Putin Vs. Biden.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Now that we know with an alarming degree of certainty the Capitol “insurrection” as it is called was infiltrated, fabricated, and stage managed by the FBI, the people must come to grips with the fact that the government has shifted from a democracy controlled by the people with honest elections to a totalitarian state bureaucracy. The people have been subjected to a steroidal dumbing down by government, education, and media and swindled by a fraudulent election process. This is about as serious as it gets when real democracy is in peril.

The resulting meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden displays an almost comical confrontation in which the sly Russian president was all but winking at the world while the vacuous and confused US president was standing before him. Putin must not have believed his eyes and probably feels like a gambler in Las Vegas that just won the jackpot. Putin, the seasoned and savvy former KGB agent, did well not to gloat at the mismatch. The US showed up with feckless, leaderless, leadership and Putin is likely still trying to believe it is real. It was like chess master Garry Kasparov playing against a ventriloquist’s dummy; it made a farce of the game.

How did it come to this? Well, this is what fundamentally changing America is all about. You see, Washington no longer wants to regard Russia or China as rabid enemies of freedom and democracy. Fundamentally changing America involves just doing away with freedom and democracy by converting the United States to a totalitarian state and making us not enemies of Russia and China, but global competitors.

History has demonstrated prolifically that the best way to fundamentally change a society is to wreck the existing society first by any means necessary even if it involves a corrupted election. Putin understands this very well because it is an integral part of the modus operandi of his government. But even he could never have predicted that such a nincompoop would show up representing the world’s foremost military power and leading economic juggernaut.

The coming collapse of the US economy is part of the plan while the people are preoccupied with Critical race theory and transgenderism. A global pandemic is child’s play compared to the misery en route from that fraudulent election. It may be too late to stem the flow of hyperinflation on the way.

Putin is smiling, and for good reason.
Now that we know with an alarming degree of certainty the Capitol “insurrection” as it is called was infiltrated, fabricated, and stage managed by the FBI, the people must come to grips with the fact that the government has shifted from a democracy controlled by the people with honest elections to a totalitarian state bureaucracy. The people have been subjected to a steroidal dumbing down by government, education, and media and swindled by a fraudulent election process. This is about as serious as it gets when real democracy is in peril.

The resulting meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden displays an almost comical confrontation in which the sly Russian president was all but winking at the world while the vacuous and confused US president was standing before him. Putin must not have believed his eyes and probably feels like a gambler in Las Vegas that just won the jackpot. Putin, the seasoned and savvy former KGB agent, did well not to gloat at the mismatch. The US showed up with feckless, leaderless, leadership and Putin is likely still trying to believe it is real. It was like chess master Garry Kasparov playing against a ventriloquist’s dummy; it made a farce of the game.

How did it come to this? Well, this is what fundamentally changing America is all about. You see, Washington no longer wants to regard Russia or China as rabid enemies of freedom and democracy. Fundamentally changing America involves just doing away with freedom and democracy by converting the United States to a totalitarian state and making us not enemies of Russia and China, but global competitors.

History has demonstrated prolifically that the best way to fundamentally change a society is to wreck the existing society first by any means necessary even if it involves a corrupted election. Putin understands this very well because it is an integral part of the modus operandi of his government. But even he could never have predicted that such a nincompoop would show up representing the world’s foremost military power and leading economic juggernaut.

The coming collapse of the US economy is part of the plan while the people are preoccupied with Critical race theory and transgenderism. A global pandemic is child’s play compared to the misery en route from that fraudulent election. It may be too late to stem the flow of hyperinflation on the way.

Putin is smiling, and for good reason.
Oh, look! Now it's the FBI! So when are you going to start demanding a bi partisanship investigation of the insurrection to find out why the FBI did it, Clown? How about tomorrow?
Now that we know with an alarming degree of certainty the Capitol “insurrection” as it is called was infiltrated, fabricated, and stage managed by the FBI....

Putin was wondering how Americans could elect an incompetent idiot to the Presidency. Bet he got a good laugh out of that one on one meeting. The rest of the world sure did.
All we can do is keep putting it out there and stating the obvious. The obvious is so unacceptable to brainwashed people that is either ignored or avoided as dangerous. This is how propaganda works. The fooled will never admit they have been fooled. We can win this as the deterioration of society becomes so obvious that even the fooled cannot deny it.
Now that we know with an alarming degree of certainty the Capitol “insurrection” as it is called was infiltrated, fabricated, and stage managed by the FBI, the people must come to grips with the fact that the government has shifted from a democracy controlled by the people with honest elections to a totalitarian state bureaucracy. The people have been subjected to a steroidal dumbing down by government, education, and media and swindled by a fraudulent election process. This is about as serious as it gets when real democracy is in peril.

The resulting meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden displays an almost comical confrontation in which the sly Russian president was all but winking at the world while the vacuous and confused US president was standing before him. Putin must not have believed his eyes and probably feels like a gambler in Las Vegas that just won the jackpot. Putin, the seasoned and savvy former KGB agent, did well not to gloat at the mismatch. The US showed up with feckless, leaderless, leadership and Putin is likely still trying to believe it is real. It was like chess master Garry Kasparov playing against a ventriloquist’s dummy; it made a farce of the game.

How did it come to this? Well, this is what fundamentally changing America is all about. You see, Washington no longer wants to regard Russia or China as rabid enemies of freedom and democracy. Fundamentally changing America involves just doing away with freedom and democracy by converting the United States to a totalitarian state and making us not enemies of Russia and China, but global competitors.

History has demonstrated prolifically that the best way to fundamentally change a society is to wreck the existing society first by any means necessary even if it involves a corrupted election. Putin understands this very well because it is an integral part of the modus operandi of his government. But even he could never have predicted that such a nincompoop would show up representing the world’s foremost military power and leading economic juggernaut.

The coming collapse of the US economy is part of the plan while the people are preoccupied with Critical race theory and transgenderism. A global pandemic is child’s play compared to the misery en route from that fraudulent election. It may be too late to stem the flow of hyperinflation on the way.

Putin is smiling, and for good reason.



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