Putin warns that western governments are destroying the planet with chemtrails.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
(From 2017)
Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Western governments of geo-manipulation of the Earth's environment through chemical spraying operations designed to alter the world's climate and poison the population.He made the statements while speaking at a fundraising event and claimed that the spraying of chemicals into the Earth's atmosphere via chemtrails is funded by corporations and sanctioned by governments



Is he right ?

(From 2017)
Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Western governments of geo-manipulation of the Earth's environment through chemical spraying operations designed to alter the world's climate and poison the population.He made the statements while speaking at a fundraising event and claimed that the spraying of chemicals into the Earth's atmosphere via chemtrails is funded by corporations and sanctioned by governments



Is he right ?

H2O.....it's evil!
H2O.....it's evil!
Water in the tanks. Right.


Another chemtrail bogosity comes along, don't you people ever tire of making fools of yourselves?

Last year I went over this crap right here in this forum with a lot of evidence that chemtrail claims are absurd, and always easily countered with hard evidence. There are photos going back to the 1930's showing the vapor trails that looks like the same vapor trails of today.

You post a couple photos with ZERO background information and source links, which means you have NOTHING.

Perhaps Putin is correct this time, relatively speaking. Russia is no angel, but USA & China are the biggest polluters, and only USA among them under Trump is stupid about climate science.

Gosh are you really Dale Smith, who makes similar question evading replies?

I was referring to the PHOTOS at post 4, which you have yet to provide a source link to.

The Brennan video doesn't help you at all since it wasn't about "chemtrails", it was about a PROPOSED Geo engineering project, to combat a non existent problem, which leftists like you seem to see in every bush and around every corner.

Bullshit. If he was out talking about it openly, it's already been going on for at least 20 years.
Gosh are you really Dale Smith ?
Golly gee, maybe Dale Smith is really me.

It has become clear you are another chemtrail windbag, who doesn't answer my TWICE requested linked source for the photo's in post 4, which means you have nothing credible to offer. Also made equally clear, that you have no argument to sell here in favor of Chemtrail claims, just like Dale Smith who couldn't carry on a discussion last year on this either. You post video's that doesn't support the chemtrail conspiracy, it is hearsay and little else.

The Chemtrail baloney has been going on for years, and smashed into the ground for years by aviation experts, scientists and yes there has even been published papers showing that chemtrail claims are bunk! It has been a 22 year run of stupidity since there have been plenty of CONTRAILS that have lasted for a while in the sky, photographed and from the 1930's onward.

You need to wean yourself off this baloney, Wikipedia is a starting point in your needed recovery:

Chemtrail conspiracy theory

"The chemtrail conspiracy theory is based on the erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails are "chemtrails" consisting of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by high-flying aircraft, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public.[1] Believers in this conspiracy theory say that while normal contrails dissipate relatively quickly, contrails that linger must contain additional substances.[2][3] Those who subscribe to the theory speculate that the purpose of the chemical release may be solar radiation management,[2] weather modification, psychological manipulation, human population control, or biological or chemical warfare and that the trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems.[1][4]

The claim has been dismissed by the scientific community, and most people do not believe this myth. There is no evidence that purported chemtrails differ from normal water-based contrails routinely left by high-flying aircraft under certain atmospheric conditions.[5] Although proponents have tried to prove that chemical spraying occurs, their analyses have been flawed or based on misconceptions.[6][7] Because of the persistence of the conspiracy theory and questions about government involvement, scientists and government agencies around the world have repeatedly explained that the supposed chemtrails are in fact normal contrails."

Try the rational path, it is so much more better....

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