Putin Backs Assad


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
They have invested too much money to loose him. They have spoken of demanding reforms in syria.
This shouldn't surprise anybody. If Obama backs “moderate rebels” - if there is such a thing – it makes sense that Putin will back the Syrian president.

What does this mean? Obviously shipments of arms, equipment, and essential supplies. And the warfare going on, and on, and on.

Read the story @ Putin Nations must unite to fight Islamic State militants Russia backs Syria s Assad Fox News

It never ceases to amaze me how many times we see in print that we in the west back "moderate rebels" but no one can give them a name.


And anyone who has actually been following our leaders attempts to depose Assad would know that the terrorists errrrrrrrrrr moderate rebels are mostly paid foreign mercenaries.

Obama and the west have given the world ISIS all because they wanted to get rid of Assad.

How sweet of them!
For the record----the COMMUNIST USSR has backed Baathist pig regimes for the past 60 years. The communist USSR has been mezmorized by the filth and stink of totalitarian, socialism ---forever. The communist USSR give IMMENSE support to the Baathist shit project of Gamal Abdel Nasser and IMMENSE support to baathism shit in Yemen as far back as the 1950s. Where here is Baathist shit----there is communist support
For the record----the COMMUNIST USSR has backed Baathist pig regimes for the past 60 years. The communist USSR has been mezmorized by the filth and stink of totalitarian, socialism ---forever. The communist USSR give IMMENSE support to the Baathist shit project of Gamal Abdel Nasser and IMMENSE support to baathism shit in Yemen as far back as the 1950s. Where here is Baathist shit----there is communist support

Would rather see secular socialism and a vibrant Christian community in Syria instead of an Islamist shit hole that massacres all the remaining Syrian Christians.
For the record----the COMMUNIST USSR has backed Baathist pig regimes for the past 60 years. The communist USSR has been mezmorized by the filth and stink of totalitarian, socialism ---forever. The communist USSR give IMMENSE support to the Baathist shit project of Gamal Abdel Nasser and IMMENSE support to baathism shit in Yemen as far back as the 1950s. Where here is Baathist shit----there is communist support

Would rather see secular socialism and a vibrant Christian community in Syria instead of an Islamist shit hole that massacres all the remaining Syrian Christians.

baathism does not promote a vibrant Christian community----it is a hop, skip, and
jump away from being a shariah shit hole.
Baathist SELF DESCRIBE as secular ---they are secular in the same way shariah is
"secular"--------ask any apologist for islam------"do people have freedom of religion of shariah societies'? the answer will be a
RESOUNDING "YES" "NON-MUSLIMS HAVE RIGHTS EQUAL TO MUSLIMS---EVEN BETTER". You have a real need to know? Nasser was a Baathist as was saddam. talk to a copt or a chaldean
For the record----the COMMUNIST USSR has backed Baathist pig regimes for the past 60 years. The communist USSR has been mezmorized by the filth and stink of totalitarian, socialism ---forever. The communist USSR give IMMENSE support to the Baathist shit project of Gamal Abdel Nasser and IMMENSE support to baathism shit in Yemen as far back as the 1950s. Where here is Baathist shit----there is communist support

Would rather see secular socialism and a vibrant Christian community in Syria instead of an Islamist shit hole that massacres all the remaining Syrian Christians.

baathism does not promote a vibrant Christian community----it is a hop, skip, and
jump away from being a shariah shit hole.
Baathist SELF DESCRIBE as secular ---they are secular in the same way shariah is
"secular"--------ask any apologist for islam------"do people have freedom of religion of shariah societies'? the answer will be a
RESOUNDING "YES" "NON-MUSLIMS HAVE RIGHTS EQUAL TO MUSLIMS---EVEN BETTER". You have a real need to know? Nasser was a Baathist as was saddam. talk to a copt or a chaldean

Why do Christians serve in the Syrian Army, mostly as officers, and why was the Defense minister a Christian before he was murdered by your Salafist friends? The reason that there were still Christians in Egypt and Iraq is because the Baathists were in power, once your Salafist friends take over, the Christians are massacred or have to leave.

