Put 15 Million Back to Work by November 2012


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
WPA-II that's how.

Split the entire work force into two divisions, deployed military and able-bodied civilians all overseen by Army Corps of Engineers or Navy Seabees.

"Projects: Roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, ports, waterways, water-sewage and drainage systems, levees, flood control, rail beds, rural electrification systems, fisheries, hospitals, schools, libraries, national/state/local parks and recreation systems, adult literacy programs etcetera.

"New projects would involve finishing repairs from Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill.

"Others systems would include light- and high-speed rail, solar/wind/water-based energy, erosion control, environmental protection, energy conservation, earthquake-proofing house foundations for the poor and disabled and dismantling/cleaning up decommissioned nuclear energy plants...

"Funding: With the winding down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a portion of Congressional appropriations to both the DoD and the State Department would be shifted to underwrite WPA-II expenses that previously were dedicated to foreign infrastructure and economic aid.

"This would include salaries of all DoD participants, including payroll for deployed military.

"The State Department would shift funds from most of its foreign-aid programs and much of the $3 billion presently earmarked for the Baghdad Embassy security forces.

"In addition, USAID would turn over its Congressional appropriations to the WPA-II and rely in future upon financial support from US businesses and industry and/or the US Chamber of Commerce to continue its global activities..."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout
The only answer to high unemployment is private sector jobs. A government job is paid for by taxes. If you use the funds you were using for wars it is still funded by taxes or more debt. Until you can withhold enough from an federal employees wages to pay their own wages and benefits it's a losing proposition for the American tax payer. You will never get the private sector jobs while you have an anti-business administration that buries business in regulations and unknown health care cost. Obama doesn't seem open to any pro-business ideas so I guess you can kiss private sector jobs good-by until he's gone. The last thing we need is a bigger government that everyone works for.
WPA-II that's how.

Split the entire work force into two divisions, deployed military and able-bodied civilians all overseen by Army Corps of Engineers or Navy Seabees.

"Projects: Roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, ports, waterways, water-sewage and drainage systems, levees, flood control, rail beds, rural electrification systems, fisheries, hospitals, schools, libraries, national/state/local parks and recreation systems, adult literacy programs etcetera.

"New projects would involve finishing repairs from Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill.

"Others systems would include light- and high-speed rail, solar/wind/water-based energy, erosion control, environmental protection, energy conservation, earthquake-proofing house foundations for the poor and disabled and dismantling/cleaning up decommissioned nuclear energy plants...

"Funding: With the winding down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a portion of Congressional appropriations to both the DoD and the State Department would be shifted to underwrite WPA-II expenses that previously were dedicated to foreign infrastructure and economic aid.

"This would include salaries of all DoD participants, including payroll for deployed military.

"The State Department would shift funds from most of its foreign-aid programs and much of the $3 billion presently earmarked for the Baghdad Embassy security forces.

"In addition, USAID would turn over its Congressional appropriations to the WPA-II and rely in future upon financial support from US businesses and industry and/or the US Chamber of Commerce to continue its global activities..."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout
Thank you, Uncle Josef. :rolleyes:
WPA-II that's how.

Split the entire work force into two divisions, deployed military and able-bodied civilians all overseen by Army Corps of Engineers or Navy Seabees.

"Projects: Roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, ports, waterways, water-sewage and drainage systems, levees, flood control, rail beds, rural electrification systems, fisheries, hospitals, schools, libraries, national/state/local parks and recreation systems, adult literacy programs etcetera.

"New projects would involve finishing repairs from Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill.

"Others systems would include light- and high-speed rail, solar/wind/water-based energy, erosion control, environmental protection, energy conservation, earthquake-proofing house foundations for the poor and disabled and dismantling/cleaning up decommissioned nuclear energy plants...

"Funding: With the winding down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a portion of Congressional appropriations to both the DoD and the State Department would be shifted to underwrite WPA-II expenses that previously were dedicated to foreign infrastructure and economic aid.

"This would include salaries of all DoD participants, including payroll for deployed military.

"The State Department would shift funds from most of its foreign-aid programs and much of the $3 billion presently earmarked for the Baghdad Embassy security forces.

"In addition, USAID would turn over its Congressional appropriations to the WPA-II and rely in future upon financial support from US businesses and industry and/or the US Chamber of Commerce to continue its global activities..."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout

Do we need to put money into infrastructure? Absolutely. Is this idea one that makes sense? Absolutely not. While the first stimulus should have gone almost entirely to infrastructure, it did not. Barely 5% went to infrastructure, which was a huge mistake. However, when we look at the cost, $2.2 trillion, we know that the cost will be much greater, especially if you try to do it with 15 million untrained workers. And it is not something that must be done overnight. First of all, the end cost would likely be closer to $5 trillion. Where is that money going to come from over two or three years?

