said, "almost." Give yourself time. I'm worth it. :smiliehug:

Except I'm a guy and we need visual proof. *evil grin*

You wouldn't want Me to have the wrong woman, would you?

Now Behave
I have gotten into trouble for not noticing a subtle change in a woman's hair. I also don't notice what they wear, or their makeup. I watch the Greg Gutfeld Show, and I've seen Kat Timpf do her bit about the time it takes to make oneself up. My question is why do women do it at all. Tyrus once said he doesn't care what a woman wears. He'd be fine with sweatpants and a big yes. I know it was a joke, but he kind of has a point. If guys don't notice your shoes or makeup, are you doing it for other women, competition. Are you doing it for yourselves feeling pretty. I've seen the isles in the store with nothing but makeup, the forbidden zone, and I shake my head. What is the point? I can tell you that guys don't care at all about hair, shoes, makeup, ect. I myself like women with longer hair, but unless a woman goes Sinead O'Conner, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Personally, I think the long eyelashes are kind of cool, and the one thing I do notice is perfume. Why do women invest tons of money and time on things only they will notice or care about? Just Curious.
If I notice perfume or cologne for that matter it's usually up to a block away, I hold my breath and head the opposite direction as fast as possible.........
I can appreciate that Ringel05, for if I smell any kind of applied fragrance on a man, I am, out of there. lol.

I think most Men grow out of that stage once they're past clubbing age.

I'm old school, fragrance on a dude is wrong, wrong, wrong. Men who manscape seem to be a tad homosexual.
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I have gotten into trouble for not noticing a subtle change in a woman's hair. I also don't notice what they wear, or their makeup. I watch the Greg Gutfeld Show, and I've seen Kat Timpf do her bit about the time it takes to make oneself up. My question is why do women do it at all. Tyrus once said he doesn't care what a woman wears. He'd be fine with sweatpants and a big yes. I know it was a joke, but he kind of has a point. If guys don't notice your shoes or makeup, are you doing it for other women, competition. Are you doing it for yourselves feeling pretty. I've seen the isles in the store with nothing but makeup, the forbidden zone, and I shake my head. What is the point? I can tell you that guys don't care at all about hair, shoes, makeup, ect. I myself like women with longer hair, but unless a woman goes Sinead O'Conner, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Personally, I think the long eyelashes are kind of cool, and the one thing I do notice is perfume. Why do women invest tons of money and time on things only they will notice or care about? Just Curious.
Actually, men do notice things like a woman painting her toes. Women who don’t have given up on themselves. Or that’s the perception. Or subconsciously women who paint their nails care.

I tell my girl she doesn’t have to wear makeup when she comes over to hang. She’s plenty beautiful without makeup. But I do like it when she wears the short shorts and the sexy bras.
I like to look the way I see myself. I am a stylish and chic-looking person who has always looked my highest and best according to my personal taste. It has nothing, I repeat, NOTHING to do with how anyone else sees me. I express my personal style by wearing lots of different "on trend" attire, ( but only if I like the style ) makeup, jewelry, buzzed clipper cut and boots, tennis shoes, slides. I am a "girlie girl" as I have heard it expressed. I have a very sensual nature and like men who are attracted to the kind of style, I present with. They are MY type of men. My style these days is the Moto look....boho chic! Love it to death. And so do many onlookers. ( they tell me and that embarrasses me ) I am also a classy woman with an outgoing and friendly personality who has never met a stranger. I am WOMAN...hear me roar? :eusa_dance:


So women do all that work to express personal style? Makes sense. I know I don't consider style very much. I have everyday and formal. My everyday tends to be the comfortable stuff, nothing fancy. I guess that is boring as hell. I'm guessing when men express themselves appearance wise, they do it through being fit, or looking buff. I don't want to look sloppy, but I don't express myself in clothing.
I have gotten into trouble for not noticing a subtle change in a woman's hair. I also don't notice what they wear, or their makeup. I watch the Greg Gutfeld Show, and I've seen Kat Timpf do her bit about the time it takes to make oneself up. My question is why do women do it at all. Tyrus once said he doesn't care what a woman wears. He'd be fine with sweatpants and a big yes. I know it was a joke, but he kind of has a point. If guys don't notice your shoes or makeup, are you doing it for other women, competition. Are you doing it for yourselves feeling pretty. I've seen the isles in the store with nothing but makeup, the forbidden zone, and I shake my head. What is the point? I can tell you that guys don't care at all about hair, shoes, makeup, ect. I myself like women with longer hair, but unless a woman goes Sinead O'Conner, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Personally, I think the long eyelashes are kind of cool, and the one thing I do notice is perfume. Why do women invest tons of money and time on things only they will notice or care about? Just Curious.
If I notice perfume or cologne for that matter it's usually up to a block away, I hold my breath and head the opposite direction as fast as possible.........
I can appreciate that Ringel05, for if I smell any kind of applied fragrance on a man, I am, out of there. lol.

I think most Men grow out of that stage once they're past clubbing age.

I'm old school, fragrance on a dude is wrong, wrong, wrong. Men who manscape seem to be a tad homosexual.

I guess it depends on where you grew up and when.
I have gotten into trouble for not noticing a subtle change in a woman's hair. I also don't notice what they wear, or their makeup. I watch the Greg Gutfeld Show, and I've seen Kat Timpf do her bit about the time it takes to make oneself up. My question is why do women do it at all. Tyrus once said he doesn't care what a woman wears. He'd be fine with sweatpants and a big yes. I know it was a joke, but he kind of has a point. If guys don't notice your shoes or makeup, are you doing it for other women, competition. Are you doing it for yourselves feeling pretty. I've seen the isles in the store with nothing but makeup, the forbidden zone, and I shake my head. What is the point? I can tell you that guys don't care at all about hair, shoes, makeup, ect. I myself like women with longer hair, but unless a woman goes Sinead O'Conner, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Personally, I think the long eyelashes are kind of cool, and the one thing I do notice is perfume. Why do women invest tons of money and time on things only they will notice or care about? Just Curious.
If I notice perfume or cologne for that matter it's usually up to a block away, I hold my breath and head the opposite direction as fast as possible.........

That's how I feel when I see or smell someone smoking "anything."

Ringel, I'm so glad you are still here. I love reading you. You have long been my go-to- guy for anything computer related and for your FANTASTIC cooking recipes! Plus, you are just a really nice guy and I have long appreciated the ways in which you love your wife. What a good team you two make. :thup:
I like to look the way I see myself. I am a stylish and chic-looking person who has always looked my highest and best according to my personal taste. It has nothing, I repeat, NOTHING to do with how anyone else sees me. I express my personal style by wearing lots of different "on trend" attire, ( but only if I like the style ) makeup, jewelry, buzzed clipper cut and boots, tennis shoes, slides. I am a "girlie girl" as I have heard it expressed. I have a very sensual nature and like men who are attracted to the kind of style, I present with. They are MY type of men. My style these days is the Moto look....boho chic! Love it to death. And so do many onlookers. ( they tell me and that embarrasses me ) I am also a classy woman with an outgoing and friendly personality who has never met a stranger. I am WOMAN...hear me roar? :eusa_dance:


So women do all that work to express personal style? Makes sense. I know I don't consider style very much. I have everyday and formal. My everyday tends to be the comfortable stuff, nothing fancy. I guess that is boring as hell. I'm guessing when men express themselves appearance wise, they do it through being fit, or looking buff. I don't want to look sloppy, but I don't express myself in clothing.

After being married for damn near thirty years we both tend to go for comfort.
You'll rarely see me in anything but shorts and flip flops a t-shirt or a wife beater if I'm not going out in public.:113:
I like to look the way I see myself. I am a stylish and chic-looking person who has always looked my highest and best according to my personal taste. It has nothing, I repeat, NOTHING to do with how anyone else sees me. I express my personal style by wearing lots of different "on trend" attire, ( but only if I like the style ) makeup, jewelry, buzzed clipper cut and boots, tennis shoes, slides. I am a "girlie girl" as I have heard it expressed. I have a very sensual nature and like men who are attracted to the kind of style, I present with. They are MY type of men. My style these days is the Moto look....boho chic! Love it to death. And so do many onlookers. ( they tell me and that embarrasses me ) I am also a classy woman with an outgoing and friendly personality who has never met a stranger. I am WOMAN...hear me roar? :eusa_dance:


So women do all that work to express personal style? Makes sense. I know I don't consider style very much. I have everyday and formal. My everyday tends to be the comfortable stuff, nothing fancy. I guess that is boring as hell. I'm guessing when men express themselves appearance wise, they do it through being fit, or looking buff. I don't want to look sloppy, but I don't express myself in clothing.
Not ALL women "style and profile" for just themselves. The sad ones do it for others or approval from others. Often a man expresses ( defines ) his true self by the kind of wheels he drives or shape he is in or material "stuff" he has. I like men like you. Not buff, not high-style, no fragrance, just natural, clean, upfront and honest. A ready smile and sense of humor, the latter being a top priority. A man who takes care of his health and his woman.
Women dress, make up and do hair for other women. The same reason why women buy fashion magazines to look at other women. When a woman tells another woman "I love your shoes" it can brighten her whole week.
Women dress, make up and do hair for other women. The same reason why women buy fashion magazines to look at other women. When a woman tells another woman "I love your shoes" it can brighten her whole week.

Men are the same.......
Except it makes their day when someone tells you your truck is Sick,or that AR is Nice!!!

I surely dont want some guy telling me he really likes my pants or shoes.
I like to look the way I see myself. I am a stylish and chic-looking person who has always looked my highest and best according to my personal taste. It has nothing, I repeat, NOTHING to do with how anyone else sees me. I express my personal style by wearing lots of different "on trend" attire, ( but only if I like the style ) makeup, jewelry, buzzed clipper cut and boots, tennis shoes, slides. I am a "girlie girl" as I have heard it expressed. I have a very sensual nature and like men who are attracted to the kind of style, I present with. They are MY type of men. My style these days is the Moto look....boho chic! Love it to death. And so do many onlookers. ( they tell me and that embarrasses me ) I am also a classy woman with an outgoing and friendly personality who has never met a stranger. I am WOMAN...hear me roar? :eusa_dance:


So women do all that work to express personal style? Makes sense. I know I don't consider style very much. I have everyday and formal. My everyday tends to be the comfortable stuff, nothing fancy. I guess that is boring as hell. I'm guessing when men express themselves appearance wise, they do it through being fit, or looking buff. I don't want to look sloppy, but I don't express myself in clothing.

After being married for damn near thirty years we both tend to go for comfort.
You'll rarely see me in anything but shorts and flip flops a t-shirt or a wife beater if I'm not going out in public.:113:
An attractive image for sure. But, one can look and be veeery comfortable while looking good, too?
I have gotten into trouble for not noticing a subtle change in a woman's hair. I also don't notice what they wear, or their makeup. I watch the Greg Gutfeld Show, and I've seen Kat Timpf do her bit about the time it takes to make oneself up. My question is why do women do it at all. Tyrus once said he doesn't care what a woman wears. He'd be fine with sweatpants and a big yes. I know it was a joke, but he kind of has a point. If guys don't notice your shoes or makeup, are you doing it for other women, competition. Are you doing it for yourselves feeling pretty. I've seen the isles in the store with nothing but makeup, the forbidden zone, and I shake my head. What is the point? I can tell you that guys don't care at all about hair, shoes, makeup, ect. I myself like women with longer hair, but unless a woman goes Sinead O'Conner, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Personally, I think the long eyelashes are kind of cool, and the one thing I do notice is perfume. Why do women invest tons of money and time on things only they will notice or care about? Just Curious.
If I notice perfume or cologne for that matter it's usually up to a block away, I hold my breath and head the opposite direction as fast as possible.........
I can appreciate that Ringel05, for if I smell any kind of applied fragrance on a man, I am, out of there. lol.

I think most Men grow out of that stage once they're past clubbing age.