"Christians serve in the armed forces and other security forces. Michel Aflaq, the founder of the Ba'ath party, was Greek Orthodox. Early on in the uprising, Assad appointed a Christian general, Daoud Rajha, as defence minister, but he was killed in a bombing last summer..."

Everyone is afraid of these extremists," said George Nashawati of the St Gregory Orthodox Society for Orphans and the Elderly in Damascus. "But especially Christians. Look what happened in Iraq. It could happen here."

Syria s uneasy Christians feel both sides closing in World news The Guardian
For the record----the COMMUNIST USSR has backed Baathist pig regimes for the past 60 years. The communist USSR has been mezmorized by the filth and stink of totalitarian, socialism ---forever. The communist USSR give IMMENSE support to the Baathist shit project of Gamal Abdel Nasser and IMMENSE support to baathism shit in Yemen as far back as the 1950s. Where here is Baathist shit----there is communist support

Would rather see secular socialism and a vibrant Christian community in Syria instead of an Islamist shit hole that massacres all the remaining Syrian Christians.

baathism does not promote a vibrant Christian community----it is a hop, skip, and
jump away from being a shariah shit hole.
Baathist SELF DESCRIBE as secular ---they are secular in the same way shariah is
"secular"--------ask any apologist for islam------"do people have freedom of religion of shariah societies'? the answer will be a
RESOUNDING "YES" "NON-MUSLIMS HAVE RIGHTS EQUAL TO MUSLIMS---EVEN BETTER". You have a real need to know? Nasser was a Baathist as was saddam. talk to a copt or a chaldean

Why do Christians serve in the Syrian Army, mostly as officers, and why was the Defense minister a Christian before he was murdered by your Salafist friends? The reason that there were still Christians in Egypt and Iraq is because the Baathists were in power, once your Salafist friends take over, the Christians are massacred or have to leave.

"Christians serve in the armed forces and other security forces. Michel Aflaq, the founder of the Ba'ath party, was Greek Orthodox. Early on in the uprising, Assad appointed a Christian general, Daoud Rajha, as defence minister, but he was killed in a bombing last summer..."

Everyone is afraid of these extremists," said George Nashawati of the St Gregory Orthodox Society for Orphans and the Elderly in Damascus. "But especially Christians. Look what happened in Iraq. It could happen here."

Syria s uneasy Christians feel both sides closing in World news The Guardian

ROFLMAO why was the personal physician of SALADIN rabbi moshe ben maimon? You have said nothing. I get my information about Christians in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt ----from Christians from
Syria and Iraq and Egypt. Maimonides
left writings-------personal papers and letters. Getting back to Christians in BAATHIST land------I have been acquainted with Syrian Christians since about 1970----and counting ---not so many Iraqi Christians---long ago --but a few more recently and very closely with copts----over the past 40 years. Iran has a jew in its parliament------I have known lots of jews from Iran since they early 60s when jewish parents over there starting sending their kids out of the pending shariah shit hole which ALSO claims freedom of religion-----
ever meet a Zoroastrian? I have
For the record----the COMMUNIST USSR has backed Baathist pig regimes for the past 60 years. The communist USSR has been mezmorized by the filth and stink of totalitarian, socialism ---forever. The communist USSR give IMMENSE support to the Baathist shit project of Gamal Abdel Nasser and IMMENSE support to baathism shit in Yemen as far back as the 1950s. Where here is Baathist shit----there is communist support

Would rather see secular socialism and a vibrant Christian community in Syria instead of an Islamist shit hole that massacres all the remaining Syrian Christians.

baathism does not promote a vibrant Christian community----it is a hop, skip, and
jump away from being a shariah shit hole.
Baathist SELF DESCRIBE as secular ---they are secular in the same way shariah is
"secular"--------ask any apologist for islam------"do people have freedom of religion of shariah societies'? the answer will be a
RESOUNDING "YES" "NON-MUSLIMS HAVE RIGHTS EQUAL TO MUSLIMS---EVEN BETTER". You have a real need to know? Nasser was a Baathist as was saddam. talk to a copt or a chaldean

Why do Christians serve in the Syrian Army, mostly as officers, and why was the Defense minister a Christian before he was murdered by your Salafist friends? The reason that there were still Christians in Egypt and Iraq is because the Baathists were in power, once your Salafist friends take over, the Christians are massacred or have to leave.

