Putin or Hillary take my poll

Clinton Putin or both?

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Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
russia 2.jpg

Which one of the above

Paid millions of dollars to astroturf social media and plant fake support accounts
Paid trolls to "swarm" pro Trump posters online and silence them
Thuggishly paid goons to break up opposition rallies violently
Secretly worked to undermine and rig a primary election
Colluded with powerful media organizations to rig debates
Called "onerous voting rules" their "secret sauce for victory"
Called Americans "deplorable" and demanded their disenfranchisement
Used racist and sexist tactics by citing race and gender as reasons for deserving votes
Revealed in emails to have created false front organizations within christian churches for their benefit
Revealed in emails to be attempting to turn the media into "echo chambers"
Defied the rule of law by destroying and hiding subpoenaed technology
Viciously and embarrassingly attacked the legitimacy of the American electoral process
In a speech to billionaire oligarchs reassured them of a "public position" & a "private position"
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Well ok its not the worlds hardest test.
View attachment 139905

Which one of the above

Paid millions of dollars to astroturf social media and plant fake support accounts
Paid trolls to "swarm" pro Trump posters online and silence them
Thuggishly paid goons to break up opposition rallies violently
Secretly worked to undermine and rig a primary election
Colluded with powerful media organizations to rig debates
Called "onerous voting rules" their "secret sauce for victory"
Called Americans "deplorable" and demanded their disenfranchisement
Used racist and sexist tactics by citing race and gender as reasons for deserving votes
Revealed in emails to have created false front organizations within christian churches for their benefit
Revealed in emails to be attempting to turn the media into "echo chambers"
Defied the rule of law by destroying and hiding subpoenaed technology
Viciously and embarrassingly attacked the legitimacy of the American electoral process
In a speech to billionaire oligarchs reassured them of a "public position" & a "private position"

I've read that trump did the same as Secty Clinton and worse but reading your list, WOW - its true. Thanks.
i know i know i know!!!

treasonous trump losers.... nm

As to the 3rd item

“It’s a pretty easy thing for Republicans to say, ‘Well, they’re busing people in,’” Mr. Foval said. “Well, you know what? We’ve been busing people in to deal with you f–ing assholes for 50 years, and we’re not going to stop now. We’re just going to find a different way to do it. So, I mean I grew up with that idea. They used to bus people out to Iowa. If they needed people, there we’d bus people out to Iowa.”

"“I’m saying we have mentally ill people that we pay to do sh—, make no mistake,” Mr. Foval said. “Over the last 20 years. I’ve paid off a few homeless guys to do some crazy stuff, and I’ve also taken them for dinner and I’ve also made sure they had a hotel and a shower and I’ve put them in a program. I’ve done that.”

He also has contacts with unions such as the AFL-CIO. “But the reality is, a lot of people, especially our union guys, a lot of union guys, they’ll do whatever you want,” Mr. Foval said. “They’re rock ‘n’ roll.”

As to the sixth item

“a Clinton campaign aide said their ‘secret sauce’ in Wyoming was the state’s onerous vote-by-mail rules that required anyone voting by mail to have voted as a Democrat in the 2014 midterms.”

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