"QOP" pin up girl offended when asked a question by reporters

The nerve of those guys asking a question. Its great that the QOP is such a staunch defender of free speech in this era of corporate fascism.
Yes dumbass, it was a private event, meant for her constituents to ask questions (called a town hall), not a press conference for media to ask questions. Like any disrupter of a private event, they were rightfully removed.
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Why hold a public event where folk cant ask questions ? The nazi slag invited them.

The event was for the public to ask questions and was not a press event...liberals whining about threats of arrest for the press :auiqs.jpg:
The press was invited and no mention was made about not being able to ask questions.

And "when the TV crew arrived they were told they would not be allowed to ask questions or speak with anyone."
The free press is a First Amendment Civil Right. Unless this was a private interview lunatic girl has no right for restricting the press.

It wasn't a press event. The press was invited to cover the TH for constitutes to ask question. The reporter is from Tennessee.
You are making crap up for defending your nutjob lunatic domestic terrorist. She is a coward who was afraid of answering questions and you are trying to portray her as a victim.

What am I making up?
You have no idea or knowledge of the invitation communications and details of town hall meetings in the community.
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If we stipulate that as "true", so what? Does that mean that the constituents of her district should be disenfranchised?
I wouldn’t. I’m glad she’s representing the GOP.

It’s an excellent example of how they’ve disgraced themselves.

The nerve of those guys asking a question. Its great that the QOP is such a staunch defender of free speech in this era of corporate fascism.
Yes dumbass, it was a private event, meant for her constituents to ask questions (called a town hall), not a press conference for media to ask questions. Like any disrupter of a private event, they were rightfully removed.
Wasn't private, and where did you get the idea press do not ask questions during a town hall meeting?
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Where does it say they knew beforehand?

Why would they bother to show up if they knew they couldn't ask a question?

Meredith Aldis, a reporter with WRCBtv, said she was asked to attend the town hall event on Wednesday, but when the TV crew arrived they were told they would not be allowed to ask questions or speak with anyone.

They were invited and then when they turned up they were told it was verboten to ask questions - or talk to people. God forbid the press should ask questions of our politicians and give them a platform to spread their crazy views.
Hey Tommy is it getting this crazy across the pond? This shit is down right trippy over here. Our President tried to have his VP killed and aint shit going to happen to him. Starting to wonder if things might be more pleasant over there. My family was in the upper and lower Earley area for centuries. Maybe time to visit.
We have our idiots as well.Maybe not as many.
field. They have people saying Jewish lasers from space are starting wild fires and can still get elected? Not just elected but put on education committees.
Yup, we cant match that. Our politicians just concentrate on lining their pockets and show very little interest in Jewish lasers or paedo pizza joints.

She is very special isnt she ?

The nerve of those guys asking a question. Its great that the QOP is such a staunch defender of free speech in this era of corporate fascism.
Yes dumbass, it was a private event, meant for her constituents to ask questions (called a town hall), not a press conference for media to ask questions. Like any disrupter of a private event, they were rightfully removed.
Wasn't private, and where did you get the idea press do not ask questions during a town hall meeting?
Typically a town hall is for voters to ask questions. You know that, stop being a dumb c*nt.
If we stipulate that as "true", so what? Does that mean that the constituents of her district should be disenfranchised?
I wouldn’t. I’m glad she’s representing the GOP.

It’s an excellent example of how they’ve disgraced themselves.

She isn't representing the GOP, she is representing the people of Georgia in the 14th Congressional District.
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Where does it say they knew beforehand?

Why would they bother to show up if they knew they couldn't ask a question?

Meredith Aldis, a reporter with WRCBtv, said she was asked to attend the town hall event on Wednesday, but when the TV crew arrived they were told they would not be allowed to ask questions or speak with anyone.

They were invited and then when they turned up they were told it was verboten to ask questions - or talk to people. God forbid the press should ask questions of our politicians and give them a platform to spread their crazy views.
Hey Tommy is it getting this crazy across the pond? This shit is down right trippy over here. Our President tried to have his VP killed and aint shit going to happen to him. Starting to wonder if things might be more pleasant over there. My family was in the upper and lower Earley area for centuries. Maybe time to visit.
We have our idiots as well.Maybe not as many.
field. They have people saying Jewish lasers from space are starting wild fires and can still get elected? Not just elected but put on education committees.
Yup, we cant match that. Our politicians just concentrate on lining their pockets and show very little interest in Jewish lasers or paedo pizza joints.