"Christians serve in the armed forces and other security forces. Michel Aflaq, the founder of the Ba'ath party, was Greek Orthodox. Early on in the uprising, Assad appointed a Christian general, Daoud Rajha, as defence minister, but he was killed in a bombing last summer..."

Everyone is afraid of these extremists," said George Nashawati of the St Gregory Orthodox Society for Orphans and the Elderly in Damascus. "But especially Christians. Look what happened in Iraq. It could happen here."

Syria s uneasy Christians feel both sides closing in World news The Guardian

ROFLMAO why was the personal physician of SALADIN rabbi moshe ben maimon? You have said nothing. I get my information about Christians in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt ----from Christians from
Syria and Iraq and Egypt. Maimonides
left writings-------personal papers and letters. Getting back to Christians in BAATHIST land------I have been acquainted with Syrian Christians since about 1970----and counting ---not so many Iraqi Christians---long ago --but a few more recently and very closely with copts----over the past 40 years. Iran has a jew in its parliament------I have known lots of jews from Iran since they early 60s when jewish parents over there starting sending their kids out of the pending shariah shit hole which ALSO claims freedom of religion-----
ever meet a Zoroastrian? I have

Your rambling does not answer the question as to why the Syrian Christians serve in the Syrian military mostly as officers.
This shouldn't surprise anybody. If Obama backs “moderate rebels” - if there is such a thing – it makes sense that Putin will back the Syrian president.

What does this mean? Obviously shipments of arms, equipment, and essential supplies. And the warfare going on, and on, and on.

Read the story @ Putin Nations must unite to fight Islamic State militants Russia backs Syria s Assad Fox News
Bloomy words but Syria needs arms. Where are the arms, Mr. Putin?
For the record----the COMMUNIST USSR has backed Baathist pig regimes for the past 60 years. The communist USSR has been mezmorized by the filth and stink of totalitarian, socialism ---forever. The communist USSR give IMMENSE support to the Baathist shit project of Gamal Abdel Nasser and IMMENSE support to baathism shit in Yemen as far back as the 1950s. Where here is Baathist shit----there is communist support

Would rather see secular socialism and a vibrant Christian community in Syria instead of an Islamist shit hole that massacres all the remaining Syrian Christians.

baathism does not promote a vibrant Christian community----it is a hop, skip, and
jump away from being a shariah shit hole.
Baathist SELF DESCRIBE as secular ---they are secular in the same way shariah is
"secular"--------ask any apologist for islam------"do people have freedom of religion of shariah societies'? the answer will be a
RESOUNDING "YES" "NON-MUSLIMS HAVE RIGHTS EQUAL TO MUSLIMS---EVEN BETTER". You have a real need to know? Nasser was a Baathist as was saddam. talk to a copt or a chaldean

Why do Christians serve in the Syrian Army, mostly as officers, and why was the Defense minister a Christian before he was murdered by your Salafist friends? The reason that there were still Christians in Egypt and Iraq is because the Baathists were in power, once your Salafist friends take over, the Christians are massacred or have to leave.

"Christians serve in the armed forces and other security forces. Michel Aflaq, the founder of the Ba'ath party, was Greek Orthodox. Early on in the uprising, Assad appointed a Christian general, Daoud Rajha, as defence minister, but he was killed in a bombing last summer..."

Everyone is afraid of these extremists," said George Nashawati of the St Gregory Orthodox Society for Orphans and the Elderly in Damascus. "But especially Christians. Look what happened in Iraq. It could happen here."