While we should discuss putting much more money into infrastructure, this idea is a horrible one. Here is the biggest problem. Assuming we did this, it would cost us a bundle, but at least we would get something in return for our money, and it would put everyone to work. That is the good part. Now here is the really awful part. After two or three years, all the work would be done, and we'd have to lay off 15 million people. Then what?
Yes, because the last 780-some billion Obama spent to 'create jobs' worked out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well, right?

While it wouldn't have solved all our unemployment problems, it would have worked out substantially better had all the money been put into infrastructure over five years.
and to think that even with 1/2 Trillion Dollars, we could of created about 10-12 Million Jobs. That means with 4 Trillion Dollars, we could of created about 50-60 Million Jobs, and we only need 15 Million. So where did the 4 Trillion go?
The only answer to high unemployment is private sector jobs. A government job is paid for by taxes. If you use the funds you were using for wars it is still funded by taxes or more debt. Until you can withhold enough from an federal employees wages to pay their own wages and benefits it's a losing proposition for the American tax payer. You will never get the private sector jobs while you have an anti-business administration that buries business in regulations and unknown health care cost. Obama doesn't seem open to any pro-business ideas so I guess you can kiss private sector jobs good-by until he's gone. The last thing we need is a bigger government that everyone works for.

That is complete bullshit. As far as taxes go, the gov. worker is paying back part of the taxes, so we get his cheap labor to fix things. And whatever he does he is generating work & services & materials from the private sector that also pays taxes to cover the loss. So much for your private sucker jobs bullshit.:lol:
WPA-II that's how.

Split the entire work force into two divisions, deployed military and able-bodied civilians all overseen by Army Corps of Engineers or Navy Seabees.

"Projects: Roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, ports, waterways, water-sewage and drainage systems, levees, flood control, rail beds, rural electrification systems, fisheries, hospitals, schools, libraries, national/state/local parks and recreation systems, adult literacy programs etcetera.

"New projects would involve finishing repairs from Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill.

"Others systems would include light- and high-speed rail, solar/wind/water-based energy, erosion control, environmental protection, energy conservation, earthquake-proofing house foundations for the poor and disabled and dismantling/cleaning up decommissioned nuclear energy plants...

"Funding: With the winding down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a portion of Congressional appropriations to both the DoD and the State Department would be shifted to underwrite WPA-II expenses that previously were dedicated to foreign infrastructure and economic aid.

"This would include salaries of all DoD participants, including payroll for deployed military.

"The State Department would shift funds from most of its foreign-aid programs and much of the $3 billion presently earmarked for the Baghdad Embassy security forces.

"In addition, USAID would turn over its Congressional appropriations to the WPA-II and rely in future upon financial support from US businesses and industry and/or the US Chamber of Commerce to continue its global activities..."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout

Good idea.
WPA-II that's how.

Split the entire work force into two divisions, deployed military and able-bodied civilians all overseen by Army Corps of Engineers or Navy Seabees.

"Projects: Roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, ports, waterways, water-sewage and drainage systems, levees, flood control, rail beds, rural electrification systems, fisheries, hospitals, schools, libraries, national/state/local parks and recreation systems, adult literacy programs etcetera.

"New projects would involve finishing repairs from Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill.

"Others systems would include light- and high-speed rail, solar/wind/water-based energy, erosion control, environmental protection, energy conservation, earthquake-proofing house foundations for the poor and disabled and dismantling/cleaning up decommissioned nuclear energy plants...

"Funding: With the winding down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a portion of Congressional appropriations to both the DoD and the State Department would be shifted to underwrite WPA-II expenses that previously were dedicated to foreign infrastructure and economic aid.

"This would include salaries of all DoD participants, including payroll for deployed military.

"The State Department would shift funds from most of its foreign-aid programs and much of the $3 billion presently earmarked for the Baghdad Embassy security forces.

"In addition, USAID would turn over its Congressional appropriations to the WPA-II and rely in future upon financial support from US businesses and industry and/or the US Chamber of Commerce to continue its global activities..."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout

Good idea.

Well this isn't: dismantling/cleaning up decommissioned nuclear energy plants
I have a pretty good feeling that 2012 is gonna be a bitch for Obama,,14.3 Trillion In Debt,9.4% Unemployment, polls in every purple/crucial state will show Perry/and or/Romney ahead 55/45. Looks like Michelle and her two munshkins will be packing their bags in October.
The only answer to high unemployment is private sector jobs. A government job is paid for by taxes. If you use the funds you were using for wars it is still funded by taxes or more debt. Until you can withhold enough from an federal employees wages to pay their own wages and benefits it's a losing proposition for the American tax payer. You will never get the private sector jobs while you have an anti-business administration that buries business in regulations and unknown health care cost. Obama doesn't seem open to any pro-business ideas so I guess you can kiss private sector jobs good-by until he's gone. The last thing we need is a bigger government that everyone works for.
Judging by 15 million unemployed Americans, the RICH capitalists who control private sector hiring would rather pay Chinese slaves to manufacture goods that are then imported into this country for sale to those with no jobs.

