"QOP" pin up girl offended when asked a question by reporters

TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Where does it say they knew beforehand?

Why would they bother to show up if they knew they couldn't ask a question?

Meredith Aldis, a reporter with WRCBtv, said she was asked to attend the town hall event on Wednesday, but when the TV crew arrived they were told they would not be allowed to ask questions or speak with anyone.

They were invited and then when they turned up they were told it was verboten to ask questions - or talk to people. God forbid the press should ask questions of our politicians and give them a platform to spread their crazy views.
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Why hold a public event where folk cant ask questions ? The nazi slag invited them.

The event was for the public to ask questions and was not a press event...liberals whining about threats of arrest for the press :auiqs.jpg:
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Why hold a public event where folk cant ask questions ? The nazi slag invited them.

The event was for the public to ask questions and was not a press event...liberals whining about threats of arrest for the press :auiqs.jpg:
The press was invited and no mention was made about not being able to ask questions.
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Why hold a public event where folk cant ask questions ? The nazi slag invited them.

The event was for the public to ask questions and was not a press event...liberals whining about threats of arrest for the press :auiqs.jpg:
So that reporter isn't a member of the public?

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