Syria s uneasy Christians feel both sides closing in World news The Guardian

ROFLMAO why was the personal physician of SALADIN rabbi moshe ben maimon? You have said nothing. I get my information about Christians in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt ----from Christians from
Syria and Iraq and Egypt. Maimonides
left writings-------personal papers and letters. Getting back to Christians in BAATHIST land------I have been acquainted with Syrian Christians since about 1970----and counting ---not so many Iraqi Christians---long ago --but a few more recently and very closely with copts----over the past 40 years. Iran has a jew in its parliament------I have known lots of jews from Iran since they early 60s when jewish parents over there starting sending their kids out of the pending shariah shit hole which ALSO claims freedom of religion-----
ever meet a Zoroastrian? I have

Your rambling does not answer the question as to why the Syrian Christians serve in the Syrian military mostly as officers.

Sure it explains--for anyone with a brain. They serve because it is an opportunity to make a living ------and in some cases they serve in order to try to ameliorate the filth
that Baathist shit meets out to Christians..
Jews have been doing it for more than 1000
years. Maimonides did not act as personal
physician to Salaadin because he loved muslim rule------he did it to save people from the filth and stink of shit like you (he left writings)
This shouldn't surprise anybody. If Obama backs “moderate rebels” - if there is such a thing – it makes sense that Putin will back the Syrian president.

What does this mean? Obviously shipments of arms, equipment, and essential supplies. And the warfare going on, and on, and on.

Read the story @ Putin Nations must unite to fight Islamic State militants Russia backs Syria s Assad Fox News
Bloomy words but Syria needs arms. Where are the arms, Mr. Putin?

Russia will as far as I've read are going to jake it now. Putin is going to rock it.
what does "jake it" and "rock it" mean? I believe that Putin will do what the erstwhile
USSR did ------in the 20th century------what they did was EUPHEMISTICALLY called "increasing their sphere of influence" <<
by some of my very liberal public school teachers way back then------NOW we can face the fact that PUTIN of ??? Russia??? is an imperialist pig
Would rather see secular socialism and a vibrant Christian community in Syria instead of an Islamist shit hole that massacres all the remaining Syrian Christians.

baathism does not promote a vibrant Christian community----it is a hop, skip, and
jump away from being a shariah shit hole.
Baathist SELF DESCRIBE as secular ---they are secular in the same way shariah is
"secular"--------ask any apologist for islam------"do people have freedom of religion of shariah societies'? the answer will be a
RESOUNDING "YES" "NON-MUSLIMS HAVE RIGHTS EQUAL TO MUSLIMS---EVEN BETTER". You have a real need to know? Nasser was a Baathist as was saddam. talk to a copt or a chaldean

Why do Christians serve in the Syrian Army, mostly as officers, and why was the Defense minister a Christian before he was murdered by your Salafist friends? The reason that there were still Christians in Egypt and Iraq is because the Baathists were in power, once your Salafist friends take over, the Christians are massacred or have to leave.

"Christians serve in the armed forces and other security forces. Michel Aflaq, the founder of the Ba'ath party, was Greek Orthodox. Early on in the uprising, Assad appointed a Christian general, Daoud Rajha, as defence minister, but he was killed in a bombing last summer..."

Everyone is afraid of these extremists," said George Nashawati of the St Gregory Orthodox Society for Orphans and the Elderly in Damascus. "But especially Christians. Look what happened in Iraq. It could happen here."

Syria s uneasy Christians feel both sides closing in World news The Guardian

ROFLMAO why was the personal physician of SALADIN rabbi moshe ben maimon? You have said nothing. I get my information about Christians in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt ----from Christians from
Syria and Iraq and Egypt. Maimonides
left writings-------personal papers and letters. Getting back to Christians in BAATHIST land------I have been acquainted with Syrian Christians since about 1970----and counting ---not so many Iraqi Christians---long ago --but a few more recently and very closely with copts----over the past 40 years. Iran has a jew in its parliament------I have known lots of jews from Iran since they early 60s when jewish parents over there starting sending their kids out of the pending shariah shit hole which ALSO claims freedom of religion-----
ever meet a Zoroastrian? I have

Your rambling does not answer the question as to why the Syrian Christians serve in the Syrian military mostly as officers.

