Putin Cops to ‘Significant Losses,’ Inferior Weapons in Stunning War Admission


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
n a rare admission, Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged Friday that Russia is sustaining “significant losses” in the war on Ukraine.

“In recent days, we have seen significant losses in Ukraine, they exceed the classical figure,” he said, according to the Kremlin.

The Russian president also confessed that Russian forces were dealing with artillery problems, adding in his remarks that “Yes, we still do not have enough of these modern weapons, but the defense industry, the country's military-industrial complex is developing rapidly.”

The dispirited comments about Moscow’s prospects in the war come just as Ukraine has launched a series of counteroffensives to push Russian forces out of the country.

The acknowledgment is a stark departure from typical messaging from Moscow. Putin and other Kremlin officials have long sought to paint the invasion as a success throughout the war, despite a stinging slew of losses and failed war plans. In March of last year, Putin claimed the operations were going according to plan, regardless of the Russian military’s failure to seize Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, in an embarrassing defeat.

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The Daily Beast
The Daily Beast


Putin Cops to ‘Significant Losses,’ Inferior Weapons in Stunning War Admission​

Story by Shannon Vavra • 42m ago


Sputnik/Gavriil Grigorov/Kremlin via REUTERS via third party
Sputnik/Gavriil Grigorov/Kremlin via REUTERS via third party© Provided by The Daily Beast
In a rare admission, Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged Friday that Russia is sustaining “significant losses” in the war on Ukraine.
“In recent days, we have seen significant losses in Ukraine, they exceed the classical figure,” he said, according to the Kremlin.
The Russian president also confessed that Russian forces were dealing with artillery problems, adding in his remarks that “Yes, we still do not have enough of these modern weapons, but the defense industry, the country's military-industrial complex is developing rapidly.”
The dispirited comments about Moscow’s prospects in the war come just as Ukraine has launched a series of counteroffensives to push Russian forces out of the country.
The acknowledgment is a stark departure from typical messaging from Moscow. Putin and other Kremlin officials have long sought to paint the invasion as a success throughout the war, despite a stinging slew of losses and failed war plans. In March of last year, Putin claimed the operations were going according to plan, regardless of the Russian military’s failure to seize Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, in an embarrassing defeat.
It doesn’t appear that Putin has completely thrown in the towel just yet, though. The Russian president attempted to throw cold water on the idea that Ukraine is fully succeeding in their counteroffensive. He added, however, that the Ukrainian military may yet achieve victory on the battlefield.
“It can be stated that all counteroffensive attempts made so far have failed, but the offensive potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has still been preserved,” Putin said.
The Kremlin has been working to right-size expectations within Russia about the outcome of the war. Moscow recently circulated a memo to propagandists suggesting that Russia hasn’t underestimated Ukrainian forces, in an apparent effort to set the stage for a less humiliating defeat.

Add to this that yesterday the head of RT said Ukraine is now too strong for Russia to fight and that Russia should seek a negotiated peace to avoid further humiliation, perhaps ordered to do so by Putin, and it appears Putin may be catching glimpses of reality now and then.
Add to this that yesterday the head of RT said Ukraine is now too strong for Russia to fight and that Russia should seek a negotiated peace to avoid further humiliation, perhaps ordered to do so by Putin, and it appears Putin may be catching glimpses of reality now and then.
You certainly are a major contender for a Gullibility medal.
The so called counter offensive has been an abysmal failure . A disaster with huge losses and no gains .

It is just a short time before the Ukey force has to go backwards because of these devastating losses they are facing at every point on the fighting line .
They have yet to penetrate at any point !!

But you are 100% Cognitively Rigid .

Kadyrov again jumped on Prigozhin: “There are many questions that we can raise and ask our so-called comrade-in-arms Prigozhin. For example, who supplies various food products for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and has a good stable income from this? We are aware of all the subtle details of this process.” Kadyrov believes that Prigozhin is working against Russia with his public activity, discrediting the army, and through it the President of the Russian Federation, who “works day and night” Protest
A night time watch for the hohlo-worshipers.
The Lancet drones are one of the more effective loitering munitions on the battlefield, but I am not sure the 250+ claim is accurate. Oryx had it at 113 hits as of early March, obviously that number is higher today, but I can't say by how much.

Not all hits are kills, it's a small warhead. There are quite a few misses as well, and cope screens manage to stop at least some of the warheads from reaching the target. It helps that it's used in conjunction with a surveillance drone- there is usually decent video to go by.