America isn't the first empire to gaze into this abyss:

"In other calamitous eras, Roman emperors warded off unemployment riots by conscripting youth and sending them to far-off, endless, foreign wars and by providing grain and bloody circuses, to keep the jobless diverted from life's unspeakable realities.[7]

"These leaders had no compunctions about dipping deep into the treasury to fund monumental public-works programs to save their thrones. Their senates might have grumbled, but most wanted to retain power and money - and their lives.[8]

"America now stands on the same brink Rome's emperors and senators did, but its president and political leaders are fiddling away the solution that could prevent the nation from plummeting over the edge.

"And they are doing so thanks to the same kind of financial cabal that counseled President Herbert Hoover that 'prosperity was just around the corner' - right up to the Crash of 1929 and Hoover's 1932 defeat by Roosevelt."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout
WPA-II that's how.

Split the entire work force into two divisions, deployed military and able-bodied civilians all overseen by Army Corps of Engineers or Navy Seabees.

"Projects: Roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, ports, waterways, water-sewage and drainage systems, levees, flood control, rail beds, rural electrification systems, fisheries, hospitals, schools, libraries, national/state/local parks and recreation systems, adult literacy programs etcetera.

"New projects would involve finishing repairs from Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill.

"Others systems would include light- and high-speed rail, solar/wind/water-based energy, erosion control, environmental protection, energy conservation, earthquake-proofing house foundations for the poor and disabled and dismantling/cleaning up decommissioned nuclear energy plants...

"Funding: With the winding down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a portion of Congressional appropriations to both the DoD and the State Department would be shifted to underwrite WPA-II expenses that previously were dedicated to foreign infrastructure and economic aid.

"This would include salaries of all DoD participants, including payroll for deployed military.

"The State Department would shift funds from most of its foreign-aid programs and much of the $3 billion presently earmarked for the Baghdad Embassy security forces.

"In addition, USAID would turn over its Congressional appropriations to the WPA-II and rely in future upon financial support from US businesses and industry and/or the US Chamber of Commerce to continue its global activities..."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout
Thank you, Uncle Josef. :rolleyes:
Uncle Milton...

Do you think it's possible Obama's July Afghanistan troop reduction of 5,000 instead of 100,000 has anything to do with adding thousands (of trained killers) to the unemployment lines?
Yes, because the last 780-some billion Obama spent to 'create jobs' worked out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well, right?
"Why not a WPA-II? We do have that civilian army of 15,000,000 unemployed, which could tackle the $2.2 trillion dollars of vital work needed by 2014 on our ramshackle infrastructure system...

"The latest report from the nation's premier engineering experts, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), estimated that such Congressional disinterest has caused damaging consequences so extensive that $2.2 trillion will be required by 2014 just to meet current demands.

"That estimate was prior to the June tornado that tore up an estimated $75 million worth of roads, bridges and public structures in Joplin, Missouri[9] and the rampaging Mississippi and Missouri rivers wracking up $4 billion to $9 billion in repair work.[10]

"Communities affected by Katrina and the BP oil catastrophes still await billions for infrastructure work - and this year's hurricane season has just started."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout

Pay me now.
Or pay me (more) later.

Think this might be a good time to hike taxes on rich individuals and corporations?
Someone care to point to the part of the Constitution that gives the Government the authority to force people to undertake a job?
Putting people to work in government jobs is not a solution. It hasn't worked so far. We need private sector jobs to keep this country but since we no longer make much of anything this will be an uphill battle.

Government is four times as big as it should be at the moment and adding to it will sink us deeper.
Maybe capitalism has outlived its usefulness?

Private sector jobs elevate profit above all else.
Technology has replaced millions of jobs in this country, and the private sector has no incentive to care.

Government jobs "put food on the table, kept a roof overhead and put spending money in the pockets of nearly nine million jobless" between 1935-1943."

"They built everything from roads, bridges,dams and utility systems to schools and hospitals. They staffed libraries and taught more than a million adults and 90,000 draftees how to read."

They can do it again.
Capitalism can't.
It's as dead as Communism.

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout
Someone care to point to the part of the Constitution that gives the Government the authority to force people to undertake a job?

"...New equipment and building supplies - including vehicle maintenance, gas and parts - would be largely furnished from DoD stockpiles in the US and foreign installations.

"Qualifications for Civilians: US citizenship and documented unemployment for 16 weeks prior to enrolling, with priority given to those unemployed more than two years prior to enrolling.

"Ages: 18-65, passage of physical, mental and education examinations and a felony-free record. No more than one member of a family could join at a time. Members must be willing to travel at WPA-II expense to any project assignment."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout

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