Sure it explains--for anyone with a brain. They serve because it is an opportunity to make a living ------and in some cases they serve in order to try to ameliorate the filth
that Baathist shit meets out to Christians..
Jews have been doing it for more than 1000
years. Maimonides did not act as personal
physician to Salaadin because he loved muslim rule------he did it to save people from the filth and stink of shit like you (he left writings)

The Syrian Christians serve as military officers in the Syrian military because they are patriotic Syrians and support the secular Baathist agenda.
baathism does not promote a vibrant Christian community----it is a hop, skip, and
jump away from being a shariah shit hole.
Baathist SELF DESCRIBE as secular ---they are secular in the same way shariah is
"secular"--------ask any apologist for islam------"do people have freedom of religion of shariah societies'? the answer will be a
RESOUNDING "YES" "NON-MUSLIMS HAVE RIGHTS EQUAL TO MUSLIMS---EVEN BETTER". You have a real need to know? Nasser was a Baathist as was saddam. talk to a copt or a chaldean

Why do Christians serve in the Syrian Army, mostly as officers, and why was the Defense minister a Christian before he was murdered by your Salafist friends? The reason that there were still Christians in Egypt and Iraq is because the Baathists were in power, once your Salafist friends take over, the Christians are massacred or have to leave.

"Christians serve in the armed forces and other security forces. Michel Aflaq, the founder of the Ba'ath party, was Greek Orthodox. Early on in the uprising, Assad appointed a Christian general, Daoud Rajha, as defence minister, but he was killed in a bombing last summer..."

Everyone is afraid of these extremists," said George Nashawati of the St Gregory Orthodox Society for Orphans and the Elderly in Damascus. "But especially Christians. Look what happened in Iraq. It could happen here."

Syria s uneasy Christians feel both sides closing in World news The Guardian

ROFLMAO why was the personal physician of SALADIN rabbi moshe ben maimon? You have said nothing. I get my information about Christians in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt ----from Christians from
Syria and Iraq and Egypt. Maimonides
left writings-------personal papers and letters. Getting back to Christians in BAATHIST land------I have been acquainted with Syrian Christians since about 1970----and counting ---not so many Iraqi Christians---long ago --but a few more recently and very closely with copts----over the past 40 years. Iran has a jew in its parliament------I have known lots of jews from Iran since they early 60s when jewish parents over there starting sending their kids out of the pending shariah shit hole which ALSO claims freedom of religion-----
ever meet a Zoroastrian? I have

Your rambling does not answer the question as to why the Syrian Christians serve in the Syrian military mostly as officers.

Sure it explains--for anyone with a brain. They serve because it is an opportunity to make a living ------and in some cases they serve in order to try to ameliorate the filth
that Baathist shit meets out to Christians..
Jews have been doing it for more than 1000
years. Maimonides did not act as personal
physician to Salaadin because he loved muslim rule------he did it to save people from the filth and stink of shit like you (he left writings)

The Syrian Christians serve as military officers in the Syrian military because they are patriotic Syrians and support the secular Baathist agenda.

bullshit. They serve in the military out of personal ambition. Military service is an OPPORTUNITY in every society----for many people it is just about the ONLY available opportunity
Fellow posters------military service is compulsory in both Jordan and in Syria. Just about every Syrian and Jordanian I know in
the USA got out of it with bribery------both Christian and muslim ....not everyone can bribe their way out of it
Fellow posters------military service is compulsory in both Jordan and in Syria. Just about every Syrian and Jordanian I know in
the USA got out of it with bribery------both Christian and muslim ....not everyone can bribe their way out of it

Jordan no longer has mandatory service. It was dropped a few years back.
Why do Christians serve in the Syrian Army, mostly as officers, and why was the Defense minister a Christian before he was murdered by your Salafist friends? The reason that there were still Christians in Egypt and Iraq is because the Baathists were in power, once your Salafist friends take over, the Christians are massacred or have to leave.

