Pueblo Politics: Palin questions Obama’s manhood in Ariz. immigration fight


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
The state Democratic party is criticizing Sarah Palin’s use of a Spanish vulgarity in the state’s immigration debate.

On FOX News Sunday, the former vice presidential candidate defended Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and criticized federal judge Susan Bolton for calling a halt to Arizona’s law.

The criticism of President Obama that followed wasn’t particularly new from her, other than taking the debate to a new level of did-she-really-say-that bluster.

“But (the injunction) is temporary and Jan Brewer, bless her heart, she’s going to do all that she can to continue down the litigation paths to allow secure borders...” she said. “Jan Brewer has the cojones that our president does not have to look out for all Americans — not just Arizonans, but all Americans — in this desire of ours to secure our borders and allow legal immigration to help build this country as was the purpose of immigration laws.”

Jennifer Johnson, the spokeswoman for the state Democrats, said, “It’s too bad a crass sound-bite gets all the attention while Arizona suffers from a leadership void.”

“It took no courage for Brewer to do what the polls told her to do,” Johnson continued. “And hitching a ride on Sarah Palin’s publicity train is more proof the governor lacks serious ideas.”

Brewer’s office did not provide immediate comment, but her campaign spokesman, Doug Cole, said there’s been no fallout yet from Palin’s characterization. “It’s always nice to have support from national figures like that,” Cole said, adding he could not comment further on the terminology because he hadn’t seen the interview in its entirety.

Pueblo Politics: Palin questions Obama?s manhood in Ariz. immigration fight
Obama would just say she was being "a typical white person".
“But (the injunction) is temporary and Jan Brewer, bless her heart, she’s going to do all that she can to continue down the litigation paths to allow secure borders...” she said. “Jan Brewer has the cojones that our president does not have to look out for all Americans — not just Arizonans, but all Americans — in this desire of ours to secure our borders and allow legal immigration to help build this country as was the purpose of immigration laws.”

Everytime that woman(Palin) opens her mouth a baby seal dies. Does she not realize everything she touches turns to shit? Palin, if you want to help Brewer's cause stay away from it... PLEASE!!!

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