Pull Back the Curtain on PBS and NPR Salaries

Here's the thing. there are parts of the country where PBS and NPR are the only TV and Radio they have.

Nonsense. We have these neat new things we call "satellites" up in the sky. This ensures there is no place where television, radio and internet isn't available. But... even IF your argument is true... even IF there are these backwoods places that have no access to TV or radio... we can target those unusually rare areas and get rid of all the rest, saving billions of dollars.

However, I am just not buying there are that many people who have nothing to watch or listen to other than PBS and NPR. I would also venture to say, if that's your only option, you probably don't find radio and television to be all that important in your life. In fact, I would predict it's way down on your list of priorities. Ergo: Why are we paying for this? :dunno:

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

They're scam artists, fake news and propaganda for the Democrats is all they are. The whole system was created explicitly to make people like Bill Moyers wealthy. Already been several investigative reports and couple of books on it over the years. They're a joke and public funds cut off entirely. PBS World does nothing but broadcast propaganda 24/7; they finally canceled it here in the local markets and replaced it with the propaganda shows that target children. Most of the kid shows are of course very pedo-friendly, like many of the producers and writers are.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

They're scam artists, fake news and propaganda for the Democrats is all they are. The whole system was created explicitly to make people like Bill Moyers wealthy. Already been several investigative reports and couple of books on it over the years. They're a joke and public funds cut off entirely. PBS World does nothing but broadcast propaganda 24/7; they finally canceled it here in the local markets and replaced it with the propaganda shows that target children. Most of the kid shows are of course very pedo-friendly, like many of the producers and writers are.

PBS does in depth reporting that doesn't always agree with Hannity and Alex Jones. That is the only reason they hate it so much. Funding for PBS is pocket change compared to other expenditures.
I am more disturbed by what they repeatedly call news and several of their "sponsors". It's some sad shit when you have to tell your kid that he can't use any of their articles as a valid source.

Their reports are always meticulously documented and well supported. If you prefer to believe Alex Jones instead, that's your problem.

Because you say so.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

They're scam artists, fake news and propaganda for the Democrats is all they are. The whole system was created explicitly to make people like Bill Moyers wealthy. Already been several investigative reports and couple of books on it over the years. They're a joke and public funds cut off entirely. PBS World does nothing but broadcast propaganda 24/7; they finally canceled it here in the local markets and replaced it with the propaganda shows that target children. Most of the kid shows are of course very pedo-friendly, like many of the producers and writers are.

PBS does in depth reporting that doesn't always agree with Hannity and Alex Jones. That is the only reason they hate it so much. Funding for PBS is pocket change compared to other expenditures.

No............they used to do indepth reporting. That is not the case and has not been for a very long time.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

Less than 20% of funding for either NPR or PBS comes from govt grants, fool.
PBS does in depth reporting that doesn't always agree with Hannity and Alex Jones. That is the only reason they hate it so much. Funding for PBS is pocket change compared to other expenditures.

No, they don't' they specialize in distortion, lying by omission, phony appeals to emotion, racist tripe, innuendo, and with their coverage of the last election outright lying and partisanship in their news coverage. They were started by neo-liberals, for neo-liberals, period, with Bill Moyers being one of the major beneficiaries of the money they spend on fake 'documentaries' and pseudo-historical 'specials'.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

Less than 20% of funding for either NPR or PBS comes from govt grants, fool.

Add to that the market value of their bandwidth and channel licenses all across the country and the net giveaway is much more substantial, fool.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

Less than 20% of funding for either NPR or PBS comes from govt grants, fool.

Add to that the market value of their bandwidth and channel licenses all across the country and the net giveaway is much more substantial, fool.


The bandwidth they've occupied from the beginning.
No............they used to do indepth reporting. That is not the case and has not been for a very long time.

Yes. McNeil-Lehrer, Religion and Ethics Weekly, the Asian and German news shows, and a few other shows long gone were indeed worthy of watching. Other than a few Brit comedies and dramas they're nothing now except for the foreign news; even their musical fund raisers are tedious now.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

Less than 20% of funding for either NPR or PBS comes from govt grants, fool.

Add to that the market value of their bandwidth and channel licenses all across the country and the net giveaway is much more substantial, fool.


The bandwidth they've occupied from the beginning.

Pipe down, dumbass; you're too stupid and ignorant to make any real points here.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

Less than 20% of funding for either NPR or PBS comes from govt grants, fool.

That's 20% too much!
I am more disturbed by what they repeatedly call news and several of their "sponsors". It's some sad shit when you have to tell your kid that he can't use any of their articles as a valid source.
But you're not concerned with $58 billion increase in military spending WE DONT NEED..
We already spend more than the next 7 countries combined.
But you and your butt buddies bitch about PBS.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com
I have listened to NPR, donated to them. I don't agree with their current PC leanings. If they would steer to the moderate center instead of to soft left, I would be more than happy to help them out. They cater to groups I strongly disagree with. I Think we need NPR, we just need them to put a stronger emphasis on PUBLIC, not PANDERING to wealthy elitist whims and whimsies. Public. Note THAT.
I have listened to NPR, donated to them. I don't agree with their current PC leanings. If they would steer to the moderate center instead of to soft left, I would be more than happy to help them out. They cater to groups I strongly disagree with. I Think we need NPR, we just need them to put a stronger emphasis on PUBLIC, not PANDERING to wealthy elitist whims and whimsies. Public. Note THAT
Yeah they lean left in order to get donations. We via the government donate to them by force so they feel no need to lean right or even center themselves. If you think about it the tax payers are funding them to spread a far left ideology woven in and through their stories and programming.
I am more disturbed by what they repeatedly call news and several of their "sponsors". It's some sad shit when you have to tell your kid that he can't use any of their articles as a valid source.
But you're not concerned with $58 billion increase in military spending WE DONT NEED..
We already spend more than the next 7 countries combined.
But you and your butt buddies bitch about PBS.
Grow up.

It's pretty simple. If you are watching an "in depth" piece on Venezuela on PBS and there is no mention of oil, you look at the funding which comes from the Army and an oil company. How biased do you think that information is going to be? Biased enough not to discuss the oil.

If you are listening to NPR about tech and immigration and the sponsor is a corporation that specializes in outsourcing.............you are going to think twice about that information.

Being a liberal indicates having an open mind but not so open your brain falls out, twat.
No............they used to do indepth reporting. That is not the case and has not been for a very long time.

Yes. McNeil-Lehrer, Religion and Ethics Weekly, the Asian and German news shows, and a few other shows long gone were indeed worthy of watching. Other than a few Brit comedies and dramas they're nothing now except for the foreign news; even their musical fund raisers are tedious now.

There are some good shows I listen to when I am on the road. I used to listen to a program kicked out by LA Theatre Works. Loved that. Different stations pick up different shows. I am at the point now that all of the pretend news where they pretend to ask questions of twits and pat themselves on the back for how awesome journalism has become makes me want to tell them to just fold now and save yourself. It's disgraceful.

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