I'm old school, fragrance on a dude is wrong, wrong, wrong. Men who manscape seem to be a tad homosexual.
Or just out of touch. The woman they are with doesn't want the competition? I like for a man to smell like he just took a shower. Ummm.

I dress nice when we go out or when necessary.
If I'm just hanging around the house maybe BBQing or watching some sports I'm not putting on anything that doesnt register as comfortable.
Women dress, make up and do hair for other women. The same reason why women buy fashion magazines to look at other women. When a woman tells another woman "I love your shoes" it can brighten her whole week.
Well, there you are. I have almost always enjoyed your commentary, Tipsycatlover. However, your opinion on why women do the things they do is an overgeneralization from my perspective. And I don't buy fashion magazines either. I march to the beat of my own drum and have always. If a co-worker tells me she loves my moto boots, I say something like, "thanks...aren't they cool? And then I tell her I have the same style in 8 different colors. LOL. No compliment has ever brightened my whole day, much less, week. I know what I have going on. :) I actually prefer no compliments. I was just telling a neighbor that the other day. Seriously.
I have gotten into trouble for not noticing a subtle change in a woman's hair. I also don't notice what they wear, or their makeup. I watch the Greg Gutfeld Show, and I've seen Kat Timpf do her bit about the time it takes to make oneself up. My question is why do women do it at all. Tyrus once said he doesn't care what a woman wears. He'd be fine with sweatpants and a big yes. I know it was a joke, but he kind of has a point. If guys don't notice your shoes or makeup, are you doing it for other women, competition. Are you doing it for yourselves feeling pretty. I've seen the isles in the store with nothing but makeup, the forbidden zone, and I shake my head. What is the point? I can tell you that guys don't care at all about hair, shoes, makeup, ect. I myself like women with longer hair, but unless a woman goes Sinead O'Conner, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Personally, I think the long eyelashes are kind of cool, and the one thing I do notice is perfume. Why do women invest tons of money and time on things only they will notice or care about? Just Curious.
Actually, men do notice things like a woman painting her toes. Women who don’t have given up on themselves. Or that’s the perception. Or subconsciously women who paint their nails care.

I tell my girl she doesn’t have to wear makeup when she comes over to hang. She’s plenty beautiful without makeup. But I do like it when she wears the short shorts and the sexy bras.
LOL...if a man told me I didn't have to wear makeup when I came over I would laugh and say something like " I KNOW I don't have to but I want to so deal with it or let us agree to disagree." LOL. I love makeup....not heavy though.
This has been the most fun thread. I can't believe I've been here this long so it is way past time to log off and to thank all posters for a fun and good time. **Hugs**

I have gotten into trouble for not noticing a subtle change in a woman's hair. I also don't notice what they wear, or their makeup. I watch the Greg Gutfeld Show, and I've seen Kat Timpf do her bit about the time it takes to make oneself up. My question is why do women do it at all. Tyrus once said he doesn't care what a woman wears. He'd be fine with sweatpants and a big yes. I know it was a joke, but he kind of has a point. If guys don't notice your shoes or makeup, are you doing it for other women, competition. Are you doing it for yourselves feeling pretty. I've seen the isles in the store with nothing but makeup, the forbidden zone, and I shake my head. What is the point? I can tell you that guys don't care at all about hair, shoes, makeup, ect. I myself like women with longer hair, but unless a woman goes Sinead O'Conner, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Personally, I think the long eyelashes are kind of cool, and the one thing I do notice is perfume. Why do women invest tons of money and time on things only they will notice or care about? Just Curious.
If I notice perfume or cologne for that matter it's usually up to a block away, I hold my breath and head the opposite direction as fast as possible.........

That's how I feel when I see or smell someone smoking "anything."

Ringel, I'm so glad you are still here. I love reading you. You have long been my go-to- guy for anything computer related and for your FANTASTIC cooking recipes! Plus, you are just a really nice guy and I have long appreciated the ways in which you love your wife. What a good team you two make. :thup:
Thanks but there's more than a few people on this forum who would disagree that I'm "just a really nice guy........."
Not that I give them any reason...... :eusa_whistle: :rolleyes:
Oh and there's times the wife would disagree also........ :lol:

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