If the 250+ claim is accurate, it would account for just under 7% of the confirmed equipment losses for Ukraine. I think that's high, all things considered. Since it's reserved for high-value targets, it's still an effective weapon and has taken out a significant number of Ukraine's air defense and artillery pieces. A good operator can hit a fast moving target with one, we have seen that more than once...

This is the Oryx list for Kub/Lancet if you're interested.

The Lancet drones are one of the more effective loitering munitions on the battlefield, but I am not sure the 250+ claim is accurate. Oryx had it at 113 hits as of early March, obviously that number is higher today, but I can't say by how much.

Not all hits are kills, it's a small warhead. There are quite a few misses as well, and cope screens manage to stop at least some of the warheads from reaching the target. It helps that it's used in conjunction with a surveillance drone- there is usually decent video to go by.

If the 250+ claim is accurate, it would account for just under 7% of the confirmed equipment losses for Ukraine. I think that's high, all things considered. Since it's reserved for high-value targets, it's still an effective weapon and has taken out a significant number of Ukraine's air defense and artillery pieces. A good operator can hit a fast moving target with one, we have seen that more than once...

This is the Oryx list for Kub/Lancet if you're interested.

Sometimes I'm not sure whom you are rooting for. Come to the right side of the history. A good man can't be a Bandera lover. ;)
Perhaps it has now dawned on OP how gullible he was to even think of publishing anything from Fake News , Daily Beast .

It is now universally realised that so far the US-Ukey Nazi offensive has been a horrible disaster for Kyiv and the Pentagon .The Russian first line of defence has barely been ruffled and Kyiv losses are shocking .
Beware of Fake News sources , OP .
"ANDRIIVKA, Ukraine — The men of Ukraine’s 37th Brigade were freshly trained and armed with Western-supplied weapons, tasked with an initial push through Russian-occupied territory in the early days of a long-awaited counteroffensive.

They would pay a heavy price.

Within 20 minutes of their June 5 advance south of Velyka Novosilka, in the southeast Donetsk region, mortars exploded all around them, soldiers said. A 30-year-old soldier known as Lumberjack saw two of the men in his vehicle bleeding heavily; one lost an arm as he cried out for his family. Lumberjack crawled into a crater, but the shrapnel from a mortar went through the soil and pierced his shoulder.

There were fewer than 50 men in the unit, he said, and 30 did not return — they were killed, wounded or captured by the enemy."

Can you imagine The Washington Post writing something like this? I thought the editorial line was to paint a Ukr a winner no matter what, even if he were lying in a ditch with his brain blown out off his stubborn skull. A possible excuse being he didn't need it anyway, he's as good without it as he was with.
Sometimes I'm not sure whom you are rooting for. Come to the right side of the history. A good man can't be a Bandera lover. ;)
I recognize the Lancets are effective, that's all. I would prefer it was otherwise, but I have to accept what can see with my own 2 eyes.

To be clear, I support Ukraine's right to defend their land, and I condemn Russia's illegal and unprovoked invasion, with no reservations.

I prefer the rule of law to the rule of men, Alex. I have no use for lies and propaganda- the "Ukronazi" nonsense, the "aggressive NATO" tying to "encircle Russia", etc. That is just propaganda that Putin uses against the Russian people, in order to maintain his grip on power.
I also think that among all casus belli presented to justify this war the "nazi" ukrainian government is the weakest of all (that's why I never mentioned it). I think it was chosen because it resonates deeply with the russian people.

But stating that the military encirclement of Russia's borders is not a serious threat to the country's national security is absolute insanity.
I also think that among all casus belli presented to justify this war the "nazi" ukrainian government is the weakest of all (that's why I never mentioned it). I think it was chosen because it resonates deeply with the russian people.

But stating that the military encirclement of Russia's borders is not a serious threat to the country's national security is absolute insanity.
  1. 1.​
    a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
    "members of her family have received death threats"

    threatening remark​
    intimidating remark​
  2. 2.​
    a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger.
    "hurricane damage poses a major threat to many coastal communities"
  3. Russia may consider it an insult or a humiliation to be surrounded by NATO member countries, but it is not a threat to Russian security unless you are claiming these countries are planning to invade Russia. Keeping in mind that NATO cannot take any military action unless all 30 member states agree, are you claiming that all these eastern European nations joined NATO in some vast plot to invade Russia? If not, there is no plausible threat to Russia's security.?

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