Putin Shows Obama How To Defeat ISIS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"PREPARING GROUND OFFENSIVE: 1,500 Iranian fighters enter Syria under Russia's cover, reports say"

Obama tried arming and training Syrian Rebels (all 6 of them :p) - whose job was defines as 'fighting ISIS' but whose REAL job as we all know was to take down Assad (yeah, all 6 of them) - while conducting pin-point drone strikes. The 6 Syrian Rebels, who were armed and trained at a cost of MILLIONS to US tax-payers - 5 of them converted to ISIS and 1 was verified KIA by the Soviets. So Obama's ISSIS foreign policy consists of pin-point drone strikes and dropping weapons down to the Kurds. Obama's primary focus, even though the biggest threat is ISIS right now, is Assad.

So, Putin puts together the NEW 'Axis of Evil': Russia, Iran, and Syria. Russia now has a base in Syria, bombed Obama's rebels into submission, and now is demonstrating that the only way to beat ISIS is 'boots on the ground', with Syrian, Iranian, and Russian ground troops.

In one way I feel 'More power to you, Putin - better you than us', but we are ceding quite a bit of power over to Russia and Iran in the ME. I also hope they completely take down ISIS, but I will fear they will just scatter into surrounding countries, like Iraq.
So, Putin's got Iranian soldiers right next to Israel now? Is that what this is all about? I thought we were supposed to be Israel's ally. I can just imagine what would have been said if Obama did this. What's next? Is Putin going to joining the clown car?

Putin is not the one looking like a clown right now. He's got Obama wearing the red nose and floppy big feet.
At least Obama isn't selling Israel out.
So you're saying Obama isn't trying hard enough to sell out Israel? Any wonder Jews can't bring themselves to vote for Republicans? They talk the talk, but don't care really what happens. Israel is nothing more than cannon-fodder for the Second Coming in right wing Christian mythology.
Russia was in the mid east for 10 years. They helped create ISIS. As long as this crap remains a fight based on religion, nobody will ever win or show another country anything.

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