She is very special isnt she ?
I just can't believe we got here. So not even in great Britain where almost a 1000 years of stability has happened is safe from this shit. Wow. Makes ya wonder how long till nukes fly . I guess eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we could all die.

The nerve of those guys asking a question. Its great that the QOP is such a staunch defender of free speech in this era of corporate fascism.
Such is the right's contempt for freedom of the press.

We don't have a press anymore, what we have are progressive activists with press passes....
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Why hold a public event where folk cant ask questions ? The nazi slag invited them.

The event was for the public to ask questions and was not a press event...liberals whining about threats of arrest for the press :auiqs.jpg:
The press was invited and no mention was made about not being able to ask questions.

And "when the TV crew arrived they were told they would not be allowed to ask questions or speak with anyone."
The free press is a First Amendment Civil Right. Unless this was a private interview lunatic girl has no right for restricting the press.

It wasn't a press event. The press was invited to cover the TH for constitutes to ask question. The reporter is from Tennessee.
You are making crap up for defending your nutjob lunatic domestic terrorist. She is a coward who was afraid of answering questions and you are trying to portray her as a victim.

What am I making up?
You have no idea or knowledge of the invitation communications and details of town hall meetings in the community.

The information is in the OP's linked article.

The invitation was to cover the event, press was informed they could not ask question, questions were for constituents, which would not include the report who is from Tennessee.

Now once again what am I making up?
Not allowed to ask questions at a town hall? Well, in orange cultland, that might make sense.
Voters could ask questions. Not media vultures and they knew that before hand.
Get your facts straight, clown.

Do you get upset when Joe Biden limits access from reporters to a few chosen favorite ass kissers?
I'll bet not.
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Why hold a public event where folk cant ask questions ? The nazi slag invited them.

The event was for the public to ask questions and was not a press event...liberals whining about threats of arrest for the press :auiqs.jpg:
The press was invited and no mention was made about not being able to ask questions.

And "when the TV crew arrived they were told they would not be allowed to ask questions or speak with anyone."
The free press is a First Amendment Civil Right. Unless this was a private interview lunatic girl has no right for restricting the press.

It wasn't a press event. The press was invited to cover the TH for constitutes to ask question. The reporter is from Tennessee.
You are making crap up for defending your nutjob lunatic domestic terrorist. She is a coward who was afraid of answering questions and you are trying to portray her as a victim.

What am I making up?
You have no idea or knowledge of the invitation communications and details of town hall meetings in the community.

The information is in the OP's linked article.

The invitation was to cover the event, press was informed they could not ask question, questions were for constituents, which would not include the report who is from Tennessee.

Now once again what am I making up?
They were told when they turned up after being invited. Tough shit. She could have answered a question her constituents would have liked to have seen answered.
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Where does it say they knew beforehand?

Why would they bother to show up if they knew they couldn't ask a question?

Meredith Aldis, a reporter with WRCBtv, said she was asked to attend the town hall event on Wednesday, but when the TV crew arrived they were told they would not be allowed to ask questions or speak with anyone.

They were invited and then when they turned up they were told it was verboten to ask questions - or talk to people. God forbid the press should ask questions of our politicians and give them a platform to spread their crazy views.
Hey Tommy is it getting this crazy across the pond? This shit is down right trippy over here. Our President tried to have his VP killed and aint shit going to happen to him. Starting to wonder if things might be more pleasant over there. My family was in the upper and lower Earley area for centuries. Maybe time to visit.
We have our idiots as well.Maybe not as many.
field. They have people saying Jewish lasers from space are starting wild fires and can still get elected? Not just elected but put on education committees.
Yup, we cant match that. Our politicians just concentrate on lining their pockets and show very little interest in Jewish lasers or paedo pizza joints.

She is very special isnt she ?
I just can't believe we got here. So not even in great Britain where almost a 1000 years of stability has happened is safe from this shit. Wow. Makes ya wonder how long till nukes fly . I guess eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we could all die.
In the UK this week a member of the royal family was advising young mothers about homeschooling. We cannot be held up as an example of common sense.

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