Pull Back the Curtain on PBS and NPR Salaries


That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

They're scam artists, fake news and propaganda for the Democrats is all they are. The whole system was created explicitly to make people like Bill Moyers wealthy. Already been several investigative reports and couple of books on it over the years. They're a joke and public funds cut off entirely. PBS World does nothing but broadcast propaganda 24/7; they finally canceled it here in the local markets and replaced it with the propaganda shows that target children. Most of the kid shows are of course very pedo-friendly, like many of the producers and writers are.

PBS does in depth reporting that doesn't always agree with Hannity and Alex Jones. That is the only reason they hate it so much. Funding for PBS is pocket change compared to other expenditures.

No............they used to do indepth reporting. That is not the case and has not been for a very long time.


That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

They're scam artists, fake news and propaganda for the Democrats is all they are. The whole system was created explicitly to make people like Bill Moyers wealthy. Already been several investigative reports and couple of books on it over the years. They're a joke and public funds cut off entirely. PBS World does nothing but broadcast propaganda 24/7; they finally canceled it here in the local markets and replaced it with the propaganda shows that target children. Most of the kid shows are of course very pedo-friendly, like many of the producers and writers are.

PBS does in depth reporting that doesn't always agree with Hannity and Alex Jones. That is the only reason they hate it so much. Funding for PBS is pocket change compared to other expenditures.

No............they used to do indepth reporting. That is not the case and has not been for a very long time.


Wrong answer, Corn-flake. Although, your mindless claims explain a whole lot.
I heard that the satellite/cable companies don't pay fees for PBS....if true they would be better off without Government money and instead go after the retransmission fees CBS, FOX, etc. get to carry their channels
PBS does in depth reporting that doesn't always agree with Hannity and Alex Jones. That is the only reason they hate it so much. Funding for PBS is pocket change compared to other expenditures.

Should you be paying for Sean Hannity and Alex Jones (whom I've never seen nor read)? Of course not.

If the funding for PBS and NPR is "pocket change" then it will not be missed and viewers/listeners will pony up those few bucks.

See, problem solved.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

Please do not put your thread title in all caps
But you're not concerned with $58 billion increase in military spending WE DONT NEED..

Wrong, actually we do need to expand and update our destroyed military.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's policies have diminished our military, proven to our friends we cannot be trusted or relied upon and shown to our enemies that we are feckless, weak and timid. Quite a destructive record for eight years.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

Please do not put your thread title in all caps

Sorry, I copied and pasted from the link and that's the way it was there.
Why are the taxpayers subsidizing Sesame Street? Wasn't Sesame Street sold to HBO.?

Are you a taxpayer?

Why does that matter? The question was about the TAXPYER subsidizing HBO. Are you able to answer the question?

If you're not a taxpayer, why do you care?
Why would a taxpayer be required to subsidize HBO?

They aren't.
Why are the taxpayers subsidizing Sesame Street? Wasn't Sesame Street sold to HBO.?

Are you a taxpayer?
So this is actually our problem. You as a non-taxpayer are telling people unless they pay taxes above your level of not paying any they should be all aboard your train of taxing someone else for the shit you want.

This is why people that pay nothing in taxes should also never get to vote.
I am more disturbed by what they repeatedly call news and several of their "sponsors". It's some sad shit when you have to tell your kid that he can't use any of their articles as a valid source.

Their reports are always meticulously documented and well supported. If you prefer to believe Alex Jones instead, that's your problem.

Because you say so.

No, because results say so. Listeners of NPR and watchers of PBS are the most informed.

Conversely, Fox viewers are the least informed. How scary is it that Fox is the most credible news source the so called President consumes?

Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed
The average federal taxpayer pays about $1.50 a year towards public broadcasting.

I hereby volunteer to sponsor ONE Rightwing taxpayer for TEN years, to cover their tax bill to PBS - that's $15.00

on the ONE condition that they promise to shut up about public broadcasting for the duration of that 10 years.

Any takers?
That is actually what they are demanding.

End the public funding and you can send that donation right on in to PBS. Then you will never hear another complaint about the public funds that PBS receives.
I am more disturbed by what they repeatedly call news and several of their "sponsors". It's some sad shit when you have to tell your kid that he can't use any of their articles as a valid source.

Their reports are always meticulously documented and well supported. If you prefer to believe Alex Jones instead, that's your problem.

Because you say so.

No, because results say so. Listeners of NPR and watchers of PBS are the most informed.

Conversely, Fox viewers are the least informed. How scary is it that Fox is the most credible news source the so called President consumes?

Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed

A survey conducted in early February 2012 of 1185 people. A New Jersey poll of 612 adults from 2011. Really? Not to mention the fact that it requires a comparison between NPR and Fox-as if that says something. You cannot look at NPR and PBS without a comparison?
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That is just silly! Is there anything on earth the taxpayer should not be on the hook for? You would justify the taxpayer paying HBO to make money on their programs and then you whine about corporate welfare! Libtards are a strange bunch!

I think you are confused.

So, what is the benefit of Broadcasting PBS in a rural community? It's to provide the young rednecks educational program so they learn how to read. It really doesn't matter who gets the money for doing that, it's the benefit of it getting done.

I'd be just fine if it was done by a government agency with no big company making a profit, but you guys are the one insisting on involving the private sector.
Nonsense. We have these neat new things we call "satellites" up in the sky. This ensures there is no place where television, radio and internet isn't available. But... even IF your argument is true... even IF there are these backwoods places that have no access to TV or radio... we can target those unusually rare areas and get rid of all the rest, saving billions of dollars.

Uh, guy, you realize that a lot of poor white trash in Jesusland can't afford satellite subscriptions, right?

However, I am just not buying there are that many people who have nothing to watch or listen to other than PBS and NPR. I would also venture to say, if that's your only option, you probably don't find radio and television to be all that important in your life. In fact, I would predict it's way down on your list of priorities. Ergo: Why are we paying for this?

Because it's humane and sensible. Look, man, I'm pretty tired of paying for all this welfare going to Jesusland because most of you are sooo fucking illiterate you vote to end your own health care. Maybe if you got Sesame Street and learned how to read, you all wouldn't be so dun-der piss ignorant, Cleetus.
But you're not concerned with $58 billion increase in military spending WE DONT NEED
But we do need it, I hate it but we do need to modernize and strengthen the military.

Many people whine about the wrong issue and conflate two different problems, cost versus need. If people are concerned about how high the costs are, they need to focus on the corruption and over-charging, and not just adopting simplistic nonsense like the 'throw the out with the baby with water' mentality.
No............they used to do indepth reporting. That is not the case and has not been for a very long time.

Yes. McNeil-Lehrer, Religion and Ethics Weekly, the Asian and German news shows, and a few other shows long gone were indeed worthy of watching. Other than a few Brit comedies and dramas they're nothing now except for the foreign news; even their musical fund raisers are tedious now.

There are some good shows I listen to when I am on the road. I used to listen to a program kicked out by LA Theatre Works. Loved that. Different stations pick up different shows. I am at the point now that all of the pretend news where they pretend to ask questions of twits and pat themselves on the back for how awesome journalism has become makes me want to tell them to just fold now and save yourself. It's disgraceful.

NPR has some good shows. I like Click and Clack, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and Prairie Home Companion is long in the tooth but they have musicians one doesn't get to see on msm media. Other than that it's a wasteland as far is real news goes.

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