"Christians serve in the armed forces and other security forces. Michel Aflaq, the founder of the Ba'ath party, was Greek Orthodox. Early on in the uprising, Assad appointed a Christian general, Daoud Rajha, as defence minister, but he was killed in a bombing last summer..."

Everyone is afraid of these extremists," said George Nashawati of the St Gregory Orthodox Society for Orphans and the Elderly in Damascus. "But especially Christians. Look what happened in Iraq. It could happen here."

Syria s uneasy Christians feel both sides closing in World news The Guardian

ROFLMAO why was the personal physician of SALADIN rabbi moshe ben maimon? You have said nothing. I get my information about Christians in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt ----from Christians from
Syria and Iraq and Egypt. Maimonides
left writings-------personal papers and letters. Getting back to Christians in BAATHIST land------I have been acquainted with Syrian Christians since about 1970----and counting ---not so many Iraqi Christians---long ago --but a few more recently and very closely with copts----over the past 40 years. Iran has a jew in its parliament------I have known lots of jews from Iran since they early 60s when jewish parents over there starting sending their kids out of the pending shariah shit hole which ALSO claims freedom of religion-----
ever meet a Zoroastrian? I have

Your rambling does not answer the question as to why the Syrian Christians serve in the Syrian military mostly as officers.

Sure it explains--for anyone with a brain. They serve because it is an opportunity to make a living ------and in some cases they serve in order to try to ameliorate the filth
that Baathist shit meets out to Christians..
Jews have been doing it for more than 1000
years. Maimonides did not act as personal
physician to Salaadin because he loved muslim rule------he did it to save people from the filth and stink of shit like you (he left writings)

The Syrian Christians serve as military officers in the Syrian military because they are patriotic Syrians and support the secular Baathist agenda.

bullshit. They serve in the military out of personal ambition. Military service is an OPPORTUNITY in every society----for many people it is just about the ONLY available opportunity

Christian Syrians are among the wealthiest Syrians, just as the Christians were in Palestine. You don't know what you are talking about. I know more about the Arab world than you will ever learn Rosie. I started learning about Arabs when my dad (U.S. Army) was with the military attache' office in Tunis at the age of 10.
ROFLMAO why was the personal physician of SALADIN rabbi moshe ben maimon? You have said nothing. I get my information about Christians in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt ----from Christians from
Syria and Iraq and Egypt. Maimonides
left writings-------personal papers and letters. Getting back to Christians in BAATHIST land------I have been acquainted with Syrian Christians since about 1970----and counting ---not so many Iraqi Christians---long ago --but a few more recently and very closely with copts----over the past 40 years. Iran has a jew in its parliament------I have known lots of jews from Iran since they early 60s when jewish parents over there starting sending their kids out of the pending shariah shit hole which ALSO claims freedom of religion-----
ever meet a Zoroastrian? I have

Your rambling does not answer the question as to why the Syrian Christians serve in the Syrian military mostly as officers.

Sure it explains--for anyone with a brain. They serve because it is an opportunity to make a living ------and in some cases they serve in order to try to ameliorate the filth
that Baathist shit meets out to Christians..
Jews have been doing it for more than 1000
years. Maimonides did not act as personal
physician to Salaadin because he loved muslim rule------he did it to save people from the filth and stink of shit like you (he left writings)

The Syrian Christians serve as military officers in the Syrian military because they are patriotic Syrians and support the secular Baathist agenda.

bullshit. They serve in the military out of personal ambition. Military service is an OPPORTUNITY in every society----for many people it is just about the ONLY available opportunity

Christian Syrians are among the wealthiest Syrians, just as the Christians were in Palestine. You don't know what you are talking about. I know more about the Arab world than you will ever learn Rosie. I started learning about Arabs when my dad (U.S. Army) was with the military attache' office in Tunis at the age of 10.

how do you know what I know? I am fully aware of the fact that Christians in Syria are wealthier than muslims and also better educated. They have also been LEAVING for decades. What point are you trying to make other than your misperception that you "know" something. In fact,,, you are kinda clueless

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